============================================================================== Nanatsu no Hikan: Senritsu no Bishou (Dreamcast) (2000) ============================================================================== Nanatsu no Hikan: Senritsu no Bishou Copyright 2000 Koei This document is created by Faididi and Co. (faididi@yahoo.com) Copying or distributing this, in whole or in part, for profit without the explicit permission of the author is prohibited. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [-] Document Version History ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 2006 (2006-07-19 Wednesday) - Initial release. Version 2008 (2008-07-19 Saturday) - Corrections made. Version 2010 (2010-07-19 Monday) - Corrections made. ============================================================================== [0] Contents ============================================================================== [1] Overview [1.1] Story [1.2] Characters [1.3] Controls [1.4] Options [1.5] Subscreen [1.6] Weapons [1.7] Items [1.8] General Tips [2] Strategies - Story Mode [2.1] Hikan 1: Institute of Genetics [2.2] Hikan 2: MacFerson Residence [2.3] Hikan 3: Institute of Environmental Studies [2.4] Hikan 4: Metawater Control Center [2.5] Hikan 5: Institute of Microbiology [2.6] Hikan 6: Institute of Cloning [2.7] Hikan 7: ARK [2.8] Epilogue [3] Strategies - Training Mode [3.0] Stage Types [3.1] Stage 1 [3.2] Stage 2 [3.3] Stage 3 [3.4] Stage 4 [3.5] Stage 5 [3.6] Stage 6 [4] Miscellaneous Information [4.1] Secret Messages [4.2] Glitches [4.3] Quick Reference [5] Reference [5.1] Game Source Information [5.2] Really Small Details [5.3] Document Credits [6] Contact Information ============================================================================== [1] Overview ============================================================================== Koei's Nanatsu no Hikan: Senritsu no Bishou is an action adventure that features a Story Mode that can be played with 1 or 2 Players. It is a remake of Nanatsu no Hikan, but it is a very different game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1.1] Story ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ In the early summer of 1999, Reina and her best friend, Kei, travel to New Russell at the request of Dr. Ernest MacFerson, a professor and another friend of theirs. However, when they arrive at the island by boat and enter the research institute where they are supposed to meet the professor, he is nowhere to be seen. Worse yet, hideous monsters are running amok in the place, attacking the two on sight. Can Reina and Kei find Dr. MacFerson and discover what is happening? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1.2] Characters ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Reina Shiragawa Birthdate: 1980-07-05 Blood Type: O Age: 18 yr Height: 164 cm Weight: 52 kg Hobbies: piano, tennis Favorite Drink: red tea Health Capacity: 80 Vitality Points (Story Mode) Notes: The daughter of a department director at the K University, and a first-year student there. Upbeat and curious by nature, Reina is the type of person who prefers to think through things. She is also proficient in English. Name: Kei Asuka Birthdate: 1976-06-18 Blood Type: A Age: 23 yr Height: 175 cm Weight: 65 kg Hobbies: free climbing, marine sports, sailing, kendo, amateur radio Favorite Food: barbecue Health Capacity: 120 Vitality Points (Story Mode) Notes: A very athletic second-year student at the K University. Kei is a caring friend of Reina, and he seems to carry a lot of candy, which he gives to Reina to help take her mind off her troubles. (Perverted gamers take note.) Name: Dr. Ernest MacFerson Birthdate: 1944-12-25 Blood Type: A Age: 54 yr Height: 175 cm Weight: 72 kg Notes: A medical doctor who lives on New Russell, and the founder of the MacFerson Group, which runs the various research institutes on the island. Ernest has befriended Reina's father and joined the faculty of the K University when he traveled from the United States to Japan three years ago, and he is the one who has invited the heroes to come visit him at New Russell. Name: Christy MacFerson Birthdate: 1983-03-10 Blood Type: A Age: 16 yr Height: 170 cm Weight: 51 kg Hobbies: drawing art, reading Favorite Food: ice cream Notes: Ernest's daughter. Christy is very sweet and gentle, but her fragile health seems to keep her from going out a lot. She has a beautiful voice, and she loves to sing when she plays the piano. Name: Dr. Alan MacFerson Birthdate: 1972-11-03 Blood Type: A Age: 26 yr Height: 183 cm Weight: 70 kg Hobbies: keeping a diary, caring for animals Favorite Supplement: vitamins Notes: Ernest's son. Alan is a medical doctor like his father, and he is one of the brightest minds in the MacFerson Group. Alan also looks really stylish, and he carries those cool laser pens that seem to be the rage among the researchers at the island. Name: Dr. Tatjana Valenkov (Tatiana Valenkov) Birthdate: 1975-09-12 Blood Type: B Age: 23 yr Height: 167 cm Weight: 52 kg Hobbies: reading, racing Favorite Food: fruits Health Capacity: 80 Vitality Points (Story Mode) Notes: A medical doctor. Tanya, as she prefers to be nicknamed, lives with Ernest and his family at their island home, where she helps take care of Christy. Name: Dr. Georg Schnider (Georg Schneider) Birthdate: 1949-04-01 Blood Type: AB Age: 50 yr Height: 204 cm Weight: 85 kg Hobbies: analyzing and dissecting organisms Favorite Food: donuts Notes: The director of the MacFerson Group's Institute of Genetics. Unlike his fellow researchers, Schnider isn't very concerned with ethics in his work. He is responsible for the creation of the Boudoul Virus, which causes fever, loss of sight, and then death in its victims. Name: Dr. Morris Thompson Birthdate: 1947-07-22 Blood Type: O Age: 52 yr Height: 182 cm Weight: 86 kg Hobbies: hunting, machine work Favorite Drink: brandy Notes: The vice director of the MacFerson Group's Institute of Genetics. Due to his unusual predicament, Morris can provide Reina and Kei with help through electronic devices like phones and computers. Name: Dr. Lloyd Henry Alhazard Notes: The director of the MacFerson Group's Institute of Microbiology. Name: Richard Notes: A casual-mannered, roguish person whom Reina and Kei will run across several times. He also goes by the nickname, Ricky. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1.3] Controls ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Movement Stick (Control Stick) - Move (relative to the character). Press Up and Down to move forward and backward. Press Left and Right to turn. The farther this is pressed, the faster the movement. At a MFD terminal, press this to move the cursor. Viewing Pad (D-Pad) - Look. In the chase view and the first-person view, press Left and Right to turn. In the first-person view, press Up and Down to look down and up. Action Button (A) - Perform a context-sensitive action, like checking an object, taking an item, opening a door, or talking to a person. At a MFD terminal, press this to confirm. Attack Button (R) - Attack with the equipped weapon. Also hold this to reload when the equipped weapon has an empty magazine. Aim Button (L) - Aim at the nearest enemy. Hold this while pressing Left and Right to sidestep, and keep holding this when stopping to aim at the nearest enemy again. Also hold this to reload when the equipped weapon has an empty magazine. View Button (X) - Cycle through the views in Single Play Mode. The views are in the following order: cinematic, chase, first-person. At a MFD terminal, press this to return to the previous menu. Map Button (B) - View the Quick Map, which displays only the current floor. At a MFD terminal, press this to delete a character. Subscreen Button (Y) - Pause, and access the Subscreen. At a MFD terminal, press this to exit. Pause Button (Start) - Pause, and access the Pause Menu. To skip a Movie, hold the Cancel Button (B) and press this. At a MFD terminal, press this to highlight the Enter Key. To reset the game, press A, B, X, Y, and Start together. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1.4] Options ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Disp Vitality - Adjust the Vitality Display and the Ammunition Display. The default setting is On, but this may be changed to Off. (The heroes' Vitality Points, in numbers, are always displayed on the Subscreen.) Auto Follow (Single Play Mode) - Adjust the computer-controlled partner's following behavior. The default setting is On, but this may be changed to Off to make the partner less likely to follow closely. (She or he will still follow from room to room.) Partner Type (Single Play Mode) - Adjust the computer-controlled partner's fighting behavior. The default setting is Active (attack on sight), but this may be changed to Inactive (do not attack). Division Mode (Pair-Con Mode) - Adjust the splitscreen behavior. The default setting is Auto (splitscreen when the heroes are far apart), but this may be changed to Fix (splitscreen all the time). Division Type (Pair-Con Mode) - Adjust the splitscreen orientation. The default setting is Horizontal, but this may be changed to Vertical. Move Sense - Adjust the turning sensitivity. The default setting is 3, but this may be changed from 1 (Low) to 5 (High). Brightness - Adjust the display brightness. The default setting is 3, but this may be changed from 1 (Dark) to 5 (Light). Vibration - Adjust the vibration setting. Audio - Adjust the audio output. The default setting is Stereo, but this may be changed to Mono. SE Volume - Adjust the volume of the sound effects. The default setting is 3, but this may be changed from 1 (Min) to 5 (Max). BGM Volume - Adjust the volume of the background music. The default setting is 3, but this may be changed from 1 (Min) to 5 (Max). Back to Game - Confirm the settings and return to the previous menu. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1.5] Subscreen ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ In Single Play Mode, press R to switch to the partner's Subscreen (only if the heroes are close together), and press L to switch back. The Subscreen cannot be accessed when the heroes are attacking or are returning to their normal stances after being hit. Map - View the Subscreen Map. The red dot indicates Reina's location. The blue dot indicates Kei's location. The Target (red flashing box) indicates the room where the heroes should go next. Press L to view the previous floor. Press R to view the next floor. Press A to center the view. Press B to exit. Item - Use, check, and trade items. The options are in the following order: Heal - Use health-restoring items. Use - Manually use certain items. Info - Check and read items. Trade - Give items to the partner (only if the heroes are close together). Back - Return to the previous menu. Equip - Equip a weapon or the safety suit. Bullet - Reload or change the ammunition in the equipped weapon. Exit - Return to the previous menu. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1.6] Weapons ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Weapon: Stungun (Reina only) Magazine Capacity: N/A Ammunition Type: N/A Damage: 24 Points (moderate) Notes: A personal defense tool that has infinite charge. The Stungun fries its victims with 400000 kick-ass volts of electricity. Not fun for Kei if Reina accidentally zaps him with this. Weapon: Hunting Knife (Kei only) Magazine Capacity: N/A Ammunition Type: N/A Damage: 16 Points (low) Notes: A large bladed tool designed for rugged work. The Hunting Knife can be used to slash at enemies, but Reina is too squeamish to equip it, and Kei is too stupid to stab with it. Weapon: Laser Pen (Reina only) Magazine Capacity: 12 charges Ammunition Type: Pen Battery Damage: 40 Points (very high) Notes: A pen that fires laser beams. These beams are very powerful, and they can also stun many larger types of sublimiters. However, the Laser Pen cannot be reloaded by holding the Aim Button or the Fire Button (when it is empty). Weapon: Shotgun M870 (Kei only) Magazine Capacity: 5 rounds Ammunition Type: Buckshot, Express Buckshot Damage: 20 Points (Buckshot) (moderate) Damage: 30 Points (Express Buckshot) (high) Notes: A standard 12-gauge hunting weapon. With Express Buckshot, the Shotgun can also stun some larger types of sublimiters. Weapon: Hand Gun M92F Magazine Capacity: 15 rounds Ammunition Type: 9 mm Luger, 9 mm Luger(+P), Red-Blue-Green Bullets, ASB Damage: 24 Points (9 mm Luger) (moderate) Damage: 30 Points (9 mm Luger(+P)) (high) Damage: 16 Points or more (Red-Blue-Green Bullets, ASB) (low to high) Notes: A pistol. The Handgun can be used by both Reina and Kei, and it can be loaded with many different types of ammunition, making it a very versatile weapon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1.7] Items ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Item: First-Aid Kit Small (Red) Notes: Restores 40 Vitality Points. Item: First-Aid Kit Medium (Green) Notes: Restores 80 Vitality Points. Item: First-Aid Kit Large (Blue) Notes: Restores 120 Vitality Points. Item: Pen Battery Notes: A charge for the Laser Pen. Comes in packs of 12. Item: Buckshot Notes: A round for the Shotgun. Comes in boxes of 10. Item: Express Buckshot Notes: A special round for the Shotgun. Comes in boxes of 5. Item: 9 mm Luger Notes: A round for the Handgun. Comes in boxes of 15. Item: 9 mm Luger(+P) Notes: A special round for the Handgun. Comes in boxes of 15. Item: Red Bullet Notes: An experimental round for the Handgun. Designed to kill Guardians. Item: Blue Bullet Notes: An experimental round for the Handgun. Item: Green Bullet Notes: An experimental round for the Handgun. Item: Anti-Sublimiter Bullet (ASB) Notes: An experimental round for the Handgun. Designed to kill the Minotauros. Item: Safety Suit Notes: Protects its user from contaminated air (toxic gas and viral particles). However, the heroes can still become infected by viral particles if they get hit by enemies while wearing their safety suits. These suits are also too bulky to let the heroes use most weapons and certain other objects. (While wearing these, the heroes will always equip their melee weapons.) Item: Keycard Notes: A device used to unlock doors. Keycards are automatically discarded after being used. Item: Document Notes: A piece of paper or a file that has information written on it. Some documents are automatically discarded after certain points in the game. Item: Recovery Point Notes: A small red capsule. Restores Vitality Points. This item is instantly used when obtained. This appears only in Training Mode. Item: Coin Notes: A large, spinning, circular piece of gold. Required to complete Coin Collection Stages. This appears only in Training Mode. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1.8] General Tips ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - There is no penalty for saving excessively. - The heroes' health capacities are different from mode to mode. In Story Mode, Reina has a health capacity of 80 Vitality Points, and Kei has a health capacity of 120 Vitality Points, so using Large First-Aid Kits (Blue) on Reina can be very wasteful. - The heroes sometimes must read or obtain certain documents, not just keys, before they can make more progress. - Some items are hidden inside containers, garbage cans, and other objects, out of plain sight. Whenever possible, search an area thoroughly for items before leaving, because there are several points in the game where the heroes will refuse to return to a previous location. - The compass orientation is rotated 180 degrees on the map. (The bottom of the map points toward north, the left points toward east, and so on.) - When aiming in first-person view, the targeting reticle will change from green to red if it is on an enemy. However, this color indicator isn't perfect, so make sure that the center of the reticle itself is properly lined up with the enemy before firing. - The noise of breaking glass or the sound of heavy breathing are good ways to know if Rippers are present. - Some rooms have enemies who will reappear whenever the heroes leave and then return. In Pair-Con Mode, one hero can stay in such rooms to prevent defeated enemies from reappearing, so the other hero can pass back and forth between adjacent areas more easily. - Characters who stagger after being hit cannot be hurt again until they return to their normal stances. The heroes can time their attacks so they will keep hitting enemies just as they finish staggering, preventing them from fighting back. - When attacking enemies, the heroes will sometimes perform critical hits, which do tons of damage, usually killing the enemies immediately. - If it's Game Over in Story Mode, the game will return to the beginning. ============================================================================== [2] Strategies - Story Mode ============================================================================== Story Mode remains generally the same across its versions, but certain puzzles, events, and other things will differ between them. In Kei's Single Play Mode, the enemies are more numerous and sometimes come in stronger types, but the puzzles are easier. In Reina's Single Play Mode, the puzzles are a little more complex and difficult to solve, but the enemies are fewer. In Pair-Con Mode (2-Player Mode), the difficulty of the enemies and puzzles is balanced, but a few of the puzzles require careful coordination between the heroes to be solved. Both heroes also must be together to open certain doors, and both of them must be next to a save point before they can record their progress. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [2.1] Hikan 1: Institute of Genetics ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Story: This institute has opened in 1979, being one of the MacFerson Group's early projects. The heroes have come here, where Ernest's office is located, to meet the doctor. General Hints: Depending on the mode, the rooms that the heroes need to enter will be different. Unless there are extra items to be found, the heroes should ignore the unnecessary rooms to avoid enemies. There is a first-aid kit hidden in the garbage can near the first floor elevator door. All the monsters here, including the last one (the Vulgar), have only melee attacks. There are no projectile weapons to find yet, so if there is enough room, try to avoid the bad guys. Walkthrough: Reception Room (1F) This room contains a reception desk and a map display. In Single Play Mode, the partner has arrived earlier and is somewhere else in the building. When the current hero tries to open the door leading further into the building, the phone on the desk will ring. Answer the phone to hear a mysterious voice, and then try to open the door again. Monsters will break into the room. Avoid them for now. (Reina will automatically open the door, but Kei won't.) In the first floor corridors, the current hero will hear the partner yelling out while trying to avoid a monster. Afterward, another monster will appear behind the current hero. Avoid it by opening the door in the middle of these corridors, entering the research room (1F). In Pair-Con Mode, both heroes begin together. Obtain the Identification Card from the desk. Use the phone to unlock the door leading further into the building. The other doors on the first floor are locked for now, so go up the stairs to the second floor, and use the Identification Card on the panel to open the second floor security gate. (The heroes must be together.) Unexpectedly, the gate will close again, separating the heroes as they try to pass through it. Reina will escape into the genetic analysis room (2F), where she has to avoid the monster who is trying to kill her, while Kei should hurry to the security room (2F) to find a way to rescue her. Research Room (1F) This room contains counters and a small green house. In Single Play Mode, obtain the Identification Card and the first weapon (Reina's Stungun or Kei's Hunting Knife) from the white coat lying on the counters. (This coat belongs to Morris.) Back outside, the elevator is not working yet, so use the stairs to reach the second floor. Use the Identification Card on the panel to open the second floor security gate. Computer Room (2F) There is a save point here. This room contains a supercomputer and a desktop computer. In Kei's Single Play Mode, check the desktop computer to learn from Morris (to whom the mysterious voice belongs) that the partner is in the library (1F). Obtain the Screwdriver from the desk with the save point. Back outside, stop by Ernest's office (2F) just down the hall first. In Reina's Single Play Mode, check the desktop computer to learn from Morris that the partner is in the library (1F). Back outside, stop by Ernest's office (2F) just down the hall first. Ernest's Office (2F) This room contains a desk, a table, and bookshelves. In Kei's Single Play Mode, obtain the Video Tape from the table, and obtain the Passcode Memo from the desk. Back outside, go to the security room (2F). In Reina's Single Play Mode, obtain the Admission Card and the Video Tape from the table, and obtain the Memo from the desk. Also check the phone on the desk. Back outside, go to the security room (2F). In Pair-Con Mode, obtain the Hunting Knife, the Stungun, and the Video Tape from the table, and then use the weapons to kill the Ripper. Obtain the Passcode Memo from the desk. Security Room (2F) This room contains two computer consoles and some lockers. In Kei's Single Play Mode, use the first console to unlock the first floor security gate. Use the second console to activate the elevator. Use the Screwdriver on the lockers to obtain the Admission Card. Back outside, use the elevator to go down to the first floor. Use the Admission Card on the panel near the library door to unlock it. In Reina's Single Play Mode, use the first console to unlock the first floor security gate. Use the second console to activate the elevator. Back outside, use the elevator to go down to the first floor. Use the Admission Card on the panel near the library door to unlock it. In Pair-Con Mode, Kei should obtain the System Key and the Ax from the locker. Use the System Key on the first console to unlock the second floor security gate. Use the second console to activate the elevator. Back outside, go to the genetic analysis room (2F), where Reina is still avoiding the monster. Kei will automatically use the Ax to rescue her, but the heroes will get gassed and then wake up inside the library (1F). Library (1F) There is a save point here. This room contains several bookshelves and two large tables. The heroes will be rejoined here. In Reina's Single Play Mode, obtain the File of Creatures from the table with the save point. In Pair-Con Mode, answer the phone on the table with the save point to have the door unlocked. When the heroes leave, they will encounter another Ripper (one of the monsters) and automatically flee to the vent room (1F). Vent Room (1F) This room contains floor vents and large gas tanks. In Single Play Mode, equip the first weapon and kill the Ripper. The heroes now have to find a way out of the building. Normally, they should return to the reception room (1F), where the front doors are still locked, and check the map there to see that they should investigate the lounge (2F), but they can save themselves the trouble and go to the second floor now. In Pair-Con Mode, one hero has to lure the Ripper over the vents while the other hero has to use the large gas tanks to release the gas, killing the Ripper as it walks over the vents. The heroes now have to go to the security room (1F) down the hall outside before going to Ernest's office (2F). Security Room (1F) This room contains two computer consoles. In Pair-Con Mode, use the second console to unlock the first floor security gate. Capsule Room (2F) This room contains four large capsules. In Reina's Single Play Mode, after obtaining the File of Creatures from the library (1F), check Capsule 3 here. Kill the Ripper who appears to obtain A Tissue of Ripper (Ripper Tissue Sample). Genetic Analysis Room (2F) This room contains beds and other machinery. In Reina's Single Play Mode, use A Tissue of Ripper on the gene decoder at the corner to obtain the Genetic Map. Now return to Ernest's office, and check the phone on the desk twice to automatically find the passcode. Lounge (2F) This room contains a keypad in the middle and triangular tables at the sides. In Kei's Single Play Mode, the Lounge Passcode is 01358245. (It is obtained from the Passcode Memo from Ernest's office.) In Reina's Single Play Mode, the Lounge Passcode is 4242288. (It is obtained from cross-checking the Genetic Map to the letters on the keys of the phone in Ernest's office.) In Pair-Con Mode, the Lounge Passcode is 11235813. (Is it obtained from the pattern of the numbers on the Passcode Memo from Ernest's office, as suggested by the file on one of the tables in the lounge. 1+1=2, 1+2=3, and so on until 5+8=13.) Entering it will cause the lounge to rotate, so the door now leads to the rooms on the other side of the building. Neural Network Room (2F) There is a save point here. This room contains several brains that are suspended in glass tubes. Apparently, Morris now exists as only one of these brains, no thanks to his evil director, Schnider. Use the monitor to communicate with Morris. Now go pay Schnider a visit. Back outside, go down the hall to the adjacent room. Schnider's Office (2F) This room contains a desk, bookshelves, and large display screens. Kill the Vulgar (crawling-type sublimiter), and then return to the neural network room and talk to Morris again. He will unlock the front doors and ask the heroes to visit Ernest's home. The heroes will automatically exit the Institute of Genetics and go to the MacFerson Residence. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [2.2] Hikan 2: MacFerson Residence ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Story: This house has officially opened in 1979, along with the earlier institutes on the island. Morris has asked Reina and Kei to come here to see what clues they can find about Ernest's whereabouts. General Hints: This area is totally safe, so if they like, the heroes can check out the many interesting things here. The doors that are locked now will be unlocked later in the game. Walkthrough: Lobby (1F) This room contains two doors that lead to the main room. Only the right door is unlocked. Enter the main room to meet Tanya and Christy. Christy's Room (2F) This room contains all sorts of cute, girly stuff. Christy will ask the heroes to give her letter to her father. Kei will obtain the Letter from Christy. When the heroes leave Christy's room, Tanya will tell them that Schnider is responsible for Ernest's disappearance and asks them to help find him. Kei will obtain the Transceiver from Tanya, in case he has to contact her later. Study (2F) There is a save point here. This room contains a desk and several shelves. Obtain the Notebook from the desk. Tanya's Room (2F) This room is locked for now. Alan's Room (1F) This room is locked for now. Ernest's Room (1F) This room contains Ernest's belongings. His traveling suitcase hasn't been unpacked yet. Exterior Deck (1F) This exterior area contains two deck chairs and a pool. Main Room (1F) This room contains all sorts of interesting objects, including a piano, a billiards table, a fish tank, and a cuckoo clock. There may be ammunition lying around here. Exit the MacFerson Residence to meet Alan before proceeding to the next areas. Reina will obtain the Laser Pen from Alan. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [2.3] Hikan 3: Institute of Environmental Studies ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Story: From what Tanya and Alan have said, there are two places where Ernest may be found. Reina goes to the Metawater Control Center, while Kei goes to the Institute of Environmental Studies. This institute has opened in 1979, but it has been closed since 1992. However, Kei can still use its computer system to search for Ernest. General Hints: The enemies in the rooms and some of the corridors will stay dead after they are killed, but enemies may keep appearing in the long hallways past the security gates, depending on Kei's progress. In Reina's Single Play Mode, she won't have to go through this institute, although she will still need to come to its entrance to rejoin Kei later. Walkthrough: Reception Room (1F) This room contains a reception desk, a large model of Earth, and stairs that lead up to the second floor walkway. Conference Room (2F) This room contains a large square-ring table and a large display screen. In Kei's Single Play Mode, he will meet Ricky for the first time here. Obtain the Hand Gun M92F and the Clay from the table. Use the Video Tape on the video deck to see Schnider's presentation of Christalia. In Pair-Con Mode, Kei won't meet Ricky here. Obtain the Hand Gun M92F and the Clay from the table. Kei won't use the Video Tape on the video deck until he has rejoined with Reina. Storage Room (1F) This room contains shelves that hold several items. There is some ammunition hidden in the cart near the door. In Kei's Single Play Mode, the door to this room is already unlocked. In Pair-Con Mode, after the heroes rejoin, one of them should use the console in the nearby security room (1F) to unlock the door to this storage room, while the other hero opens it. Office Room (1F) This room contains three cubicles and some bookshelves. Check the notebook that has a pencil sticking out from its pages. Security Room (1F) This room contains a computer console and some lockers. In Kei's Single Play Mode, after meeting Ricky in the conference room, come here to meet him again, so he will unlock the first floor security gate just outside. Obtain the Safety Suit and the Gas Detector from the locker closest to the door. In Pair-Con Mode, Kei won't meet Ricky here, but the security gate outside is unlocked. Obtain the Safety Suit and the Gas Detector from the locker closest to the door. Computer Room (1F) There is a save point here. This room contains computers, including a MFD terminal. The MFD terminal here does not bring up the usual MFD interface (like with the other MFD terminals), but Kei can still use it to contact Reina (who is still at the Metawater Center). Check the scrap of paper to see some serial numbers (unit VZ02, identification code ENV34C). Kei cannot quite get through to Reina yet, due to a few problems with the computer system. Forest Research Room (1F) This room contains cubicles, lockers, and large tanks. The plant monster will release toxic gas, so wear the Safety Suit and slash it to death. Check the memo in one of the cubicles to learn about a locker passcode clue hidden in a bookshelf at the recycling research room (2F). The Locker Passcode is 1834. (It is obtained by finding the atomic number of the elements written on the Passcode Memo, HOLiBe: hydrogen, oxygen, lithium, and beryllium, from the recycling research room. The Elemental Table can be used for additional reference.) Entering it will unlock the locker. Obtain the Fuse of Bomb from the locker. Geology Research Room (1F) This room contains cubicles, bookshelves, and tables. Obtain the Search System Manual (SS Manual) from one of the tables. Food Research Room (2F) There is a save point. This room contains some desks and two large tables. Check the memo pad with a pencil sticking out from its pages. Go back to the office room (1F), check the notebook with another pencil sticking out from it there to obtain the Pencil. Return to this room, and use the Pencil on the memo pad to obtain the Fragment of Paper 1. Biology Department (2F) This room contains two rows of containers and a computer. In Kei's Single Play Mode, obtain the Fragment of Paper 2 from the computer. Recycling Research Room (2F) This room contains toxic gas that is leaking from a broken circulation unit. Kei should wear his Safety Suit to avoid losing health. This room is also locked. In Kei's Single Play Mode, simply flip the lever on the panel near the door to unlock it. In Pair-Con Mode, Kei has to flip the lever on the panel and Reina has to flip the lever in the computer room at the Metawater Control Center at the same time to unlock this door. After reading the memo in the forest research room (1F), check the left side of the shelves a few times to obtain the Passcode Memo. Obtain the Elemental Table from one of the cubicles. Analysis Room (3F) This room contains two rows of consoles. It can be reached by using one of the elevators at the second floor walkway of the reception room (2F). Contacting Reina In the analysis room (3F), Kei should use the SS Manual on the consoles to learn that the required system file is at the Metawater Control Center, and then he should return to the computer room (1F). Use the MFD terminal there a few times to send a message to Reina, asking her to help transfer over the required system file. Kei should check the scrap of paper at the other side of the room and use the computer again to send over his terminal's identification code (ENV34C), so Reina will know where to send the system file. Kei should now keep using the MFD terminal to get the system file. (If he has trouble getting it, he should try using the computer from different angles, like from the front of the keyboard and from the sides of the desk.) When Kei receives the system file, he will obtain the MO Disk. In Kei's Single Play Mode, return to the analysis room (3F), use the MO Disk on the consoles there to confirm that Ernest isn't here, go back down to the computer room (1F), and then use the MFD terminal to tell Reina to come over to the Institute of Environmental Studies. Go to the reception room (1F) to rejoin her. In Pair-Con Mode, after obtaining the MO Disk, use the MFD terminal again to tell Reina to come to the Institute of Environmental Studies. The heroes should rejoin in the reception room (1F). The heroes can also use this time to get the items in the storage room (1F). When they are ready, they should go to the analysis room (3F), and Kei should use the MO Disk on the consoles there to confirm that Ernest isn't here. Back at the reception room (1F), Kei should use the Transceiver to contact Tanya. According to her, there is one more place where Ernest may be found. Exit the Institute of Environmental Studies and go to the Storage Shed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [2.4] Hikan 4: Metawater Control Center ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Story: From what Tanya and Alan have said, there are two places where Ernest may be found. Reina goes to the Metawater Control Center, while Kei goes to the Institute of Environmental Studies. This center has opened in 1979, originally for the purpose of clean energy research. It has been upgraded in 1996. General Hints: Enemies will keep appearing in the upper corridors, so try to avoid them. Later in the game, when the heroes have to return here, new enemies will also appear in the lift rooms. Walkthrough: Upper Corridors (1F) In Reina's Single Play Mode and in Pair-Con Mode, obtain the Fragment of Paper 2 on the middle of the wall facing the entrance. Computer Room (1F) There is a save point here. This room contains a MFD terminal, a fax machine, and a lever. Obtain the Hand Gun M92F from the desk at a corner, and obtain the Database Manual near the MFD terminal. (In Kei's Single Play Mode, obtain the Hand Gun M92F here, later in the game.) In Reina's Single Play Mode and in Pair-Con Mode, Reina will have to use the MFD terminal to accomplish a variety of tasks. To open Capsule 1, enter "CPSL 19830310" on the Capsule Control Menu. (It is obtained from the help screen's notes about opening Capsule 1, using Christy's birthday.) To open Capsule 2, enter "CPSL 19441225" on the Capsule Control Menu. (It is obtained from the help screen's notes about opening Capsule 2, using Ernest's birthday.) Generator Room (1F) This room contains three generator levers. Obtain the Generater Manual from the lockers. Flip up all the levers to activate the MFD terminal and the lift. To open Capsule 3, make sure all three levers are flipped down at the beginning, and then flip them in the following order: 1-2-1-3-2-3-2-3-1. (It is obtained from the help screen's notes about opening Capsule 3, using the generator levers.) South Lift Room (B1) This room contains the lift stop below the upper corridors (1F). Access Bridge (B1) This room contains a bridge connecting to the capsule room in the middle. The bridge continues on the other side, going to the north lift room (B1). Metawater Plant - Capsule Room (B1) There is a save point here. This room contains four large capsules. In Reina's Single Play Mode, she will meet Alan again here. After opening the capsules with the MFD terminal and the generator levers, obtain the Key and the Battery from Capsule 2, and obtain the Tony Control Disk from Capsule 3. (Hmmm, notice the odd dates displayed on Capsule 1?) In Pair-Con Mode, Reina won't meet Alan again here. After opening the capsules with the MFD terminal and the generator levers, obtain the Key from Capsule 2, and obtain the Tony Control Disk from Capsule 3. North Lift Room (B1) This room contains a lift leading down to the ARK entrance. Lift Room (B2) This room contains the entrance to ARK. It cannot be opened for now. In Reina's Single Play Mode and in Pair-Con Mode, obtain the A4 Paper on the floor by a corner. Contacting Kei Reina should return to the computer room (1F). Use the MFD terminal to get a message from Kei. Use the A4 Paper on the fax machine to obtain the Error Report. Use the MFD terminal to receive Kei's request for a system file. Go to the Send System File Menu, and check the help screen. Use the A4 Paper on the fax machine again to obtain Logfile1. Use the MFD terminal to receive a reply from Kei. (If she has trouble getting it, she should try using the computer from different angles, like from the front of the keyboard and from the sides of the desk.) Reina should see his computer's identification code (ENV34C). To send the system file, enter "SND ENV34C" on the Send System File Menu. Use the A4 Paper on the fax machine once again to view a note about the Tony Control Disk. Check the MFD terminal a few times to receive a request from Kei to meet him at the entrance of the Institute of Environmental Studies. Exit the Metawater Control Center to automatically go meet Kei. In Reina's Single Play Mode, Kei will give Reina the Fragment of Paper 1. In Pair-Con Mode, the heroes should rejoin in the reception room (1F). The heroes can also use this time to get the items in the storage room (1F). When they are ready, they should go to the analysis room (3F), and Kei should use the MO Disk on the consoles there to confirm that Ernest isn't here. Back at the reception room (1F), Kei should use the Transceiver to contact Tanya. According to her, there is one more place where Ernest may be found. Exit the Institute of Environmental Studies and go to the Storage Shed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [2.5] Hikan 5: Institute of Microbiology ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Story: This institute has opened in 1993, and it has a staff of 37. It can be reached via the rail system beneath Lake New Russell, and there is a stop for this rail system hidden below the storage shed. General Hints: This institute is mostly contaminated by the Boudoul Virus. The heroes can avoid becoming infected if they wear the Safety Suits and don't get hit by enemies. If a hero gets infected, he or she will have about 15 to 20 minutes to find the antidote (in the next institute), or else it's Game Over. Walkthrough: Storage Shed (1F) This room contains furniture and a keypad on the back wall. In Single Play Mode, the Storage Shed Passcode is 63014729. (It is obtained from the two fragments of paper.) In Pair-Con Mode, the Storage Shed Passcode is 58663841. (It is obtained from the two fragments of paper.) Entering it and using the keypad will move the shed, which is actually a secret elevator, so the door now leads to the Lake New Russell Station (1F). Lake New Russell Station (1F) This room contains a stop for the rail car. Kill the two advanced Rippers (who have guns) to unlock the rail car, and then board it. Institute of Microbiology Station (1F) This room contains a stop for the rail car. The door on the same floor leads to the security room (1F), and the escalators lead to the lobby (2F). Security Room (1F) This room contains consoles and monitors. Use the console near the door to view the recent security footage of the rail car stop outside. Reina and Kei will see Schnider forcing Ernest to enter the institute. The heroes can also check the map here for additional directions. However, when the heroes try to open the door, they will hear the Transceiver beeping. Use the Transceiver to hear Tanya calling for help and Christy being attacked. The heroes should now take the rail car back to the storage shed and return to the MacFerson Residence. MacFerson Residence Revisited In Christy's room (2F), kill the Ripper, and obtain the Pendant from the floor. The heroes can now also enter the previously locked rooms to find other useful or interesting things. In Tanya's room (2F), check the desk to discover Tanya's feelings toward Alan and Schnider. In Alan's room (1F), obtain the Shotgun M870 from the bed. In Ernest's room (1F), kill another Ripper. There really is no point to come here and fight this extra enemy, but the heroes can see that the bad guys have torn apart Ernest's possessions in search of something. When the heroes are done, they should leave and return to the Institute of Microbiology, via the storage shed and the rail system. Institute of Microbiology Continued Upper Lobby (2F) This room contains tables. In Kei's Single Play Mode, kill the Vulgars, and obtain the Tape Recorder from one of the tables. Clean Rooms - Lobby-Side Screening Rooms (2F) This set of rooms contains equipment that can detect viral particles. Check the security robot to learn that it won't unlock the left screening room until it is convinced that the user is Schnider. In Kei's Single Play Mode, return to the Institute of Environmental Studies, and go to the conference room. Use the Tape Recorder on the video deck to obtain the Tape Recorded Voice (a sample of Schnider's speech). Now use the Tape Recorded Voice on the robot to have the left screening room unlocked. In Reina's Single Play Mode, use the Tony Control Disk on the robot to have the left screening room unlocked. In Pair-Con Mode, the heroes can use either the Tape Recorded Voice or the Tony Control Disk on the robot to have the left screening room unlocked. Enter the left screening room. First, use the display panel to get scanned. Next, wear the safety suits. Then, exit through the other door to continue. (In Kei's Single Play Mode, obtain Reina's Safety Suit from the shelves here. In Reina's Single Play Mode, obtain both Safety Suits from the shelves here. In Pair-Con Mode, the heroes have to go through this room one at a time, and Reina's Safety Suit is still obtained here.) Check the EOG cylinders on the other side of the screening rooms, and check the infected blood in the middle screening room. Container Room (3F) There is a save point here. This room contains storage containers and tables. In Single Play Mode, obtain the Microbiology Report from the floor. Alhazard's Office (3F) This room contains a desk, shelves, a table, and a large screen. Obtain the Written Apology from the floor, between the desk and a corner of the room. Obtain Alhazard's Notes from the table. Doing so will activate the alarm, which will activate the security robot. In Single Play Mode, try to stay away from the security robot, or else it will attack, threatening to infect the heroes. In Pair-Con Mode, obtain the Microbiology Report from the floor under the robot, after activating the alarm. Lure it away, or slowly hack it to death. (In Pair-Con Mode, one of the heroes has to get infected later, so don't worry about getting hit here.) The heroes can actually hit the robot while standing away from it, if they stay to its right side and look downward slightly in the first-person view. Go to the keypad near the large screen. The Alhazard Security Code is 41216295. (It is obtained from the notes in the Microbiology Report, about finding the positions of the syllables of Takahiro's name on the kana table.) Entering it will disable the alarm and unlock the doors further down the hallway outside. When the heroes leave this room, they will be ambushed by two Vulgars. Run across to the wall facing Alhazard's office, and use the switch (on the panel) to release some gas that will instantly kill the Vulgars. Research Room P1 (3F) This room contains tables with large chemical bottles on them. Research Rooms P4 (3F) This set of two rooms contains tables and a viewing window. The heroes cannot go through the half-open doorway (with the broken door) while wearing the Safety Suits, because the helmets are too bulky. If a hero is infected, he or she should take off the Safety Suit, go through the half-open doorway, and obtain the Key to Container 1771 from the desk. Dissection Room - Research Room P2 (3F) This room contains beds and lockers with curved doors. Check the tape player on one of the beds to hear an audio record of the scientists getting some trouble. Obtain the ASB (Anti-Sublimiter Bullet) from the open locker. Research Rooms P3 (3F) This set of two rooms contains tables and a viewing window. Unlike at research rooms P4, the door here isn't broken. In Pair-Con Mode, obtain the Cold Spray here. Clean Rooms - Shortcut-Side Screening Rooms (4F) There is a save point here. This set of rooms contains equipment that can detect viral particles. Try to enter the middle screening room to learn that a nearby EOG cylinder needs to be replaced. In Single Play Mode, go back to the lobby-side screening rooms (2F), and obtain the EOG Cylinder there. In Pair-Con Mode, one hero will have to go to the research rooms P4 (3F), take off the Safety Suit, go through the half-open doorway, obtain the EOG Cylinder there, and obtain the Key to Container 1771 from the desk. Now use the EOG Cylinder on the rack here to have the middle screening room unlocked. Leaving the Institute of Microbiology - No Infection If the heroes are not infected, they can leave the institute normally. Enter the middle screening room. First, use the display panel to get scanned. Next, take off the Safety Suits, and place them on the shelves. Then, exit through the other door to continue. Leaving the Institute of Microbiology - Infected If a hero is infected, he or she will have to find a way around the screening rooms. (In Pair-Con Mode, at least one hero will have to get infected.) Enter the middle screening room and get scanned to hear a message from Schnider. When the heroes go back out, they will decide to get some help from Morris. Return to Alhazard's office (3F), and use the phone to contact Morris. According to him, an infected hero can use the container transport system to bypass the screening rooms. There are two containers that the heroes can use (in case both of them are infected), but each of these containers has to be unlocked with a key first. One key is in research rooms P4 (3F). Take off the Safety Suit, go through the half-open doorway, and obtain the Key to Container 1771 from the desk. The other key is in the elevator shaft before the container room (3F). After obtaining the Written Apology on the floor in Alhazard's office (3F) to learn about this key, use the upper door of that elevator shaft to call up the elevator. Then, go down the stairs to 2F, and open the lower door. Obtain the Key to Container 1171 from the bottom of the elevator shaft. In Pair-Con Mode, use the Cold Spray (from the research rooms P3) on this key to free it. When the heroes have enough keys, they can get out. Container 1771 is in the container room (3F). Container 1171 is in the shortcut-side screening rooms (4F). Use the proper key to open a container, and then an infected hero should enter the container. Morris will then activate the transport system and bring the container to the other side of the shortcut-side screening rooms. After the infected hero gets through, if the other hero is still uninfected, he or she can use the middle screening room to leave normally. Any infected hero should remove the Safety Suit before continuing. If only one hero gets infected, he or she won't infect the other hero when the two leave the Institute of Microbiology and take off their Safety Suits (for some reason). Inter-Institute Shortcut (4F) There is a save point here. This room contains signs that indicate the directions of the institutes. Go through it to the Institute of Cloning. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [2.6] Hikan 6: Institute of Cloning ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Story: This institute has opened in 1992, for the purpose of making applications from the research in genetics. Ernest has not been in the Institute of Microbiology, so the heroes have to look for him at this place next. General Hints: In Pair-Con Mode, the heroes have to travel together most of the time in this area. Later, they will also have to work quickly when a timer is automatically triggered (unlike in Single Play Mode, where the timer is manually triggered). The spitting-type sublimiters (the dudes with the nasty skin) appear here for the first time. They attack by spitting a projectile from a distance or by biting up close. Sometimes a hero can go right in front of them, staying slightly to the side, and keep hitting them with a melee weapon without fear of being chewed up. For this to work, these sublimiters need to be moving in a very jerky manner (probably because they are aiming for the other hero but is being blocked by the hero attacking them). Otherwise, they will perform biting attacks as usual. Walkthrough: 1F Elevator Hall - Upper Elevator Hall (1F) This room contains multiple keycard panels. There are also two Rippers who will keep appearing whenever the heroes return here. Try to avoid them as much as possible. Dead-End Walkway - West Corridor (1F) This room contains a walkway that leads to a dead end. Obtain the items at the end of this walkway. East Corridor (1F) This room contains walkways that lead to the north and to the east. If the heroes open the north door, they will see the engine room and then automatically turn back. (The engine room is a dead end.) Cloning Research Room (1F) This room contains a computer console, large glass tubes, and a MFD terminal. If at least one hero is infected, Schnider will appear and toy around with Reina before destroying the antidote he is holding. Crap. Obtain the Elevator Card from the computer console. Now go back out to the upper elevator hall (1F), use the Elevator Card on the panel near door E1 to unlock the elevator, and then use this elevator to go down to the lower elevator hall. (The heroes have entered this institute from door E2.) Lower Elevator Hall (B1) There is a save point here. The west door is locked for now, so go east. In the next corridor, open the large double doors. Church (B1) This room contains an organ and a lot of freaky "worshippers." In Kei's Single Play Mode, obtain the Cardkey Right and the Capsule Bullet from the altar, and then get out, killing or avoiding the Rippers who appear. Continue down through the corridor outside, and open the last door. In Reina's Single Play Mode and in Pair-Con Mode, return to the church and obtain the Cardkey Right and the Capsule Bullet from the altar. Surgical Room (B1) This room contains beds, shelves, and a viewing window. As Tanya injects a paralyzing agent into poor Reina, Kei will burst through the door, and then Schnider (from the adjacent observation room) will release poison gas and lock the door. Given the current situation, Tanya will now work with Reina and Kei. They have 3 minutes to escape. In Kei's Single Play Mode, obtain the Laser Cutter from one of the beds near the window, and then use the Laser Cutter on the window. In Reina's Single Play Mode, Tanya should check Reina to obtain the Laser Cutter (from the Battery which Reina has obtained) and then use the Laser Cutter on the window. In Pair-Con Mode, the heroes will need Morris' help again. First, Kei should try to use the computer near the storage shelves. Next, Tanya should use it to enter the password. Now that access is granted, Kei should use the computer to contact Morris and to tell him what is happening. Morris will unlock the nearby lockers. Obtain the Laser Cutter from these lockers, and then use the Laser Cutter on the window. Later, the heroes will want to return to this room and use the Capsule Bullet on the shelves to obtain the experimental ammunition (Red, Blue, and Green Capsule Bullets). Doctor's Observation Room (B1) There is a save point here. This room contains a computer console and several other computers. Reina, Kei, and Tanya have escaped into this room and stopped the poison gas, but Schnider has left. Obtain the two Boudoul Serums and the Guardian Report next to the computer closest to the door. Any hero who is infected must use a Boudoul Serum (antidote) to become cured. The Guardian Report contains a keyword, S BULLET, that can be entered at a MFD terminal to access information about the experimental ammunition (Capsule Bullets). Lower West Corridor (B1) Return to the lower elevator hall (B1). The west door there is now unlocked. Open it to find Ricky, who will gladly give the heroes the task of blowing up the place. The heroes will obtain a Main Bomb, two Sub Bombs, and Richard's Memo (bomb setting memo) from him. In Reina's Single Play Mode, she will also obtain Richard's Memo 2 (radio frequency). Afterward, the heroes can also check the nearby ground to obtain the Ricky Memo. In Pair-Con Mode, Reina's curiosity will get the better of her and cause her to accidentally trigger the timer, giving the heroes only 15 minutes to do the job and then escape. Oops. Before the heroes start setting the bombs, they should rescue Ernest first. In Single Play Mode, continue west to enter the security room. In Pair-Con Mode, one hero has to use the switch on the walls in the middle of this corridor to unlock the door to the security room, while the other hero opens it. Security Room (B1) This room contains lockers and a computer console. Kill the Guardian, who is vulnerable to the Laser Pen and the Red Capsule Bullets. Obtain the Cardkey Left from the computer console, and obtain the Memo from the floor. In Pair-Con Mode, the hero who enters and kills the Guardian should use the console afterward to unlock the entrance, so the other hero can catch up. In Kei's Single Play Mode, check the lockers to find a manual about assembling explosives and to obtain the Bomb With Fuse (by combining the "clay" and the fuse). Use the Bomb With Fuse on the locked door. In Reina's Single Play Mode, use the Key (from the Metawater Control Center) on the locked door. In Pair-Con Mode, the heroes can use either the Bomb With Fuse or the Key on the locked door. Storage Closet (B1) This room contains boxes and a bed. The heroes will find and free Ernest here. The heroes will give Christy's Letter to Ernest, but he will tell them the truth about her and ask them to go to ARK. Obtain the items from the bed and the crates. Setting the Bombs Ricky provides instructions on where to place and how to use the bombs. Set one Sub Bomb in the doctor's observation room (B1), on the computer console. Now is a good time to get the experimental ammunition (capsule bullets), if the heroes haven't already. Set the other Sub Bomb in the cloning research room (1F), between the tubes. Set the Main Bomb in the control room (2F), on the computer console. To get there, go to the main gate (1F), and go up to the second floor. Main Entrance - Main Gate (1F) This room contains a staircase leading up to the control room (2F). To enter this place, the heroes will need to use the Cardkey Left and the Cardkey Right on the panels in the upper elevator hall (1F). In Pair-Con Mode, the heroes have to use the cardkeys at the same time. Control Room (2F) This room contains a computer console and a large display screen. Kill Schnider, who mutates into the Minotauros. Use the ASB against Schnider to reduce his health by half or more, making the rest of the fight much easier. Obtain Schnider's Ring from his remains. Use either side of the computer console to unlock the main gate, and then set the Main Bomb on the middle of the console. In Single Play Mode, use the Main Bomb to begin the timer. The heroes will have 5 minutes to escape. In Pair-Con Mode, the timer has already been set, so just get out after setting the Main Bomb. Escape The heroes can escape through the main gate (1F) only if they have rescued Ernest, if they have set and triggered the bombs, and if they have unlocked the main gate. Reaching ARK After the Institute of Cloning is destroyed and ARK is revealed, Reina and Kei will be in a forest, from where they will automatically go to the Metawater Control Center. In Kei's Single Play Mode, don't forget to obtain the second Hand Gun M92F in the computer room (1F). Go to the lower lift room (B2), and use Schnider's Ring on the door to unlock it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [2.7] Hikan 7: ARK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Story: Six years ago, before Christy died from her illness, Alan placed her in a capsule, where she slept in stasis (at least until awakening briefly, during the time when the heroes met her). Alan is now forcing his sister into helping him launch Christalia, which is located at ARK. That will be very, very bad, so Reina and Kei have to stop him first. General Hints: As usual, the compass orientation is rotated 180 degrees on the map. In Pair-Con Mode, the heroes have to travel together most of the time in this area. The heroes can easily avoid the regular enemies in the corridors that connect the first floor rooms, but they should have enough ammunition by now to kill all the bad guys here if they like. Walkthrough: Elevator Hall (B1) This room contains two Rippers. Kill them, and then ride the elevator up to the north upper room (2F). North Upper Room (2F) There is a save point here. This room contains a column of monitors in the middle. Open the door leading into the silo (north hangar), meet Alan, and then return to this room. Use the north elevator (not the one that the heroes have used to arrive here) to go down to the north lower room (1F). Medical Center - North Lower Room (1F) This room contains a large infant face. In Kei's Single Play Mode, the face is a boss, and it is on the left (east) door. It can damage the heroes by crying out. Have Reina use her Laser Pen to kill it quickly. After it dies, open the door it has been blocking. In Reina's Single Play Mode, the face is a hologram, and it is on the right (west) door. Check it to see that it is just an illusion and to open the door it has been blocking. In Pair-Con Mode, the face is a boss. It begins on the wall facing the elevator, and it can disappear and then reappear on any side of the room. Have Reina use her Laser Pen to kill it quickly. After it dies, open the right (west) door. Engine Room - East Lower Room (1F) (Kei's Single Play Mode) This room contains computer consoles and lockers. Continue to the south lower room (1F), killing the small face that appears on the door there. Radio Control Room - West Lower Room (1F) This room contains computer consoles and a satellite radio station. In Reina's Single Play Mode, use one of the consoles near the elevator to activate it. The heroes should ride the elevator up to the west upper room (2F) and kill the Stone Golem there now to save themselves some trouble later. When the heroes are ready, they should continue to the south lower room (1F), killing the small face that appears on the door there. In Pair-Con Mode, use one of the consoles near the elevator to activate it. Ride the elevator up to the west upper room (2F). Security Room - West Upper Room (2F) (Pair-Con Mode) This room contains computer consoles and lockers. Kill the Stone Golem, and then go out to the west hangar balcony (2F). West Hangar Balcony (2F) (Pair-Con Mode) This room contains a balcony with a broken corner. Reina must obtain the System Key from the broken corner of the balcony. (If Kei steps on it, his greater weight will cause it to collapse, killing him.) Now return to the west upper room (2F). Security Room - West Upper Room (2F) Revisited (Pair-Con Mode) Use the System Key on one of the consoles near the door to try to activate the safety system. The heroes will use the minigame-like synapse system to synchronize Morris into ARK, so he can help them. Hold Up and Down to move the Highlighter Bar between the three different levels. Press the Action Button (A) just as the front of a pulse touches the red line to register it. A red spark is bad, a yellow spark is good, and a blue spark is perfect. The number near the bottom of the screen indicates the synchronization rate. Properly registering a pulse increases it. Missing a pulse decreases it. The rate begins at 50 percent, and the heroes have to increase it to 100 percent within one and a half minutes (1:30). When the heroes successfully synchronize Morris into ARK's systems, he will activate the elevator in the south lower room (1F). Brain Room - South Lower Room (1F) There is a save point here. This room contains a large glass tube in the middle. Use the elevator to reach the south upper room (2F). Main Control Room - South Upper Room (2F) This room contains computer consoles on the left and right sides. Kill the enemies (a Guardian in Kei's Single Play Mode, two Rippers in Reina's Single Play Mode). Open the door to the silo, meet Alan again, see Ernest on the upper level, and then go back to the main control room. Alan will initiate a missile launch sequence. The heroes have 6 minutes to stop it. In Kei's Single Play Mode, use the forward left console to contact Morris, use the forward right console to mess up the missile launch, and then contact Morris again to hear him getting wasted. The heroes cannot leave through the elevator here, so they should go back out to the silo to find another way out. Use the pipe between the balconies to reach the east side. Open the door there to enter the east upper room (2F). In Reina's Single Play Mode, use the forward left console to contact Morris and to hear him getting wasted. The heroes have to use the elevator to go back down. Return to the west lower room (1F). In Pair-Con Mode, use the forward left console to contact Morris and to hear him getting wasted. The heroes have to use the elevator to go back down. Go through the corridors and return to the north upper room (2F). Floating Gem Room - East Upper Room (2F) (Kei's Single Play Mode) This room contains a floating gem. Kill the Stone Golem, and use the floating gem (ARK emergency power unit) to activate the lift in the silo. Use the elevator to go down to the west lower room (1F). Go back to the north upper room (2F), enter the north hangar, and use the lift. Radio Control Room - West Lower Room (1F) Revisited (Reina's Single Play Mode) In Reina's Single Play Mode, go to the radio station at the corner. The Radio Frequency Code is 110077. (It is obtained from Richard's Memo 2.) Entering it will let Reina contact Ricky, who will help stop the missile. Security Room - West Upper Room (2F) (Reina's Single Play Mode) This room contains computer consoles and lockers. Kill the Stone Golem, if that hasn't been done already. Go out to the silo. Use the pipe between the balconies to reach the north side. North Hangar (2F) Revisited After activating the lift at the north side of the silo, the heroes can use it to reach the top level of the silo, where Ernest is waiting near Christy. Top Level - Silo (3F) This room contains a capsule within which Christy is sleeping. Christy's brain waves are being used to control Christalia, which is some kind of super bomb. Alan has activated Christalia's launch sequence, and the heroes have one minute (1:00) to wake Christy, or else Christalia will fly into orbit and detonate, destroying New Russell and killing everybody on it. Speak with Ernest twice to learn about the power in the Pendant, and then use the Pendant on Christy to wake her. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [2.8] Epilogue ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Normal Ending Reina and Kei leave New Russell together on their boat, finally kissing each other. To reach the normal ending, the heroes have to stick to what they're supposed to be doing and not go screwing around by trying to date the MacFersons. Reina's Alternate Ending Reina convinces Alan to stop his plan, and then she stays behind on the island so she can hang out with him. Meanwhile, an understanding Kei leaves... with Ricky. To reach Reina's alternate ending (in Reina's Single Play Mode), she must read Alan's letter and meet him alone at the MacFerson Residence. For the letter, after Reina meets Alan in the capsule room (B1) but before contacting Kei with the MFD terminal, she has to return to the MacFerson residence, go to the study (2F), and check the desk. For the meeting, after the heroes return to the MacFerson Residence during the attack on Christy but before Reina rejoins Kei on the first floor, she has to enter the study. (If the first condition is met, she will go to the second floor alone.) Kei's Alternate Ending Kei goes wild about Christy, while poor Reina runs screaming to the beach and lets the entire cosmos know how stupid Kei is. The Staff Credits will also have larger images and different music. To reach Kei's alternate ending (in Kei's Single Play Mode), he must meet Christy alone two times. For the first time, when Kei arrives at the Institute of Environmental Studies, he should return to the MacFerson Residence and go to the main room (1F) to watch Christy play the piano. For the second time, after Kei meets Ricky again in the security room but before using the SS Manual, he should return to the MacFerson Residence and go to the exterior deck (1F) to spend a romantic moment outdoors with Christy. ============================================================================== [3] Strategies - Training Mode ============================================================================== Training Mode has different sets of Stages for its two versions, but the Training Mode Save File records the progress for both. To access more Stages, earn better rankings. In Single Play Mode, Kei goes alone through all the Stages. In Pair-Con Mode, Kei and Reina go through cooperative and competitive Stages. In the cooperative ones, the heroes will suffer time penalties if they hit each other by accident. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [3.0] Stage Types ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Time Attack Defeat all the enemies as quickly as possible. Only one or two bad guys will appear at a time. The Enemy Meter indicates how many bad guys are remaining. For better rankings, defeat all the enemies in a short period of time, and maintain a high accuracy. Coin Collection Obtain the 5 Coins as quickly as possible. The locations of the items and the bad guys are randomly determined. Try to avoid enemies to save time. Use the Recovery Points to regain health. The Coins and Recovery Points can be obtained by simply being touched, but if they are on high spots, press the Action Button to take them. For better rankings, obtain all the Coins in a short period of time. Survival Defeat enemies to unlock the doors, and reach the end before time runs out. A confirmation message will appear whenever a door is unlocked. For better rankings, reach the end in a short period of time. Duel Defeat the other character. There is no Subscreen, and the characters won't auto-aim at each other. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [3.1] Stage 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Time Attack Area: Institute of Cloning, upper elevator hall Difficulty: 1 Time Limit: 10 minutes Health Capacity: 200 Vitality Points Equipment: Handgun, 9 mm Luger(+P) - 2500 rounds Tips: The enemies respawn at the corners of the room. In Pair-Con Mode, the heroes can attack different enemies simultaneously to save time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [3.2] Stage 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Time Attack Area: Metawater Control Center, upper corridors Difficulty: 2 Time Limit: 10 minutes Health Capacity: 120 Vitality Points Equipment: Handgun, 9 mm Luger(+P) - 2500 rounds Tips: The enemies respawn in the middle of the corridors. In Pair-Con Mode, the heroes can stay at opposite corners to cover every side at once. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [3.3] Stage 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Coin Collection Area: Institute of Genetics Difficulty: 2 Time Limit: 15 minutes Health Capacity: 200 Vitality Points Equipment: Handgun, 9 mm Luger(+P) - 2500 rounds Tips: The Coins are found in the rooms, and they may appear on desks, shelves, and other types of furniture. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [3.4] Stage 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Coin Collection (Single Play) Area: Institute of Environmental Studies Difficulty: 3 Time Limit: 15 minutes Health Capacity: 120 Vitality Points Equipment: Hunting Knife Tips: Again, the Coins are found in the rooms. Type: Duel (Pair-Con) Area: Metawater Control Center, upper corridors Difficulty: N/A Time Limit: 5 minutes Health Capacity: 150 Vitality Points Equipment: Handgun, 9 mm Luger(+P) - 2500 rounds Tips: The characters can use the corners to surprise one another and to stay out of each other's lines of fire. (Yes, this area is very crappy for a deathmatch.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [3.5] Stage 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Survival (Single Play) Area: ARK, various rooms and corridors Difficulty: 4 Time Limit: 10 minutes (1 minute per area) Health Capacity: 40 Vitality Points Equipment: Hunting Knife Tips: There are ten areas that contain enemies, not counting the starting room and the ending room (where Ernest is waiting). Every first and second area is a narrow corridor, and every third area is a large room (Floating Gem Room). In each area, there is an enemy who must be killed in order to unlock the door leading to the next area. (Wait for the confirmation message before opening it.) In the areas that have two enemies, the one who unlocks the door is randomly determined, so try to avoid the extraneous bad guys to save time. Kei has an unusually low health capacity here, and he has only a single minute to clear each area. However, at the beginning of every area, his Vitality Points will be restored completely, and the timer will be reset to 60 seconds. Try to time the attacks to keep hitting the enemies just as they finish staggering. (Begin slashing again as the bad guys start to rise and return to their normal stances.) Type: Duel (Pair-Con) Area: Institute of Cloning, elevator halls Difficulty: N/A Time Limit: 5 minutes Health Capacity: 150 Vitality Points Equipment: Handgun, 9 mm Luger(+P) - 100 rounds Tips: The rooms are duplicated and are connected to each other in a looping, maze-like pattern that resembles a pair of parallel but offset rows of passageways. Each row consists of one small square room and two long rectangular rooms, all of which are linked to each other and to the rooms of the other row. Although there is no cover within the rooms themselves, the characters can open the doors to quickly escape. Legend: +------------------------------+ | | | R = Reina's Starting Point | | K = Kei's Starting Point | | X = X | | Y = Y | | | +------------------------------+ Map: -----|---------|----|----- X R X |- -|- -|- -|- -|- -| Y K Y |---------|----|---------| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [3.6] Stage 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Type: Coin Collection Area: Institute of Genetics Difficulty: 5 Time Limit: 15 minutes Health Capacity: 100 Vitality Points Equipment: Handgun, 9 mm Luger - 30 rounds Tips: This is like the third Stage, except now the doorways (but not the stairways) alternate between leading to a randomly determined corridor and leading to a randomly determined room. However, the Coins are still found in the rooms. To save time, just turn around and open whatever door is behind after entering a corridor or a room that has already been cleared. ============================================================================== [4] Miscellaneous Information ============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [4.1] Secret Messages ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ To hear secret messages from the characters, after the Institute of Cloning is destroyed, go to the MacFerson Residence, and check the cuckoo clock. (The message is randomly determined each time.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [4.2] Glitches ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pausing Trick To make characters return to their normal stances, even if they have just been hit, simply pause the game. In Training Mode, this can be used to obtain times that are otherwise impossible (because the Timer stops when the game is paused). Shoot an enemy, pause, wait for it to return to its normal stance, unpause, and repeat the process. However, using this may also cause a more serious glitch to occur, where enemies will fail to appear, ruining the game. Response Problem After Ricky gives the bombs and his notes to the heroes at the Institute of Cloning, the heroes won't be able to talk to each other until they move away from where they are, even if the heroes are standing still and not attacking. Maybe this has to do with the memo that Ricky has dropped on the floor there? Floating Gem Problem In Kei's Single Play Mode, quickly skipping the Movie of the heroes meeting Alan the second time at ARK can cause the heroes to get stuck. If this glitch occurs, the Guardian inside the control room will reappear when the heroes return there, and after the heroes kill the Stone Golem in the east upper room, they still won't be able to use the gem, ruining the game. To prevent this glitch from happening, let the Movie play for several seconds before skipping it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [4.3] Quick Reference ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Passcodes Lounge (Kei) - 01358245 Lounge (Reina) - 4242288 Lounge (Pair-Con) - 11235813 Locker - 1834 Storage Shed (Single Play) - 63014729 Storage Shed (Pair-Con) - 58663841 Security Code - 41216295 Radio Frequency - 110077 MFD Commands Open Capsule 1 - CPSL 19830310 Open Capsule 2 - CPSL 19441225 Send System File - SND ENV34C Generator Room Levers Open Capsule 3 - 121323231 MFD Buildings Institute of Genetics - GENETIC MacFerson Residence - MACRESIDE Institute of Environmental Studies - ENVIRON Metawater Control Center - CONTROL Institute of Microbiology - MICOB Institute of Cloning - CLONE ARK - ARK MFD Search Keywords Experimental Ammunition (Capsule Bullets) - S BULLET ============================================================================== [5] Reference ============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [5.1] Game Source Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Nanatsu no Hikan: Senritsu no Bishou Code: T-7604M Producer: Koei Genre: action adventure Players: 2 Save: Memory Unit (Story Mode: 7 Blocks) (Training Mode: 3 Blocks) Save File Name: 7HIKAN2SV00# (MAIN DATA), 7HIKAN2SV010 (TRAINING MODE) Save File Icon: MacFerson symbol (Story Mode) or a letter T (Training Mode) VMU Game: no Discs: 1 Publisher: Koei Release Date: 2000-01-20 JAN: 4988615013683 Cover Art: From left to right, Alan, Christy, Kei, and Reina are standing together in a row, but at different elevations. From about their waists down, the view turns into a hazy blue, like water that has been disturbed. Disc Art: The top of the disc is almost completely white, with wisps of bright silver, resembling mist. Bonus Track: Track 2 is a message from Kei and Reina about this disc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [5.2] Really Small Details That Kei Will Never Notice ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Circle Strafing Turning with the Viewing Pad is actually independent of turning with the Movement Stick. By holding the Aim Button while pressing the Movement Stick to one side and pressing the Viewing Pad to the opposite side, the heroes can circle strafe. Sanitation Insanity #1 If only one hero becomes infected by the Boudoul Virus, it does not spread to the other hero when the two leave the Institute of Microbiology and remove their Safety Suits. The numerous items they have taken from the infected areas also do not later contaminate them. What a crappy virus. Funny Physics New Russell must be a really dusty place, because the beams from Reina's Laser Pen are always thick and incredibly visible. The same goes for the Laser Cutter that Tanya uses. Sanitation Insanity #2 Schnider is seen always wearing the same smock that is splattered with blood, even when he is giving his speech to the other scientists at ARK. Maybe the man really likes to wear his favorite uniform without ever washing it. Wrong Voice During the scene when the heroes are trapped in the room with the poisonous gas, if Kei hits Tanya, she will cry out with Reina's voice. This should not be that surprising, though, considering how Tanya in the game is really just Reina but with a different appearance. (They share the same motions.) Sanitation Insanity #3 Something is horribly wrong with the buildings in this game. There are no toilets, not at the research institutes, and not at the MacFersons' home. At least Reina and Kei never need to use the washrooms. Reticle Variations Have you noticed how the targeting reticle changes depending on what weapon the heroes are equipping? For the Stungun and the Hunting Knife, it looks like a simple circular sight. For the Laser Pen, it resembles a much smaller and finer sight. For the Shotgun, it becomes a wider sight. For the Handgun, it turns into a square-shaped and highly elaborate sight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [5.3] Document Credits ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Koei (www.koei.co.jp) For producing Nanatsu no Hikan: Senritsu no Bishou. Spherelanders For playing through the game and figuring out the best tactics. Extra thanks to Alex Round for actually authoring this document and for single-handedly completing the synchronization challenge. ============================================================================== [6] Contact Information ============================================================================== mail: faididi@yahoo.com ============================================================================== ==============================================================================