============================================================================== Xevious 3D/G+ (PS) (1997) ============================================================================== Xevious 3D/G+ Copyright 1982 1996 1997 Namco This document is created by Faididi and Co. (faididi@yahoo.com) Copying or distributing this, in whole or in part, for profit without the explicit permission of the author is prohibited. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [-] Document Version History ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 2003 (2003-10-08 Wednesday) - Initial release. Version 2004 (2004-07-19 Monday) - Corrections made. Version 2005 (2005-07-19 Tuesday) - Document streamlined. Version 2006 (2006-07-19 Wednesday) - Document streamlined. Version 2008 (2008-07-19 Saturday) - Corrections made. Version 2010 (2010-07-19 Monday) - Corrections made. ============================================================================== [0] Contents ============================================================================== [1] Overview [1.1] Story [1.2] Characters [1.3] Controls [1.4] Options [1.4.1] Game Select Screen [1.4.2] Main Menu [1.4.3] Configuration Screen [1.4.4] Pause Screen [1.5] Weapons and Items [1.6] Area Clear Screen [1.7] Hi-Score Records [1.8] General Tips [2] Strategies - Xevious 3D/G [2.0] Prologue [2.1] Area 1: Valley [2.2] Area 2: Seaside [2.3] Area 3: Ruins [2.4] Area 4: Desert [2.5] Area 5: Lakes [2.6] Area 6: Space [2.7] Area 7: Station [2.8] Epilogue and Staff Credits [3] Strategies - Xevious, Super Xevious, Xevious Arrangement [3.1] Xevious [3.2] Super Xevious [3.3] Xevious Arrangement [3.4] Xevious Arrangement - Extra Area Mode [4] Miscellaneous Information [4.1] Extra: Bonus Menu [4.1.1] Music Test [4.1.2] Movie Viewer [4.1.3] Xevious 3D/G+ Staff Credits [4.2] Extra Credits [4.3] Secret Characters [4.4] Debug Mode [4.5] Game Select Shortcuts [4.6] Boss Strategies [4.7] Patch Codes [5] Reference [5.1] Game Source Information [5.2] Soundtrack Information [5.3] Additional Reference [5.4] Really Small Details [5.5] Document Credits [6] Contact Information ============================================================================== [1] Overview ============================================================================== Namco's Xevious 3D/G+ is a compilation of several Xevious installments, including the original Xevious, Super Xevious, Xevious Arrangement, and Xevious 3D/G. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1.1] Story ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Eons ago, the first known human civilization made great strides in technology and created the Genetic Artificial Matrix Producer (GAMP). The GAMP's purpose was to generate human clones meant to serve their creators. Over time, however, errors occurred in the cloning process, and the clones began to re-interpret their programming. They came to see humanity as inferior and that they must "protect" it by subjugating their former masters. This they accomplished easily, for the GAMP clones were built stronger than their original counterparts. Earth fell into a dark age, but hope was not lost. As a solution to the rapid reduction in temperature and the encroachment of glaciers due to the planet's natural cycle, the GAMP forces decided to transfer their "flocks" to other hospitable planets. Of these there were six: Terminus, Atlantus, Daerius, Krakatos, Bagurius, and Xevious. The contingent meant for Bagurius was the last to leave, but in an amazing revolt it overcame its GAMP captors. Vowing never to repeat the folly of creating the GAMP, this remaining group of humans established a second civilization, one that matched the first one in greatness, but after 4000 years, it too succumbed to the destructive phases of Earth's natural cycle. During the earthquakes that were heralding another ice age, several abandoned underground GAMP facilities were revealed. A working starship was preserved in one of them. Mu, a pilot, and Eve, his friend, were given the task of flying this vessel to Xevious, the nearest of the planets the GAMP had colonized. They had little choice. Their own civilization would not survive the coming environmental changes, but the least they could do was to make contact with their distant relatives. So Mu and Eve departed on their long journey in cold sleep, while all traces of the life they knew back on Earth withered away. Upon reaching Xevious, Mu descended to the planet but was quickly captured by the GAMP forces. While being held prisoner, Mu befriended Mio Veetha, a spirited dissident who did not share the servile nature of the other humans on Xevious. Mu also learnt of the Xevian GAMP forces' plan to retake Earth by activating the SOL, an upgraded version of the GAMP that had the power to conquer the world with its advanced clones. Mio, curious about the strangers and the common ancestry with them, decided to join Mu, and they escaped with Eve's help. Modifying their ancient ship with the highly advanced technology developed at Xevious, the three rechristened it the Solvalou and started their lengthy return to Earth. Today, a third, fledgling civilization populates Earth, oblivious to its lost history. While investigating the Nazca plateau, two research scientists, Dr. Susan Meyer and Dr. Akira Sayaka, unwittingly uncover a SOL unit. Just then, the GAMP fleet from Xevious appears, activates all the SOL units across the globe, and begins its assault. However, the GAMP forces have not been alone in their voyage. Mu, Eve, and Mio arrive, too. The new civilization before their eyes appears perhaps even more alien to them than the GAMP forces they are fighting, but they know its bewildered peoples can be trusted. Dr. Meyer and Dr. Sayaka have also discovered that a particular drawing on the Nazca plateau is in fact a weapon meant to be used against the GAMP forces. Until the scientists can study further and learn how to trigger this weapon, their saviors from ages past will have to fight off the invading GAMP forces with the Solvalou. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1.2] Characters ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [1.2.1] Good Guys ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Solvalou Starfighter Length: 32 feet Height: 11.5 feet Weight: 40787 pounds Maximum Speed: mach 3.4 (atmosphere) Flight Range: 3728 miles Power System: inertia control system with nuclear propulsion Altitude Control System: vector type Weapons: Zapper (particle, plasma, or laser type) and Blaster (terrain bomber) Mu A survivor from the second known civilization of Earth. Mu has brought along Mio as he escaped from the GAMP forces. Eve A survivor from the second known civilization of Earth. Eve is Mu's trusted friend and copilot. She is also a robot. Mio Veetha A human born on Xevious who resents the GAMP forces tyrannizing the people there. Mio has joined Mu and Eve in their quest to save Earth. Dr. Susan Meyer One of the two scientists who have found a SOL unit at the Nazca plateau. Dr. Akira Sayaka The other of the two scientists who have found a SOL unit at the Nazca plateau. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [1.2.2] Bad Guys ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Genetic Artificial Matrix Producer (GAMP), Machine Gone Evil An ancient but incredibly advanced piece of equipment that produces clones originally meant to be servants. It now creates clones who are bent on enslaving humans. The SOL is an upgraded version of the GAMP, and the clones it makes are even more powerful. SOL units resemble tall, gray, smooth, cylindrical towers that can be hidden in the ground. Ando Ageanesis (a.k.a. Andor Genesis), Floating Fortress A gigantic battlecraft resembling a massive UFO. It is the most notorious member of the Xevian GAMP forces. Aura Laye, Orbital Deathray Cannon Floating in space above Earth, this obscenely powerful weapon can fire massive energy beams onto the planet's surface, wiping out entire city blocks with each blast. Gyaariazeed, Gunship Another large super unit of the enemy forces. It consists of a main central part and two side components that can separate, allowing it to attack its victims from multiple directions at once. The Regular Bad Guys Toroid (ring-shaped drone), Zoshi, Jara, Torkan, Bacura (square plate), Kapi, Dolsiek, Phylastate, Zelast, Selabysite (bird-like laser ship), Terrazi, Kapnerio, Zakato, Seggio, Grobda (tank). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1.3] Controls ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Solvalou's weapon system consists of a Zapper and a Blaster. The Particle Zapper and the Plasma Zapper are used against aerial enemies, while the Blaster is used against ground enemies. When the Solvalou equips the Laser Zapper, the controls are slightly different. The Zapper Button will shoot air-to-air beams, and the Blaster Button will shoot air-to-ground beams instead of bombs. On the Key Configuration Screen, the Rapid Zapper setting is simply the regular Zapper setting with a turbo function. This turbo function will not affect the performance of the Laser Zapper, because that weapon's beams are continuously emitted when the Zapper and Blaster Buttons are held. Movement Pad (D-Pad) - Move (relative to the screen). Banking Dial (NeGcon Dial) - Bank. Turn this to bank left and right in place. This is just for fun and has no effect on the gameplay. Zapper Button (Square, Circle, L1, R1, II, A, or R) - Fire the Zapper or air-to-air beams. Blaster Button (X, Triangle, L2, R2, I, B, or L) - Fire the Blaster or air-to-ground beams. Credit Button (Select) - Insert a Credit (Xevious and Super Xevious only). Pause Button (Start) - Pause, and access the Pause Screen. To reset the game, press L1, R1, L2, R2, Select, and Start together. Note: The Button settings are automatically converted when the regular Controller and the NeGcon are switched with each other. The NeGcon has no equivalents of L1, L2, and Select, but the functions assigned to L1 and L2 are retained when a regular Controller is used again. (The game does not support the DualShock's analog features.) +------------------+ Controller NeGcon +------------------+ Circle A X I Square II Triangle B R1 R R2 L L1 - L2 - +------------------+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1.4] Options ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [1.4.1] Game Select Screen ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Xevious (green) The original Xevious. Super Xevious (yellow) A more difficult version of the original Xevious. Xevious 3D/G (turquoise) An update of Xevious Arrangement. It features a simultaneous 2-Player Mode and several other major improvements. Xevious Arrangement (blue) A heavily modified version of the original Xevious. It features a simultaneous 2-Player Mode and other enhancements. Memory Card Utility (red) The Memory Card interface, where the Save File may be loaded or saved. (The Save File records settings and other data for all the games. There is no auto-save feature, but the game will auto-load the Save File after the power is turned on.) The High Score Records can be viewed here, too. Extra: Bonus Menu (green and white) The menu where extra bonuses may be accessed. This will appear when Xevious 3D/G has been finished. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [1.4.2] Main Menu ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Game Start - Begin the game. Configuration - Access the Configuration Screen. Reset - Return to the Title Screen of Xevious 3D/G+, exiting the current game. In Xevious, Super Xevious, and Xevious Arrangement, this option can also be used to instantly switch between those games. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [1.4.3] Configuration Screen ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The options for each game are saved separately. Rank - Adjust the Difficulty Setting. The default setting is Normal, but this may be changed to Easy, Hard, or Very Hard. In Xevious Arrangement, instead of Very Hard, there is Hard Core! (for Extra Area Mode). Left/Solvalou - Adjust the number of Lives. The default setting is 3, but this may be changed from 1 to 5. Special Flag (Xevious and Super Xevious) - Adjust the prize yielded by Special Flags. The default setting is Extend (1-Up), but this may be changed to 10000 Points. Extend (Xevious and Super Xevious) - Adjust the number of Points needed for the heroes to earn a Life. 1st is the amount needed for the first instance, and Every is the amount needed for each subsequent instance. The values for Every depends on the value of 1st. 1st may be changed to 10000, 20000, 30000, or No Ext (for no 1-Ups). Game Length (Xevious and Super Xevious) - Adjust the length of the game. The default setting is Arcade Mode (looping Areas), but this may be changed to Short, Medium, Long, or Extended. Sound - Adjust the audio output. The default setting is Stereo, but this may be changed to Mono. Music Mode (Xevious Arrangement and Xevious 3D/G) - Adjust the version of the music. The default setting is Original, but this may be changed to Arranged or, in Xevious 3D/G only, Nothing (for no background music). Screen Mode (Xevious and Super Xevious) - Adjust the orientation of the screen. The default setting is Normal, but this may be changed to Normal (Full), Arcade, or Arcade (Flip). The Arcade settings orient the screen sideways. Adjust Screen - Adjust the centering of the screen. Press the D-Pad to move it. Press Start to accept it. Press the other Buttons to reset it to the default setting. Key Config - Adjust the controls. Exit - Return to the previous screen. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [1.4.4] Pause Screen ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Continue - Unpause. Title - Return to the Title Screen of the current game. Adjust - Adjust the centering of the screen. Reset - Return to the Title Screen of Xevious 3D/G+, exiting the current game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1.5] Weapons and Items ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ All items must be freed from their containers on the ground with bombs or air-to-ground beams before they can be obtained. In Xevious 3D/G, some Power Capsules remain at a certain color, while others will cycle through the different colors. Once a Power Capsule is freed from its container, its color will remain constant. If the heroes grab a Power Capsule that matches the weapon they already have, their weapon will be upgraded by one Power Level. The default Power Level is 1, and it can be increased to a maximum of 3 (or a maximum of 2 in Xevious Arrangement). Every time the heroes get wasted, their weapons will drop by one Power Level, until it is back to 1. Item: Particle Zapper - Blue Power Capsule (Xevious 3D/G) Damage: moderate Spread: moderate Level 1: two straight particle streams Level 2: three spreading particle streams Level 3: four spreading particle streams Notes: The Solvalou's standard set of cannons. The Particle Zapper is a balanced weapon that fires streams of energy pellets. When it is upgraded, the streams will spread. Item: Plasma Zapper - Green Power Capsule (Xevious 3D/G) Damage: high Spread: narrow Level 1: plasma beams Level 2: stronger plasma beams Level 3: even stronger plasma beams Notes: The Plasma Zapper fires beams of concentrated energy. While it deals more damage per shot than the other weapons, it has a very narrow stream of fire, making enemies approaching from the sides more difficult to hit. Item: Laser Zapper - Red Power Capsule (Xevious 3D/G) Damage: low Spread: wide Level 1: three beams (split: two air-to-air, one air-to-ground) Level 2: four beams (split: two air-to-air, two air-to-ground) Level 3: five beams (split: three air-to-air, two air-to-ground) Notes: The Laser Zapper emits beams that can home in on enemies, as long as the beams are of the proper type. The Zapper Button is used to shoot red air-to-air beams, and the Blaster Button is used to shoot yellow air-to-ground beams. If both the Zapper Button and the Blaster Button are pressed, the beams will be split according to an air-to-air and air-to-ground ratio that depends on the Power Level. Item: Power Capsule (Xevious Arrangement) Level 1: two straight particle streams Level 2: four spreading particle streams Notes: In Xevious Arrangement, the Solvalou's Zapper can be upgraded by only one Power Level. Due to the increased number of projectiles it will shoot per burst, the upgraded Zapper can actually have a lower rate of fire. If the Zapper is upgraded, obtaining another Power Capsule will add 2000 Points. Item: Special Flag Notes: Adds 1 Life (or 10000 Points in Xevious and in Super Xevious, depending on how the Special Flag option is set). All Special Flags are hidden and must be revealed by bombs or air-to-ground beams before they can be obtained. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1.6] Area Clear Screen ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Shooting Down Multiply the percentage (to the one-tenths digit) of the Area's enemies whom the heroes have destroyed by 1000 to calculate the Bonus Points they gain. (For example, a Shooting Down Rate of 54.5 percent results in 54500 Bonus Points.) In 2-Player Mode, this value is separate for each Player. Area Guard Clear The less time the heroes take to destroy the boss, the more Bonus Points they gain. In 2-Player Mode, this value is the same for both Players. Total The sum of the two above Bonus Scores. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1.7] Hi-Score Records ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Xevious 3D/G Arrangement (Xevious Arrangement) Rank Score Area Name Rank Score Name Area Sol 1st 765000 7 KOH 1st 40000 NAK 5 8 2nd 500000 6 Y.K 2nd 35000 KOH 4 7 3rd 400000 5 FKD 3rd 30000 YAM 3 6 4th 300000 4 HRM 4th 25000 TSU 2 5 5th 200000 3 MTK 5th 20000 KOS 1 4 Xevious Super (Super Xevious) Rank Score Name Rank Score Name 1st 40000 M. Nakamura 1st 40000 androidEVE 2nd 35000 Eirry Mou. 2nd 35000 Misato M. 3rd 30000 Evezoo End 3rd 30000 Sayaka M. 4th 25000 S. Okamoto 4th 25000 Mio Veetha 5th 20000 S. Kojima 5th 20000 Filier T. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1.8] General Tips ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - The Blaster Reticle will flash if there is a target underneath it, even if the target is hidden. - Become familiar with the Solvalou's minimum bombing range. Once targets reach a certain distance from the bottom edge of the screen, the heroes will not be able to bomb them. - In Xevious, Super Xevious, and Xevious Arrangement, the Solvalou's bombs have no homing capability. The heroes will have to lead their bombs if they want to hit moving ground targets. - In Xevious 3D/G, the Solvalou's bombs have limited homing capability. If the heroes place the Blaster Reticle over a target when they launch a bomb, it will track the target, even if the target is moving. The Solvalou can also drop up to three bombs at a time instead of one, making ground targets easier to destroy. - In Xevious 3D/G, if the heroes find themselves getting wasted often, they may want to stick with the Plasma Zapper. At Power Level 1, the Plasma Zapper and the Particle Zapper have comparably narrow streams of fire, but the Plasma Zapper deals more damage. - In Xevious 3D/G, the Laser Zapper is best for killing packs of minor enemies, but against larger targets its beams should all be set to one type (air-to-air or air-to-ground, depending on where the bad guys are) to deal the maximum amount of damage. Splitting them between both types all the time may result in wasting firepower on empty air or ground. The Laser Zapper can hit targets anywhere on the screen, but it is more likely to hit SOL units and Special Flags that are near the heroes. - The light blue bullets from enemies can be easily destroyed, but the purple bullets are indestructible. In Xevious 3D/G, when a boss is defeated, any projectiles remaining on the screen will be eliminated. - In Xevious 3D/G and in Xevious Arrangement's 2-Player Mode, if the heroes get wasted but have at least 1 Life in reserve, they will continue from where they have died, with their Power Level reduced if it is higher than 1. In Xevious, Super Xevious, and Xevious Arrangement's 1-Player Mode, if the heroes get wasted but have at least 1 Life in reserve, they will restart from the most recent Checkpoint. - In Xevious 3D/G, up to only 10 Lives (represented by small Solvalou icons) can be displayed due to limited screen space, even if the heroes' actual number of Lives is higher. - If it's Game Over, the heroes may continue from where they have died in Xevious 3D/G and in Xevious Arrangement's 2-Player Mode or from the most recent Checkpoint in Xevious, Super Xevious, and Xevious Arrangement's 1-Player Mode. In Xevious 3D/G and Xevious Arrangement, there are normally 3 Credits (including those used to begin the game) shared between the heroes. In Xevious and Super Xevious, Credits may be added for free at any time. ============================================================================== [2] Strategies - Xevious 3D/G ============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [2.0] Prologue ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Attract Movie: [We see the Solvalou moving through a launch tube. It teleports through a warp gate, and then we see it emerging in space before it descends to Earth. It flies through the air and fires its Particle Zapper, destroying a pyramid-like building on the ground. Ring-shaped drones swoop toward it, but it quickly darts past them. [We now see Ando Ageanesis hovering across the grassy plain, with the Solvalou chasing it. The screen fades out within the Solvalou's white jet thrust as it dashes above Ando Ageanesis, flying past the camera.] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [2.1] Area 1: Valley ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Story: Mu and Eve begin their mission from an underground base concealed at a valley. After they take off in their Solvalou, they must destroy the GAMP forces attacking a peaceful city within this verdant region. General Hints: The first Area is the easiest, not surprisingly. The enemy forces here are very light, and the miniboss and the boss can be easily defeated. Be sure to grab all the Power Capsules in preparation for the later Areas. Walkthrough: After taking off, the heroes will almost immediately encounter some flying ring-shaped drones. Kill them, and bomb the enemy fortifications along the valley bottom. Pick up a Power Capsule, and then bomb some tanks. When the flying plates appear, the camera will briefly drop down behind the heroes, providing a forward-scrolling view. The plates cannot be destroyed, so just avoid them. Ando Ageanesis will appear, but it will escape to the front for the time being. For now, deal with the UFO that will appear over the lake. Watch out for any laser beams it fires. At the city, chunks of the highway will break up and float away, but they won't hurt the heroes. Kill the vehicles along the road, though, because the red energy fields they emit are lethal. Pick up the Power Capsule at the end of the highway section. Now several black pods will appear, turning into purple bullets when they are destroyed or when they go to the bottom of the screen. Ando Ageanesis will show up shortly after they do, and it will attack, even while there are black pods present. The heroes only need to bomb its central weak point once to defeat it, but they can also bomb its four smaller weak points to reduce the amount of projectiles it will fire. After this dude, the boss appears. Boss: "spider" The spider is like a more heavily armored version of Ando Ageanesis. It will fire bullets at the heroes while it slowly walks backward. The heroes can damage its legs, but the real target is the boss' main body. First, they have to shoot at its body until its protective shell is destroyed, and then they have to bomb its core to kill it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [2.2] Area 2: Seaside ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Story: After clearing the valley, Mu and Eve proceed toward the coast. The GAMP forces are terrorizing a port city there with their battleship and their orbital deathray cannon. The heroes need to get rid of the battleship now, and they will deal with the orbital cannon later. General Hints: This Area is a step up in difficulty from the first one, but it's still fairly easy to beat. Be alert at the port city, which hides lots of bad guys who are waiting to ambush pesky starfighters. Walkthrough: Begin by bombing the ships on the sea. There is a Power Capsule shortly after the starting point. Watch out for a laser beam-firing UFO that appears as the port city nears. There is another Power Capsule after it. While the heroes fly over the main road of the city, they should look for one UFO that will appear on the right side and then another UFO that will appear on the left side. At the end of the road are two Power Capsules. Be sure to bomb the smooth gray ground here to dig out hidden SOL units. Also bomb one of the center buildings lying before two more Power Capsules to find a Special Flag. Now, a gunship miniboss will approach. It fires rows of laser bolts, and the heroes can fly between these laser bolts without harm. Prepare to bomb more boats over the water and kill more flying drones. Upon reaching the shore, the heroes should find a Power Capsule. Toward the shore on the other end, the enemy orbital cannon will begin firing. If the heroes find a thin beam of energy coming down near them, they must move away before it expands to full strength, or else they will get caught in the blast and die. (The beams are harmless while they are still thin initially, but they grow to full strength rapidly.) After the orbital beams, the boss will swoop down. Boss: "battleship" The flying battleship is big, but it isn't really that nasty. The heroes can bomb the many turrets on its surfaces to reduce its firepower, although these turrets can regenerate. The boss' real weak point is the large disk at its center. After destroying this disk, the boss' core will be exposed. Bomb this core to destroy the battleship. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [2.3] Area 3: Ruins ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Story: Ancient ruins dating back to the times when the GAMP was built have been reactivated, churning out more enemy forces. Mu and Eve must enter these ruins and shut them down permanently. General Hints: This Area is the only one that has multiple paths. The route the heroes take depends on certain factors (one of which is whether they kill the bird-like laser ships or not). The heroes won't collide into the walls of the ruins if they move all the way to the sides of the screen, but they do need to worry about the falling columns and the vastly increased amount of barriers and projectiles that will fill the air. Walkthrough: Stay back to avoid the falling columns. There is a Power Capsule past the first falling column, and another Power Capsule can be found after the second falling column. There is a third Power Capsule before the end of this hall. At the end of the hall, the path forks. Both paths are somewhat similar. The heroes will enter a corridor consisting of rotating sections. Lots of turrets will be on these rotating sections, making them a little more difficult to bomb. Watch out for flying plates here, too. Either way, the heroes will eventually come to a second fork. They may enter a corridor that has dark blocks coming out from the walls, floating in the air. These blocks cannot be destroyed, so avoid them. There are five Power Capsules in this corridor. Alternatively, the heroes may enter a corridor that has brick towers in the middle firing bullets at them, along with the rest of the bad guys. No matter which path they take, the heroes will find a large door that opens up, letting them enter the boss' lair. Boss: "blocks" The boss here is an exposed core, but it is far from defenseless. It will summon blocks, using them to shield itself from the heroes and to fire laser beams. While avoiding the boss' projectiles and blocks, the heroes will have to shoot at the core whenever it lines up with their plane. Getting close to the boss is dangerous due to the blocks, so firing from a distance is safer. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [2.4] Area 4: Desert ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Story: The Nazca plateau has quickly become a hotbed of GAMP activity, due to the many SOL units hidden there. If Dr. Meyer and Dr. Sayaka are to uncover the secrets of the Nazca drawings, Mu and Eve must first secure the place. General Hints: This Area features more wide open spaces like the first Area, only now there are a lot more ground forces. Besides getting rid of the many turrets here, the heroes can also use their bombs to dig out SOL units and Special Flags hidden among the vast sands. Walkthrough: Early into the Area, there are two Power Capsules. There is another Power Capsule near a large gunship. At the middle of the Area, there is an image of a bird that will draw itself across the sands. Creepy. Bomb the head of this bird to find a SOL unit. Bomb the right wing of this bird (on the right half of the screen) to find a Special Flag. Bomb the left side of the screen when the flying plates appear to find another Special Flag. Later, there will be two Power Capsules, and then there will be another two Power Capsules, with a gunship miniboss showing up after them. Kill it. The diamond-shaped torpedoes that quickly dive down will release bullets, so prepare to do a lot of evasive maneuvers. The heroes will find two more Power Capsules before reaching the boss. Boss: "factory" The boss is a factory that generates tanks, which add to the firepower coming from the factory's own cannons. Ignoring the tanks as much as possible, shoot at the plates revolving around the center of the factory. Once all the plates are gone, the core will appear, floating back and forth in front of the building and periodically firing waves of spreading beams. Line up with the core and pump shots into it until it is destroyed. The heroes stand a better chance of surviving the beams if they hang back, where the beams will spread out more, giving them wider safe spaces. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [2.5] Area 5: Lakes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Story: Mu and Eve now travel to the arctic lakes to wipe out the last of the major GAMP forces on Earth. Once they are done, they can proceed toward the enemy base orbiting the planet. General Hints: This Area can be fairly tough, and it is not because of the snowstorm. The bad guys are numerous both in the air and on the ground, and destroying enemies before they can fire off barrages of projectiles becomes more important than ever. Walkthrough: Watch out for the large towers that come out of the river to fire shots. These towers can be hit with either the Zapper or bombs (and in the case of the Laser Zapper, either air-to-air beams or air-to-ground beams). There is a Power Capsule at the mouth of the river. As the heroes fly over the lakes, they can bomb the buildings and find a Power Capsule on the floes. The UFOs here shoot laser beams that spread out in a circle, so kill them quickly or prepare to do a lot of dodging. At the top of the cliff, there is a Power Capsule. Watch out for the black pods that split into bullets. One more Power Capsule can be found before the boss shows up. Boss: Gyaariazeed ("gunship") Gyaariazeed is a multi-part gunship. Its central body can fire ring beams and curving beams, while its side parts can move off independently to fire more projectiles at the heroes. Destroying the side parts isn't necessary but can reduce the boss' amount of shots. When the side parts are separated, use bombs to hit them. Once the central body blows up, Gyaariazeed is defeated, whether its side parts are still intact or not. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [2.6] Area 6: Space ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Intermission: [We see the Solvalou flying over the white mountains of the arctic region, and then it pulls up sharply, shooting straight up through the heavy snowstorm. It ascends into the space above Earth's atmosphere and continues flying forward.] Story: Now that the GAMP forces on Earth have been stopped, it's time to take the fight to the enemy base. Mu and Eve's next target is the orbital deathray cannon, which stands in their way to the GAMP space station. General Hints: Bombing targets becomes a whole different challenge in this Area. There is no ground in space, so the heroes should be very careful when they aim their bombs. If they miss, they will have to wait for their bombs to disappear off the screen before they can launch more, and that can be very bad when a bunch of turrets show up. An easy way to deal with this is to use the Laser Zapper, because the air-to-ground beams can hit turrets much faster than the bombs can. Walkthrough: Blow away any flying drones that appear, but be careful with bombing, because the lack of any ground will cause bombs that miss their targets to fall for a long time, preventing the heroes from quickly launching more. If the heroes are not accurate with bombs, they should switch to the Laser Zapper as soon as possible. Halfway through the Area, several flying plates will appear. The heroes only have to worry about avoiding the ones on their plane. Also watch out for turrets located on some of these plates. The plates themselves are indestructible as usual, but the turrets are not. Avoid or shoot apart the meteoroids that appear before the boss arrives. Boss: Aura Laye ("orbital deathray cannon") Aura Laye is a set of weapons housed within a large asteroid. (This is the same guy who has been firing deathrays at the heroes near the end of the second Area.) The battle consists of two phases. During the first phase, the heroes will face the backside of the boss. The heroes can bust up the revolving plates, but the real target is the central core, which can be damaged only when it flips open. After the heroes destroy the central core, the boss will rotate, pointing its deathray cannon at the heroes. During this second phase, the heroes have to shoot the deathray cannon, which periodically fires a massive beam, sweeping side to side a bit. The secondary guns shoot more beams, and they can be destroyed to reduce the boss' amount of shots. Destroy the main deathray cannon to kill Aura Laye. Also watch out for meteoroids that zip across from one side of the screen to the other during this battle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [2.7] Area 7: Station ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Story: Mu and Eve have finally reached the enemy base. Dr. Meyer and Dr. Sayaka have also figured out how to use the ancient weapon in the desert, but for it to do any good, the GAMP space station's defenses must be lowered. If the heroes wish to save Earth, they must attack the GAMP Core at the heart of the station to expose it. General Hints: The last Area is certainly one of the toughest, if not the most difficult, of all the Areas. Not only will the heroes have to fight off seemingly endless hordes of flying drones, they will also have to work through several dangerously narrow corridors. The Laser Zapper can be rather effective at these narrow sections. Walkthrough: Watch out for flying plates when entering the narrow corridors of the space station. The camera here will move straight up, which makes spotting any threats ahead more difficult. There will be three Power Capsules arranged in a triangular pattern, with one of each color. Don't touch the dark gray walls. Fly through the narrow spaces and bomb any turrets that get in the way. The narrow spaces make avoiding enemy projectiles an extreme pain in the ass, but the Laser Zapper can make the heroes' lives a bit easier here by killing the turrets quickly. At the sections where some of the walls lower to let the heroes pass, the heroes must not linger at the bottom two-thirds of the screen, because the walls will rise back up soon, attempting to smash them. After the sets of lowering and rising walls, the heroes will find smaller walls sliding around the place. Avoid them, and pick up the Power Capsule here. Another set of three Power Capsules marks the end of the section with the moving walls. Bomb in front of the rightmost one (the green one) to find a Special Flag. Avoid more flying plates, and kill the laser gunships that appear, including a large gunship miniboss. (This is the same guy from the second Area.) Some of the UFOs here must be killed with bombs or air-to-ground beams. Deeper into the station, there will be more turrets lining the platforms, in addition to the flying drones swarming the place. A few Power Capsules can be found along the way. After blowing through the large door to the center of the station, the heroes will face the final boss. Boss: GAMP Core The GAMP Core is a tower that consists of the smaller cube-like cores that have controlled the first five bosses. (They have all escaped back to the station after being beaten earlier.) As the GAMP Core descends through the central shaft of the station, the heroes will have to destroy it cube by cube. Each time the heroes blow up a cube, they will move down to the next one, until all five cubes are gone. There is no time limit during this battle. The shaft keeps going on and on until the boss is destroyed. The first two cubes fire laser beams periodically. The third cube does the same, but it will also summon flying drones that add to its firepower. The fourth and fifth cubes fire even more laser beams in spreading bursts. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [2.8] Epilogue and Staff Credits ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ending Movie: [We see two Solvalous, one blue and one red, flying out of the space station. The space station's lights turn dark, but it is still intact.] [Nighttime falls on the Nazca plateau on Earth. A large ship approaches the large image of a bird on the desert. This ship resembles the same bird depicted in the desert image, and its alien surfaces seem to be constructed of the same materials seen on the GAMP space station. As the Solvalous hover by at the sides, the ship fires a red laser beam from its nose, aiming at the corresponding tip of the beak in the drawing. The drawing emits an eerie vertical shaft of purple light matching its outline, and then it fires this light straight up into space.] [The light from the drawing reaches up to the space station and engulfs it, disintegrating its surfaces. The station then explodes into a ball of light. Moments later, it explodes again, this time erupting into a blinding white flash that washes out the entire screen.] Staff Credits: Namco Production Staff Directorial Staff Taka Yamamura Programming Staff Yousuke Kuroda CG Artistic Staff Rascal Fukuda Kaname Takai Muneyuki Tejima [We see the spider boss stomping the ground in front of the camera with one of its legs.] Graphic Design Staff Hideaki Ito Music Staff Hiroto Sasaki Etsuo Ishii Yoshie Arakawa Nobuyoshi Sano Takanori Otsuka Keiichi Okabe Akihiko Ishikawa Akitaka Tohyama Yoshinori Shimizu Production Coordination Staff Shinichi Tsuruya Coordinator Support Staff Atsushi Koyama Package Design & Coordination Staff Minako Matsuda [We see the battleship boss flying over the clear sea, while a few flying drones zip past above it.] Debugging Team Takashi Chida Kazuhisa Takahashi Wataru Yasuda Osamu Yoshida Sachiyo Ohsako Special Thanks Yutaka Kounoe Hajime Harima MT-Kid Takashi Koshigoe [We see a tank rolling over the sand after coming out from the factory boss at the desert, avoiding the Solvalou's bombs falling around it.] Original Game Staff Directorial Staff Yutaka Kounoe Tadashi Iguchi CG Artistic Staff Rascal Fukuda Kaname Takai Nobuo Takahashi Muneyuki Tejima Programming Staff Yousuke Kuroda Hajime Harima MT-Kid Kazuyuki Nikaido [We see Gyaariazeed flying around in the snowstorm, reconnecting its side parts to itself with noisy metallic clangs.] Graphic Design Staff Hideaki Ito Music Staff Nobuyoshi Sano Hiroto Sasaki Debugging Team Yasumichi Onishi Jin Okubo Kazuo Takahashi Tetsuya Akatsuka Norikatsu Yoshikawa Satoshi Masukawa Special Thanks Kohji Kenjoh Noruhiro Tanaka Hiromichi Kawaguchi Masateru Umeda Taka Yamamura Takashi Koshigoe Hiroshi Goshowaki Kohei Teraoka Namco all staff [We see Aura Laye charging up its deathray cannon.] Supervisors Shukuo Ishikawa Hajime Nakatani Katsuo Nakamura Junichi Kawamura [We see Aura Laye firing its deathray cannon along with its other cannons.] Masaya Nakamura Produced by Namco [Note: Ayako Saso and Shinji Hosoe are credited under the Music and Sound Effect sections in the arcade version's Staff Credits, but their names do not appear in this console version's Staff Credits.] ============================================================================== [3] Strategies - Xevious, Super Xevious, Xevious Arrangement ============================================================================== Xevious and Super Xevious come with practically infinite Credits here. Simply press the Credit Button (Select) to add one for free. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [3.1] Xevious ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ General Hints: When Ando Ageanesis appears, try to rush up and bomb its weak point at its center before too many projectiles gather onto the screen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [3.2] Super Xevious ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ General Hints: Again, when Ando Ageanesis appears, try to kill it before things get too hectic. That is, of course, assuming the heroes can even make their way up to it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [3.3] Xevious Arrangement ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Xevious Arrangement is an updated version of Xevious that has originally appeared in Namco Classics Collection Volume 1: Galaga, Xevious, Mappy. It is basically Xevious with a simultaneous 2-Player feature, Power-Ups, new tunes, and other enhancements. Area 01: The heroes only have to deal with easy ring-like drones, and there are undefended buildings for them to bomb. There are two Power Capsules. Area 02: Tanks begin to show up. There is one Power Capsule. Area 03: Flying plates will appear, going backward eventually. There is one Power Capsule along the riverside. Area 04: There are more flying drones, turrets, and tanks. Ando Ageanesis will appear beyond some small ruins. After it does, look out for black pods that turn into bullets. Bomb the center of the boss to kill it. Area 05: The port city packs lots of boats and turrets. The heroes should lead their bombs if they want to hit the moving turrets. There is one Power Capsule. Area 06: Flying plates will move horizontally across the screen. There is one Power Capsule. Area 07: Expect lots of ground forces, in the form of turrets and tanks. Area 08: More flying drones and flying plates await the heroes here. The end is marked by the triplet bosses. Bomb the center of each boss to kill it. There is one Power Capsule. Area 09: Both air and ground forces are more numerous. Area 10: Prepare to fight even more air and ground forces. There is one Power Capsule. Area 11: Flying plates will move both vertically and horizontally. Area 12: After the black cores scan the heroes, another Ando Ageanesis will appear. Also watch out for the mines that fly down and explode into several bullets. Area 13: The port base has turrets scattered all over the place. Area 14: More flying plates can be found here. There is one Power Capsule. Area 15: Several moving turrets patrol this place. There is one Power Capsule. Area 16: Flying drones and turrets will attack. There are five Power Capsules, with four of them appearing just before the final two bosses. The first boss is yet another Ando Ageanesis. Following it is a Super Ando Ageanesis, which has two weak points instead of one. Bomb both to kill it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [3.4] Xevious Arrangement - Extra Area Mode ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ To access Extra Area Mode, finish Xevious Arrangement. Extra Area Mode puts the heroes through new and even more difficult Areas. (The Rank will be set to Hard Core!) If you exit to either Xevious or Super Xevious and then come back to Xevious Arrangement, it will still be in Extra Area Mode. To get out of it, return to the Title Screen of Xevious 3D/G+. Extra Area 1: Lots of turrets fill this place. There are three Power Capsules. Extra Area 2: Sea tanks provide even more trouble here. There are four Power Capsules. Extra Area 3: Hordes of turrets will attack the heroes. There are eight Power Capsules, with four appearing early on and the other four appearing later. ============================================================================== [4] Miscellaneous Information ============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [4.1] Extra: Bonus Menu ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ To access the Bonus Menu, finish Xevious 3D/G on any Difficulty Setting. (Using the Extra Credits trick is allowed.) Enter the Bonus Menu from the Game Select Screen (by choosing Extra Option, which is marked by a Special Flag). Music Test - Sample the music. There are 55 tunes. The default selection is 00. Movie Viewer - Sample the Movies. There are 6 Movies. The default selection is 3DG+: Attract. Credits - Know the people who have created this compilation, Xevious 3D/G+. Xevious Arrangement (Extra Area Mode) - Play Xevious Arrangement in Extra Area Mode. Exit - Return to the previous screen. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [4.1.1] Music Test ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Press Up and Down to cycle through the tunes. Press Circle to play them. Press Square to stop them. Press X to return to the Bonus Menu. 3D/G+ (turquoise) - Tunes for the menus of this compilation, Xevious 3D/G+. A/org (green) - Tunes for Xevious Arrangement, original version. A/arr (yellow) - Tunes for Xevious Arrangement, arranged version. 3/org (blue) - Tunes for Xevious 3D/G, original version. 3/arr (red) - Tunes for Xevious 3D/G, arranged version. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ## Type Tune ## Type Tune (55 total) :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 00 3D/G+ Attract Movie 01 3D/G+ Game Select 28 3/org Area 7 02 A/org Area 1-4 29 3/org Boss 7 03 A/org Area 5-8 30 3/org Continue 04 A/org Area 9-12 31 3/org Area Clear 05 A/org Area 13-16 32 3/org Name Entry 06 A/org Final Area 33 3/arr Area 1 07 A/org Ending 34 3/arr Boss 1 08 A/org Name Entry 35 3/arr Area 2 09 A/arr Area 1-4 36 3/arr Boss 2 10 A/arr Area 5-8 37 3/arr Area 3 11 A/arr Area 9-12 38 3/arr Boss 3 12 A/arr Area 13-16 39 3/arr Area 4 13 A/arr Final Area 40 3/arr Boss 4 14 A/arr Ending 41 3/arr Area 5 15 A/arr Name Entry 42 3/arr Boss 5 16 3/org Area 1 43 3/arr Area 6 17 3/org Boss 1 44 3/arr Boss 6 18 3/org Area 2 45 3/arr Area 7 19 3/org Boss 2 46 3/arr Boss 7 20 3/org Area 3 47 3/arr Continue 21 3/org Boss 3 48 3/arr Area Clear 22 3/org Area 4 49 3/arr Name Entry 23 3/org Boss 4 50 3/arr Attract Movie 24 3/org Area 5 51 3/arr Intermission Movie 25 3/org Boss 5 52 3/arr Heihachi & Paul Movie 26 3/org Area 6 53 3/arr Ending Movie 27 3/org Boss 6 54 3/arr Staff Roll Movie :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [4.1.2] Movie Viewer ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Press Up and Down to cycle through the Movies. Press Circle to play them. Press Square to stop them. Press X to return to the Bonus Menu. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Type Movie (6 total) :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 3DG+: Attract (Xevious 3D/G+ Attract Movie) 3DG : Attract (Xevious 3D/G Attract Movie) 3DG : Intermission (Xevious 3D/G Intermission Movie between Areas 5 and 6) 3DG : Heihachi & Paul (Xevious 3D/G Tekken Secret Characters Ending Movie) 3DG : Ending (Xevious 3D/G Ending Movie) 3DG : Staff Roll (Xevious 3D/G Staff Credits) :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [4.1.3] Xevious 3D/G+ Staff Credits ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Xevious 3D/G+ Menu Program Staff Planner Yuji Yamamura Programmer Yoshihito Ivanaga Visual Designer Kaname Takai Sound Composer Masahiro Fukuzawa Takanori Otsuka Hiroto Sasaki Graphic Designer Hideaki Ito Product Coordinator Toshiya Hara Shin'ichi Tsuruya Produced by Namco ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [4.2] Extra Credits ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ To gain extra Credits in Xevious 3D/G, on the Game Select Screen, highlight Xevious 3D/G, and hold L2 while rapidly pressing Circle. (There should be a Blaster sound when the game is being loaded.) Keep holding L2 and pressing Circle until the Xevious 3D/G Title Screen appears. The faster Circle is pressed, the more extra Credits will be gained. Press Circle quickly enough to set the Coinage to Free Play (infinite Credits). This can be done with Controller 1 or Controller 2, but it cannot be done with the NeGcon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [4.3] Secret Characters ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ To access secret characters in Xevious 3D/G, on the Xevious 3D/G Main Menu, highlight "START," and hold the following until gaining actual control over the characters, after they take off in the first Area. Dark Solvalou (P1 and P2) - L1, L2, R1, R2, Select, and Start The Dark Solvalou is just like the regular one, only it comes with a black-and-gray paint scheme. If both Players use Dark Solvalous, the two ships will look like the same. Wide Dark Solvalou - Repeat the Dark Solvalou Code on the Configuration Screen The Wide Dark Solvalou is just like the regular one, only it comes with a black-and-gray paint scheme and is wider. Heihachi Mishima (P1 only) - Left, Circle, X, Select, and Start Heihachi is a character from Namco's Tekken series. In Xevious 3D/G, he can fly around and shoot projectiles like the Solvalou. His speed (relative to the screen) is lower than the Solvalou's, but he begins with a Power Level of 3. His Power Level still drops if he gets wasted. Paul Phoenix (P2 only) - Right, Circle, X, Select, and Start Paul is a character from Namco's Tekken series. In Xevious 3D/G, he can fly around and shoot projectiles like the Solvalou. His speed (relative to the screen) is extremely higher than the Solvalou's, but unlike Heihachi, he doesn't begin with a free Power Level upgrade. If Xevious 3D/G is finished with Heihachi or Paul, there will be an extra (and very silly) scene in the Ending Movie. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [4.4] Debug Mode ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ To access Debug Mode in the original Xevious, on the Xevious Main Menu, highlight "GAME START," and hold Square, X, and Start. (There should be a message saying, "DEBUG MODE.") ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [4.5] Game Select Shortcuts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ To immediately load the desired game on the green loading screen that normally returns to the Xevious 3D/G+ Title Screen, hold the following when the Generator Status value changes. (There should be a message saying, "SHORT CUT EXECUTION," and the name of the game being loaded.) +----------------------------------------+ Game Button Combination +----------------------------------------+ Xevious 3D/G Select and X Xevious Arrangement Select and Circle Xevious Select and Square Super Xevious Select and Triangle +----------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [4.6] Boss Strategies ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Ando Ageanesis (a.k.a. Andor Genesis), "floating fortress" Area: 1 (Xevious 3D/G), 4 (Xevious Arrangement), 12 (Xevious Arrangement) Notes: Avoid its projectiles, and bomb its central weak point to kill it. Name: "spider" Area: 1 (Xevious 3D/G) Notes: Shoot the central body until the protective shell is destroyed, and then bomb the exposed core. The legs can be damaged, but that is not necessary to kill the boss. Name: "battleship" Area: 2 (Xevious 3D/G) Notes: Destroy the large central disk, and then bomb the exposed core. The many turrets on the battleship can be destroyed, but they can regenerate. Name: "blocks" Area: 3 (Xevious 3D/G) Notes: Shoot the core whenever possible while avoiding the blocks and the boss' projectiles. Firing from a distance is much safer than getting up close, due to the blocks. Name: "factory" Area: 4 (Xevious 3D/G) Notes: Shoot the plates revolving around the center of the factory, and then attack the core when it appears. Watch out for the core's spreading beam attack. Kill the tanks coming out if they get too annoying. Name: Gyaariazeed, "gunship" Area: 5 (Xevious 3D/G) Notes: Attack its central body. Destroying the side parts is not necessary to kill the boss, but doing so will reduce the amount of laser beams it shoots. Name: Aura Laye, "orbital deathray" Area: 6 (Xevious 3D/G) Notes: In the first phase, shoot the central core whenever it flips open. In the second phase, shoot the deathray cannon whenever it stops firing its massive beams. Destroying the secondary cannons will reduce the amount of returning fire, but doing so is not necessary to kill the boss. Name: GAMP Core Area: 7 (Xevious 3D/G) Notes: Destroy the five black cubes one by one. The first two cubes periodically shoot laser beams. The third cube does the same, but it will also summon flying drones that add to its firepower. The fourth and fifth cubes shoot even more laser beams in spreading bursts. Name: "triplets" Area: 8 (Xevious Arrangement) Notes: Avoid its projectiles, and bomb the weak point of each triplet to kill it. Name: Ando Ageanesis, Super Area: 16 (Xevious Arrangement) Notes: Avoid its projectiles, and bomb its two central weak points to kill it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [4.7] Patch Codes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Address Value Range Game Value(s) Affected ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 8012DC18 0000 to 0009 Xevious 3D/G - Credits 8012DD58 0001 to 000F Xevious 3D/G - P1 Lives 8012DD5C 0001 to 000F Xevious 3D/G - P2 Lives To find the appropriate number to which these values should be set, add 1 to the desired number of Lives. For example, to have 10 Lives for Player 1, set 8012DD58's value to 000B (HEX). 80169548 0000 to 0009 Xevious, Super Xevious, Xevious Arrangement - Credits ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ============================================================================== [5] Reference ============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [5.1] Game Source Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Xevious 3D/G+ Code: SLPS-00750 (Japanese) Code: SLUS-00461 (North American) Developer: Namco Producer: Namco Genre: compilation (space shooters) Players: 2 Save: Memory Card (1 Block) Save File Name: XEVIOUS 3D/G+ Data. AVA namco Save File Icon: Toroid Discs: 1 Disc Label: XEVI3DGPLUS Size: 539 MB Publisher: Namco Release Date: 1997-03-28 (Japanese) Release Date: 1997-06--- (North American) UPC: 722674020671 (North American) Cover Art: (North American) The Solvalou charges toward Ando Ageanesis, which is floating over the image of a bird at the Nazca plateau. The thick dirt upon which the image lies is a rich brown. A green sea of grass can be seen stretching all the way to the horizon, and the crisp morning skies are filled with brilliant white clouds. At the lower left quadrant of this scene, another scene, that of the shiny blue launch tube the Solvalou uses, is blended into the rest. Disc Art: (North American) The top of the disc has a greenish design, resembling the scenery at the green valley within the game. Case Details: (North American) The 3D way to x-terminate x-tra-terrestrials. Xevious 3D/G+ is a furious interstellar shoot-fest, teeming with rapid-fire 3D features. You get 3D/G, three bonus games, nasty alien bosses, a galaxy of polygon 3D graphics, plus two-player simultaneous shooting action that'll have you x-claiming x-pletives. (Little alien caskets sold separately). - A 3D shoot-a-thon. Features Xevious 3D/G, Original Xevious, Super Xevious and Xevious Arrangement. - Spectacular polygon 3D graphics. So impressive, you'll check your shirt for splattered alien entrails. - Eye-opening cinematics. You'll swear you're in a major Hollywood sci-fi flick. (If you don't like to swear, feel free to say "dang"). - Big, surly, ugly bosses. No wimps here. Enemy bosses come in three sizes. Tough. Tougher. Toughest. - Pound enemy positions with power-ups. New, improved weapons of mass destruction. Power-up your fighter then level places and things. - One or Two Player Mode. Stand alone against the enemy or let a friend join the fracas. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [5.2] Soundtrack Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Xevious 3D/G+ Original Soundtrack Copyright 1982, 1984, 1995, 1996, 1997 Namco Limited and 1997 Wonder Spirits Inc. Name: Xevious 3D/G+ Original Soundtrack (i/o Soundtrack Series 001) Code: WSCA-00001 Producer: Namco and Wonder Spirits Publisher: Wonder Spirits Release Date: 1997-08-20 Discs: 3 Size: Disc 1 of 3: 489 MB - "Xevious 3D/G music for PlayStation Part 1" Disc 2 of 3: 528 MB - "Xevious 3D/G music for PlayStation Part 2" Disc 3 of 3: 621 MB - "Xevious 3D/G music for Arcade and Xevious Arrangement music for PlayStation" JAN: 4533341000010 Cover Art: The front cover is an image taken from the Attract Movie of Xevious 3D/G (in Xevious 3D/G+), where the Solvalou is flying toward Ando Ageanesis. This image is rendered with a washed-out, bluish tint. Disc Art: All three discs have a plain but glossy silver top, making them resemble the Toroids, the ring-shaped enemy drones. Tracks: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Disc 1 (55:38 total) Disc 2 (60:00 total) ## Time Tune (11 total) ## Time Tune (13 total) :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 01 3:39 Attract Movie 01 5:26 Area 5 02 4:24 Game Select 02 4:57 Boss 5 03 4:43 Opening Movie 03 4:44 Snow 04 6:15 Area 1 04 5:36 Area 6 05 5:02 Boss 1 05 4:55 Boss 6 06 6:16 Area 2 06 5:53 Area 7 07 4:29 Boss 2 07 5:11 Boss 7 08 5:34 Area 3 08 3:45 Continue? 09 4:41 Boss 3 09 3:24 Stage Clear 10 5:31 Area 4 10 4:43 Ending Movie 11 5:04 Boss 4 11 2:33 Heihachi & Paul 12 4:44 Staff Roll 13 4:09 Name Entry :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Disc 3 (70:29 total) ## Time Tune ## Time Tune (25 total) :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 01 2:34 Area 1 13 3:00 Area 7 02 1:45 Boss 1 14 1:56 Boss 7 03 2:59 Area 2 15 0:43 Continue? 04 2:53 Boss 2 16 0:30 Stage Clear 05 3:47 Area 3 17 1:28 Ending Movie 06 1:07 Boss 3 18 0:57 Name Entry 07 3:26 Area 4 19 5:37 Objects & Forest 08 2:34 Boss 4 20 5:27 Godlike Sea 09 2:45 Area 5 21 5:38 Mountain Range 10 2:08 Boss 5 22 5:34 Underground Building 11 3:35 Area 6 23 4:26 Split Core 12 2:01 Boss 6 24 2:29 Beautiful Space 25 1:10 Thinking Coma :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Composers: Samen (Disc 1: 1,3,4,5) (Disc 2: 3,6,7,10,11,12) (Disc 3: 9,10) Sanodg (Disc 1: 10,11) (Disc 3: 7,8) To-yama (Disc 2: 8,9,13) Etsu Ishii (Disc 2: 4,5) Strongyoshie (Disc 2: 1,2) B.K.O. (Disc 1: 6,7) Linda AI - CUE (Disc 1: 8,9) T. Otsuka (Disc 1: 2) Xevious Music Masters (Disc 3: 1,2,3,4,5,6,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25) Supervisor: Namco Limited Executive Producer: Taku Kitahara (Wonder Spirits) General Producer: Hiroyuki Kawada (Namco Limited) Producer: Kazuhiro Nakamura (Namco Limited) A&R Producer: Takamitsu Sato (Wonder Spirits) Sales Promoter: Keizo Sumiyama (Wonder Spirits) Manager: Kozue Asakura (Wonder Spirits) Cover Designer: Sonoe Takigami Special Thanks to: Xevious 3D/G+ Project (Namco Limited) Toshiaki Fukunaga Battle Combo Cards: Aura Laye - Serial Number A13E2C Life: 17000 Attack: 700 Guard: 1000 Combo: 100 GUMP (GAMP Core) - Serial Number A13E3D Life: 22000 Attack: 600 Guard: 400 Combo: 1000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [5.3] Additional Reference ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Xevious (Arcade) (1982) The original Xevious. It has been ahead of its time with its gameplay distinction between air-to-air and air-to-ground weapons, and it is the first to use bitmapped graphics (which are still beautifully textured). The FC/NES version is also known as Xevious: The Avenger. Super Xevious (Arcade) (1984) A more difficult version of the original Xevious. The gameplay, controls, and visual and audio effects are the same, but the difficulty is increased due to the new and more complex enemy patterns. The FC/NES version is also known as Super Xevious: GAMP no Nazo. Grobda (Arcade) (1984) An overhead action shooter whose main protagonist is Grobda, the tank from Xevious, and its hero uses a laser cannon and an energy shield system to battle enemies in obstacle-filled arenas. It is one of the first games to feature regenerating energy, splash damage, and movement-impeding wreckage. This game is not included in Xevious 3D/G+. Solvalou (Arcade) (1991) A flight simulator version of the original Xevious. Played from the perspective of the pilot, this game has introduced 3D graphics to the series. The Solvalou here can launch multiple homing bombs at once, it can aim at ground targets with its Particle Zapper, and it has shields. This game is not included in Xevious 3D/G+. Xevious Arrangement (Arcade) (1995) A heavily modified version of the original Xevious, appearing as a part of Namco Classics Collection Volume 1: Galaga, Xevious, Mappy. It features a simultaneous 2-Player Mode, Power-Ups, new level and enemy designs, and new music. Xevious 3D/G (Arcade) (1996) An update of Xevious Arrangement. It features a simultaneous 2-Player Mode, a new weapon system, vastly improved level and enemy designs, 3D visuals (derived from those of Solvalou), and more new music. Xevious 3D/G+ (PS) (1997) A compilation of various Xevious installments, including the original Xevious, Super Xevious, Xevious Arrangement, and Xevious 3D/G. It also has new prerendered Movies, most of which are added for Xevious 3D/G. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [5.4] Really Small Details That Just Ruin Eve's Day ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Air or Ground? In the Attract Movie of Xevious 3D/G, you can see the Solvalou destroying a short building with its Particle Zapper, not its bombs. Why can't the heroes do that during actual gameplay? So Is It Solvalou or Solvalous? How come there are two Solvalous in the Ending Movie of Xevious 3D/G? Sure, the game has a simultaneous 2-Player Mode, but the story never mentions anything about the heroes finding a second Solvalou. Then again, the game also never actually shows us the heroes, so who really gives a crap? Tekken in Space? What is up with Heihachi and Paul appearing as secret characters here? Perhaps including the starfighters from other Namco games like Galaxian, Galaga, Star Luster, and Star Blade would have been far more meaningful. (Of course, the Xevious series is unrelated to this set of other games, whose stories are actually connected together.) Ridge Racer in Space? While we are at it, we may as well ask why the game even bothers to support the NeGcon. Banking the Solvalou in place by using the Dial is so pointless, as fun as that is for a few moments. High Score Celebrities? Ever wonder who exactly are the people whose names appear on the default High Score records? Well, here are brief descriptions of some of those guys: Masaya Nakamura ("M. Nakamura") - Xevious, 1st Rank, 40000 Points The president of Namco. Masanobu Endoh ("Evezoo End") - Xevious, 3rd Rank, 30000 Points The designer and programmer of Xevious. Shin-ichiro Okamoto ("S. Okamoto") - Xevious, 4th Rank, 25000 Points A Namco staff member. Shin-ichi Kojima ("S. Kojima") - Xevious, 5th Rank, 20000 Points A Namco staff member. Eve ("androidEVE") - Super Xevious, 1st Rank, 40000 Points A friend of Mu. Mio ("Mio Veetha") - Super Xevious, 4th Rank, 25000 Points A friend of Mu. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [5.5] Document Credits ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Namco (www.namco.co.jp) For creating Xevious 3D/G+. Spherelanders For playing through the game and figuring out the best tactics. Extra thanks to Alex Round for actually authoring this document, finding the patch code for infinite Credits in Xevious Arrangement, and finding the game select shortcuts. ============================================================================== [6] Contact Information ============================================================================== mail: faididi@yahoo.com ============================================================================== ==============================================================================