============================================================================== Tenchu: Senran / Tenchu Z (Xbox 360) (2006-2007) ============================================================================== Tenchu: Senran Copyright 2006 From Software Tenchu Z Copyright 2007 From Software This document is created by Faididi and Co. (faididi@yahoo.com) Copying or distributing this, in whole or in part, for profit without the explicit permission of the author is prohibited. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [-] Document Version History ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 2020 (2020-07-19 Sunday) - Initial release. ============================================================================== [0] Contents ============================================================================== [1] Overview [1.0] Game Version Differences [1.1] Story [1.2] Characters [1.3] Controls [1.4] Options [1.5] Status Display [1.6] Mission Rating Calculation: Results Screen and Ranks [1.7] General Tips [2] Strategies - Solo Mode [2.0] Preparation Scenes [2.1] Act 1: Missions 01 to 17 [2.2] Act 2: Missions 18 to 37 [2.3] Act 3: Missions 38 to 50 [3] Strategies - MultiPlayer Mode [3.0] Playing MultiPlayer Mode [3.1] Match Types [3.2] Mission Availability [3.3] Defeated Messages [3.4] Lag Glitches [4] Ability and Item Collection [4.0] Physical Abilities (Stats) [4.1] Combination Style (Base Combos and Combo Enders) [4.2] Secret Arts [4.3] Passive Skills [4.4] Items [4.5] Clothing [4.6] Character Faces and Voices [4.7] Quick Reference: Rewards List [5] Reference [5.1] Game Source Information [5.2] Xbox Achievements [5.3] Dashboard Theme and Gamer Pic Information [5.4] Really Small Details [5.5] Document Credits [6] Contact Information ============================================================================== [1] Overview ============================================================================== K2's Tenchu: Senran (Tenchu Z) is a stealth action game, like the previous installments. It features Player-created heroes, customizable controls, modifiable abilities, and a MultiPlayer Mode (via LAN or Xbox Live) that plays like a limited cooperative 4-Player version of its Solo Mode. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1.0] Game Version Differences ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - The names and various other terms are different. In the exported versions, the game's title is changed to Tenchu Z, and the Clothing articles are merely numbered. (For example, the first Female Hairstyle is originally named Dragon Tail but is changed to Hair 1.) - The controls are different. In the exported versions, the controls are improved. The Buttons for the Guard function and the Draw Sword function are swapped. The View function is assigned to Right Click. Your character automatically takes Items from the floor. The warning vibrations for the collapsible floor panels are made stronger. - Tenchu: Senran and Tenchu Z are considered separate games within Xbox Live, with separate sets of Achievements. They cannot be networked with each other. - The demo version consists of your character's creation and the seventeenth Mission, but it doesn't allow the controls to be changed. In the exported demo version, Shigi's name is spelled as "Sigi" in the subtitles. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1.1] Story ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rikimaru, once a young novice himself, is now the leader of the Azuma clan of ninja who serve Lord Matsunoshin Gohda. This time, however, the heroes are Player-created characters who are newly recruited into the Azuma. Under Rikimaru's command, they will be sent on missions to protect Gohda from the aggressions of a powerful neighboring warlord, Nagayori Ogawara. What adventures await your character? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1.2] Characters ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Your Character The main protagonist, and the newest member of the Azuma ninja clan. Your character's name is your Gamer Tag. That includes you, TEABAGGER69. XD The Partner Your character's partner, who is of the opposite gender. The partner's sole role is to appear during the Movies, speaking for your character. The partner's default name is Shinobu (female) or Kagemaru (male). Rikimaru The current leader of the Azuma, and your character's boss. Rikimaru is the archetypal super-professional, super-competent ninja badass, and he always wears a mask. His own partner, Ayame, does not appear in this game, but that is just as well, because she is probably the only person who scares him. Lord Matsunoshin Gohda The leader of a small yet respected provincial country during Japan's period of civil strife in the 15th and 16th centuries. Gohda works hard to be an honorable lord, but when covert work cannot be avoided, he relies on the Azuma. His wife, Lady Kei, was assassinated many years ago. His daughter, Princess Kiku, is probably with Ayame and does not appear in this game. Lord Nagayori Ogawara The leader of a bigger and meaner provincial country, and Gohda's new rival. Ogawara is itching to conquer his neighbors. Shigi An elite ninja who is helping Ogawara but is secretly working for another villain, Nobumitsu Aizen (who does not appear in this game). Shigi is the archetypal ultra-stylish, ultra-emo antagonist who wears black, goth-like clothing. That, or he is a ninja from the future, lol. The Echigoya Merchants A family of stereotypically fat, greedy, unscrupulous merchants who have served as frequent targets for the Azuma. The game's story begins when your character is sent to kill Rokube Echigoya, because he is dealing with Gohda's enemies. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1.3] Controls ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The controls are customizable, with the Jump, Crouch, Guard / Draw Sword, Attack, Item, Strafe, and Aid functions allowed to be reassigned to the A, B, X, Y, Bumper, and Trigger Buttons. On the Menus, the Confirm Button is A, and the Cancel Button is B. Movement Stick (Left Stick) - Move (relative to the screen). When standing, press this slightly to walk, and press this farther to run. When the sword is drawn and when strafe-locking, hold Down and press the Attack Button to perform a Combo Ender, or press this in a full circle (either direction) and press the Attack Button to perform a clockwise spinning slash. Camera Stick (Right Stick) - Move the camera. It moves faster in the first person view, and it quickly locks behind your character when strafe-locking. Jump Button (A) - Jump. No matter how long this is pressed, the height of the jump will be the same, but the Movement Stick can be pressed to adjust the lateral distance of the jump. When crouching, press this to roll. When strafe-locking but standing still, press this to perform a moonsault (a half-turn forward high leap). When strafe-locking and moving in a direction, press this to perform an evasive quick-step. When holding the Aid Button while ledge-hanging with the sword sheathed, press this to perform a ledge-hanging backward jump. When grabbing a character, press this to wall-pin the character against a valid surface. Crouch Button (R Bumper) - Crouch. The crouch-walking speed is always the same and isn't affected by your character's Agility. Crouch-walk forward to automatically enter crawl spaces, like those under elevated buildings or those in the attics of certain houses. When grabbing a character, press this to ground-pin the character. Guard Button / Draw Sword Button (B) - In the Japanese version, manually guard. In the exported versions, draw and sheath the sword. When grabbing a character, press this to knock out the character. Guarding with bare hands (when the sword is sheathed) will reduce the damage received, but guarding with the sword drawn will completely negate the damage. Some attacks, like explosions, cannot be blocked. Attack Button (X) - Perform a Stealth Kill or a standard attack when the sword is drawn, or perform a context-sensitive action when the sword is sheathed, like opening a door, grabbing a character, or carrying and laying down a corpse. When facing an enemy, hold this to automatically guard against attacks. In the Japanese version, when holding the Aid Button, press this to draw and sheath the sword, and when the sword is sheathed, press this to take an Item. In the exported versions, when holding the Aid Button, hold this to manually guard. (In the exported versions, Items are automatically taken.) Item Button (Japanese: Y, Export: L Bumper) - Use the currently highlighted Item in the Personal Inventory, or throw a corpse. Many Items can be used even when wall-hugging or ledge-hanging, and with the sword being either drawn or sheathed. Strafe Button (R Trigger) - Strafe-lock, automatically facing toward the nearest enemy. If there is no nearby enemy, then your character will simply maintain the same facing. Aid Button (L Trigger) - Enable certain special moves. Hold this when pressing other Buttons to perform those special moves. Wall-Hug Button (Japanese: R-Click, Export: L-Click) - Wall-hug, detonate the next deployed Pinwheel, or perform certain special moves. View Button (Japanese: L Bumper, Export: R-Click) - Switch to the first person view. When near and facing a closed door, press this to door-peek (slightly opening the door). Reset View Button (Japanese: R-Click, Export: Y) - Reset the Camera's vertical position, release a grabbed character, or stop wall-pinning but remain grabbing the character. (Due to a glitch, pressing this default Button will always reset the Camera's vertical position, but the releasing of a grabbed character will function correctly if this function is assigned to another Button.) Select Item Button (D-Pad) - Change the currently highlighted Item in the Personal Inventory. Press Left and Right to cycle through the Items. Press Up to change to the Grappling Hook. Press Down to change to the Healing Potions (if available). When holding the Aid Button, press this to perform gestures (meant for communicating without the need for headsets): Up is proceed (forward-waving hand), Down is halt (backward-held hand), Left is agree (nodding head), and Right is disagree (shaking head). Map Button (Back) - Toggle on and off the Map Display. Your own character is always marked by a white arrow. In MultiPlayer Mode, the teammates are marked by colored dots. Player 1 is yellow, Player 2 is blue, Player 3 is green, and Player 4 is red. Pause Button (Start) - Pause, and skip the Movies. The Pause Menu has the options of resuming the action, restarting the Mission, returning to the Ninja Village, or returning to the Mode Select Screen. The action cannot be paused in MultiPlayer Mode, but the Pause Menu's options can still be accessed there, except for restarting the Mission. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1.4] Options ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [1.4.0] Main Menu and Mode Select Screen ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ New Game - Begin a New Game, going to the Character Settings Screen. Continue - Go to the Mode Select Screen: - Solo Mission - Go to Solo Mode (primary single-Player adventure). - Xbox LIVE - Go to MultiPlayer Mode via Xbox Live. - System Link - Go to MultiPlayer Mode via LAN. - Ninja Training - Go to the tutorial. Options - Go to the Game Settings Screen (Options Screen). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [1.4.1] Game Settings: Controls Settings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Auto Target - Adjust the enabling of auto-aiming when highlighting a relevant Item in the first person view of the Targeting Reticle toward the center of the nearest enemy, by holding the Strafe Button. The default setting is On, but this may be changed to Off. Vertical Camera - Adjust the vertical orientation of the Camera controls. The default setting is Normal for direct-type control, but this may be changed to Inverted for simulation-type control. Horizontal Camera - Adjust the lateral orientation of the Camera controls. The default setting is Normal for direct-type control, but this may be changed to Inverted for reverse-type control. Controller Settings - Adjust the Button assignments. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [1.4.2] Game Settings: Sound Settings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sound Output - Adjust the audio output. The default setting is Stereo, but this may be changed to Surround. Music - Adjust the volume of the background music. The default setting is about 75 percent, but this may be changed from 0 to 100 percent. Sound Effects - Adjust the volume of the sound effects. The default setting is 100 percent, but this may be changed from 0 to 100 percent. Voices - Adjust the volume of the vocal effects. The default setting is 100 percent, but this may be changed from 0 to 100 percent. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [1.4.3] Game Settings: Display Settings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Subtitles - Adjust whether to display subtitles during Movies. (The voice acting is only in Japanese.) The default setting is On, but this may be changed to Off. Blood - Adjust whether to display the blood effects, which include the blood spills of defeated characters and the blood smears that indicate the odor status affliction for your character. The default setting is On, but this may be changed to Off. Ninja Seal - Adjust whether to display the ring of nine characters that indicates that your character can perform a Stealth Kill against or grab an enemy. The default setting is On, but this may be changed to Off. Gamer Tag - Adjust whether to display the Gamer Tag Display for teammates in MultiPlayer Mode. The default setting is On, but this may be changed to Off. We're still looking at you, TEABAGGER69. XD Brightness Settings - Adjust the display brightness. The default setting is about 44 percent, but this may be changed from 0 to 100 percent. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [1.4.4] Game Settings: Save Settings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Auto-Save - Adjust whether the game automatically saves your character's progress after every Mission and at certain transitions. The default setting is On, but this may be changed to Off for manual saving controls. Load - Load the file. This is useful for undoing any recent changes to the Options or any recent purchases at the Shop that have not been saved. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [1.4.5] MultiPlayer Mode Settings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ability Settings - Adjust whether to allow custom Ability settings. The default setting is On, but this may be changed to Off, where all Players' characters will have the default Ability settings, with a Vitality, Strength, and Agility of 70 Points each, the 3-Strike Base Combo, and no special moves. (In other words, all Players' characters will have the exact same performance but differ merely in appearance. After the session, the Players' characters will have their original Ability settings again.) SP Range (when searching for Ranked Matches) - Adjust the search's range of acceptable differences between the Physical Ability Points of your character and the host Players' characters. The default setting is "Not specified" to allow for any one, but this may be changed to Low, Close, or High. Ninja Title - Lowest (when searching for Xbox Live Matches) - Adjust the search's lower limit in the Ninja Titles of the host Players' characters. The default setting is Rin, but this may be changed up to your character's current Ninja Title. Ninja Title - Highest (when searching for Xbox Live Matches) - Adjust the search's upper limit in the Ninja Titles of the host Players' characters. The default setting is Zen, but this may be changed down to your character's current Ninja Title. Private Slots (when creating Xbox Live Player Matches) - Adjust the amount of Player Slots that are reserved for invited Players. (The remaining Slots will be publicly open to all Players.) The default setting is 0, but this may be changed up to the remaining amount of Slots. Max Players (when creating Matches) - Adjust the Maximum Number of Players. The default setting is 4, but this may be changed to 2 or 3 to limit the party size. (In MultiPlayer Mode, there must be at least 2 Players before a Mission can be started.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1.5] Status Display ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Life Meter (Red Bar) Your character's Life. The Maximum Health Capacity is equal to the Vitality. Visibility Meter (Black-to-White Bar) Your character's visibility, as affected by the environmental lighting (in a manner very similar to those in Looking Glass' Thief and Ubisoft's Splinter Cell). Being in bright places and near sources of light increases this, while being in dark places usually (but not always) decreases this. Having the sword drawn (as opposed to it being sheathed) also increases this. If there are no dark places available, your character can still hide in the classic Tenchu style by staying out of sight behind walls. Noise Meter (Crescent Bar) Your character's noisiness. Unlike in the original Tenchu games, walking upright and running will now make a soft noise that can be heard by enemies. Running across bushes and water puddles, falling into deep water, and breaking objects will make loud noises that can immediately alert nearby enemies. Crouch-walking is always silent, except when touching noise traps. Ki Meter (Color Aura and Proximity Unit Display) The alertness state and the closeness of the nearest enemy (or civilian) who isn't being grabbed. Proximity Units are an inverted measure of this closeness, where 1 Proximity Unit represents the enemy at the farthest detectable distance, and where 100 Proximity Units theoretically represent the enemy being at your character's position. Your character can perform a Stealth Kill against or grab an unalerted enemy at a distance of at least 90 Proximity Units. The Ki Meter's kanji and color aura indicate the enemy's alertness state: - Blue indicates the enemy is in the completely unalerted state, whether being on routine watch or patrol, being unconscious from getting knocked-out, or sleeping. The Proximity Units are displayed only if all nearby enemies are completely unalerted. - Yellow indicates the enemy is still unalerted but has a glimpse of your character and will slowly walk closer to investigate, unless your character is on a roof or other very high location. The enemy will become alerted upon continuing to see your character. - Purple indicates the enemy is still unalerted but has heard a soft noise and will turn toward that noise. The enemy will become alerted upon seeing your character. - Brown indicates the enemy is still unalerted but has smelled a strong odor and will turn toward that odor. The enemy will become alerted upon seeing your character. - Flaming yellow indicates the enemy is in an alerted state and directly detects your character. OHNOES! XD - Flaming blue indicates the enemy is in an alerted state but doesn't know your character's location. The enemy will attempt to run to your character's last known position or the location of any very loud noise but will eventually return to the unalerted state if they don't find your character. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1.6] Mission Rating Calculation: Results Screen and Ranks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Your character's Mission Score depends on various factors, which are outlined on the Mission Rating Screen. This Score determines the Rank attained for the Mission and the Difficulty Setting, and it is also tied to the amount of Gold earned. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [1.6.1] Mission Rating: Stealth Kills ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Normal SK - 100 Points each. A "Normal Stealth Kill" is a Stealth Kill performed against a regular enemy without the Ninja Seal (the ring of nine characters) being deep red. Total SK - 120 Points each. A "Total Stealth Kill" is a Stealth Kill performed against a regular enemy when the Ninja Seal is deep red, with the heartbeat sound and the Controller vibration. Any Stealth Kill with a deep red Ninja Seal is always treated as a Total Stealth Kill, overriding the other variations of Stealth Kills. The few extra Points may be nice, but Total Stealth Kills probably aren't worth the time in most cases. Consecutive SK - Increasing Points each. A "Consecutive Stealth Kill" is a Stealth Kill performed against an adjacent regular enemy immediately after a preceding Stealth Kill is performed, with the starting Stealth Kill not being a kind performed where your character has the sword sheathed and is grabbing an enemy. Beginning at 160 or more, the Points awarded increase with every successive Consecutive Stealth Kill (the starting Stealth Kill not being counted), but circumstances in the Missions don't normally allow for long, uninterrupted chains of such Stealth Kills. (For an easier time, make sure the targets are positioned about three character widths apart from one another. If they are too close, your character may skip past them, ruining the chain. Bosses killed at the end of the chain will still add to the Points awarded but won't be counted as a part of the chain.) Choke-Hold SK - 80 Points each. A "Choke-Hold Stealth Kill" is a Normal Stealth Kill performed with a neck-snapping (when standing to the enemy's left side or when knee-pressing the enemy) or, for some reason, when wall-pinning. Situational SK - 110 Points each. A "Situational Stealth Kill" is a Normal Stealth Kill performed when wall-hugging leaning, ledge-hanging, door-stabbing, or ceiling-crawling. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [1.6.2] Mission Rating: Normal Kills ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Normal Kill - 70 Points each. A "Normal Kill" is an open-combat kill performed against a regular enemy. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [1.6.3] Mission Rating: Specials (Special Bonuses) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Undetected - 150 Points. This is earned by avoiding direct detection (flaming yellow aura) by any enemy or civilian. No Items Used - 100 Points. This is earned by not using any Item except the Grappling Hook, the Hook, and the B Sword. Uninjured - 100 Points. This is earned by not getting hit by enemy attacks or environmental hazards. Using the Armor Ability and the Power Ability, which cost Life to perform, won't remove this. All SK - 400 Points. This is earned by defeating all regular enemies in the Mission with Stealth Kills, at least one of which isn't a Total Stealth Kill. In MultiPlayer Mode, this must be done by only one Player's character. Total SK - 800 Points. This is earned by defeating all regular enemies in the Mission with Total Stealth Kills. In MultiPlayer Mode, this must be done by only one Player's character. All NK - 3500 Points. This is earned by defeating all regular enemies in the Mission with Normal Kills. In MultiPlayer Mode, this must be done by only one Player's character. Boss SK - 300 Points. This is earned by defeating the boss with any kind of Stealth Kill. It is always the same amount for every boss, regardless of the Mission, and there is no bonus for slaying the boss with a Total Stealth Kill. Boss NK - 500 to 1000 Points. This is earned by directly killing the boss in open combat. The amount gradually increases in increments of 100 Points as the number of the Mission increases, with the first Mission yielding 500 Points and with the forty-ninth Mission yielding 1000 Points. (Pushing a boss into deep water or bottomless pits doesn't count and won't result in any Points.) "Kills" - 100 Points. This should be called the No Detection and No Kills Special Bonus, because it is earned by avoiding direct detection and by not killing anyone (which is possible in certain Missions and by having teammates complete the Objective in MultiPlayer Mode). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [1.6.4] Mission Rating: Penalties ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Innocents - 300 Points penalty each. Directly killing an unarmed civilian (like one of the young female servants or one of the dark-clothed guys) will cost a lot of Points. To get rid of civilians without suffering a penalty, knock them out, and then push them into deep water or bottomless pits, lol. Detections - 80 Points penalty each. Getting directly seen by an enemy or a civilian will cost some Points, but this loss can significantly increase if your character continues to be seen. Mayhem Time - 1.67 Points penalty per second. "Mayhem Time" is the time being directly detected (flaming yellow aura) by an enemy or a civilian. Escape and hide to minimize this. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [1.6.5] Mission Rating: Ninja Ranks ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ninja 1 (000 Points) - The scene is the exterior of a temple gate. Your character crouches down in dejection, but, hey, at least that sunset looks cool. Ninja 2 (300 Points) - The scene is an out-of-focus view of the Mission's Area. Your character drops down from above and stands facing the viewer. Ninja 3 (500 Points) - This display is the same as the previous Rank's. Ninja 4 (700 Points) - This display is the same as the previous Rank's. Ninja 5 (900 Points) - The scene is a desk. Your character isn't seen. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [1.6.6] Mission Rating: Time Elapsed ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Time Elapsed - The time spent in the Mission. In most situations, there is really no need to rush! :) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [1.6.7] Mission Rating: Difficulty Modifier ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Difficulty Setting Modifier - This multiplication factor is applied last, affecting only the Gold reward. Easy is 0.9, Normal is 1.0, and Hard is 1.5. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1.7] General Tips ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - On the Character Settings Screen, the Face also determines the voice for your character, and it can't be changed later. Players may want to spend some time trying the different Face-and-voice options in the early scenes before settling on their favorite choices. (The even-numbered Faces are the same as their preceding odd-numbered counterparts, except they have an alternate skin tone. The partner's settings also can't be changed later, but the partner's voice is always the same and isn't affected by the Face.) The Abilities (including the stats), the Hair Color, the Hairstyle, and the Clothing can be freely edited later. - When in doubt, crouch. Rolling (by holding the Crouch Button and pressing the Jump Button) allows for rapid lateral movement with minimal visibility and noise. Crouch-walking, while slower, guarantees silent movement across any terrain, including bushes and water puddles. Crouching upon landing after jumping or dropping down from a height will neutralize the sound of the landing. (The act of jumping itself is silent.) Rolling into deep water will remove the noisy splash, too. - Unalerted enemies normally look straight forward with a relatively short and flat cone of vision. This means your character can avoid being seen by staying to their sides or rears, by moving across roofs or the top of high walls, or simply maintaining a good distance from their fronts. However, alerted enemies have drastically extended and widened fields of vision, so climbing onto high locations won't be enough to escape their detection, unless their lines of sight are completely broken. Alerted enemies can also detect your character hiding in dark locations and in bushes. - To gain Physical Ability Points (stats points) and to add Clothing to the Shop more quickly, your character can finish the Mandatory Missions in Solo Mode first. (The Secret Missions are merely Optional Missions that are hidden until their immediately preceding Missions are completed. They are otherwise no different from the typical Optional Missions.) - For an easier time in most situations, set the Agility to maximum, to allow for the quicker reaching of enemies and for the faster escaping from detection. (Agility affects only the running speed, not the walking speed and the crouch-walking speed.) Vitality and Strength don't really help in terms of Stealth Kills and are meant more for open combat, which is absolutely required only in two Missions (17 and 50). - Your character shouldn't run into torches, or else your character will try to climb onto them only to get set on fire, lol. - Your character can perform a Stealth Kill against or grab an unalerted enemy at a distance of at least 90 Proximity Units. (The Proximity Units are an inverted measure. The lower the number, the farther away the enemy is, and the higher the number, the closer the enemy is.) Curiously, the ledge-hanging Stealth Kill reach is a little farther, at 88 Proximity Units. - Enemies can hear soft noises, like standard footsteps and the drawing of the sword, at a distance of 70 Proximity Units. (The acts of sheathing the sword and using the Grappling Hook are silent to enemies for some reason, despite what their sound effects may make one believe.) - Enemies can smell strong odors at a significantly greater distance of 60 Proximity Units. Your character suffers from the odor status affliction by normally hitting enemies in open combat (indicated by the blood smears) or by falling into dirty water (indicated by the brown clouds), but this affliction somehow ends as soon as it is detected by an enemy, freeing your character from worrying about any subsequent olfactory stealth. The odor status affliction may also be removed by rolling three or so times across or diving into clean water. Curiously, your character getting hit by enemy attacks doesn't cause this status affliction, not even from artery-severing, blood-gushing axe blows. XD - Dogs can smell and otherwise sense your character regardless of the visibility. Being seen by them still counts as being detected by enemies, but killing them awards no Points and is generally not worth the trouble. Dogs also tend to dodge attacks frequently, making them more dangerous than they seem. One way to easily kill alerted dogs is to block their two-bite combos and then immediately strike back against them. - Bears have unblockable attacks, but Blowguns can still be used to perform Stealth Kills against unalerted bears. - Chickens will cry out if they are disturbed, alerting nearby enemies. However, being seen by them doesn't count as being detected by enemies. All defeated chickens will yield a Chicken Leg, too. :p - Enemies who are knocked out will awake after 3 minutes, unless other characters stir them awake first. - When yawning, enemies are effectively blind and deaf, allowing your character to run straight up and kill or grab them, lol. - The first person view can be used to determine if enemies have a direct line of sight to your character. In most situations, if enemies can't be seen in the first person view, then they also can't see your character. The exceptions are when ledge-hanging or wall-hugging leaning, where the first person view becomes safely extended past your character; and when door-peeking, because enemies can't see past slightly opened doors, even if they are alerted (although they can knock down doors during pursuits). - The first person view can be used to turn more quickly when crawling in narrow spaces and when ceiling-crawling. - To silently open a door when the sword is drawn, switch to the door-peeking first person view and then completely open the door (by pressing the View Button and then pressing the Attack Button). - To swim faster without making any noise or to walk across creaky floors without making any noise, quickly press the Strafe Button. - Enabling the Controller vibration is strongly recommended, because if your character steps on and triggers a collapsible floor panel, there will normally be a vibration warning. - The collapsible floor panels over cesspools cause a loud noise when they fall, alerting nearby enemies. However, the collapsible floor panels over bottomless pits don't make any noise. - In MultiPlayer Mode, don't run close behind teammates, because if they trigger collapsible floor panels, only they will receive the vibration warning, and your character will likely race right into the bottomless pits just as they open. Corpses thrown onto collapsible floor panels will also trigger them, again causing your character to not receive any vibration warning. - Crouch-walking will prevent falling off ledges. To safely transition from an upright pose down to a ledge-hanging pose, strafe-walk forward or backward (but not sideways) over the ledge. - Wall-hugging reduces visibility in a manner similar to crouching, and crouching while wall-hugging reduces it even further. However, performing wall-hugging leaning Stealth Kills isn't always easy, due to enemies getting caught against the walls when trying to move toward your character's corner. - The spinning slash can pass through certain thin walls and hit enemies who are directly on the other side, at a distance of 10 Proximity Units. This can be used to hilarious effect with the Voice Ability and in other cases, lol. - To obtain an Item in a small pot without breaking the pot, jump and land as close as possible to the pot's center. - In Missions about finding Bomb Packages, the Bomb Packages are randomly set across several possible spots. Their locations are always marked by the star icons on the Map Display. - The Tomikichi is the enemy swordsman who wears a distinctive, wide-brimmed hat. He appears in every Mission and will always drop an Item upon being defeated, but he is otherwise similar to a regular swordsman. To acquire all of the Clothing and to earn some of the Secret Achievements, in each of the 50 Missions, on any Difficulty Setting, find and directly kill the Tomikichi, and then complete the Objective. (Pushing him into deep water or bottomless pits doesn't count.) - The Difficulty Setting affects the enemy attributes and the Gold rewards. The higher the Difficulty Setting, the more Life and Offensive Power the enemies have, but the more Gold that is awarded (based on your character's Mission Score). On the Hard Difficulty Setting, the common enemies will also always immediately become alerted upon seeing your character, never being briefly surprised like on the Easy and the Normal Difficulty Settings. - If it's Game Over, your character will return to the Ninja Village and earn a consolation prize of 100 Gold. In MultiPlayer Mode, if any hero gets wasted, it's Game Over for the entire team. Only the other Players will see a message that indicates how the wasted hero has been defeated. Get everyone's act together and go be a real team! >:( ============================================================================== [2] Strategies - Solo Mode ============================================================================== There are 50 Missions total, with 16 being mandatory and 34 being optional (which include the 5 secret ones). The Missions nominally involve several different places, but they are effectively set across 16 Areas: - Merchant's Manor - The small manor, with the bridge and the single gate. - Restaurant - The large restaurant complex with the gardens. - Small Village - The village that has a middle road with a bridge. - Large Farming Village - The village with the very large farm fields. - Large Bridge Town - The large town with the large bridge over a stream. - Mountain Cave - The mountain cave mine complex. - Castle - The castle fortress. - Temple - The large temple complex. - Gambling Den - The very dilapidated, slum-like village. - Forest Border - The forest with the waterfall and the checkpoint zone. - Administration Office - The government buildings that include jail cells. - Ladies' Manor - The female-only manor hidden in the mountains. YURI TIME! - Wall-Enclosed Town - The relatively small, wall-enclosed town. - Port Town - The town at the harbor, with the ship and the European dudes. - Brewery - The sake-making complex, with wooden vats. - Battlefield - The rear part of a battlefield, with the command tents. Some of these Areas, like the Mountain Cave and the Forest Border, may be recognized by fans of the series as being reused from previous installments. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [2.0] Preparation Scenes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ninja Village: Secrets of the Ninja (Lobby) Area: Ninja Village (Azuma Ninja Retreat) Objective: Modify your character, prepare for a Mission, or just hang out. :) Starting Point: At the front of Rikimaru's crappy-looking house. Items: (none) Notes: This is the heroes' base. Your character may be modified here. In MultiPlayer Mode, it also serves as the Lobby. The Missions have predetermined times of day, but the Ninja Village's time of day depends on your Console's System Clock: - Early Morning: 4 AM to 8 AM (04 to 08) - Morning: 8 AM to 12 AM (08 to 12) - Noon (Midday): 12 PM to 4 PM (12 to 16) - Afternoon: 4 PM to 8 PM (16 to 20) - Evening 8 PM to 12 AM (20 to 00) - Late Evening: 12 AM to 4 AM (00 to 04) The Equipment Room's lighting effects also depend on the time of day, with the Item Equip Screen in the evening periods having lit-up candles that make seeing the amounts of Blowguns and Burst Arrows difficult, lol. Ninja Training: Trial of the Ninja (Tutorial) Area: Test Course (Gohda Territory) Objective: Reach the end of the course (the corridor with the exit ladder). Starting Point: At the beginning of the course. Items: Purifying Potion - At the wall-hugging leaning part, on a swordsman. Blowgun - At the water room, on the first raised platform, in a package. Notes: This is the tutorial scene, which is optional and may be skipped. It doesn't really help with your character's progress in Solo Mode (and it has no Tomikichi), but the Stealth Kills performed, the Items collected, and the Gold earned here are still counted. This is always played on the Normal Difficulty Setting, but your character won't lose any Life from enemy attacks. Curiously, the Time Elapsed here on the Mission Rating Screen is always zero. Rikimaru's Message: (depending on your character's Mission Score) Ninja 1 (000 Pts) - "Leave this place. You are not wanted here." Ninja 2 (300 Pts) - "Your sword reflects the doubts in your heart." Ninja 3 (500 Pts) - "How well you train determines how long you live." Ninja 4 (700 Pts) - "[Hmmm.] Do not neglect your training." Ninja 5 (900 Pts) - "Splendid. Wait in the village for further instructions." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [2.1] Act 1: Missions 01 to 17 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mission 01: Path of the Ninja (Mandatory) Rikimaru's Message: "You are now one of the Azuma Ninja. Your first mission awaits." Area: Merchant's Manor (Echigoya Residence) Objective: Defeat Rokube Echigoya (merchant), in the northeast secluded room. Starting Point: At the south, on the bridge. Items: Shuriken - Outside the west perimeter wall, near the starting point, on the Tomikichi. Smoke Bomb - In the west sleeping quarters, in a pot. Healing Potion - Outside the southeast restrooms, near the dog and the peeing swordsman (lol), on the ground. Paralysis Cake - Outside the manor's front door, on a spearman. Rice Ball - In the entrance hall, near the door to the kitchen, on the floor. Rice Ball - In the kitchen, on the male civilian. Mission 02: Before the Wind Blows (Mandatory) Rikimaru's Message: (from the events of Mission 01) "You did well for your first mission. But you must continue to better yourself." Area: Restaurant (Restaurant Shion) Objective: Defeat Izaemon Kimura (official), at the south private dining room. Starting Point: At the northwest docks. Items: Shuriken - Outside the east perimeter wall, on the Tomikichi. Rice Ball - At the northwest building's storeroom, on a table. Dazzle Bomb - Outside the northwest building's west door, in a pot. Paralysis Powder - Inside the northeast perimeter wall's corner, on the ground, in a package. Healing Potion - At the middle dining room with open doors, on a table. Healing Potion - At the northwest building's kitchen, on the female civilian. Mission 03: Recover the Bombs (Optional) Area: Small Village (Ikoma) Objective: Find all Bomb Packages (10 total), marked on the Map Display. Starting Point: At the southwest corner, by the drying frames. Items: Rice Ball - Along the alley north of the middle river and bridge, on the Tomikichi. Pinwheel - At the southeast corner, in a box. Healing Potion - To the southeast of the middle bridge, near a bucket shelf. Grenade - On the west side, near a box pile, in a large barrel. Shuriken - In the alley to the north and east of the middle stream, in a package. Mission 04: Gather Information (Optional) Area: Large Farming Village (Sekiya Village) Objective: Reach the friendly spy (woman with a hat), at the north. Starting Point: At the southeast road entrance. Items: Egg - At the west long slope, at the bottom of that slope, on the Tomikichi. Pinwheel - On the terrace on the east, near the bottomless pits, in a package. Rice Ball - At the south house, on a swordsman who periodically sits inside that house. Stink Bomb - Above the west long slope, on the top of the high ledge, on the ground. Shuriken - At the middle, between the high path and a shack, in a package. Egg - Near the northeast shrine, near a dog, on the ground. Healing Potion - In the northwest manor, on the female civilian. Mission 05: Cross the Bridge (Optional) Area: Large Bridge Town (Reio Bridge) Objective: Reach the high path past the bridge. (Deliver a letter to Kawachi.) Starting Point: At the southwest corner, on a manor's rooftops. Items: Chicken Leg - Along the river's west bank, on the Tomikichi. Blinding Powder - In the southwest wall, near the starting point, in a barrel. Shuriken - At the middle, near the well, in a package. Healing Potion - At the north dining row, on the red seats. Egg - Near the middle stairs, near the well, on the female civilian. Mission 06: Punish the Greedy Merchant (Optional) Area: Mountain Cave (Todoroki Cavern) Objective: Defeat Moichi Tambaya, in the northwest cabin at the mine's end. Starting Point: At the south road entrance. Items: Healing Potion - At the north cave, north of the west cabin, behind the fence, on the Tomikichi. Paralysis Cake - In the water pool cave (the alternate westside path into the main caves), on a swordsman. Shuriken - At the collapsed tunnel on the east, near a large pot, in a package. Pinwheel - Near the northeast shrine with the wall of candles, in a package. Healing Potion - Along the passage that leads to the north cave, on the ground. Fireworks - At the north cave, near the south cabin, in a barrel. Rice Ball - At the north cave, in the south cabin, on a shelf. Mission 07: Steal the Matchlock Gun Designs (Secret) Area: Castle (Asari Castle) Objective: Reach the target package, in the keep's 2F storeroom. Starting Point: At the west main gate entrance. Items: Blinding Powder - Along the south alleyway, on the Tomikichi. Pinwheel - Near the starting point, near the west inner gate, in a pot. Shuriken - Near the bottom of the entrance stairs to the keep, on a ninja. Smoke Bomb - Outside the west quarters, at the suspended walkway's end. Healing Potion - On the east ledge over the moat, behind the castle, on the ground. Rice Ball - In the keep's 1F northwest storeroom, on the floor. Rice Ball - In the keep's basement storeroom, on a spearman. Shuriken - At the keep's 2F storeroom, on a kunoichi. Healing Potion - In the keep's 3F room, behind the lord's seat, on the floor. Notes: This is the first Secret Mission. Mission 08: Stray Dog Slaying (Mandatory) Rikimaru's Message: (from the events of Mission 02) "Izaemon Kimura spoke of Ogawara? I hope this doesn't mean trouble ..." Area: Temple (Ushimata Temple) Objective: Defeat Jukichi Otowa (bandit leader), in the large east room. Starting Point: At the west main entrance road. Items: Paralyze Powder - Outside the north perimeter wall, on the Tomikichi. Healing Potion - Inside the perimeter wall's southwest corner, on the ground. Rice Ball - At the middle stairs, on a swordsman who patrols those stairs. Decoy - Inside the north perimeter wall, near a bottomless pit, in a barrel. Rice Ball - In the living quarters' kitchen, on a monk. Blinding Powder - Outside the restrooms, on a perverted monk. Mission 09: Eliminate the Gangsters (Mandatory) Area: Gambling Den (Ginkin Gambling Den) Objective: Reach Tatsuichi Shimizu, in the northeast private quarters. Starting Point: At the south main entrance road. Items: Purifying Potion - Outside the den's north and east perimeter walls, on the Tomikichi. Smoke Bomb - Near the southwest large house, near the starting point, on the ground. Pinwheel - Inside the den's south wall, near the dog, in a large barrel. Rice Ball - In the den's dark messy room, on a swordsman. Notes: Shimizu is dealing in the deadly shishi drug. Mission 10: Kill the Shameful Monk (Optional) Area: Temple (Megurosugi Temple) Objective: Defeat Rinzetsu (pervert high monk), in the southwest Buddha hall. Starting Point: At the southeast living quarter's rooftops. Items: Smoke Bomb - Outside the north perimeter wall, on the Tomikichi. Smoke Bomb - In front of the living quarters, near the dog house, on a plank. Healing Potion - North of the incense pot, near the purifying basin (chozubachi), on the ground. Shuriken - Near the west main entrance road, on a swordsman. Fireworks - Inside the north middle perimeter wall's corner, near a pit, in a small barrel. Rice Ball - On the female civilian who is being chased by the pervert boss. Mission 11: Break Through the Checkpoint (Optional) Area: Forest Border (Hoshimoto Border Gate) Objective: Reach the gate, at the east end. Starting Point: At the west entrance road. Items: Stink Bomb - Near the starting point, at the southwest recess, on the Tomikichi. Paralysis Cake - Outside the checkpoint's northwest wall, on a plank. Stink Bomb - North of the ending point, in a pot. Mine - Along the north half of the checkpoint, on a bowman. (Avoid this!) Paralysis Cake - At the checkpoint's south half, on the ground. Healing Potion - On the river's east bank, on the ledge facing the waterfall. Trap - On the river's west bank, in a pot. Healing Potion - Inside the southeast perimeter wall's corner, near a dog house, on a kunoichi. Mission 12: Punish the Corrupt Official (Optional) Area: Gambling Den (Akagi Forge) Objective: Defeat Tadakatsu Ito (official), in the den's north large room. Starting Point: At the south entrance road. Items: Rice Ball - Inside the den's northwest perimeter wall, on the Tomikichi. Chicken Leg - Near the southwest buildings, near the starting point, on a chicken. Shuriken - At the alley north of the southwest buildings, on a swordsman. Egg - Northeast of the southwest buildings, near the cart, on the ground. Paralysis Cake - West of the southeast house, near a plank, on the ground. Healing Potion - Outside the den's east perimeter wall, near some crates, on the ground. Bone - Inside the den's south wall, near the dog house, in a large barrel. Purifying Potion - Inside the den's northeast perimeter wall, in a pot. Mission 13: Steal the Ronin List (Optional) Area: Administration Office (Toyama Mansion) Objective: Reach the target package, in the west large building's southwest room. Starting Point: At the southeast bridge road entrance. Items: Smoke Bomb - At the middle building with the two door entrances, on the Tomikichi. (It can't be obtained.) Decoy - In the southeast entrance cabin, on a swordsman. Shuriken - Inside the northeast perimeter wall's corner, on a swordsman. Purifying Potion - Near the west jail cells, in the large building, in a barrel. Healing Potion - In the south yard's southeast corner, in the bushes. Mission 14: Punish the Evil Merchant (Optional) Area: Merchant's Manor (Daikokuya Residence) Objective: Defeat Morizoh Daikokuya, in the northeast secluded room. Starting Point: At the southwest building, on the rooftops. Items: Egg - At the north alley, inside the north perimeter wall, on the Tomikichi. Bone - Outside the kitchen's west wall, on a swordsman. Paralyze Powder - In the west sleeping quarters, in a large pot. Egg - In the kitchen, along the west wall, on the ground. Healing Potion - In the manor's northeast room, on the floor. Pinwheel - In the manor's northeast room, in a small box. Shuriken - In the manor's middle right room, near the curved table, on the floor. Chicken Leg - At the east alley behind the east storeroom, on a swordsman. Chicken Leg - In the kitchen, on the female civilian. Mission 15: Infiltrate the Inner Mansion (Secret) Area: Ladies' Manor (Hosu Room) Objective: Defeat Lady Miyabi, in the northeast secluded room. Starting Point: At the southwest main gate entrance. Items: Disguise Scroll - At the west guest rooms, in the northernmost guest room, on the Tomikichi. Smoke Bomb - At the entrance yard's west side, on the ground. Shuriken - Outside the west guest rooms, on a masked kunoichi. Healing Potion - Behind the northwest well, on the ground. Paralysis Cake - At the west guest rooms, in the middle guest room, on the floor. Paralysis Cake - In the east middle room, toward the garden, on the floor. Rice Ball - In the storeroom east of the manor entrance, on the floor. Paralyze Powder - In the storeroom east of the entrance, on a naginata guard. Pinwheel - In the north middle storeroom (toward the north alley), in a large pot. Shuriken - In the room east of the north storeroom, on a masked kunoichi. Shuriken - At the garden's northeast side, on a masked kunoichi. Notes: This is the second Secret Mission. Mission 16: Pursuit of Echigoya (Mandatory) Rikimaru's Message: (from the events of Mission 09) "The Kodama leaf turns men into living corpses. We must find a way to combat it ..." Area: Wall-Enclosed Town (Nakatsuji) Objective: Follow Heisuke Echigoya through the town, without being detected by him, and without attacking or grabbing him. If he moves to a distance of more than 40 Proximity Units, your character will have a 25-second time limit to catch up to him. Starting Point: At the south end, on the rooftops. Items: Vanishing Scroll - At the north row of buildings, on the Tomikichi. Bone - In the southeast upper yard, near a chicken, in a large barrel. Shuriken - Inside the east perimeter wall, next to a building at the east side, on the ground, in a package. Shuriken - At the northwest alcove, beside the northwest building, on the ground, in a package. Notes: This is the only Mission that involves stealthily tailing an enemy target. It's Game Over if your character attacks, grabs, or is detected by Echigoya. If Echigoya sees a dead body but doesn't detect your character, he will go into a panicked run that makes him move faster along his predetermined route, but his route always remains the same, and he stops to look backward only at the same predetermined locations. This Mission can be the most difficult in attaining the Ninja 5 Rank. For the first time, your character may want to simply avoid enemies and focus on the Objective. For an easier time, replay this after completing Missions 37 and 44. With an Agility of 200, the Lurk Ability at Level 3, the Feet Ability at Level 3, and the B Sword, your character should have much more freedom to temporarily wander away from Echigoya to perform enough Stealth Kills to earn 900 Points. There are 8 regular enemies and an unusually large amount of civilians. With the Special Bonuses of Undetected (150 Points, no flaming yellow aura), No Items Used (100 Points), and Uninjured (100 Points), your character must perform at least 6 Stealth Kills, or 3 Total Stealth Kills and 2 additional Stealth Kills. Getting detected by anyone other than Echigoya or using Items like Blowguns and Vanishing Scrolls means that your character must perform Stealth Kills against all of the enemies. The following method is one way to earn 900 Points on the Hard Difficulty Setting, and it doesn't require the use of any Items (not even the Grappling Hook, if your character can find a way to jump up to and somersault across rooftops): 1 - From the starting point, move north across the rooftops. Wait for the first civilian to greet the first swordsman and turn away, drop down and grab this swordsman, drag him a little farther into the alley to ensure that Echigoya won't see him, and then kill this swordsman. 2 - Climb back up to the rooftops, move north, wait for the swordsman near the west gate to walk east toward the large intersection (where Echigoya will turn east), and then quietly jump down and kill this swordsman. 3 - Run east across the intersection, and climb up to the rooftops just south of Echigoya. Wait for the bowman to come down the slope and for Echigoya to turn away, and then drop down and kill this bowman. (If a civilian detects your character here, restart the Mission and try again.) 4 - Jump onto the rooftops or use the Grappling Hook to climb onto the very high fence to the east. (This is the place with a tree, a chicken, and the barrel with the Bone.) Climb up to the rooftops again, going to the roof's peak to regain proximity to Echigoya, and somersault straight over the slope to the rooftops to the north. (Echigoya, who should still be unalerted, won't see your character here.) Look for the swordsman who walks to the dead end behind the building. Drop down and kill this swordsman. 5 - Climb back up onto the rooftops to regain proximity to Echigoya. Look for another swordsman who will walk along the alleys to the north. Drop down and kill this swordsman, too. 6 - Climb back up onto the rooftops to regain proximity to Echigoya once again. Before Echigoya makes his U-turn-like path through the alleys, somersault over the fence and climb onto the rooftops to the north. (This is the town's northernmost part.) Wait for the spearman to move to the west and stop, and then drop down and kill this spearman. 7 - Hurry back to the fence along the previous alleys to regain proximity to Echigoya. Move to the northeast corner, staying on the ground or climbing up to the rooftops again, and look for the Tomikichi. Kill this Tomikichi. 8 - By now, Echigoya should have seen the dead swordsman in the alleys. Remain behind the buildings to avoid his alerted sight, and wait for him to do his panicked run into the northeast alleys. Crouch-walking only as needed, follow behind him, including when he sees the dead Tomikichi and the dead spearman. When Echigoya calms down and stops to look backward again, jump onto the fences to the south, and jump across to the rooftops to the west. If necessary, wait for the lantern-carrying swordsman in these northwest alleys to turn away, and then drop down and kill this swordsman. (Watch out for the civilians along with Echigoya, who will stop to look backward after leaving these northwest alleys.) 9 - As Echigoya approaches the west gate, he will see the dead bowman and the dead swordsman (who have been killed much earlier), so make sure to stay behind him to avoid his alerted sight. Echigoya will stop and look backward one final time when he reaches the west gate. Your character can avoid his sight by crouching behind the cart with the large wheels or by climbing up to the rooftops yet again. Mission 17: Daylight Battle on Deck (Mandatory) Area: Port Town (Nakao) Objective: Defeat the boss (Shigi), at the ship to the north. Starting Point: At the south docks. Items: Bone - Along the north alley, between the north manor and the north warehouses, on the Tomikichi. Chicken Leg - North of the church, at the west row, on a sailor. Healing Potion - In front of the church's west, in front of the door, on a spearman. Shuriken - Outside the walls in front of the church, on the ground, in a package. Shuriken - West of the bridge, near the middle intersection walls, near a plank, on the ground. Dazzle Bomb - East of the gangplank, near a pile of crates, in a small pot. Rice Ball - Behind the northwest warehouse, facing the ship, on the floor. Rice Ball - West of the large warehouse, on the higher ledge facing the ship, on the male civilian. Notes: This is the first of two Missions that require open combat against bosses, so bringing along Healing Potions is a good idea. Wait for the boss (Shigi) to finish attacking or to taunt before hitting him, or wear him down with Combo Enders like the Tornado (sweeping kick) and the Fang (downward chop). If staggered, your character should immediately roll away to the sides to avoid his attacks. For an easier time, go to the gangplank and force the boss into deep water, using Grenades if necessary. (Apparently, Shigi doesn't know how to swim, lol.) Defeating him without knocking him into deep water still results in the Boss Normal Kill Special Bonus (700 Points). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [2.2] Act 2: Missions 18 to 37 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mission 18: Purge the Foreigners (Optional) Area: Port Town (Fukutani) Objective: Defeat Anest Tadari (global trader), at the north manor. Starting Point: At the southeast corner, near the south docks. Items: Paralyze Powder - At the west warehouse row, south of the warehouses, or west of the church, on the Tomikichi. (He pees into the water at the west side, lol.) Shuriken - At the west ledge path's north end, above a spearman, on the ground. Shuriken - At the middle brick yard, near the wheel carts, on the ground. Blinding Powder - At the east outer walkway, on a bowman. Paralyze Cake - East of the gangplank, in a small pot. Chicken Leg - At the ship's stern, on a sailor. Healing Potion - West of the large warehouse, on the higher ledge facing the ship, on the female civilian. Mission 19: Kill the Unworthy Monk (Optional) Area: Gambling Den (Kaiji Forge) Objective: Defeat Goken (monk), at the northeast secluded room. Starting Point: At the south entrance road. Items: Purify Potion - At the southeast corner, near the broken walls, on the Tomikichi. Shuriken - At the southeast corner, near the broken walls, in a package. Blowgun - Inside the southwest wall, near the starting point, in a large pot. Shuriken - Near the south well, on a swordsman. Smoke Bomb - At the west middle, near the west slope path, near the two garbage bins, on the floor. Mine - To the west of the den's main gate, in a small barrel. Rice Ball - In the kitchen, on the female civilian. Mission 20: The Silencer (Optional) Area: Small Village (Inui) Objective: Defeat all enemies (20 total). Starting Point: At the southeast, on the rooftops. Items: Bone - At the northwest, near two outhouses and a garbage bin, on the Tomikichi. Shuriken - In the east side, on a masked kunoichi. Shuriken - At the east side, near a bench, with a nearby masked kunoichi, on the ground. Pinwheel - Near the southwest fence, in a large barrel. (This is near Player 2's character's starting point.) Shuriken - At the southwest shrine, on a kunoichi. Antidote - At the southwest shrine, in front of the shrine, on the ground. Shuriken - At the bridge, on a kunoichi. Healing Potion - To the southwest of the bridge, inside the wall's corner, in a small barrel. Shuriken - At the north, near a pile of crates, on a masked kunoichi. Egg - At the north, on a pile of crates. Shuriken - At the northwest, near two outhouses and a garbage bin, on the ground. Mission 21: Recover the Secret Documents (Optional) Area: Ladies' Manor (Fukuryu Room) Objective: Reach the target package, at the northeast secluded room. Starting Point: At the south main gate entrance. Items: Paralyze Powder - At the north alley with the bushes, on the Tomikichi. Shuriken - At the upper entrance yard's west side, on a kunoichi. Shuriken - At the upper entrance yard's east side, near the stables, on a kunoichi. Healing Potion - At the north middle room, on a table. Shuriken - Outside the northeast secluded room, on the northeast side, on a masked kunoichi. Healing Potion - Outside the north storeroom, on the female civilian. Decoy - At the manor's northeast room, at a raised alcove (toko no ma). Stink Bomb - At the manor's northeast room, on the female civilian. Notes: This Mission has an unusually small amount of only 11 enemies but a large amount of innocent servant girls. In MultiPlayer Mode with 3 or 4 Players, there is no way every hero can get the Ninja 5 Rank. Mission 22: The Rescue (Optional) Area: Brewery (Uedaya) Objective: Reach the two sister hostages, inside the west vat room. Starting Point: At the northeast gate, on the perimeter wall. Items: Paralysis Cake - At the north alley, near the starting point, on the Tomikichi. Rice Ball - In the east building's northeast room, on the ground. (This room has a globe.) Healing Potion - At the east end of the north row, on an elite swordsman. Smoke Bomb - South of the west vat room, on a spearman. Antidote - North of the entrance shop building, east of the walkway, on the ground. Shuriken - Near the southwest bridge gate, behind the soba stall, in a large pot. Blinding Powder - Outside the east perimeter wall, on the male civilian. Mission 23: Recover the Secret Teachings (Optional) Area: Large Farming Village (Kagami Village) Objective: Reach the target package, at the northwest manor's secluded room. Starting Point: At the south entrance road. Items: Stink Bomb - Outside the northwest manor's southwest perimeter wall, on the Tomikichi. (He smokes a pipe.) Paralysis Cake - At the south of the upper region, in the vegetation, on a swordsman. Rice Ball - Along the upper region's east fence, near the bottomless pit, on the ground. Healing Potion - At the northwest manor's north rooms, on a swordsman. Trap - Near the northwest manor's entrance, in a large barrel. Egg - At the northwest manor's middle storeroom, on the floor. Smoke Bomb - Next to the lower region's southwest house's east side, on the ground. Mission 24: Expose the False Landlady (Optional) Area: Restaurant (Restaurant Shion) (Again?) Objective: Defeat Oiwa (proprietress kunoichi), at the northeast private room. Starting Point: At the south main entrance gate. Items: Decoy - Around the central dining section's northeast open room, on the Tomikichi. Blinding Powder - In the south private dining room, on a swordsman. Stink Bomb - Near the inner main entrance door, in a small pot. Rice Ball - In the sleeping quarters east of the kitchen, on a table. Mission 25: Assassination of Vassal (Secret) Area: Castle (Yoshida Castle) Objective: Defeat Kambe Yoshida (official), in the keep's 3F lord's room. Starting Point: At the southwest corner, near the main gate entrance. Items: Shadows Scroll - At the south sleeping quarters' west side, on the Tomikichi. Blowgun - Near the southwest gates, in a large pot. Shuriken - In the south sleeping quarters' west room, on the ground. Shuriken - At the east yard, south of the keep, on a kunoichi. Paralysis Cake - In the west suspended room, on a noble swordsman. Rice Ball - At the north armory row, on a swordsman. Blinding Powder - In the keep's 1F north sleeping room, in a large pot. Mine - At the keep's basement, near the east cell, in a large pot. Trap - In the keep's 2F north storeroom, on the ground. Shuriken - In the keep's 2F middle room, on a swordsman. Notes: This is the third Secret Mission. Mission 26: Wind on a Moonlit Night (Mandatory) Rikimaru's Message: (from the events of Mission 17) "A Ninja from Ogawara ...? Shigi ... it is rare for a Ninja [sic] to offer his name." Area: Forest Border (Chono Pass) Objective: Reach the friendly spy (guy with a hat and a belt), south of the east gate, near the dog house. Starting Point: At the west end, on the high ledges. Items: Egg - Outside the checkpoint's south perimeter wall, along the noise trap, on the Tomikichi. Rice Ball - At the south, west of the waterfall, on the log. Smoke Bomb - West of the bridge, near the crates, on the ground. Shuriken - Southeast of the bridge, in the recess, on a kunoichi. Dazzle Bomb - Outside the checkpoint's west perimeter wall, in a crate. Fireworks - North of the checkpoint's east gate, in a large pot. Antidote - Behind the checkpoint's northwest building, near the tree, on the ground. Notes: The spy provides information about Nagahashi Retreat cultivating the Kodama leaf for medicine, but Ogawara wants to use it for war. Mission 27: Contorted Night (Mandatory) Rikimaru's Message: (from the events of Mission 26) "Agents from Ogawara are contacting a man named Todo. If Todo changes allegiance, Goda [sic] is at greater risk. Prevent this." Area: Restaurant (Restaurant Shion) (Again?!) Objective: Defeat Osae (kunoichi), at the south secluded dining room. Starting Point: At the northwest corner, near the docks. Items: Paralysis Cake - Outside the southwest perimeter walls, on the Tomikichi. Mine - In the storeroom southeast of the kitchen, on the ground. Paralyze Powder - Around the wooden walkways south of the kitchen, on a swordsman. Rice Ball - In the dining room south of the kitchen, on a table of food. Healing Potion - In the northeast secluded dining room, on the floor. Notes: This Mission looks like a very close copy of the second one, lol. Osae is trying to sucker Hidenori Todo, who controls the borders for Gohda. Mission 28: Kill the Ninja Master (Optional) Area: Temple (Enryu Temple) Objective: Defeat Gunzoh (ninja master), at the living quarter's east room. (This room has a drum and a sutra.) Starting Point: Outside the southwest perimeter wall, on a high ledge. Items: Smoke Bomb - At the north alley by the northeast living quarters, near some bushes, on the Tomikichi. Disguise Scroll - At the west road entrance, on a monk. (It will fall toward the west, so drag him toward the east before killing him to make sure it can be reached.) Purify - Near the northwest purifying basin, on a swordsman. Rice Ball - East of the south stairs, on the crates. Paralysis Cake - In the northeast living quarters' northeast room, on the floor. Rice Ball - In the kitchen, on the male civilian. Mission 29: Kill the Greedy Merchant (Optional) Area: Merchant's Manor (Tarumaya Residence) Objective: Defeat Fuchisuke Tarumaya (merchant), at the manor's north middle room. Starting Point: At the west alley with the bushes. Items: Smoke Bomb - Inside the west perimeter wall, north of the west sleeping quarters, near the dog house, on the Tomikichi. Fireworks - East of the west sleeping quarters, on a swordsman. Paralysis Cake - In the west sleeping quarters' north room, on a swordsman. (He is sleepy.) Rice Ball - In the kitchen, on the floor. Shuriken - On the wooden walkway to the northeast room, on a ninja. Shuriken - In the northeast room, on a ninja. Dragon Scroll - In the manor's northeast room, in a small yellow box. Rice Ball - In the manor's south half, on the female civilian. Stink Bomb - In the manor's northwest room, on the female civilian. Mission 30: Recover the Bombs (Optional) Area: Port Town (Iwamoto) Objective: Find all Bomb Packages (10 total), marked on the Map Display. Starting Point: At the northeast, at the end of the northeast jetty. Items: Paralyze Powder - At the central street intersection, near two carts, on the Tomikichi. Decoy - South of the north manor, in the alley, on a sailor. Purify Potion - East of the church, inside a wall corner, on the ground. Rice Ball - At the southeast row, near the large taiko, on a swordsman. Healing Potion - At the bridge south entrance, on the bridge. Shuriken - At the southwest row, near an unbreakable barrel, on the ground. Smoke Bomb - East of the gangplank, in a small pot. Mission 31: Kill the Thieves (Optional) Area: Large Farming Village (Tajima Village) Objective: Defeat Sutemaru the Echo (bandit swordsman), at the northwest manor's secluded room. Starting Point: At the south road entrance. Items: Egg - At the south upper half's northeast corner, around the slope paths, on the Tomikichi. Paralysis Cake - At the south upper half's southwest corner, on a swordsman. Rice Ball - In the south upper half's north alley, north of the house that can be entered, on a bandit swordsman. Smoke Bomb - At the south upper half's east empty lot, near the fences, near a bottomless pit, on the ground. Purify Potion - In front of the northeast shrine, on the ground. Disguise Scroll - In the northwest manor's east alley, on a swordsman. Grenade - Near the northwest manor's entrance, in a large barrel. Egg - Outside the manor's south storeroom's east wall, near the axe, on the ground. Healing Potion - In the village's south half, on the male civilian. Mission 32: Save the Captive Agent (Optional) Area: Mountain Cave (Mt. Tenryu) Objective: Reach Matsukichi, at the north cave's west end, at the cell. Starting Point: At the south road entrance. Items: Bone - At the east end, near the large pot and the cliffside path, on the Tomikichi. Grenade - At the east end, north of the cliffside path, in a large pot. Blinding Powder - In the water pool cave, on a swordsman. Trap - In the water pool cave, on the high ledge with the two torches, on the ground, in a package. Smoke Bomb - In the north cavern, in front of the south cabin, in a small barrel. Fireworks - In the north cavern, west and below the south cabin, in the south recess, on a bowman. Healing Potion - At the waterfall with the safe pit, in the east tunnels, on the rocks with the water. (It can't be obtained.) :( Mission 33: Information Gathering (Optional) Area: Battlefield (Gokase River) Objective: Reach the target package, at the northeast cabin. Starting Point: At the south road entrance. Items: Dragon Scroll - At the southwest camp (three-diamond emblem), on the Tomikichi. Grenade - Near the starting point, along the south paths, in a large pot. Trap - At the middle camp (diamond-inscribed-circle emblem), on a table, in a package. Fireworks - Northeast of the middle camp, on a swordsman. Rice Ball - Near the west elevated building, on a swordsman. Rice Ball - At the north camp (circle with lines emblem), on a table. Paralyze Powder - North of the north camp (circle with lines emblem), on a rifleman. Shuriken - At the northeast high ledge, just to the south of the northeast cabin, on the ground, in a package. Mission 34: Kill the Agent (Optional) Area: Restaurant (Restaurant Shion) (Yet again, HAHAHAHA!) Objective: Defeat Okei (kunoichi), at the northeast private room. Starting Point: At the south gate road entrance. Items: Chicken Leg - Inside the east perimeter wall, behind the restrooms, on the Tomikichi. Stink Bomb - Inside the southeast perimeter wall, in a small pot. Paralysis Cake - South of the kitchen building, in the dark alley, on a swordsman. Egg - In the southeast open dining room, across from the south secluded room, on a table. Healing Potion - In the south private room, on the female civilian. Mission 35: Punish the Extremist (Secret) Area: Gambling Den (Kurosawa Forge) Objective: Defeat Mansaku Toe (bandit swordsman), at the northeast secluded room. Starting Point: At the south road entrance. Items: Purify Potion - At the town's southwest perimeter wall, on the Tomikichi. Trap - At the town's northwest buildings' north side, on the ground. Bone - Between the den's gate and the dog house, in a large barrel. Healing Potion - At the den's east restrooms, on the floor. (Eeeewwww!) D: Paralysis Cake - At the den's large north middle room, on a swordsman. Trap - At the den's reception room, near the kettle, on the floor. Vanishing Scroll - Outside the den's west perimeter wall, on a swordsman. Pinwheel - On the middle terrace level, near the fence, in a large barrel. Rice Ball - At the kitchen, on the female civilian. Notes: This is the fourth Secret Mission. Toe is dealing shishi in place of Shimizu. Mission 36: Stealer from the Shadows (Mandatory) Rikimaru's Message: (from the events of Mission 27) "Todo has been killed, but by whom? This leaves a large hole in our defenses." Area: Large Bridge Town (Kasumiume Bridge) Objective: Defeat Denki (ninja master), at the south, west of the southeast field, between two buildings. Starting Point: At the northeast gate entrance. Items: Grenade - At the town's middle alleys, on the Tomikichi. (It will detonate!) Shadows Scroll - In the middle of the town's northeast houses, on a swordsman. Shuriken - At the south end, south of the boss, on a masked kunoichi. Antidote - At the southwest manor's middle, on a claw ninja. Healing Potion - At the north dining row, on a red seat. Pinwheel - Outside the town's northeast perimeter wall, in a large pot. Rice Ball - At the town's west side, on the male civilian. Notes: Denki has killed Hidenori Todo. Mission 37: Dead Calm at Dusk (Mandatory) Rikimaru's Message: (from the events of Mission 36) "I heard what happened, but a Ninja [sic] must not act on his own. I will not stand for any rash action." Area: Administration Office (Ooka Mansion) Objective: Reach the partner, at the northwest building's middle cell. Starting Point: At the southeast bridge road entrance. Items: Bone - Outside the northeast perimeter wall, on the Tomikichi. Healing Potion - Near the east well, in the bushes. Paralysis Cake - At the south middle yard, on a bowman. Rice Ball - At the south middle yard, on the crates. Antidote - In the middle room with the two door entrances, on the floor. Shuriken - At the north middle, in the south elevated storeroom (east of the cell building), on the floor, in a package. Purify Potion - In the southwest office building, in the rooms south of the cells, on a swordsman. Blowgun - In the southwest office building's entrance hall, in a large pot. Notes: Ogawara sure treats Shigi like crap, lol. The partner can be seen through the cell's north window. In MultiPlayer Mode, the partner's appearance is still associated with each Player's character, not the host's character. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [2.3] Act 3: Missions 38 to 50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mission 38: Wipe Out the Enemy (Optional) Area: Wall-Enclosed Town (Fujichika) Objective: Defeat all enemies (17 total). Starting Point: Outside the south gate and perimeter wall. Items: Disguise Scroll - North of the west gate, along the west street, on the Tomikichi. Mine - At the southeast back alleys, in a small barrel. Shuriken - At the west main intersection, by a shop's corner, on the ground. Dazzle Bomb - At the upper southeast yard with a cesspool, in a large barrel. Rice Ball - Inside the northwest perimeter walls, northwest of the rooftops with a bowman, on the ground. Shuriken - At the north row's middle, near a closed garbage bin, on the ground. Rice Ball - Inside the east perimeter wall, on the male civilian. Mission 39: Break Through the Checkpoint (Optional) Area: Forest Border (Mutoto Pass) Objective: Reach the east gate. Starting Point: At the west end, on the high ledges. Items: Vanishing Scroll - Above the southwest recess, on the high ledges, on the Tomikichi. Healing Potion - On the northwest high ledges, near a noise trap, on a bowman. Shuriken - West of the bridge, on an elite swordsman. Trap - Southeast of the bridge, east of the river, on the high ledge, on the ground. Trap - Inside the checkpoint's southeast perimeter wall, near the dog house, on the ground. Smoke Bomb - North of the checkpoint's north building, on the ground. Mine - Inside the checkpoint's north perimeter wall, in a large pot. Mission 40: Infiltrate the Inner Mansion (Optional) Area: Ladies' Manor (Hien Room) Objective: Defeat Tachibana, at the northeast secluded room. Starting Point: At the southwest main gate entrance. Items: Shadows Scroll - At the west guest rooms, in the middle guest room, on the Tomikichi. Shuriken - Near the starting point, near the stables, on a kunoichi. Shuriken - At the west guest rooms, in the northernmost guest room, on a table. Paralyze Powder - In the room east of the kitchen, on a naginata guard. Shuriken - North of the garden pond, on a kunoichi. Shuriken - North of the northeast secluded room, on a kunoichi. Shuriken - Inside the south perimeter wall, at the archery yard, near the straw targets, on the ground. Rice Ball - In the kitchen, on the female civilian. Notes: The Inner Mansion is called the Secret Back Room here. EXTRA YURI TIME! :p Mission 41: Find the Secret Documents (Optional) Area: Brewery (Yamamotoya) Objective: Reach the target package, in the north quarters' west room. Starting Point: At the southwest gate bridge entrance. Items: Decoy - Inside the west perimeter wall, behind the vat room, on the Tomikichi. Healing Potion - At the southwest, near the starting point, on the southwest crates. Shuriken - In front of the brewery's main entrance, on the south street, on a ninja. Shuriken - Between the main entrance room and the restrooms, on a swordsman. Grenade - At the east living quarters' southwest room, in a small pot. (There is a fireplace in this room.) Antidote - At the east living quarters' northwest room, on a table. (There is an altar in this room.) Bone - At the west, in the vat room, on a swordsman. Healing Potion - At the west, in the vat room, on the upper wooden walkways. Antidote - Inside the east perimeter wall, behind the north quarters, on a claw ninja. Rice Ball - In the east living quarters, on the male civilian. Mission 42: Wipe Out the Enemy (Optional) Area: Large Bridge Town (Kipyo Bridge, of Yokozeki Port) Objective: Defeat all enemies (21 total). Starting Point: At the southeast gate entrance. Items: Fireworks - At the river's west bank, between the bridge and the waterfall, on the Tomikichi. Blinding Powder - At the town's northeast houses, in the alleys, on a swordsman. Antidote - Near the town's north gate, next to a closed garbage bin, on the ground. Rice Ball - At the north dining row, east of the north gate, on a red seat. Shuriken - Near the town's north gate, on a claw ninja. Paralysis Cake - At the town's west side, north of the stairs, on a swordsman. Decoy - Inside the town's west perimeter wall, in the low alley recess, in a large pot. Shadows Scroll - At the southwest manor, on a claw ninja. Paralysis Powder - At the town's south higher half's northeast corner, near a well, in a large barrel. Antidote - Outside the southwest manor's southeast perimeter wall, on a jumble of crates. Mission 43: Punish the Corrupt Administration (Optional) Area: Administration Office (Echizen Mansion) Objective: Defeat Genosuke Fuji (official), at the southwest building's west room. Starting Point: At the northeast corner, near a tree and the outer wood fence. Items: Healing Potion - Inside the west perimeter wall, behind the southwest building, on the Tomikichi. Healing Potion - Near the southeast entrance, inside the southeast booth, on a swordsman. Bone - In the south middle yard, on a ninja. Paralysis Cake - Near the east gate, near the well, on the wood boards. Paralysis Cake - In the middle room with two door entrances, on a table. Purify Potion - In the north elevated storeroom, on a swordsman. Dragon Scroll - In the southwest building's entrance room, in a large pot. Mission 44: Assassination of Vassal (Secret) Area: Castle (Mitsune Castle) Objective: Defeat Yasumasa Mitsune (official), at the keep's 1F north middle back room. Starting Point: At the west main gate entrance. Items: Dragon Scroll - Inside the southeast perimeter wall, behind the southeast sleeping quarters, on the Tomikichi. Trap - In the southeast sleeping quarters' west room, next to a table, on the floor. Shadows Scroll - In the north alley between the keep and the north row, on a kunoichi. Mine - At the keep's exterior southwest stairs, in a large pot. Blinding Powder - In the keep's 1F west side, on a swordsman. Healing Potion - In the keep's basement storeroom, on a kunoichi. Trap - In the keep's 3F southwest corner, overlooking the stairs, on the floor. Notes: This is the fifth Secret Mission. Mission 45: Requiem for Fireflies (Mandatory) Rikimaru's Message: (from the events of Mission 37) "That was a terrible shame. But you are a Ninja [sic]. Cast aside such feelings." Area: Wall-Enclosed Town (Sawanishi) Objective: Find all Bomb Packages (10 total), marked on the Map Display. Starting Point: At the southwest corner, outside the south gate. Items: Dragon Scroll - Outside the west perimeter wall, northwest of the west gate, on the Tomikichi. Pinwheel - Inside the southeast perimeter wall, in a small barrel. Healing Potion - At the town's middle, near the slope, on a bowman. Grenade - Inside the west perimeter wall, in the alley north of the west gate, on the ground. Mine - At the north row's east side, next to a closed garbage bin, on the ground. Rice Ball - At the north row's west side, on a red seat. Mission 46: Merciless Destruction (Mandatory) Rikimaru's Message: (from the events of Mission 45) "You have done well, thwarting our enemies so. Now is the perfect chance to counter-attack. Prepare yourself." Area: Mountain Cave (Choshu Cavern) Objective: Defeat all enemies (19 total). Starting Point: At the southeast road entrance. Items: Decoy - At the north cave's middle wide part, on the Tomikichi. Shuriken - Below the south slope leading to the water pool cave's west side, on a spearman. Healing Potion - In the water pool cave, on the west ledge near the bottomless pit, on the ground. Dazzle Bomb - At the east end, north of the cliffside path, in a large pot. Paralysis Cake - West of the waterfall, east of the middle gap, on a sailor. Healing Potion - In the north cave's west cabin, near the sleeping covers, on the floor. Smoke Bomb - At the north cave, near the wood fence in front of the west cabin, on the ground. Fireworks - At the north cave, outside the north cell, in a large pot. Mission 47: Hammer of Judgment (Mandatory) Rikimaru's Message: (from the events of Mission 46) "With this, Ogawara is greatly weakened. We must press the attack and cripple them forever." Area: Restaurant (Restaurant Shion) (OMG LOL XD) Objective: Defeat Piet Niklet, at the west dining room, the closest one south of the kitchen. Starting Point: Outside the southeast perimeter wall. Items: Disguise Scroll - Inside the east perimeter wall, behind the restrooms, on the Tomikichi. Bone - Inside the northeast secluded dining room, on a sailor. Grenade - Outside the main entrance door, near the kitchen, in a small pot. Paralysis Cake - Around the south open dining rooms, on a swordsman. Rice Ball - In the southwest open dining room, on the corner table. Rice Ball - In the sleeping room east of the kitchen, on the female civilian. Mission 48: Purging Flames (Mandatory) Rikimaru's Message: (from the events of Mission 47) "The foreigners have been taken care of. Now we need only worry about the Kodama leaf." Area: Large Farming Village (Kodama Village) Objective: Defeat all enemies (21 total). Starting Point: At the southeast main road entrance. Items: Vanishing Scroll - At the north side, between two houses, south of the north paddies, on the Tomikichi. Grenade - At the south upper half, at the east empty lot, near the fences, near a bottomless pit, on the ground. Shuriken - At the south upper half, in front of the house that can be entered, on a masked kunoichi. Shuriken - At the south upper half, in the house that can be entered, on a ninja. Antidote - At the south upper half, behind the northeast houses, near an axe, on the ground. Pinwheel - At the northwest manor, inside the south gate, in a large barrel. Antidote - At the northwest manor, inside the northeast perimeter wall, on a claw ninja. Shuriken - At the northwest manor, in the northwest secluded room, on a masked kunoichi. Egg - At the northwest manor, in the north middle kitchen room, on the floor. Notes: One of the enemy ninja is on the northwest manor's rooftops. The Kodama leaf is the raw ingredient of shishi, grown in Nagahashi Retreat. Mission 49: Twilight Duel (Mandatory) Rikimaru's Message: (from the events of Mission 48) "You performed an ugly duty well. The fight with Ogawara is near. Prepare yourself." Area: Battlefield (Sotaro Pass) Objective: Defeat Shinzou Kurokawa (general), at the north tent. Starting Point: At the south road entrance. Items: Shadows Scroll - At the middle, near the stables, on the Tomikichi. Grenade - Near the starting point, at the south low path, in a large pot. Smoke Bomb - Near the southwest wood fence, on a ninja. Dragon Scroll - At the middle, near the stables, on a ninja. Rice Ball - At the west end, at the bottom of the west slope, near a masked kunoichi, on the ground. Bone - Around the west elevated building, on a spearman. Mission 50: Tenchu - Divine Punishment (Mandatory) Rikimaru's Message: (from the events of Mission 49) "Our only remaining target is Nagayori Ogawara. This is your final mission." Area: Castle (Ogawara Castle) Objective: Defeat Nagayori Ogawara and Shigi, at the keep's 3F lord's room. Starting Point: At the southeast corner, near the southeast moat. Items: Bone - At the north alley, between the keep and the north row, on the Tomikichi. Vanishing Scroll - At the south sleeping quarters' veranda, on a kunoichi. Shuriken - Next to the south gate between the keep and the south sleeping quarters, on the ground. Antidote - Next to the stables southwest of the keep, near a tree, on the ground. Healing Potion - In the west suspended room, on the floor. Rice Ball - In front of the keep's 1F main entrance, on a spearman. Healing Potion - In the keep's 1F southeast corner, near the stairs' bottom, on the floor. Pinwheel - In the keep's 1F north sleeping room, in a large pot. Shuriken - In the keep's 1F north middle room, on a ninja. Dragon Scroll - In the keep's basement, near the east cell, in a large pot. Smoke Bomb - In the keep's 2F middle room, on the floor. Shuriken - In the keep's 2F south side, on a ninja. Shadows Scroll - In the keep's 2F north storeroom, on a claw ninja. Notes: This is the second of two Missions that require open combat against bosses, so bringing along Healing Potions is a good idea. There are two bosses here, but they will appear only one at a time. (After Ogawara is defeated, Shigi will cinematically deliver the killing blow in the same 3F room and then proceed to attack your character.) Ogawara can perform a single-shot attack as well as slash attacks with his bladed rifle, but his attack style isn't really different from that of Shigi, who fights about the same as he has in the seventeenth Mission. Wait for the bosses to finish attacking or to taunt before hitting them, or wear them down with Combo Enders like the Tornado (sweeping kick) and the Fang (downward chop). Alternatively, hit them with Charge-Up Attacks such as the Drop (grappling attack) and the Gale (dashing slashes). If staggered, your character should immediately roll away to the sides to avoid their attacks. For an easier time, go to the empty lot just south of the keep and force the bosses into deep water, using Grenades if necessary. (Ogawara also can't swim, and, apparently, Shigi still can't, lol.) Curiously, no Gold reward is given for Ogawara, and defeating Shigi without knocking him into deep water still results in the same single Boss Normal Kill Special Bonus (1000 Points). On the bright side, Ogawara's corpse can be picked up and thrown at Shigi. XD If your character defeats both bosses, congratulations on finishing the game. In the Ending Movie, Shigi escapes again, and Rikimaru correctly suspects that Nobumitsu Aizen is behind the greater plot, but the story here is over for now. ============================================================================== [3] Strategies - MultiPlayer Mode ============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [3.0] Playing MultiPlayer Mode ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ In MultiPlayer Mode, 2 to 4 Players' characters can cooperate to finish the Missions, and they succeed or fail as a team. A Mission is completed as soon as any hero accomplishes the Objective, while it is failed if any hero gets wasted. The progress here has no effect on the Players' characters' Mission progress in Solo Mode. Therefore, it can't award the additional Physical Ability Points and can't make more Items and Clothing become available for purchase at the Shop. However, the Stealth Kills performed and the Gold earned are counted here, so the heroes can still help those who are new to the game to get more Abilities at the Shop. For the list of joinable parties, the colored circles indicate the connection quality of the host Players: red is poor, yellow is moderate, and blue is strong. For the list of teammates, the white circle stroke indicates that a headset is in use. Friendly fire is disabled for sword attacks but is enabled for Items and thrown corpses. This means the Players' characters can comfortably gang up against the same enemies with their standard attacks and Charge-Up Attacks but should take care when throwing dead bodies and when using things like Shuriken and Blowguns. A few Players' characters have illegitimate Physical Abilities, with a Vitality, Strength, and Agility of 255 each or otherwise exceeding the Individual Physical Ability Capacity of 200 Points (and usually also exceeding the Overall Physical Ability Capacity of 420 Points). Whether these values grant any significant advantage is uncertain. Such Players are using illegitimately modified Save Files and are more often than not grossly unfamiliar with the game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [3.1] Match Types ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Unranked Matches (which include both System Link Matches via LAN and Online Player Matches via Xbox Live) simply have the Players' characters participate together. The Online variation also gives your character a virtually meaningless Ninja Title, which gradually increases and then resets to the bottom as your character keeps completing Missions, regardless of the Mission Scores attained. The Ninja Titles are: Rin, Pyo, Tou, Sha, Kai, Jin, Retsu, Zai, and Zen. Online Ranked Matches (via Xbox Live) are similar, except they will rate the Players according to their Mission Scores under the TrueSkill System. The Ranked Ninja Titles are simply numbered 1 to 9. Ranked Matches also have all Players' characters enter every Mission with the same Items in the Personal Inventory, depending on the custom Ability Settings: - Ability Settings On: 1 Healing Potion, 1 Shuriken, 2 Traps, 1 Blowgun. - Ability Settings Off: 1 Healing Potion, 4 Shuriken, 3 Antidote Potions, 3 Traps, 3 Blowguns. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [3.2] Mission Availability ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ All of the Missions that can be played in MultiPlayer Mode are immediately accessible, regardless of the Players' characters' Mission progress in Solo Mode. They are the same as their single-Player counterparts, but they exclude those with special circumstances: the pursuit (16), the required open combat against bosses (17 and 50), the Secret Missions (7, 15, 25, 35, and 44), and the Missions immediately preceding those Secret Missions (6, 14, 24, 34, and 43). Coincidentally, all of the Missions set at the Castle Area (7, 25, 35, 44, 50) are excluded. The Unranked Matches have 36 Missions available, while the Ranked Matches have 27 Missions available. The reasons for this discrepancy are uncertain. +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ M. Objective U R M. Objective U R M. Objective U R +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 01 Defeat Boss U R 18 Defeat Boss U R 38 Kill All U - 02 Defeat Boss U R 19 Defeat Boss U R 39 Reach Point U R 03 Find Bombs U - 20 Kill All U - 40 Defeat Boss U R 04 Reach Point U R 21 Reach Point U R 41 Reach Point U R 05 Reach Point U R 22 Reach Point U R 42 Kill All U - 06 Defeat Boss - - 23 Reach Point U R 43 Defeat Boss - - 07 Reach Point - - 24 Defeat Boss - - 44 Defeat Boss - - 08 Defeat Boss U - 25 Defeat Boss - - 45 Find Bombs U - 09 Reach Point U R 26 Reach Point U R 46 Kill All U - 10 Defeat Boss U R 27 Defeat Boss U R 47 Defeat Boss U - 11 Reach Point U R 28 Defeat Boss U R 48 Kill All U - 12 Defeat Boss U R 29 Defeat Boss U R 49 Defeat Boss U R 13 Reach Point - R 30 Find Bombs U - 50 Defeat Boss - - 14 Defeat Boss - - 31 Defeat Boss U R 15 Defeat Boss - - 32 Reach Point U R 16 Follow Boss - - 33 Reach Point U R 17 Defeat Boss - - 34 Defeat Boss - - 35 Defeat Boss - - 36 Defeat Boss U R 37 Reach Point U R +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [3.3] Defeated Messages ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If a Player's character is defeated, only the other Players will see a message that indicates how the wasted hero has been defeated: - [Player] was cut down. - [Player] was killed. (by an enemy's arrow or thrown projectile) - [Player] was shot dead. - [Player] was blown up. (by an enemy's grenade) - [Player] was poisoned. - [Player] was killed by a dog. - [Player] was killed by Tomikichi. - [Player] was killed by a fall. - [Player] was murdered. (by a teammate's Item, like a Trap, Fireworks, etc.) As funny as seeing "TEABAGGER69 was killed by a dog" may be, failing a Mission still sucks. XD ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [3.4] Lag Glitches ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This game doesn't tolerate poor network connections well and is prone to severe lag glitches, including the following: - Enemies (and civilians) suddenly warping to different locations. - Enemies when being grabbed suddenly leaving your character's grasp. - Enemies not immediately noticing your character. - Enemies not appearing on the screen attacking your character. - Enemies when being killed warping to different locations. - Enemies after being killed becoming revived. OMG WTF D: (The Kill Count can be seen reversing. Got to kill them again, lol.) - Enemies after dying not being picked up the first time. (Their corpses will immediately drop.) - Enemies killed and thrown returning to their previous locations. (So toss the corpses again!) - Enemies can be thrown together at once. (Multiple corpses' carrying states can be mistimed and overlap.) - Teammates at 0 Life using a Life-restoring Item but then immediately dying. - Packages at target points being actually obtainable. (These packages usually contain Shuriken.) If the Pause Menu is being accessed when the current Mission ends, the Ninja Village will begin with its own Pause Menu being accessed. Skipping the Mission Rating Report while holding Up can cause your character to immediately exit the session. (This glitch occurs only in MultiPlayer Mode, where the action can't be paused and will keep occurring.) ============================================================================== [4] Ability and Item Collection ============================================================================== The command listings on the Ability Menus and in Ninja Training assume that the default controls are being used and don't account for any custom Button settings. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [4.0] Physical Abilities (Stats) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The "Physical Abilities" refer to the Vitality, Strength, and Agility stats. Vitality determines the Maximum Life Capacity and determines the Overall Carry-In Capacity (listed as "Equipment Slots" on the Menus), which is the overall amount of Items from the Reserve Inventory that may be initially brought into the Personal Inventory. Strength determines the Offensive Power of sword attacks, including the Combo Enders and the Charge-Up Attacks, and the Offensive Power of Shuriken. (It doesn't affect the Offensive Power of other types of Items.) The damage dealt in open combat also varies slightly by a randomized amount, but all Stealth Kills are instantly fatal, even if your character is interrupted after beginning to perform one. Agility determines the running speed. It doesn't affect the speed of other types of movement, like walking, crouch-walking, crawling in narrow spaces, and swimming. (The walking speed is always equivalent to an Agility of 10.) Except for Combo Enders, the various special Abilities have minimum stats requirements. (For example, Sense requires an Agility of at least 50.) The Physical Ability Capacities will increase at certain points of the game: - At the beginning, the Overall Physical Ability Capacity is 210 Points, and the Individual Physical Ability Capacity is 100 Points. - After Mission 17, the Overall Physical Ability Capacity is 300 Points, and the Individual Physical Ability Capacity is 150 Points. - After Mission 37, the Overall Physical Ability Capacity is 420 Points, and the Individual Physical Ability Capacity is 200 Points. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [4.1] Combination Style (Base Combos and Combo Enders) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Base Combo is your character's standard attack style, and there are 2 available. The 3-Strike Base Combo is slightly stronger per hit (and is similar in motion to Rikimaru's attacks from the previous installments), while the 4-Strike Base Combo is slightly faster per hit. The Combo Enders (listed as "Combination Style" on the Menus) are generally enhanced versions of certain attacks that are a permanent part of your character's set of moves, and they are performed as a strafing-backward attack (by holding the Strafe Button, holding Down, and pressing the Attack Button) after making a standard attack. Your character may set the acquired Combo Enders in the Slots corresponding to the standard attacks within the Base Combo as desired, using the same one in every Slot for maximum consistency or mixing different ones for more variety. Naturally, the 4-Strike Base Combo offers an additional Slot. Combo Ender: Roar Availability: Available at the beginning. Ability Need: (none) Cost in Gold: 2000 Notes: The Roar Ability is a crouching upward slash that can knock targets up into the air, rendering them vulnerable to successive attacks. It is similar to the standard crouching attack, except it actually knocks enemies into the air. Although it may not deal much damage by itself, its lifting effect can quickly disrupt bad guys, and it can even hit multiple enemies at once if they are positioned close enough together. Combo Ender: Fang Availability: Available at the beginning. Ability Need: (none) Cost in Gold: 2000 Notes: The Fang Ability is a downward chop that can either stagger or outright smash through and knock down enemies who are blocking. It is similar to the default strafing-backward attack, but it is somewhat more likely to stagger enemies. Its narrow arc also makes it less prone to hitting walls when fighting enemies near corners. Combo Ender: Thrust Availability: Available at the beginning. Ability Need: (none) Cost in Gold: 2000 Notes: The Thrust Ability is a forward thrust that can knock down enemies. It is similar to the forward quick-step attack or the Badger-thrust attack. Its motion makes it useful for hitting enemies who lie outside the reach of other sword attacks, and it can also force them off ledges. Combo Ender: Moon Availability: Available at the beginning. Ability Need: (none) Cost in Gold: 2000 Notes: The Moon Ability is a spinning slash that can knock down enemies. It is similar to the circle-motion spinning slash attack. It can hit multiple enemies to the front and the sides of your character. Combo Ender: Tornado Availability: Available at the beginning. Ability Need: (none) Cost in Gold: 2000 Notes: The Tornado Ability is a sweeping kick that can knock enemies straight down onto the ground. It is the only Combo Ender that doesn't have a counterpart in the basic moves or the other special moves. It may not deal much damage by itself, but it has a relatively fair chance of tripping any enemies, even Shigi and the other bosses. Combo Ender: Rain Availability: Available at the beginning. Ability Need: (none) Cost in Gold: 2000 Notes: The Rain Ability is an uppercut that can knock enemies up into the air, upon which a follow-up aerial grappling attack (performed by pressing the Attack Button again) can slam the target headfirst onto the ground. Its aerial grapple portion is similar to the Drop Ability. As a Combo Ender, it doesn't have Level Upgrades, but it can be faster to perform. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [4.2] Secret Arts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Secret Arts are special moves that are performed by pressing Buttons in certain combinations or in specific circumstances. Your character may equip 1 Counter Attack, 1 Charge-Up Attack, 1 Boost Move, 1 Support Move, and 3 Ultimate Arts. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [4.2.1] Secret Arts: Counter Attacks ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Counter Attacks are performed by holding the Aid Button and pressing the Attack Button just before being hit by an enemy attack. Secret Art: Repel Availability: Perform 20 Stealth Kills. Ability Need: Vitality of 50 Cost in Gold: 5500 total Notes: The Repel Ability is a parry that knocks aside the enemies' weapons, briefly disrupting the enemies. Performing it requires the sword to be drawn. At Level 2 or higher, and with proper facing, it can also be used to reflect thrown projectiles (but not arrows and bullets) back against their throwers. Level Upgrades: 1 ( 1000) - Can knock aside the enemies' weapons. 2 ( 1500) - Can reflect thrown projectiles back at their throwers. 3 ( 3000) - Reflected projectiles are 2 times as powerful. Secret Art: Stagger Availability: Perform 50 Stealth Kills. Ability Need: Strength of 50 Cost in Gold: 5500 total Notes: The Stagger Ability is a vault over the enemies that briefly disrupts them. Performing it requires the sword to be sheathed (not drawn, as erroneously indicated on the Ability Menus). The vault leaves your character maintaining the original direction, not automatically turning to face the enemies who will now be behind your character. At Level 3, it will make the enemies lose direct sight of your character (flaming blue aura), having them looking left and right before they move again. At lower Levels, the enemies will recover too quickly for it to be useful. Level Upgrades: 1 ( 1000) - The enemies will recover before the camera can be fully turned. 2 ( 1500) - The enemies will recover just as the camera can be fully turned. 3 ( 3000) - The enemies will lose direct sight of your character. Secret Art: Shadow Availability: Perform 200 Stealth Kills. Ability Need: Agility of 50 Cost in Gold: 5500 total Notes: The Shadow Ability is a smoke teleport to the back of the enemies, causing any nearby enemies to suffer a surprise shock, similar to that sometimes suffered by common swordsmen on the Easy and the Normal Difficulty Settings. Performing it requires the sword to be drawn. The smoke teleport will automatically turn your character to face the back of the enemies. At Level 1 and Level 2, it works only when facing the enemies' attacks. At Level 3, it works against attacks from any direction. Level Upgrades: 1 ( 1000) - Surprises enemies within 2 character widths' distance. 2 ( 1500) - Surprises enemies within 4 character widths' distance. 3 ( 3000) - Works against attacks from any direction, not just the front. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [4.2.2] Secret Arts: Charge-Up Attacks ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Charge-Up Attacks are performed when the sword is drawn, by holding the Attack Button for about 3 seconds and then releasing it. The charging period can be started before the sword is drawn, but the Attack Button has to be released when your character is ready to attack with the sword. (While this charging period is maintained, your character can still automatically guard against attacks.) Secret Art: Shock Availability: Perform 700 Stealth Kills. Ability Need: Vitality of 150 Cost in Gold: 22000 total Notes: The Shock Ability is a super downward chop that is similar to the Fang Ability. It is very slow to perform, and it can still be blocked by enemies, who will become staggered, but it promises to deliver lots of pain. At Level 2 and higher, charging up for an additional second will correspondingly increase the attack's Charge Level, as indicated by the faint pulse. At Level 3, and with a Strength of 200, it can kill most enemies with a single blow, almost turning it into a touch of death. XD Level Upgrades: 1 ( 4000) - About 5 times as powerful as a standard sword attack. 2 ( 6000) - Charge Level 2 is about 8 times as powerful. 3 (12000) - Charge Level 3 is about 15 times as powerful. Secret Art: Drop Availability: Perform 700 Stealth Kills. Ability Need: Strength of 150 Cost in Gold: 22000 total Notes: The Drop Ability is a grappling attack that lifts a single enemy up into the air and then smashes them down headfirst, being similar to the Rain Ability's aerial portion. It also works against any enemy who is fully prone or even blocking (but not in the middle of getting back up from a prone position). At Level 2 and higher, there is an Offensive Power Bonus for further drop distance, although terrain and positioning conditions rarely allow for that. Level Upgrades: 1 ( 4000) - About 7 to 8 times as powerful as a standard attack. 2 ( 6000) - About 8 to 9 times as powerful. Offensive Power Bonus by height. 3 (12000) - About 11 to 12 times as powerful. Secret Art: Gale Availability: Perform 700 Stealth Kills. Ability Need: Agility of 150 Cost in Gold: 22000 total Notes: The Gale Ability is a series of dashing slashes, performed by pressing the Attack Button again approximately when the flesh-hacking sound is heard. It can be concentrated against a single enemy or applied against multiple enemies, but all enemies who are successfully hit will freeze in place until the end of the slashes, upon which they will be knocked down. It can end prematurely if the affected targets die or if your character dashes out of range. Timing the slashes is difficult, but this flexible attack can effectively destroy single or multiple enemies at once, not to mention looking really, really cool. Level Upgrades: 1 ( 4000) - Can perform up to 3 dashing slashes. 2 ( 6000) - Can perform up to 5 dashing slashes. 3 (12000) - Offensive Power Bonus if all 5 slashes are performed. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [4.2.3] Secret Arts: Boost Moves ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Boost Moves are performed by holding the Crouch Button and pressing the Wall-Hug Button. These Secret Arts can interfere with the crouching wall-hugging controls, so don't equip them if full stealth controls are desired. Secret Art: Armor Availability: Perform 400 Stealth Kills. Ability Need: Vitality of 70 Cost in Gold: 11000 total Notes: The Armor Ability decreases Life by an amount equal to 10 percent of the Maximum Life Capacity to increase Defensive Power and to prevent most staggering effects for 10 seconds, as indicated by the blue aura. Performing it requires the sword to be drawn. To cancel the casting process, press the Attack Button. It can be recast while its effects are still active to renew them, until there is not enough Life remaining. It is meant for open combat, and it can be combined with the Energy Ability to drastically negate any incoming damage. Level Upgrades: 1 ( 2000) - Increase Defensive Power (reducing damage) by 30 percent. 2 ( 3000) - Increase Defensive Power (reducing damage) by 50 percent. 3 ( 6000) - Increase Defensive Power (reducing damage) by 69 percent. Secret Art: Power Availability: Perform 400 Stealth Kills. Ability Need: Strength of 70 Cost in Gold: 11000 total Notes: The Power Ability decreases Life by an amount equal to 10 percent of the Maximum Life Capacity to decrease the Defensive Power by half but increase the Offensive Power of sword attacks for 10 seconds, as indicated by the red aura. Performing it requires the sword to be drawn. To cancel the casting process, press the Attack Button. It can be recast while its effects are still active to renew them, until there is not enough Life remaining. It is meant for open combat, but, because it also doubles the damage received, it should be used with care. Level Upgrades: 1 ( 2000) - Increase Offensive Power by about 175 percent. 2 ( 3000) - Increase Offensive Power by about 200 percent. 3 ( 6000) - Increase Offensive Power by about 250 percent. Secret Art: Badger Availability: Perform 300 Stealth Kills. Ability Need: Agility of 70 Cost in Gold: 11000 total Notes: The Badger Ability is a very rapid, far-reaching dash. Performing it is possible when the sword is either drawn or sheathed. To stop it early, press the Draw Sword Button, roll sideways (to the left or right), or press the Attack Button to perform a thrusting attack (possible only if the sword is drawn). It can be leaned slightly left and right by pressing the Movement Stick in those directions. Its speed allows your character to rush up close to an enemy from the front before the enemy becomes alerted. It can't break doors and other objects, but crashing into a surface will create a loud noise that will alert nearby enemies. It normally makes noise itself, but that can be silenced with the Feet Ability. Level Upgrades: 1 ( 2000) - Dash forward about 13 character widths. 2 ( 3000) - Dash forward about 18 character widths. 3 ( 6000) - Dash forward about 25 character widths. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [4.2.4] Secret Arts: Support Moves ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Support Moves are performed by holding the Crouch Button, holding the Aid Button, and pressing the Attack Button. Secret Art: Rice Availability: Perform 100 Stealth Kills. Ability Need: Vitality of 100 Cost in Gold: 7000 total Notes: The Rice Ability creates a Rice Ball, which will then be set on the surface to the front. Performing it requires the sword to be sheathed. Except for taking some time and a surprising amount of spit, the Rice Ball-making process is free, but it can't be canceled, unless your character gets hit or otherwise disrupted. If there is insufficient space to the front, your character will immediately add the Rice Ball to the Personal Inventory (therefore preventing any teammates from taking it). If you ask your kunoichi friend to make you food, you should protect her and make sure nobody axes her in the back of the head while she produces the tasty snack. XD Level Upgrades: 1 ( 1000) - Create up to 2 Rice Balls per Mission, each requiring 10 seconds. 2 ( 2000) - Create up to 3 Rice Balls per Mission, each requiring 8 seconds. 3 ( 4000) - Create up to 5 Rice Balls per Mission, each requiring 7 seconds. Secret Art: Voice Availability: Perform 300 Stealth Kills. Ability Need: Strength of 30 Cost in Gold: 7000 total Notes: The Voice Ability lures all nearby enemies (and civilians) toward your character's location. Performing it is possible when the sword is either drawn or sheathed. Normally, enemies who have heard a soft noise would merely turn in place toward the source, but this differs in that it causes them to attempt to move toward your character. The noise it makes is randomized, but it doesn't affect the luring effects. Level Upgrades: 1 ( 1000) - Lure enemies within 60 Proximity Units. 2 ( 2000) - Lure enemies within 40 Proximity Units. 3 ( 4000) - Lure enemies within 1 Proximity Unit. Secret Art: Ears Availability: Perform 200 Stealth Kills. Ability Need: Agility of 30 Cost in Gold: 7000 total Notes: The Ears Ability detects nearby enemies (and civilians) who are moving or turning in place (but not those who are standing still) as white circles on the Map Display. Performing it is possible when the sword is either drawn or sheathed, and doing so will automatically toggle on the Map Display if it isn't already on. Level Upgrades: 1 ( 1000) - Detect moving enemies within 50 Proximity Units. 2 ( 2000) - Detect moving enemies within 25 Proximity Units. 3 ( 4000) - Detect moving enemies within 1 Proximity Unit. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [4.2.5] Secret Arts: Ultimate Arts ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Ultimate Arts are various movement- and stealth-related special moves. Your character may equip up to 3 Ultimate Arts. Secret Art: Recover Availability: Perform 100 Stealth Kills. Ability Need: Vitality of 30 Cost in Gold: 7500 total Notes: The Recover Ability is the upright flip (ukemi) when being knocked down onto the ground, by holding the Aid Button and pressing the Attack Button. It is meant for open combat. Level Upgrades: 1 ( 1500) - Can perform an upright flip. 2 ( 2000) - Invulnerable during an upright flip for a brief period. 3 ( 4000) - Invulnerable during an upright flip for a longer period. Secret Art: Wall Availability: Perform 300 Stealth Kills. Ability Need: Vitality of 80 Cost in Gold: 9500 total Notes: The Wall Ability is the lateral wall-run, by holding the Crouch Button when midair next to a suitable surface (to initially cling to the wall), and then by pressing the Movement Stick laterally relative to the surface (to actually wall-run). Initially, performing it requires the sword to be sheathed, but, at Level 2 and higher, the sword may be either drawn or sheathed. At Level 3, your character can perform a wall-jump perpendicularly away from the surface, by pressing the Jump Button before the wall-run ends. In narrow corridors, this allows your character to continuously wall-run and wall-jump between two surfaces. Those who prefer to carefully sneak everywhere should carefully consider equipping this, because it can cause unintended movements in narrow places. Level Upgrades: 1 ( 2000) - Can wall-run for 5 character widths. The sword must be sheathed. 2 ( 2500) - Can wall-run with the sword either drawn or sheathed. 3 ( 5000) - Can also perform a perpendicular wall-jump during a wall-run. Secret Art: Eyes Availability: Perform 20 Stealth Kills. Ability Need: Strength of 30 Cost in Gold: 3500 total Notes: The Eyes Ability is the zooming in the first person view, by pressing the Movement Stick up and down. It doesn't apply to the ledge-overhang view (where the Movement Stick must be continuously pressed forward to maintain that view). Level Upgrades: 1 ( 500) - Zoom up to a magnification power of about 2. 2 ( 1000) - Zoom up to a magnification power of about 4. 3 ( 2000) - Zoom up to a magnification power of about 8. Secret Art: Ceiling Availability: Perform 200 Stealth Kills. Ability Need: Agility of 100 Cost in Gold: 15000 total Notes: The Ceiling Ability is the ceiling-crawl, by holding the Crouch Button when near a suitable ceiling surface (after jumping high enough or using the Grappling Hook). Performing it depletes an undisplayed special stamina, which will automatically recover over time after the ceiling-crawling ends, and performing it again too soon will result in a much shorter duration. However, moving around on the ceiling doesn't cost more of this special stamina than staying stationary. Running out of this special stamina during a ceiling-crawl will always result in falling to a hard landing, regardless of the drop height. Performing it automatically sheathes the sword but still allows for ceiling-crawling Stealth Kills. When ceiling-crawling, your character can throw Paralysis Cakes, Caltrops, Grenades, Smoke Bombs, Stink Bombs, and Wasp Bombs (but not Dazzle Bombs). Level Upgrades: 1 ( 3000) - Ceiling-crawl for up to 10 seconds. 2 ( 4000) - Ceiling-crawl for up to 30 seconds. 3 ( 8000) - Ceiling-crawl for up to 90 seconds. Secret Art: Conceal Availability: Perform 500 Stealth Kills. Ability Need: Agility of 120 Cost in Gold: 17000 total Notes: The Conceal Ability is the deploying of an invisibility cloak, when wall-hugging, by holding the Aid Button and holding the Attack Button. Performing it requires the sword to be sheathed. This invisibility cloak works by effectively reducing your character's visibility, as though your character is at a location that is darker than it really is. Due to a glitch, it is actually useful only at Level 2 and higher. At Level 1, it has absolutely no effect, lol. At Level 3, the visibility reduction is total (even without using the Lurk Ability), to the point where alerted enemies won't see your character unless they come into very close proximity during pursuit. (Due to another glitch, the cloak also renders the flames from candles and torches invisible on its surface.) Level Upgrades: 1 ( 3500) - Deploy a short invisibility cloak that is completely useless. D: 2 ( 4500) - Some invisibility. Unalerted enemies far away may be fooled. 3 ( 9000) - Deploy a full invisibility cloak. Beat that, Predators! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [4.3] Passive Skills ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Passive "Skills" are Abilities that automatically apply miscellaneous upgrades. Your character may equip up to 4 Passive Skills. Skill: Jump Availability: Perform 50 Stealth Kills. Ability Need: Vitality of 120 Cost in Gold: 7200 total Notes: The Jump Ability renders your character invulnerable when performing evasive quick-steps (but not the other types of jumps). It can let your character bypass Traps without triggering them and safely detonate Mines and Burst Boxes, but it doesn't offer any protection against Caltrops. Level Upgrades: 1 ( 1200) - Invulnerable during a quick-step's first quarter. 2 ( 2000) - Invulnerable during a quick-step's first half. 3 ( 4000) - Invulnerable during a quick-step's first three quarters. Skill: Energy Availability: Perform 500 Stealth Kills. Ability Need: Vitality of 50 Cost in Gold: 13000 total Notes: The Energy Ability increases your character's Defensive Power, effectively reducing any damage taken. Level Upgrades: 1 ( 3000) - Increase Defensive Power (reducing injury) by 10 percent. 2 ( 4000) - Increase Defensive Power (reducing injury) by 20 percent. 3 ( 6000) - Increase Defensive Power (reducing injury) by 30 percent. Skill: Venom Availability: Perform 100 Stealth Kills. Ability Need: Vitality of 30 Cost in Gold: 1000 total Notes: The Venom Ability provides complete immunity to the poison status affliction (but not to the basic damage that comes from the claw ninja's attacks and other sources of poison). It doesn't have Level Upgrades. Level Upgrades: 1 ( 1000) - Resist any poison status affliction. 2 (-----) - (none) 3 (-----) - (none) Skill: Blade Availability: Perform 500 Stealth Kills. Ability Need: Strength of 50 Cost in Gold: 13000 total Notes: The Blade Ability increases your character's Offensive Power of sword attacks (including Shock, Drop, and Gale), but not of Items. Level Upgrades: 1 ( 3000) - Increase Offensive Power of sword attacks by 5 percent. 2 ( 4000) - Increase Offensive Power of sword attacks by 10 percent. 3 ( 6000) - Increase Offensive Power of sword attacks by 15 percent. Skill: Boom Availability: Perform 300 Stealth Kills. Ability Need: Strength of 100 Cost in Gold: 18000 total Notes: The Boom Ability increases the blast radius of most types of explosive Items (but doesn't affect the damage they deal to each character hit). It applies to only Grenades, Mines, Burst Boxes, and Pinwheels. The rather short increases in range make this not very useful, but it can be fun if your character wants to start playing Bomberman, lol. (4 Proximity Units is approximately equal to one character width.) Level Upgrades: 1 ( 4000) - Increase blast radius by 2 Proximity Units. 2 ( 6000) - Increase blast radius by 3 Proximity Units. 3 ( 8000) - Increase blast radius by 4 Proximity Units. Skill: Shuriken Availability: Perform 500 Stealth Kills. Ability Need: Strength of 150 Cost in Gold: 15000 total Notes: The Shuriken Ability increases the Offensive Power of standard Shuriken. At Level 3, it allows Shuriken head shots (very carefully aimed via the first person view) to be used to perform long-range Stealth Kills against unalerted enemies. (It is also supposed to affect S-Shuriken, but it doesn't seem to make any real difference there. S-Shuriken already can't be aimed vertically, making head shots with them almost impossible.) Level Upgrades: 1 ( 3000) - Increase Offensive Power of Shuriken by about 10 percent. 2 ( 5000) - Increase Offensive Power of Shuriken by about 20 percent. 3 ( 7000) - Shuriken head shots against unalerted enemies are Stealth Kills. Skill: Lurk Availability: Perform 1000 Stealth Kills. Ability Need: Agility of 100 Cost in Gold: 22000 total Notes: The Lurk Ability decreases your character's visibility, as though your character is at a location that is darker than it really is. At Level 1, its effect is negligible, but, at Level 3, it can help your character hide at places that are normally too bright for concealment. Level Upgrades: 1 ( 4000) - Decrease visibility by about 2 percent. 2 ( 8000) - Decrease visibility by about 5 percent. 3 (10000) - Decrease visibility by about 10 percent. Skill: Feet Availability: Perform 1000 Stealth Kills. Ability Need: Agility of 120 Cost in Gold: 22000 total Notes: The Feet Ability decreases your character's ground movement noise, by limiting the maximum amount of ground movement noise that can be made (but not swimming noises and attack noises). At Level 1, its effect is negligible. At Level 2, running across bushes and water puddles is rendered similar to running across clear ground, therefore not immediately alerting nearby enemies. At Level 3, all ground movement noise is eliminated, allowing your character to run, jump, and use the Badger Ability across any kind of ground with total silence, except when touching noise traps. Level Upgrades: 1 ( 4000) - Limit ground noise to 70 percent. Bushes and puddles still bad. 2 ( 8000) - Limit ground noise to 40 percent. Bushes and puddles less bad. 3 (10000) - Limit ground noise to 0 percent. Just watch out when swimming. Skill: Sense Availability: Perform 20 Stealth Kills. Ability Need: Agility of 50 Cost in Gold: 500 total Notes: The Sense Ability displays any currently locked-on target's Life Meter, by holding the Strafe Button. It is meant for open combat and perhaps for testing various attacks against enemies. It doesn't have Level Upgrades. Level Upgrades: 1 ( 500) - Display currently locked-on target's Life Meter. 2 (-----) - (none) 3 (-----) - (none) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [4.4] Items ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Items" refer to the gadget-like tools. Upon the successful completion of a Mission, all Items remaining in your character's Personal Inventory are added back to the Reserve Inventory, except Temporary Items. Your character's Vitality determines the Overall Carry-In Capacity (listed as "Equipment Slots" on the Menus), which is the overall amount of Items from the Reserve Inventory that may be initially brought into the Personal Inventory, not counting the Grappling Hook. +------------------------------------------+ Vitality Range Overall Carry-In Capacity +------------------------------------------+ 10 to 20 5 30 to 40 6 50 to 60 7 70 to 80 8 90 to 100 9 110 to 120 10 130 to 140 11 150 to 160 12 170 to 180 13 190 14 200 15 +------------------------------------------+ The Variety Carry-In Capacity, which is how many different types of Items that can be initially brought, is always 5. Every type of Item also has its own Type Carry-In Capacity. For example, a Vitality of 100 grants an Overall Carry-In Capacity of 10, but the Mines are still limited to their own Type Carry-In Capacity of 7. However, once in a Mission, your character can obtain as many Items as can be found and collected, regardless of the Vitality and the Items already in the Personal Inventory. (The Items that can't be retrieved after being deployed are Caltrops, Traps, Mines, and Burst Boxes.) The Reserve Inventory can store up to 99 of every type of Item. Your character begins a New Game with 2 Healing Potions and 5 Shuriken in the Reserve Inventory. The Items that can be obtained only via the Shop are S-Shuriken, Burst Arrows, Burst Boxes, Wasp Bombs, Caltrops, C-Rice, the Hook, and the B Sword. The Items in the Reserve Inventory are organized in the following order (which is a little different from the order in the Shop): - Ranged - Explosive - Confusion - Ninja (Scroll) - Escape - Special - Healing - Capture ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [4.4.0] Items: Default ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Item: Grappling Hook (Kaginawa) Availability: Always carried. Carry-In Max: 1 Cost in Gold: 0 Notes: A long, sturdy rope with a metal claw tied to one end. The Grappling Hook, like in the previous installments, effectively functions like a powered yet silent grappling hook device. Using it is possible when the sword is either drawn or sheathed but requires switching to the first person view and aiming at a valid surface (indicated by the Targeting Reticle turning bright red). Successfully launching it will cause your character to be automatically pulled toward the point of contact. Aiming at the general location of a valid ledge is good enough to have your character grab onto that ledge. Unfortunately, it can't be used to attack or trip up enemies. This Item is a permanent part of your character's Personal Inventory and doesn't count toward the Overall Carry-In Capacity. It can be freely and repeatedly used without removing the No Items Used Special Bonus. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [4.4.1] Items: Ranged ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Item: Shuriken Availability: Available at the beginning. Carry-In Max: 15 Cost in Gold: 50 Notes: The iconic, small, bladed weapon. Shuriken are thrown forward at a shallow arc to strike enemies from a distance, but they don't deal much damage per hit. Their travel speed and trajectory should be factored into their aim. If they land on the ground, they can be retrieved. Item: S-Shuriken Availability: Complete Mission 27. Carry-In Max: 5 Cost in Gold: 150 Notes: A set of matching knife-like blades. S-Shuriken are spreadshot counterparts of the standard Shuriken. Their fanning pattern can hit bad guys much more easily, especially at short ranges, but they can't be aimed vertically, and the blades that miss can't be retrieved. They also cannot be used in MultiPlayer Mode, possibly due to friendly fire concerns. Item: Blowgun Availability: Complete Mission 17. Carry-In Max: 5 Cost in Gold: 300 Notes: A small pipe containing a poison dart that is shot by one's breath. Blowguns require careful aim like Shuriken, but they can be used to perform long-range Stealth Kills against unalerted enemies (but who will go into a loud thrash that can alert nearby enemies) or inflict a poison status affliction against alerted enemies. They can also be used when crawling in narrow spaces. Item: Burst Arrow Availability: Complete Mission 27. Carry-In Max: 3 Cost in Gold: 300 Notes: A bow and an arrow with an explosive head. Burst Arrows are launched like standard arrows but create a Grenade-like, unblockable explosion upon impact. They still don't deal as much damage as one might expect, but they can be fun for those who want to play Rambo. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [4.4.2] Items: Explosive ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Item: Grenade Availability: Complete Mission 02. Carry-In Max: 5 Cost in Gold: 100 Notes: A red orb. Grenades are thrown forward and will detonate upon impact against enemies or after about 5 seconds upon landing on the ground, creating an unblockable explosion. Anyone caught very close to the blast will be knocked down, while anyone caught farther out within the blast radius will be stunned by the burning status affliction. Item: Pinwheel Availability: Complete Mission 15. Carry-In Max: 5 Cost in Gold: 250 Notes: A bullshit ninja weapon disguised as a stick toy with fan blades. Pinwheels are effectively remote-detonated sticky bombs that are thrown forward in a manner similar to Shuriken. After they attach to a surface or a living character, they can be detonated one at a time, in the order of their deployment, by pressing the Wall-Hug Button. Their triggering is indicated by a Controller vibration, and there is a 3-second delay until they detonate. Their default blast radius is approximately 8 Proximity Units, or 2 character widths. If they land on the ground, they can be retrieved. Item: Mine Availability: Complete Mission 02. Carry-In Max: 7 Cost in Gold: 150 Notes: A disc-shaped container. Mines are triggered when the next character touches them, blowing up anyone within range. Item: Burst Box Availability: Complete Mission 09. Carry-In Max: 7 Cost in Gold: 200 Notes: A box with a partially open lid. Burst Boxes are Claymore-like directional mines, and they are triggered when anyone comes within 20 Proximity Units, or 5 character widths, in front of them. Their blast zone is accordingly directed in a narrow forward arc, not hitting anything to its sides or rear. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [4.4.3] Items: Confusion ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Item: Smoke (Smoke Bomb) Availability: Complete Mission 01. Carry-In Max: 15 Cost in Gold: 100 Notes: A white orb. Smoke Bombs are thrown downward and will release a thick cloud of choking gas that staggers anyone caught in it. They are best for impeding pursuing enemies in narrow corridors, but your character and teammates should take care not to get caught in the same smoke, lol. Item: Dazzle (Dazzle Bomb) Availability: Complete Mission 09. Carry-In Max: 5 Cost in Gold: 120 Notes: A yellow orb. Dazzle Bombs are thrown downward and will unleash a blinding flash of light that will stagger any enemies looking in their direction, but their loud bang can alert nearby enemies on the other side of walls. Unlike the typical flash bangs, they won't blind your character. Item: Wasps (Wasp Bomb) Availability: Complete Mission 17. Carry-In Max: 5 Cost in Gold: 150 Notes: A brown orb. Wasp Bombs are thrown forward and will release a stationary swarm of angry insects that can inflict the stinging status affliction (which has the same flailing animation of the burning status affliction). Their swarms linger in place and don't pursue anyone, but, unlike Blinding Powder, they can deal a little damage and look funnier. Item: Stink (Stink Bomb) Availability: Complete Mission 17. Carry-In Max: 5 Cost in Gold: 100 Notes: A green orb. Stink Bombs are thrown forward and will release a gas with a strong odor that draws the olfactory attention of nearby enemies. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [4.4.4] Items: Escape ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Item: Caltrops Availability: Available at the beginning. Carry-In Max: 15 Cost in Gold: 60 Notes: A cluster of tetrahedral metal spikes. Caltrops injure and stagger anyone who step on them. They can be difficult to see, so your character and any teammates should take care not to run over them by accident. Item: Paralysis Cake Availability: Complete Mission 02. Carry-In Max: 15 Cost in Gold: 80 Notes: A small rice cake wrapped in a green leaf and totally tainted by poison. Paralysis Cakes are thrown forward and can lure enemies and civilians, who will eat them after taking them. Despite their name, they will merely give enemies a poison status affliction (not render them immobile, which is what Paralyze Powder does). And, no, your character can't eat them, lol. Item: Blinding (Blinding Powder) Availability: Complete Mission 07. Carry-In Max: 15 Cost in Gold: 100 Notes: A brown pouch. Blinding Powder is thrown forward in a pouch and will puff out into a small cloud of choking particles that staggers anyone caught in it. They are like a forward-thrown version of Smoke Bombs. Item: Fireworks (Fireworks Canister) Availability: Complete Mission 24. Carry-In Max: 3 Cost in Gold: 200 Notes: A tube filled with colorful pyrotechnics. Fireworks Canisters launch a small rocket straight upward that will eventually explode, creating noise. Launched into open air, they should detonate high enough to just draw the auditory attention of enemies. Launched indoors, they will detonate sooner, and the noise in closer quarters will immediately alert nearby enemies. They can inflict a burning status affliction on anyone who is too close when they launch, so don't touch them when they go off, lol. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [4.4.5] Items: Capture ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Item: Trap (Bear Trap) Availability: Complete Mission 15. Carry-In Max: 7 Cost in Gold: 150 Notes: A spring-powered metal claw device. Traps will injure and temporarily immobilize anyone who steps on them. They can be used against enemies for either escape or combat purposes. Item: Paralyze (Paralyze Powder) Availability: Complete Mission 07. Carry-In Max: 15 Cost in Gold: 100 Notes: A yellow shell with strange white powder. Paralyze Powder is used when facing the front or the sides of knocked-out (but not sleeping) characters to prevent them from automatically awakening on their own after 3 minutes, even if your character keeps bumping into them, but other enemies can still stir them awake. Except for the puff of powder that is seen when it is used, there is no visual indication of its effect on such characters. Item: Bone Availability: Complete Mission 35. Carry-In Max: 5 Cost in Gold: 300 Notes: A large piece of hard, white connective tissue. Bones summon a friendly ninja dog (like Semaru, lol) for 20 seconds who will follow your character and can bite and hold a nearby alerted enemy in place, but it will disappear if it or its captive is hit. Only one dog may be summoned at a time, and any more thrown while a dog is still in play will remain on the ground, where they can be retrieved by your character, teammates, and even enemies. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [4.4.6] Items: Healing ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Item: Healing (Healing Potion) Availability: Available at the beginning. Carry-In Max: 15 Cost in Gold: 100 Notes: A white flask. Healing Potions restore health by 100 Life Points. They can be used while wall-hugging, ledge-hanging, and crawling in narrow spaces, but not in the water and not when ceiling-crawling. Item: Antidote (Antidote Potion) Availability: Complete Mission 01. Carry-In Max: 15 Cost in Gold: 50 Notes: A green vial. Antidote Potions remove any poison status affliction. They are unnecessary if the Venom Ability is being used. Item: Purifying (Purifying Potion) Availability: Complete Mission 01. Carry-In Max: 15 Cost in Gold: 50 Notes: A brown tokkuri. Purifying Potions remove any odor status affliction. Diving into clean deep water has the same effect. Or, save some Gold by hiding somewhere and letting an enemy take a whiff of the smell to have it suddenly wear off, lol. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [4.4.7] Items: Ninja (Scroll) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Item: Dragon (Dragon Scroll) Availability: Complete Mission 35. Carry-In Max: 2 Cost in Gold: 300 Notes: A red scroll (with a fire icon). Dragon Scrolls make your character breathe out a short stream of fire, knocking down any characters in the way. This attack looks cool, but it takes a moment to be unleashed, and it has a short reach and duration. Item: Disguise (Disguise Scroll) Availability: Complete Mission 44. Carry-In Max: 3 Cost in Gold: 400 Notes: A purple scroll (with a head icon). Disguise Scrolls allow your character to take on the appearance of a dead enemy or civilian for 20 seconds. Using them properly requires a corpse (not an unconscious character) and no direct detection (flaming yellow aura) by enemies. (Using them when being directly detected will cause their effect to immediately end, wasting them.) While disguised, your character can't perform sword attacks (except ceiling-crawling Stealth Kills) but won't draw attention from enemies. Your character can run, crouch, roll, wall-hug, jump, swim, perform other special moves, and use most types of Items without disrupting the disguise. Your character can even push against unalerted bosses and grab them as soon as the effect ends, lol. Item: Vanishing (Vanishing Scroll) Availability: Complete Mission 35. Carry-In Max: 2 Cost in Gold: 400 Notes: A yellow scroll (with a leaf icon). Vanishing Scrolls render your character invisible for 15 seconds, allowing easy evasion of enemies. While invisible, your character can't use any Items at all (not even the Grappling Hook), and the effect immediately ends if your character performs a Stealth Kill (except ceiling-crawling Stealth Kills), grabs an enemy, or bumps into an enemy. The Visibility Meter still functions as though your character is normally visible, in case your character needs to gauge the current location's darkness in preparation for the end of the effect. Item: Shadows (Shadows Scroll) Availability: Complete Mission 24. Carry-In Max: 2 Cost in Gold: 400 Notes: A black scroll (with a kunai icon). Shadows Scrolls bind in place any unalerted but conscious enemies within a distance of 82 Proximity Units in front of your character (but not through walls) for 20 seconds. Although affected enemies will look seemingly alerted, they are still vulnerable to Stealth Kills, but bumping into them will free them. At the end of the effect, they will remain completely unalerted for some reason, lol. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [4.4.8] Items: Special ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Item: C-Rice (Color Rice) Availability: Complete Mission 02. Carry-In Max: 5 Cost in Gold: 50 Notes: A color-dyed pile of rice. C-Rice can be placed to mark its location with an X icon on the Map Display, for your character and any teammates. In Solo Mode, it is always deployed in the same order of colors: white (black X icon on the Map Display), red, blue, green, and yellow. In MultiPlayer Mode, its colors are Player-based: your character is white, Player 1 is yellow, Player 2 is blue, Player 3 is green, and Player 4 is red. (Due to a glitch, C-Rice that is put on a breakable container and then falls to the floor when the container is destroyed can't be retrieved.) Item: Decoy Availability: Complete Mission 44. Carry-In Max: 3 Cost in Gold: 300 Notes: An ocarina. Decoys create an animal-like sound that somehow causes nearby alerted enemies who don't know your character's location (flaming blue aura) to immediately return to the completely unalerted state. They don't affect alerted enemies who directly detect your character (flaming yellow aura). Don't ask how they work, lol. Item: Hook (Wall Hook) Availability: Complete Mission 15. Carry-In Max: 1 Cost in Gold: 2000 Notes: A handy climbing tool. The Hook allows your character to indefinitely cling onto walls, when midair near a suitable surface, by holding the Item Button. Using it is possible when the sword is either drawn or sheathed. Its effect is similar to the Wall Ability's initial clinging portion, except it lasts as long as desired, making it useful for hiding above unalerted enemies in corridors of sufficient height. This is a special passive upgrade-type Item that is automatically applied without needing to be highlighted. It can be freely and repeatedly used without removing the No Items Used Special Bonus. Item: B Sword (Black Sword) Availability: Complete Mission 44. Carry-In Max: 1 Cost in Gold: 2500 Notes: A special sword. The B Sword replaces your character's sword with a dark-bladed variant that doesn't increase your character's visibility when it is drawn, and it doesn't make any noise when it is being drawn (despite the scraping sound effect still being played). Combine it with the Lurk Ability at Level 3 and the Feet Ability at Level 3 to attain the maximum stealth baseline. This is a special passive upgrade-type Item that is automatically applied without needing to be highlighted. It can be freely and repeatedly used without removing the No Items Used Special Bonus. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [4.4.9] Items: Temporary ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Temporary Items are discarded at the end of the current Mission, without being added to the Reserve Inventory. Nuts. :( Item: Rice Ball (Onigiri) Availability: Can be created via the Rice Ability. Notes: A tasty rice food. Rice Balls restore health by 30 Life Points. Their usage is otherwise similar to that of Healing Potions. Besides being found within Missions, they can also be created via the Rice Ability. Item: Egg Availability: Dropped by some defeated enemies. Notes: A chicken egg. Eggs restore health by 40 Life Points. Their usage is otherwise similar to that of Healing Potions, except they will be wasted by cracking apart and spilling their contents if they are dropped (from defeated characters or from someone who is interrupted while trying to eat them). Item: Chicken Leg Availability: From defeated chickens. Notes: A joint of meat. Chicken Legs restore health by 50 Life Points. Their usage is otherwise similar to that of Healing Potions. They are generally dropped by defeated chickens. Instant roast meat, lol. Item: Spear Availability: From defeated spearmen. Notes: A long staff with a sharp, pointy tip. Spears can be used to perform a single forward jab but are consumed with every strike for some reason. This attack is comparable to a normal sword attack, and it can be used to perform Stealth Kills against unalerted enemies. Item: Monk's Spear Availability: From defeated spear monks. Notes: A somewhat fancier looking staff with a sharp tip. Monk's Spears look different but otherwise function the same as the common Spears. Item: Bow Availability: From defeated bowmen. (Obtained in groups of 3.) Notes: A string-powered device designed to launch an aerodynamic shaft with a sharp tip. Bows can be used to shoot an arrow that travels in a shallow arc, with some drop that becomes more pronounced over distance, but it can't be used to perform Stealth Kills against unalerted enemies. Item: Gun Availability: From defeated riflemen. Notes: A handheld device designed to fire cartridges filled with gunpowder and bullets. Guns can be used to shoot a single bullet with virtually no drop, but it can't be used to perform Stealth Kills against unalerted enemies. Item: Bomb Package Availability: Related to Mission Objective. Notes: A yellow box purportedly filled with explosives. Bomb Packages are collected only for the purpose of fulfilling Objectives, and they can't be re-deployed against enemies. Awwww. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [4.5] Clothing ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The number in the first set of parentheses indicates the price in Gold, and the number in the second set of parentheses indicates the Mission that has to be completed in order for the Clothing to become available in the Shop. Some combinations of Accessories and other Clothing will conflict and are disabled by being grayed out. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [4.5.1] Clothing: Hair (Hairstyle) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Female: Hair 1 (----) (--) - Wild ponytail, and sweep to left. (Ayame) Hair 2 (----) (--) - Short hair. (Rin) Hair 3 (----) (--) - Short bun, and sweep to left. Hair 4 (----) (--) - Elegant ponytail. Hair 5 ( 500) (09) - Long hair. Hair 6 ( 500) (09) - Geisha style. Hair 7 ( 500) (17) - Top knot. Hair 8 ( 500) (17) - Short hair, and top bow. Hair 9 ( 500) (27) - Two braids draped forward on shoulders. Hair 10 (1000) (27) - Twin tail, bells, and sweep to right. (Sakuya) Hair 11 (----) (50) - 1980s-style perm, and back bow. Hair 12 (----) (--) - Bald. Male: Hair 1 (----) (--) - Short hair. (Rikimaru) Hair 2 (----) (--) - Short ponytail. Hair 3 (----) (--) - Large ponytail. Hair 4 (----) (--) - Short hair, and high top tie. Hair 5 ( 500) (09) - Top knot, and full hair. Hair 6 ( 500) (09) - Low ponytail. Hair 7 ( 500) (17) - Top knot, and shaved top. Hair 8 ( 500) (17) - Loose long hair. Hair 9 ( 500) (27) - Long large ponytail, and long sides. Hair 10 (1000) (27) - Afro top knot. Hair 11 (----) (50) - Helmet cut with only front, side, and top hair. Hair 12 (----) (--) - Bald. No barcode, but 47 still approves. :p ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [4.5.2] Clothing: Face (Headwear) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Female: Kunoichi 1 (----) (--) - Black mask and hood, and purple bead. Kunoichi 2 (----) (--) - Brown mask and hood, and red bead. Kunoichi 3 (----) (--) - Red mask and hood, and blue bead. Kunoichi 4 (----) (--) - Blue mask and hood, and green bead. Kunoichi 5 (----) (--) - White mask and hood, and black bead. Kunoichi 6 (----) (--) - Purple mask and hood, and orange bead. Chain Helm 1 (----) (--) - Black chain head cover. Chain Helm 2 (----) (--) - Brown chain head cover. Chain Helm 3 (----) (--) - Brown cloth head cover. Chain Helm 4 (----) (--) - Dark brown camo head cover. Chain Helm 5 (----) (--) - White cloth head cover. Chain Helm 6 (----) (--) - Light brown camo head cover. Thief 1 ( 300) (--) - Black hood tie. Thief 2 ( 300) (--) - Brown hood tie. Thief 3 ( 300) (--) - Red hood tie. Thief 4 ( 300) (--) - Blue hood tie. Thief 5 ( 300) (--) - White hood tie. Thief 6 ( 450) (--) - Purple hood tie, with writing on sides. Ears 1 ( 300) (17) - Black cat-eared hood. Ears 2 ( 300) (17) - Brown cat-eared hood. Ears 3 ( 300) (17) - Red cat-eared hood. Ears 4 ( 300) (17) - Blue cat-eared hood. Ears 5 ( 300) (17) - White cat-eared hood. Ears 6 ( 300) (17) - Purple cat-eared hood. Straw 1 ( 500) (27) - Purple hood. Straw 2 ( 500) (27) - Black hood, with black rim. Straw 3 ( 500) (27) - White hood. Straw 4 ( 500) (27) - White hood, with writing. (Listing is narrower.) Straw 5 ( 500) (27) - Dark brown hood, with dark brown straw. Mushroom ( 550) (27) - Purple-white checkered hood. (See bottom side.) Kunoichi 7 ( 800) (37) - Gray cloth hood. Kunoichi 8 ( 800) (37) - Brown cloth hood. Kunoichi 9 ( 800) (37) - Black chain hood. Kunoichi 10 ( 800) (37) - Red and green cloth hood, with writing. Kunoichi 11 ( 800) (37) - White cloth hood. Kunoichi 12 ( 800) (37) - Red cloth hood, with floral pattern all over. Dog Ears 1 (----) (AT) - White dog, blond hair, and bright eyes. Dog Ears 2 (----) (AT) - Pink dog, blue hair, and sleepy eyes. Dog Ears 3 (----) (AT) - White dog, pink hair, and pretty eyes. Dog Ears 4 (----) (AT) - Yellow dog, black hair, and angry eyes. Dog Ears 5 (----) (AT) - White dog, purple hair, and love-struck eyes. Dog Ears 6 (----) (AT) - Black robot dog, red hair, and green glass eyes. Cloth (----) (--) - Black cloth mask that covers the lower face. Nothing (----) (--) - No headwear. Kunoichi have pretty faces. Male: Ninja 1 (----) (--) - Black mask and hood. Ninja 2 (----) (--) - Brown mask and hood. Ninja 3 (----) (--) - Red mask and hood. Ninja 4 (----) (--) - Blue mask and hood. Ninja 5 (----) (--) - White mask and hood. Ninja 6 (----) (--) - Jungle camo mask and hood. Helm 1 (----) (--) - Black chain hood, and black forehead guard Helm 2 (----) (--) - Brown chain hood, patches, red forehead guard. Helm 3 (----) (--) - Red cloth hood, and black forehead guard. Helm 4 (----) (--) - Tiger cloth hood, and gray forehead guard. Helm 5 (----) (--) - White cloth hood, and black forehead guard. Helm 6 (----) (--) - Light brown hood, and black forehead guard. Thief 1 ( 300) (--) - Black thief hood. Thief 2 ( 300) (--) - Brown thief hood. Thief 3 ( 300) (--) - Red thief hood. Thief 4 ( 300) (--) - Blue thief hood. Thief 5 ( 300) (--) - White thief hood. Thief 6 ( 450) (--) - Traditional pattern of green with white swirls. Kurama 1 ( 300) (17) - Black eared head scarf. Kurama 2 ( 300) (17) - Brown eared head scarf. Kurama 3 ( 300) (17) - Red eared head scarf. Kurama 4 ( 300) (17) - Blue eared head scarf. Kurama 5 ( 300) (17) - White eared head scarf. Kurama 6 ( 300) (17) - Purple eared head scarf. Straw 1 ( 500) (27) - Brown hood, and brown hat. Straw 2 ( 500) (27) - Green hood, and black hat. Straw 3 ( 500) (27) - Blue hood, and light brown hat. Straw 4 ( 500) (27) - White hood, and brown-and-black hat. Iron 1 ( 500) (27) - Dark brown chain hood, and black hat. Iron 2 ( 550) (27) - Reddish black cloth hood, and red-and-black hat. (The Male cap-type Helm 1 to 6 are misnamed. They should be 7 to 12.) "Helm 1" ( 7) ( 800) (37) - Gray helm, gray chain cap, yellow crescent moon. "Helm 2" ( 8) ( 800) (37) - Red helm, red chain cap, and gray moon. "Helm 3" ( 9) ( 800) (37) - Blue helm, gray chain cap, and red moon. "Helm 4" (10) ( 800) (37) - Black helm, black chain cap, and yellow moon. "Helm 5" (11) ( 800) (37) - Gray helm, green cloth cap, and gray moon. "Helm 6" (12) ( 800) (37) - Tan helm, tan cloth cap, and tan moon. Lion 1 (----) (AT) - Brown lion, and yellow mane. Lion 2 (----) (AT) - Yellow lion, and red mane. Lion 3 (----) (AT) - Gray lion, and black mane. Lion 4 (----) (AT) - Yellow lion, blue mane, white forehead star. Lion 5 (----) (AT) - White-and-red lion, and dark green mane. Lion 6 (----) (AT) - Gray metal robot lion, and gray mane. Red eyes. Cloth (----) (--) - Black cloth mask that covers the lower face. Nothing (----) (--) - No headwear. Not all ninja wear masks. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [4.5.3] Clothing: Outerwear ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Most of the Female Outerwear have bottom portions that are removed if Hakama are also worn. If the equipped Hakama have open sides, this can possibly reveal a part of the kunoichi's hips and legs. SEXY TIME! :D Female: Half 1 (----) (--) - Black tunic. (With Hakama: No removal.) Half 2 (----) (--) - Brown tunic. (With Hakama: Removed.) Half 3 (----) (--) - Red tunic. (With Hakama: No removal.) Half 4 (----) (--) - Blue tunic, with square grid pattern. (With Hakama: Removed.) Half 5 (----) (--) - White tunic, with some black trimming. (With Hakama: No removal.) Half 6 (----) (--) - Tan tunic, with pattern. (With Hakama: Removed, with white thigh bands.) Short 1 (----) (--) - Gray and black top and shorts. (With Hakama: Removed, with black thigh net cover.) Short 2 (----) (--) - Brown and tan top and shorts. (With Hakama: Removed, with black thigh net cover.) Short 3 (----) (--) - Black and white-banded top and shorts. (With Hakama: Removed, with black thigh net cover.) Short 4 (----) (--) - Black and red top and shorts, mesh shirt. (With Hakama: Hip mesh, with black thigh net cover.) Short 5 (----) (--) - Blue and tan-band top and shorts, mesh shirt. (With Hakama: Hip mesh, with black thigh net cover.) Short 6 (----) (--) - White and black top and shorts. (With Hakama: Removed, thigh mesh stocking with red top band.) Long 1 ( 350) (--) - Black robe, and yellow obi. Long 2 ( 350) (--) - Blue robe, white sleeve decoration, yellow obi. Long 3 ( 350) (--) - Red and black mixed-pattern robe, purple obi. Long 4 ( 350) (--) - Pink robe, floral decorations, and purple obi. Long 5 ( 350) (--) - Black robe, flame decorations, and gray obi. Long 6 ( 350) (--) - White robe, black trim, and gray obi. Plate 1 ( 350) (09) - Black top and bottom, and mesh shirt. (With Hakama: Black thigh mesh cover, but no hip cover.) Plate 2 ( 350) (09) - Blue top and bottom. (With Hakama: White thigh bands, but no hip cover.) Plate 3 ( 350) (09) - White top, and mesh shirt and waist cover. (With Hakama: White pants, with black outer seams.) Plate 4 ( 350) (09) - Urban camo top and bottom, and mesh shirt. (With Hakama: Black thigh mesh cover, but no hip cover.) Plate 5 ( 350) (09) - Desert camo with fishnet top, mesh waist cover. (With Hakama: Hip and thigh net cover.) Plate 6 ( 350) (09) - Jungle camo top and bottom. (With Hakama: Camo trousers, not really removed.) Priestess 1 ( 400) (17) - Black and red robe, front symbol, and brown obi. Priestess 2 ( 400) (17) - White and blue robe, left icon, blue-floral obi. Priestess 3 ( 400) (17) - Red and pink robe, twin magatama, white obi. Priestess 4 ( 450) (17) - Blue and white robe, yinyang, green-white obi. Priestess 5 ( 450) (17) - White and red robe, front symbol, and brown obi. Priestess 6 ( 450) (17) - Red and black robe, floral patterns, floral obi. (All of the Kunoichi Outerwear have writing on the back of the open coat.) Kunoichi 1 ( 500) (27) - Red coat, white breast band. Kunoichi 2 ( 500) (27) - Black coat, white breast band, mesh shirt. Kunoichi 3 ( 500) (27) - Brown-black coat, gray breast band. Kunoichi 4 ( 500) (27) - Purple coat, white breast band, mesh shirt. Kunoichi 5 ( 500) (27) - Blue coat, no breast band, no-collar mesh shirt. Kunoichi 6 ( 500) (27) - White coat, no breast band. BOOBS!!! :D Armor 1 ( 800) (37) - Red plate, and brown arm guards. (With Hakama: Removed.) Armor 2 ( 800) (37) - Blue plate, and blue arm guards. (With Hakama: Removed.) Armor 3 ( 800) (37) - Gray plate, and black arm guards. (With Hakama: Removed.) Armor 4 ( 800) (37) - Brown plate, and gray arm guards. (With Hakama: Removed.) Armor 5 ( 800) (37) - Black plate, purple arm guards, mesh suit. (With Hakama: Mesh suit extending across hips and thighs.) Armor 6 ( 800) (37) - Tan plate, red arm guards, fishnet waist cover. (With Hakama: Fishnet hip and thigh cover.) Foreign 1 (----) (50) - Black dress, black studded belt, yellow buckle. (With Hakama: Removed, but with black thigh band.) Foreign 2 (----) (50) - Red dress, gray studded belt, and yellow buckle. (With Hakama: Removed, but with tan thigh band.) Foreign 3 (----) (50) - White dress, gray studded belt, and gray buckle. (With Hakama: Removed, but with white thigh band.) Foreign 4 (----) (50) - Brown dress, brown studded belt, brown buckle. (With Hakama: Removed, but with dark brown thigh band.) Foreign 5 (----) (50) - Red-green dress, brown plain belt, brown buckle. (With Hakama: Removed, but with brown seamed thigh band.) Foreign 6 (----) (50) - Purple dress, gold studded belt, gold buckle. (With Hakama: Net hip and thigh cover, dark gold thigh band.) Naked (----) (--) - White fundoshi with front flap and breast band. Male: Kimono 1 (----) (--) - Black tunic with white swirls, and gray belt. Kimono 2 (----) (--) - Brown tunic with white swirls, and gray belt. Kimono 3 (----) (--) - Red tunic with white swirls, and gray belt. Kimono 4 (----) (--) - Blue tunic with white swirls, and gray belt. Kimono 5 (----) (--) - White tunic with gray swirls, and gray belt. Kimono 6 (----) (--) - Jungle camo tunic, and black belt. (The Male Ninja Outerwear all have a black undershirt.) Ninja 1 (----) (--) - Black uniform, and brown belt. Ninja 2 (----) (--) - Brown uniform, and brown belt. Ninja 3 (----) (--) - Red uniform, and black belt. Ninja 4 (----) (--) - Blue uniform, and brown belt. Hayabusa, lol. Ninja 5 (----) (--) - White uniform, and black belt. Ninja 6 (----) (--) - Purple uniform, and black belt. Jacket 1 ( 350) (--) - Black open shirt, red belt, and white shorts. Jacket 2 ( 350) (--) - Brown open shirt, blue belt, and gray shorts. Jacket 3 ( 350) (--) - Red open shirt, black belt, and white shorts. Jacket 4 ( 350) (--) - Blue open shirt, brown belt, and white shorts. Jacket 5 ( 350) (--) - White open shirt, black belt, and gray shorts. Jacket 6 ( 350) (--) - Purple open shirt, red belt, and white shorts. Animal 1 ( 350) (09) - Tan-brown tunic, white chest wrap, white belt. Animal 2 ( 350) (09) - Brown-gray tunic, white chest, and white belt. Animal 3 ( 350) (09) - Spotted-brown tunic, brown chest, white belt. Animal 4 ( 350) (09) - Sharper brown-gray tunic, white chest, red belt. Animal 5 ( 350) (09) - White-black tunic, red chest, and black belt. Animal 6 ( 350) (09) - Tiger-gray tunic, white chest, and gray belt. Vest 1 ( 400) (17) - Black tunic wrap, and chain vest shirt. Vest 2 ( 400) (17) - Black tunic, and mesh shirt. Vest 3 ( 400) (17) - Black tunic, and sleeveless mesh shirt. Vest 4 ( 450) (17) - Black tunic, sleeveless shirt, shoulder tattoos. Tattoo 1 ( 450) (17) - Black tunic, no shirt, dense shoulder tattoos. Tattoo 2 ( 450) (17) - Black tunic, no shirt, and back tattoos. Jacket 7 ( 500) (27) - Black tunic, black jacket, and gray belt. Jacket 8 ( 500) (27) - Brown tunic, red-white jacket, and gray belt. Jacket 9 ( 500) (27) - Red tunic, black hive-pattern jacket, gray belt. Jacket 10 ( 500) (27) - Black-red tunic, dark brown jacket, gray belt. Jacket 11 ( 500) (27) - White-black tunic, black jacket, and black belt. Jacket 12 ( 500) (27) - Gray tunic, yellow-black jacket, and red belt. Armor 1 ( 800) (37) - Gray plate, gray mail, yellow ties, brown belt. Armor 2 ( 800) (37) - Red plate, brown mail, gray ties, red belt. Armor 3 ( 800) (37) - Blue plate, gray mail, red ties, green belt. Armor 4 ( 800) (37) - Black plate, black mail, white ties, black belt. Armor 5 ( 800) (37) - Gray plate, green mail, purple ties, blue belt. Armor 6 ( 800) (37) - Tan plate, yellow mail, tan ties, brown belt. Foreign 1 (----) (50) - White jacket, white and gray-striped briefs. Foreign 2 (----) (50) - Green jacket, green-white grid-patterned shorts. Foreign 3 (----) (50) - Jungle camo jacket, brown white-striped shorts. Foreign 4 (----) (50) - Urban camo jacket, white and red-hearted shorts. Foreign 5 (----) (50) - Blue jacket, blue-white grid-patterned shorts. Foreign 6 (----) (50) - Gray-white jacket, pink shorts, bear on butt. XD Naked (----) (--) - Loin cloth, front flap, and exposed man ass. D: (This loin cloth's front flap has a stylized moon-and-cloud symbol, lol.) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [4.5.4] Clothing: Hakama (Trousers) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Female: Simple 1 (----) (--) - Black knee-length trousers, and black sash. Simple 2 (----) (--) - Purple trousers, and purple sash. Simple 3 (----) (--) - Red trousers, and red sash. Simple 4 (----) (--) - Blue trousers, white tree symbol, white sash. Simple 5 (----) (--) - White trousers, black symbol, white sash. Simple 6 (----) (--) - Green trousers, red splash mix, and red sash. Plain 1 ( 350) (--) - Black full-length trousers, and black sash. Plain 2 ( 350) (--) - Blue trousers, and blue sash. Plain 3 ( 350) (--) - Tan trousers, and tan sash. Plain 4 ( 350) (--) - White trousers, purple diamonds, purple sash. Plain 5 ( 350) (--) - Red trousers, and red sash. Plain 6 ( 350) (--) - Yellow trousers, tree decoration, yellow sash. Lantern 1 ( 400) (17) - Black baggy pants, and white sash. Lantern 2 ( 400) (17) - White pants, black pattern, and red sash. Lantern 3 ( 400) (17) - Red pants, and yellow sash. Lantern 4 ( 450) (17) - Tan pants, sandy line pattern, and blue sash. Lantern 5 ( 450) (17) - Mixed color pants, wave pattern, white sash. Lantern 6 ( 450) (17) - Black-and-brown pants, and red sash. Kunoichi 1 ( 800) (37) - Black knee-length trousers, dark gray plates. Kunoichi 2 ( 800) (37) - Purple trousers, and gray plates. Kunoichi 3 ( 800) (37) - Red trousers, and black plates. Kunoichi 4 ( 800) (37) - Blue trousers, and gray patterned plates. Kunoichi 5 ( 800) (37) - White trousers, and tan floral patterned plates. Kunoichi 6 ( 800) (37) - Red-green floral trousers, brown floral plates. Dog Feet 1 (----) (50) - White dog, and blond hair. Dog Feet 2 (----) (50) - White dog, and blue hair, with red thigh nets. Dog Feet 3 (----) (50) - Black dog, and pink hair. Dog Feet 4 (----) (50) - Bumblebee dog, and black hair. Dog Feet 5 (----) (50) - White-and-yellow dog, and purple hair. Dog Feet 6 (----) (50) - Gray metal dog, and black-yellow sparkle hair. Nothing (----) (--) - No pants. Girls don't need to wear pants. ;D Male: Iga 1 (----) (--) - Black short trousers, and black belt. Iga 2 (----) (--) - Brown trousers, and brown belt. Iga 3 (----) (--) - Red trousers, and white belt. Iga 4 (----) (--) - Blue trousers, and gray belt. Iga 5 (----) (--) - White trousers, black diamonds, and black belt. Iga 6 (----) (--) - Jungle camo trousers, and green belt. Mountain 1 ( 350) (--) - Black short trousers, and brown rope belt. Mountain 2 ( 350) (--) - Brown trousers, white decoration, white belt. Mountain 3 ( 350) (--) - Red trousers, cloud decoration, and white belt. Mountain 4 ( 350) (--) - Blue trousers, cloud decoration, brown belt. Mountain 5 ( 350) (--) - White trousers, swirl pattern, and black belt. Mountain 6 ( 350) (--) - Tan trousers, and brown rope belt. Ogre 1 ( 400) (17) - Black trousers, and black ogre head buckle. Ogre 2 ( 400) (17) - Brown trousers, and brown buckle. Ogre 3 ( 400) (17) - Blue trousers, and black buckle. Ogre 4 ( 450) (17) - Gray trousers, white patterns, and gray buckle. Ogre 5 ( 450) (17) - White trousers, black writing, and gray buckle. Ogre 6 ( 450) (17) - Deep black trousers, patterns, and black buckle. Armored 1 ( 800) (37) - Brown trousers, gray plates, and brown belt. Armored 2 ( 800) (37) - Red trousers, red plates, and white belt. Armored 3 ( 800) (37) - Green trousers, blue plates, and red belt. Armored 4 ( 800) (37) - Black trousers, black plates, and black belt. Armored 5 ( 800) (37) - Gray chain trousers, gray plates, white belt. Armored 6 ( 800) (37) - Tan trousers, tan patterned plates, red belt. Foreign 1 (----) (50) - White pants, and brown belts. Foreign 2 (----) (50) - Green pants, and green belts. Foreign 3 (----) (50) - Jungle camo pants, and brown belts. Foreign 4 (----) (50) - Urban camo pants, and gray belts. Foreign 5 (----) (50) - Blue pants, and black belts. Foreign 6 (----) (50) - White pants, and gray belts. Nothing (----) (--) - No pants. Real men don't have to wear pants. :O ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [4.5.5] Clothing: Arms (Forearmwear) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Female: Bandage 1 (----) (--) - White forearm bandages and hand guard. Bandage 2 (----) (--) - Brown bandages and guard. Bandage 3 (----) (--) - Red bandages and guard. Bandage 4 (----) (--) - Gray bandages and guard. Leather 1 (----) (--) - Black leather full forearm guard, black lacing. Leather 2 (----) (--) - Blue guard, white decoration, and blue lacing. Leather 3 (----) (--) - White guard, and purple lacing. Leather 4 (----) (--) - Red guard, floral decorations, and red lacing. Wild 1 ( 200) (--) - Black forearm strips. Wild 2 ( 200) (--) - Red forearm strips. Wild 3 ( 200) (--) - Blue forearm strips. Wild 4 ( 200) (--) - Purple forearm strips. Gloves 1 ( 200) (09) - Black fingerless gloves, and yellow bells. Gloves 2 ( 200) (09) - Red fingerless gloves, and yellow bells. Gloves 3 ( 200) (09) - Blue fingerless gloves, and white bells. Gloves 4 ( 340) (09) - Yellow fingerless gloves, and red bells. Scale 1 ( 300) (17) - Gray metal scales, gray cloth, yellow lacing. Scale 2 ( 300) (17) - Greenish gray scales, red cloth, yellow lacing. Scale 3 ( 300) (17) - Yellow scales, brown cloth, and yellow lacing. Scale 4 ( 300) (17) - Black scales, black cloth, and purple lacing. Kunoichi 1 ( 800) (27) - Black outer guard, and gray inner chain mail. Kunoichi 2 ( 800) (27) - White outer guard, and black inner chain mail. Kunoichi 3 ( 800) (27) - Gray outer guard, and purple inner cloth. Kunoichi 4 ( 800) (27) - Black outer guard, and jungle camo inner cloth. Glove 1 ( 800) (48) - Black right two-finger glove, and gray lacing. Glove 2 ( 800) (48) - Red glove, and pink lacing. Glove 3 ( 800) (48) - Blue glove, and purple lacing. Glove 4 ( 800) (48) - White glove, and red lacing. Foreign 1 (----) (50) - Black leather gloves, and black seams. Foreign 2 (----) (50) - Red gloves, and yellow seams. Foreign 3 (----) (50) - White gloves, and black seams. Foreign 4 (----) (50) - Brown gloves, and gray seams. Bare (----) (--) - No forearm wear, but with red upper arm bands. Male: Bandage 1 (----) (--) - White forearm cloth. Bandage 2 (----) (--) - Brown forearm cloth. Bandage 3 (----) (--) - Red forearm cloth. Bandage 4 (----) (--) - Blue forearm cloth. Gauntlet 1 (----) (--) - Black chain mail, black guard, and brown lacing. Gauntlet 2 (----) (--) - Tan chain mail, tan guard, and black lacing. Gauntlet 3 (----) (--) - Brown chain mail, blue guard, and red lacing. Gauntlet 4 (----) (--) - Dark brown chain mail, red guard, black lacing. Cloth 1 ( 200) (--) - Black short cloth guard. Cloth 2 ( 200) (--) - Blue short cloth guard. Cloth 3 ( 200) (--) - Red short cloth guard, with yellow wrist part. Cloth 4 ( 200) (--) - Tiger pattern short cloth guard. Hand 1 ( 200) (09) - Black full cloth guard, and black lacing. Hand 2 ( 200) (09) - Red cloth guard, and blue lacing. Hand 3 ( 200) (09) - Blue cloth guard, white swirls, purple lacing. Hand 4 ( 200) (09) - White cloth guard, red flames, black lacing. Scale 1 ( 300) (17) - Black metal scales, and black lacing. Scale 2 ( 300) (17) - Red scales, and yellow lacing. Scale 3 ( 300) (17) - White scales, and blue lacing. Scale 4 ( 300) (17) - Purple-gray scales, chain glove, red lacing. Armored 1 ( 800) (27) - Gray gloves, gray plates, and yellow lacing. Armored 2 ( 800) (27) - Brown gloves, red plates, and white lacing. Armored 3 ( 800) (27) - Blue gloves, blue plates, swirls, red lacing. Armored 4 ( 800) (27) - Tan gloves, tan plates, patterns, green lacing. (The Male Supernatural Arms consist of Poison, Mummified, Burnt, and Dragon.) Poison ( 800) (48) - Venom-darkened skin, and filthy white bandages. Mummified ( 800) (48) - Corpse-white skin, and old white bandages. Burnt ( 800) (48) - Red-charred skin, and white bandages. Dragon ( 800) (48) - Dark-striped skin, and old bandages. Gloves 1 (----) (50) - Black fingerless gloves, black right elbow pad. Gloves 2 (----) (50) - Blue gloves, blue-gray elbow pad, red scars. Gloves 3 (----) (50) - Camo gloves, green camo elbow pad, camo paint. Gloves 4 (----) (50) - Red gloves, gray elbow pad, hairy forearms. Bare (----) (--) - No forearmwear, but with gray upper arm bands. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [4.5.6] Clothing: Legs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Female: Bandage 1 (----) (--) - White wrap, black tabi, black plate, brown sole. Bandage 2 (----) (--) - Gray wrap, gray tabi, gray plate, gray sole. Bandage 3 (----) (--) - Red wrap, black tabi, red plate, brown sole. String (----) (--) - Gray stockings, red plate, and red sole. Straw 1 ( 150) (--) - Black sandals, naked legs. Straw 2 ( 150) (--) - Green sandals, red shin cloth, red-black thighs. Straw 3 ( 150) (--) - Tan sandals, black shin straps, flower tattoo. Straw 4 ( 150) (--) - Brown sandals, white-red shin cloth, mesh hips. Kunoichi 1 ( 200) (09) - Dark purple and black stockings, black sandals. Kunoichi 2 ( 200) (09) - Dark brown and black stockings, brown sandals. Kunoichi 3 ( 200) (09) - Brown and yellow stockings, and brown sandals. Kunoichi 4 ( 200) (09) - Mesh stockings, red shin cloth, black sandals. Sandals 1 ( 200) (17) - White tabi, red thong, and light yellow sole. Sandals 2 ( 200) (17) - White tabi, blue thong, and black sole. Sandals 3 ( 200) (17) - Black tabi, purple thong, and gray sole. Sandals 4 ( 200) (17) - Mesh tabi, deep red thongs, and white soles. Armored 1 ( 800) (27) - Brown stockings, and red plates. Armored 2 ( 800) (27) - Blue stockings, and gray plates. Armored 3 ( 800) (27) - Mesh stockings, and blue plates. Armored 4 ( 800) (27) - White bandage stockings, and brown plates. Boots 1 (----) (50) - Black and tan cowgirl boots, black thigh straps. Boots 2 (----) (50) - Red and yellow boots, and red thigh straps. Boots 3 (----) (50) - White and black boots, and white thigh straps. Boots 4 (----) (50) - Brown and yellow boots, and brown thigh straps. Bare (----) (--) - Lovely naked kunoichi feet. Male: Sandal 1 (----) (--) - Brown sole, and black thong. Sandal 2 (----) (--) - Brown sole, and white thong. Sandal 3 (----) (--) - Light brown sole, and red thong. Sandal 4 (----) (--) - Dark brown sole, black thong. Hairy-ass legs. XD Bandage 1 ( 150) (--) - White shin bandage. Bandage 2 ( 150) (--) - Brown shin bandage. Bandage 3 ( 150) (--) - Red shin bandage. Bandage 4 ( 150) (--) - Blue shin bandage. Greaves 1 ( 200) (09) - Black guards, brown ties, and black tabi. Greaves 2 ( 200) (09) - Brown and gray guards, black ties, black tabi. Greaves 3 ( 200) (09) - Blue and purple guards, red ties, black tabi. Greaves 4 ( 200) (09) - Red and black guards, black ties, black tabi. Boots 1 ( 200) (17) - Black cloth, and black ties. Boots 2 ( 200) (17) - Red cloth, and blue ties. Boots 3 ( 200) (17) - Blue cloth, white swirl pattern, purple ties. Boots 4 ( 200) (17) - White cloth, red flame pattern, and black ties. Armored 1 ( 800) (27) - Black plates, and yellow ties. Armored 2 ( 800) (27) - Red plates, and white ties. Armored 3 ( 800) (27) - Blue plates, white swirl symbol, and red ties. Armored 4 ( 800) (27) - Tan patterned plates, and brown ties. Boots 5 (----) (50) - White boots, white ties, white leg knife strap. Boots 6 (----) (50) - Gray-white boots, white ties, black strap, camo. Boots 7 (----) (50) - Black boots, white ties, gray strap, red scars. Boots 8 (----) (50) - Red boots, white ties, red strap. Hairy legs. :O Bare (----) (--) - Nasty feet. Go put on some tabi or something. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [4.5.7] Clothing: Sheaths ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sheath 1 (----) (--) - Black sheath, and brown cloth. Sheath 2 (----) (--) - Reddish rattan sheath, and black cord. Sheath 3 (1000) (09) - Red sheath, gold trimming, and purple cord. Sheath 4 (1000) (09) - Black sheath, silver trimming, and black cord. Sheath 5 (1000) (17) - White sheath, and black cord with a white bead. Sheath 6 (1000) (17) - Black sheath, speckled pattern, brown cloth. Sheath 7 (1500) (27) - Purple sheath, gold trimming, and black cord. Sheath 8 (1500) (27) - Black sheath, fake double hilt, brown cloth. Sheath 9 (2000) (46) - Black sheath, dragon decoration, black cord. Sheath 10 (2000) (46) - Brown lute with green floral design. Hot Dog (----) (AT) - Fat hot dog, mustard, lettuce, and white cloth. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [4.5.8] Clothing: Accessories ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Your character may equip up to two Accessories for different parts of the body. Hannya ( 300) (02) - Horned demon mask. Female ( 300) (02) - Traditional plump woman mask. Fox ( 300) (02) - Pointy-eared white fox mask. Tengu ( 300) (02) - Long-nosed red mask. Mask ( 300) (04) - Red ballroom mask. Scroll ( 300) (04) - Yellow scroll in mouth. Kunai ( 320) (04) - Throwing knife in mouth. Hairpin ( 320) (04) - Elaborate lady's hairpin in mouth. Leaf ( 64) (08) - Two-leafed plant bud in mouth. Pinwheel ( 160) (08) - Orange-and-white-bladed pinwheel in mouth. Eye 1 ( 380) (08) - Black left eye patch. Eye 2 ( 380) (08) - Black glasses, with string ear pieces. Eye 3 (----) (50) - Sunglasses. Headband 1 (----) (--) - Blue headband. Headband 2 (----) (--) - Red headband. Headband 3 (----) (--) - Gray headband, with studs. Headband 4 ( 350) (12) - White headband, with blue forehead guard. Guard 1 ( 350) (12) - Dark gray nose and mouth guard. Guard 2 ( 350) (12) - Dark gray forehead and cheek guard. Guard 3 ( 450) (12) - Yellow forehead and cheek guard, with horns. Facial Hair 1 ( 120) (20) - Black moustache. Facial Hair 2 ( 120) (20) - White brows, white moustache, and white beard. Scarf 1 (----) (--) - Black single ragged scarf. Scarf 2 (----) (--) - Red single ragged scarf. Scarf 3 (----) (--) - Blue single ragged scarf, with white emblem. Scarf 4 ( 500) (20) - Black twin ragged scarf. Scarf 5 ( 500) (20) - Yellow twin ragged scarf. Scarf 6 ( 500) (24) - Gray twin ragged scarf, with black writing. Muffler ( 500) (24) - Black muffler, with yellow trim. Bead ( 240) (24) - Bright pink magatama pendant, and black cord. Skull ( 240) (24) - Brown skull pendant, and black cord with thorns. Snake (1200) (24) - Cuddly python around the neck. Cowboy Hat (----) (50) - White and black hat strung onto the back. Sword (1200) (28) - Long black sword in black sheath, and gray cord. Umbrella ( 650) (28) - Red folded umbrella, somehow anchored, lol. Hat ( 320) (28) - Black hat with white writing, and gray cord. Bow ( 550) (28) - Black short bow with three arrows, black cord. Thunder (----) (50) - Assault rifle with suppressor, and brown strap. S-Shuriken ( 660) (32) - Big shuriken on the back, and black cord. Kite (----) (AT) - Red ninja kite with wooden frame. Kamikaze! Battle Flag (----) (AT) - Red flag with writing. Rations (----) (--) - Blue belt, white buckle, black case, white bag. Gourd ( 350) (32) - Tokkuri, and purple cord, carried at rear right. Chain Sickle ( 350) (32) - Kusarigama, carried at left. Sai ( 300) (32) - Dual three-pronged daggers, carried at sides. Full Moon ( 300) (38) - Dual crescent blades, carried at sides. Horn ( 200) (38) - Horn, and brown cord, carried at left. Conch ( 200) (38) - Seashell, and dark green cord, at rear left. Bell ( 200) (38) - Two copper bells, tied to the end of the Sheath. (The Bell cannot be used with the Hot Dog Sheath. It's too fat.) XD Rosary ( 200) (42) - Red charm, tied around the left wrist. Mark ( 550) (42) - Cloth band, tied around the left upper arm. (The Mark is one of the two gender-differentiated Accessories. The Female Mark is a dark red cloth band with yellow trim, while the Male Mark is a blue cloth band with red trim. Both versions of the Mark cannot be used with some sleeved Outerwear.) Hooked Claws ( 650) (42) - Guard with two blades on the left hand. Knuckles ( 650) (42) - Guard with small hooks on the left hand. Tiger Gauntlet (2000) (44) - Tiger-shaped left arm gauntlet. (The Tiger Gauntlet cannot be used with some sleeved Outerwear.) Spare ( 500) (44) - Spare throwing blades. (The Spare is one of the two gender-differentiated Accessories. The Female Spare is a set of three kunai on a blue and gray band, tied around the right thigh, and it cannot be used with any Hakama. The Male Spare is a set of two kunai and two shuriken on a black band, tied around the left upper arm, and it can't be used with sleeved Outerwear.) Bird (1600) (44) - Dark blue crow, on left shoulder. Toad (1600) (44) - Yellow toad, on left shoulder. Fox Ears (----) (AT) - Yellow fox ears. Fox Tail (----) (AT) - Yellow fox tail. Equip Nothing (----) (--) - No Accessory. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [4.6] Character Faces and Voices ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ On the Character Settings Screen, the Face also determines the voice for your character, and it can't be changed later. Players may want to spend some time trying the different Face-and-voice options in the early scenes before settling on their favorite choices. (The even-numbered Faces are the same as their preceding odd-numbered counterparts, except they have an alternate skin tone. The partner's settings also can't be changed later, but the partner's voice is always the same and isn't affected by the Face.) The Abilities (including the stats), the Hair Color, the Hairstyle, and the Clothing can be freely edited later. Female: Face 1 (and Face 2) (--) - Default. Face 3 (and Face 4) (--) - Young. Face 5 (and Face 6) (--) - Enthusiastic. Face 7 (and Face 8) (--) - Professional. Face 9 (and Face 10) (--) - Elegant. Face 11 (and Face 12) (--) - Dreamy. (Older voice) Face 13 (and Face 14) (--) - Bold. Face 15 (and Face 16) (--) - Tough. (Foreign) Face 17 (and Face 18) (--) - Dainty. (Loli voice) Face 19 (and Face 20) (--) - Spirited. Face 21 (and Face 22) (--) - Sweet. Male: Face 1 (and Face 2) (--) - Default. Face 3 (and Face 4) (--) - Quiet. Face 5 (and Face 6) (--) - Super Perverted. LOL (Foreign) Face 7 (and Face 8) (--) - Fierce. Face 9 (and Face 10) (--) - Gruff. (Scarred left eye) Face 11 (and Face 12) (--) - Calm. Face 13 (and Face 14) (--) - Intense. Face 15 (and Face 16) (--) - Cool. Face 17 (and Face 18) (--) - Bitter. Face 19 (and Face 20) (--) - Super Girly, also with lipstick. OMG WTF LMAO XD Face 21 (and Face 22) (--) - Brave. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [4.7] Quick Reference: Rewards List ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ More Abilities become available for purchase when enough Stealth Kills are performed, while more Items and Clothing become available for purchase when certain Missions are completed. Physical Ability Points from Completing Missions: 17: Overall Physical Ability Capacity of 300 Points, Individual Physical Ability Capacity of 150 Points. 37: Overall Physical Ability Capacity of 420 Points, Individual Physical Ability Capacity of 200 Points. Abilities from Performing Stealth Kills: 20: Repel, Eyes, Sense. 50: Stagger, Jump. 100: Rice, Recover, Venom. 200: Shadow, Ears, Ceiling. 300: Badger, Voice, Wall, Boom. 400: Armor, Power. 500: Conceal, Energy, Blade, Shuriken. 700: Shock, Drop, Gale. 1000: Lurk, Feet. Items from Completing Missions: 01: Smoke, Antidote, Purifying. 02: Grenade, Mine, Paralysis Cake, C-Rice. 07: Blinding Powder, Paralyze Powder. 09: Burst Box, Dazzle. 15: Pinwheel, Trap, Hook. 17: Blowgun, Wasps, Stink. 24: Fireworks, Shadows. 27: S-Shuriken, Burst Arrow. 35: Bone, Dragon, Vanishing. 44: Disguise, Decoy, B Sword. Clothing from Completing Missions: 02: Hannya, Female, Fox, Tengu. 04: Mask, Scroll, Kunai, Hairpin. 08: Leaf, Pinwheel, Eye 1, Eye 2. 09: Hair 5, Hair 6, Plate/Animal Outerwear, Gloves/Hand Arms, Kunoichi/Greaves Legs, Sheath 3, Sheath 4. 12: Headband 4, Guard 1, Guard 2, Guard 3. 17: Hair 7, Hair 8, Ears/Kurama Face, Priestess/Vest Outerwear, Lantern/Ogre Hakama, Scale/Scale Arms, Sandals/Boots Legs, Sheath 5, Sheath 6. 20: Facial Hair 1, Facial Hair 2, Scarf 4, Scarf 5. 24: Scarf 6, Muffler, Bead, Skull, Snake. 27: Hair 9, Hair 10, Straw/Straw Face, Kunoichi/Jacket (7 to 12) Outerwear, Kunoichi/Armored Arms, Armored/Armored Legs, Sheath 7, Sheath 8. 28: Sword, Umbrella, Hat, Bow. 32: S-Shuriken, Gourd, Chain Sickle, Sai. 37: Kunoichi/Helm (second set of "1 to 6" or 7 to 12) Face, Armor/Armor Outerwear, Kunoichi/Armored Hakama. 38: Full Moon, Horn, Conch, Bell. 42: Rosary, Mark, Hooked Claws, Knuckles. 44: Tiger Gauntlet, Spare, Bird, Toad. 46: Sheath 9, Sheath 10. 48: Glove/Supernatural (Poison, Mummified, Burnt, and Dragon) Arms. 50: Hair 11, Foreign/Foreign Outerwear, Dog Feet / Foreign Hakama, Foreign/Gloves Arms, Boots/Boots (5 to 8) Legs, Eye 3, Cowboy Hat, Thunder. (The Secret Costume mentioned when Solo Mode is completed refers to the sets of Clothing earned when Mission 50 is completed.) AT: All Tomikichi Defeated: Dog Ears / Lion Face, Hot Dog Sheath, Kite, Battle Flag, Fox Ears, Fox Tail. ============================================================================== [5] Reference ============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [5.1] Game Source Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Tenchu: Senran Name: Tenchu Z (North American) Name: Tenchu Z (European) Code: 9NW-00001 (Japanese) Code: 4MX-00001 (North American) Developer: K2 Producer: From Software Genre: stealth action Players: 1 (Solo Mode), 4 (MultiPlayer Mode) Save: Storage Device (64 KB) Save File Name: Tenchu Z: Saved Game (North American) Save File Icon: a package (containing an Item) Disc Type: DVD Discs: 1 Disc Label: XGD2DVD_NTSC Size: 4.4 GB (4.5 GB after certain Xbox 360 Dashboard updates) Game File Icon: The male Azuma ninja from the Title Screen. Publisher: From Software Release Date: 2006-10-05 (Japanese) Release Date: 2007-06-14 (Japanese) (Platinum Collection) Release Date: 2010-10-13 (Japanese) (Games on Demand) Release Date: 2007-06-12 (North American) JAN: 4988648457249 (Japanese) UPC: 882224436083 (North American) Cover Art: (Japanese) Rikimaru and several Azuma ninja stand together on a ridge under the night sky, facing the viewer. Is your character hidden somewhere among them? Cover Art: (North American) A badass ninja dude crouches in a stalking pose on the perimeter walls of Restaurant Shion, looking over his right shoulder at the viewer. He is dressed in a standard black uniform, with a mask, a hood, and arm and leg guards. A sword is in the sheath that is strapped over his right shoulder, but the sheath strapped across his waist is empty, although his right hand is empty, and there is no evidence that his obscured left hand is holding a weapon. The moon looms large in the clear night sky over a wide forest backdrop, adding to the lanterns' warm light that illuminates the beautiful tree- and pond-filled gardens. The light from the moon and the restaurant grounds softly reflect off his uniform. On the rooftop of the large building ahead of him, another similarly attired ninja stands upright, this one with the sword drawn in a combat-ready pose. No one can be seen in the gardens, but the silhouette of a person is visible on a window of the building. Are you ready to go in with the ninja? Disc Art: (North American) The top of the disc is the male Azuma ninja from the Title Screen and the cover art. Case Details: (North American) Become the ultimate ninja assassin! Master the ancient art of stealth. Experience all-new ninja gameplay! Immerse yourself in ancient Japan as you take on more than 50 different missions - from espionage to assassination to hostage rescue - for both single and co-op play, offering a new level of ninja gameplay available only on Xbox 360. Play as a ninja strike team with your friends! Work cooperatively for a completely different ninja experience. Team up with a friend to finish off your foe. Let a friend subdue him from behind as you run him through with your katana. Hone your ninja skills! Use sound, smell and sight to master the "Stealth Kill." Scale walls, fly over rooftops and spring from the shadows to attack without detection as you eliminate even the toughest oppo- nents with one devastating blow. Customize your character! Create a hero to match your own playing style from a variety of different looks and attributes. Choose from a wide array of ninja weaponry and more than 130 unique ninja fighting actions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [5.2] Xbox Achievements (31 total) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Achievement List: 20 Stealth Kills (20) - 20 Stealth Kills achieved! 50 Stealth Kills (20) - 50 Stealth Kills achieved! 100 Stealth Kills (30) - 100 Stealth Kills achieved! 300 Stealth Kills (30) - 300 Stealth Kills achieved! 500 Stealth Kills (30) - 500 Stealth Kills achieved! 700 Stealth Kills (40) - 700 Stealth Kills achieved! 1000 Stealth Kills (50) - 1000 Stealth Kills achieved! Killed 5 Tomikichi (20) - Killed 5 Tomikichi! (Secret) Killed 10 Tomikichi (20) - Killed 10 Tomikichi! (Secret) Killed 20 Tomikichi (30) - Killed 20 Tomikichi! (Secret) Killed 30 Tomikichi (30) - Killed 30 Tomikichi! (Secret) Killed 40 Tomikichi (40) - Killed 40 Tomikichi! (Secret) Killed 50 Tomikichi (50) - Killed 50 Tomikichi! (Secret) Completed 1 Secret Mission (20) - Completed 1 Secret Mission! (Secret) Completed 2 Secret Mission (20) - Completed 2 Secret Mission! (Secret) Completed 3 Secret Mission (30) - Completed 3 Secret Mission! (Secret) Completed 4 Secret Mission (40) - Completed 4 Secret Mission! (Secret) Completed 5 Secret Mission (50) - Completed 5 Secret Mission! (Secret) Complete 5 Missions (20) - Completed 5 missions! Complete 10 Missions (20) - Completed 10 missions! Complete 20 Missions (30) - Completed 20 missions! Complete 30 Missions (30) - Completed 30 missions! Complete 40 Missions (40) - Completed 40 missions! Complete 50 Missions (50) - Completed 50 missions! Complete the game story (50) - Completed the game story! 10 Ninja 5 ranks (20) - Achieved 10 Ninja 5 ranks! 30 Ninja 5 ranks (20) - Achieved 30 Ninja 5 ranks! 50 Ninja 5 ranks (30) - Achieved 50 Ninja 5 ranks! Ninja 5 All Easy Missions (30) - Achieved Ninja 5 rank on every mission with difficulty: Easy! Ninja 5 All Normal Missions (40) - Achieved Ninja 5 rank on every mission with difficulty: Normal! Ninja 5 All Hard Missions (50) - Achieved Ninja 5 rank on every mission with difficulty: Hard! Achievement Tips: The Achievements are time-consuming but easy to attain, and they can all be attained in Solo Mode. The Stealth Kill Achievements are the only ones that may be earned in either Solo Mode or MultiPlayer Mode. They are virtually guaranteed to be attained on the way toward the other Achievements. The Tomikichi Kill Achievements have to be earned in Solo Mode. The Tomikichi is the enemy swordsman who wears a distinctive, wide-brimmed hat. In each of the 50 Missions, on any Difficulty Setting, find and directly kill the Tomikichi, and then complete the Objective. (Pushing him into deep water or bottomless pits doesn't count.) The Mission Completion Achievements have to be earned in Solo Mode. The Secret Missions (7, 15, 25, 35, and 44) are merely Optional Missions that are hidden until their immediately preceding Missions are completed. They are otherwise no different from the typical Optional Missions. The Ninja 5 Rank Achievements have to be earned in Solo Mode. In each of the 50 Missions, earn at least 900 Points to attain the Ninja 5 Rank. (On the Mission Select Screen, press the Bumper Buttons to cycle through the Difficulty Settings, as indicated by the number of kunai.) Achievement Precedence: The final Achievements, if earned at the same time, are attained in the following order (from earliest to latest): - Complete 50 Missions - Completed 5 Secret Mission - 50 Ninja 5 ranks (Any Difficulty Setting) - Ninja 5 All Easy/Normal/Hard Missions - Complete the game story Those who prefer to attain the Ninja 5 All Easy/Normal/Hard Missions Achievements in succession can offset the attainment of Ninja 5 Ranks in the last few Missions to control exactly when to earn those Achievements. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [5.3] Dashboard Theme and Gamer Pic Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dashboard Theme: (Original Price: 150 MSP) - Main Section - The male Azuma ninja from the Title Screen. - Game Library - The female Azuma ninja with the bun hairstyle. - Network, Video Library, Music Library, and Computer Network - Rikimaru. - System Settings - The male Azuma ninja with the Hannya mask and the snake. Gamer Pics: (6 total) (Original Price: 60 MSP) (All of the Gamer Pics share the same background with the bright moon.) - The female Azuma ninja with the bun hairstyle. - Rikimaru. - Nagayori Ogawara. - The male Azuma ninja with the Hannya mask and the snake. - Shigi. - The male Azuma ninja from the Title Screen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [5.4] Really Small Details Enjoyed by Kunoichi Who Love Hanging Out Together ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alternate Victory Poses Upon the completion of the Objective in a Mission, hold the D-Pad in different directions to perform different victory poses: - Up - Default pose. - Down - Kneeling pose. - Left - Flipping pose. - Right - Weird pose. A hero's victory pose is seen by only that hero's Player. In MultiPlayer Mode, the other Players' characters are always stuck in their last motions upon the completion of the Objective. Out-of-Bounds Glitch, or the Art of Moving Through Walls and Below Ground Certain walls and corners can be entered via somersaults or other movements by rare chance, allowing your character to go into out-of-bounds spaces and effectively wander through the ground below buildings. Examples of such places include the Forest Border Area's bridge's east intersection with the tree's ledge (entered via shimmying to the tree's ledge and then back to the bridge), the Restaurant Area's northeast curved rocky corner with the tree over the stream (entered via somersaulting into the rock surface below the tree), and the Ladies' Manor Area's outer wall corner near the secluded room (entered via rolling directly into the wall corner). While in such spaces, avoid the regions that vertically align with the bottomless pits, into which your character can still fall. Your character can safely return to valid space by running back out through the walls or by jumping straight up through the floors. Air-Climbing Glitch, or the Art of Jumping Up to the Skies At any place that has a slope and an adjacent high ledge with a corner, somersaulting or moonsaulting from the top of the slope onto the outermost points of this corner may cause your character to land in an odd floating position, which will allow your character to ascend indefinitely by simply jumping straight up. (Moving along the horizontal plane will cause your character to drop down as normal.) Examples of such spots include the Forest Border Area's sloped path past the bridge and the Port Town Area's stairs to the fenced house. Scarecrow Glitch At the Large Farming Village Area, jumping onto the south-southwest scarecrow will cause your character to become stuck in an infinite falling state, unless a teammate in MultiPlayer Mode uses an Item or throws a corpse to knock down your character. However, jumping onto the northwest scarecrow (near the northwest manor) results in harmless surfing fun. Mangled MultiPlayer Mess The game's MultiPlayer Mode is apparently underdeveloped. Completing the Missions there has no bearing on the progress in Solo Mode, even though they play the same except for the presence of teammates, and there is no way to revive defeated teammates. Has the development of the game been forced to end before its MultiPlayer Mode could be fully finished? Are the Secret Missions excluded here to prevent Players from easily attaining their associated Achievements? Pathetic Partner Purpose The partner is apparently underdeveloped, too. When your character is created, the partner is also given a name, but this name is never seen elsewhere in the game, and the partner can't be edited later. Have the gestures (performed by holding the Aid Button and pressing the D-Pad) been meant as a possible means to command the partner as a computer-controlled teammate in Solo Mode? What a Crappy Jail In Mission 37, the partner is still carrying a sword and any other Accessories, because the partner's appearance can't be changed. Apparently, Shigi and Ogawara's men know how to torture people to death, but they don't know how to remove their captives' weapons. Fake Deaths, Real Potions The merchant-type bosses can perform a fake death, where they have a chance of dropping an Item (before they perform their shot attack while still lying prone). The first time they do so, they will drop a Healing Potion, and then afterward they will drop Rice Balls. They Already Bleed the Same Way The Items dropped by defeated enemies will all fall in the same direction within a Mission. Japan Is Surrounded by Water, Right? In this game, everyone except the Players' characters can't swim and will drown in deep water. This includes the animals, the enemy ninja, the bosses, and even the enemy sailors, lol. Killer Turnover All of the Missions set at the Restaurant Area explicitly describe the joint as being the exact same one, the Shion. With so many people murdered there, you figure that Ogawara would just burn down the entire damn place. Restaurant Shion must serve really awesome food or something. At Least They Won't Bite Off Your Face In Missions where the Objective is to reach a destination, there is often a cat near the target point. These cats can be difficult to spot, although their meowing is more readily heard, and the target points are easier to discover by accident. Makes More Sense Than Teenage Mutants The Bird Accessory carries a tiny kunai in its beak, while the Toad Accessory has a tiny shuriken mark on its left shoulder. Ninja Power Coverage If Items like Shuriken and arrows are used to hit the friendly spies and prisoners, they will flinch but won't die. (Shuriken will pass through them and can be retrieved.) First Person Shinobi The first person view normally changes back to the third person view if your character performs a sword attack, but this doesn't happen when performing a crouching slash or when using a Spear. Night Life at the Village The evening periods at the Ninja Village have a campfire whose burning sound can be loudly heard if the Camera is moved down near it. Strangely, your character's shadow is projected by only the moonlight and isn't affected by the campfire. Quiet Life at the Village If your character is using the Feet Ability at Level 3 upon entering the Ninja Village and then removes it, your character's footsteps will continue to be silent until leaving the Ninja Village. Good Thing Going Into Dirty Water Won't Cause a Sepsis Status Affliction The Instruction Booklet is written well, but it mistakenly states that your character can mask a strong odor by moving close to another character who also has a strong odor. In the game, any odor status affliction is simply erased as soon as your character draws the olfactory attention of an enemy or a civilian. Ninjutsu Is an Imprecise Art The back of the game's case states that there are "more than 50 different missions" available. Whoops. There are only fifty Missions, unless it's counting the tutorial, too, and not all of them can be chosen in MultiPlayer Mode. Furthermore, it states that 72 KB is required for saving your data, but the Save File requires only 64 KB. It's More Painful Than It Looks Corpses that lie next to ledges may have their heads and limbs dangle over the ledges, but the way they dangle often appears weird. Any such legs will have ankles that look crooked from the side but still look okay from the front. Carrying and then laying down a corpse on the sloped sides of rocks can also cause the legs to stick upward in a humorous fashion. The Other Kind of Ninja Foot The female ninja, including the heroines and the enemy kunoichi, have a secret. The thongs they wear outline the most delicate and loveliest part of their bodies. The level of detail is best appreciated with the Eyes Ability at Level 3. :p MultiPlayer Hijinks Extend the fun with the following humorous activities in MultiPlayer Mode: - Keep drawing the sword on the other side of walls to distract unalerted enemies, so teammates can easily sneak up on them. (This trick doesn't work with the B Sword.) - Exploit the lag by retrieving an Item at the same time with a friend to duplicate it (by adding a copy of the Item to each one's Personal Inventory). - In Mission 20: The Silencer, knock out and line up all the enemies along the middle road with a bridge, using Paralyze Powder and periodically knocking out enemies again to keep them unconscious. Then, challenge one teammate to go for the longest chain of Consecutive Stealth Kills, lol. - In Mission 49: Twilight Duel, gather the guns from the riflemen, climb up to the towers, and pretend to be snipers. Alternatively, knock out the boss, line up everyone, and then play a game of Really Crappy Firing Squad. - Deliberately set your character's Physical Abilities to a Vitality of 10, ask your kunoichi friend to bring in a lot of Shuriken or other lethal Items, and then play a game of Dodge-the-Killer-Kunoichi. - Knock out some guy, attach a bunch of Pinwheels to him, and then play a tasteless game of Unwilling Suicide Bomber. - Have everyone use the Jump Ability, deploy rows of Mines, and then play a deadly game of Explosive Hurdles. - In any Mission set at the Large Farming Village Area, go to the northwest scarecrow (near the northwest manor), and challenge teammates to scarecrow-surfing. The first person who falls off must be mercilessly teabagged. Even by kunoichi. :O - In Mission 18: Purge the Foreigners, get everyone to wear the Eye 1 and Bird Accessories, lure the bad guys to the ship, and fight them all at once in an epic pirate battle. Award bonus points for male heroes who have Face 19 or Face 20 and run around butt-naked, possibly with hairy legs. Beware of the dude named TEABAGGER69. XD - In Mission 30: Recover the Bombs, go out with your kunoichi friend on a romantic night in town, murdering bad guys together and creating your own cinematic moments on the ship. :) - In any Mission set at the Restaurant Area or the Ladies' Manor Area, clear the place of enemies, and then use the rooms and the gardens to host a party. Show friends some thanks by giving them small gifts of Rice Balls, C-Rice, Shuriken, and Pinwheels (safely thrown onto the floor). Play a simple game of catch by tossing Paralysis Cakes toward each other. The gardens should also serve as a beautiful venue for Fireworks. In Mission 21: Recover the Secret Documents, end the party in style by dragging or carrying the body of a favorite captive kunoichi or servant girl on the way to the target package. ;D Krezzy Comparisons The Xbox 360 has many exclusive and semi-exclusive cooperative games of note. Just for fun, let's compare some of these games: TZ = K2's Tenchu: Senran HD = Konami's Akumajou Dracula: Harmony of Despair (ADHD, lol) AW = Microsoft's Aegis Wing KK = Ninja Bee's A Kingdom for Keflings Name TZ HD AW KK Offers 4-Player support x x x Offers 6-Player support x Offers shared-console MultiPlayer support x Allows friends to join mid-session x Brings online action to an originally single-Player series x x Features Player-created heroes (including X360 Avatars) x x Features heroes who can trade stuff x Features heroes who can revive each other x x Features heroes who have built-in communication actions x x x Has guns in some form x x x Has totally slaughter-free gameplay x Doesn't have stupid-ass bottomless pits x x x Suffers from a two-year-late PSN port with mixed blessings x Doesn't recycle decade-old character graphics x x x Has Achievements that can all be earned without online play x x Wants to make more money by selling DLC x x Is actually free to play x Has been truly what makes Xbox Live worth it x x x x Winner Tie ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [5.5] Document Credits ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ K2 (www.k2-games.com) For developing Tenchu: Senran. From Software (www.fromsoftware.jp/jp/detail.html?csm=052) (www.tenchu.net) For producing Tenchu: Senran. Spherelanders For playing through the game and figuring out the best tactics. Extra thanks to Alex Round for actually authoring this document and to Koyume for being the best support kunoichi ever and for providing demonstrations, the silent swimming trick, the creaky floor trick, the spinning slash-through-walls trick, the small pot trick, the MultiPlayer Item duplication trick, the alternate victory pose trick, the friendly spies and prisoners' flinching details, the C-Rice glitch, the Conceal Ability's tips and flame glitch, and too many other interesting things to remember. :D She leaves this message for Renante (NANninja): "Thanks for the adventures. We will always have the Ninja Village. (=^.^=)" ============================================================================== [6] Contact Information ============================================================================== mail: faididi@yahoo.com ============================================================================== ==============================================================================