============================================================================== Guardic Gaiden / The Guardian Legend (FC/NES) (1988) ============================================================================== Guardic Gaiden and The Guardian Legend Copyright 1988 Compile and Irem This document is created by Faididi and Co. (faididi@yahoo.com) Copying or distributing this, in whole or in part, for profit without the explicit permission of the author is prohibited. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [-] Document Version History ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 2000 (2000-12-31 Sunday) - Initial release. Version 2002 (2002-12-31 Tuesday) - Corrections made. Version 2003 (2003-07-19 Saturday) - Corrections made. Version 2004 (2004-07-19 Monday) - Corrections made. Version 2005 (2005-07-19 Tuesday) - Document streamlined. Version 2006 (2006-07-19 Wednesday) - Document streamlined. Version 2008 (2008-07-19 Saturday) - Corrections made. Version 2010 (2010-07-19 Monday) - Corrections made. ============================================================================== [0] Contents ============================================================================== [1] Overview [1.0] Game Version Differences [1.1] Story [1.2] Characters [1.3] Controls [1.4] Subscreen [1.5] Locations and Structures [1.6] Weapons [1.7] Items [1.8] General Tips [2] Strategies - Normal Mode [2.-] Prologue and Introduction [2.0] Area 0: Labyrinth Hub [2.1] Area 1: Gohvlas A [2.2] Area 2: Gohvlas B [2.3] Area 3: Jarles A [2.4] Area 4: Jarles B [2.5] Area 5: Vastalus A [2.6] Area 6: Vastalus B [2.7] Area 7: Muulos A [2.8] Area 8: Muulos B [2.9] Area 9: Eitelis A [2.A] Area 10: Eitelis B [2.B] Escape [2.C] Final Battle [2.D] Epilogue and Staff Credits [3] Strategies - Shooter Mode [3.1] Playing Shooter Mode [3.2] Special Score Item List [4] Miscellaneous Information [4.1] Passwords [4.1.1] Standard Passwords [4.1.2] Secret Password [4.1.3] Character Conversions [4.2] Debug Options and Glitches [4.2.1] Sound Test [4.2.2] View All Messages [4.2.3] Buy All Items [4.2.4] Escape From Minibosses [4.2.5] Walk Through Walls [4.2.6] Power Chip Trick [4.2.7] Item Pod Trick [4.2.8] Fatal Score [4.3] Quick Reference [4.3.1] Area Access Requirements [4.3.2] Gate Seal Solutions [4.3.3] Power Chip Costs [4.3.4] Capacities [4.3.5] Boss Strategies [4.3.6] Map [4.4] Patch Codes [4.5] Game Genie Codes [5] Reference [5.1] Game Source Information [5.2] Really Small Details [5.3] Document Credits [6] Contact Information ============================================================================== [1] Overview ============================================================================== Compile's Guardic Gaiden (a.k.a. The Guardian Legend) is an action adventure that features a mix of exploration and space shooter elements. It is a follow-up to Guardic, but it is a very different game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1.0] Game Version Differences ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - The languages used are different. - Some of the names are different. - The Prologues and the Epilogues are different. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1.1] Story ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ From a distant alien world comes a gigantic vessel flying toward Earth, threatening to crash into us and turn everything into butt sauce. Luckily, the situation is not helpless. A specialist named Miria will strap herself into a high-tech suit, fly over to the approaching vessel, and then find some way to stop it. Capable of functioning in any environment, her suit will help her get inside the damn thing and fight off any hostile creatures whom she may encounter. Shortly after the mission begins, Miria discovers that this vessel, called Naju, is intended to be nothing more than a home for a group of alien beings. Unfortunately, malevolent creatures have invaded Naju and slaughtered its original inhabitants, including those who are responsible for its navigation. Miria also learns that Naju can be set to self-destruct, and it is still far away enough from Earth so the resulting debris will not pummel the planet. She only needs to activate ten switches and then escape. With the fate of Earth resting in her hands, our courageous protector undertakes what will be known as the Guardian Legend. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1.2] Characters ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Miria, Guardian of Earth The specialist who has the mission of preventing Naju from destroying Earth. Her suit, also called the System D.P., can function within any environment, including vacuum. It lets its user walk or fly through virtually anywhere. Randar, Company Character A mascot of sorts who appears in several games developed by Compile. In Guardic Gaiden, Randar displays Passwords and helps upgrade Miria's suit. For the purposes of this document, the name Randar itself is used to refer to the big one, while the names Blue Randar and Red Randar are used to refer to the small ones. (Randar also has an evil twin, the black-and-red Koranda, but that dark counterpart does not appear here.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1.3] Controls ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Miria will travel in one of two modes, depending on whether she is in the Labyrinth (the upper levels) or in the deeper Corridors. In Walk Mode, her suit folds up, and she can walk around in the Labyrinth, taking her time to explore. In Flight Mode, her suit changes into a space glider form and moves her through the Corridors like a starfighter. The two modes are interlinked, because what Miria obtains in one mode may be used in the other. By thoroughly exploring the Labyrinth for Power-Ups, she will have an easier time dealing with the Corridors, and the Keys and other items she obtains in the Corridors will help her back at the Labyrinth. Movement Pad (D-Pad) - Move (relative to the screen). On the Password Screen, press this to move the Input Cursor. Fire Button (B) - Fire the Pulse Laser Blaster, and view the next page while reading messages. On the Password Screen, hold this while pressing the Movement Pad to move the Output Cursor. Special Weapon Button (A) - Use the equipped special weapon. On the Password Screen, press this to enter a character. Subscreen Button (Select) - Pause, and access the Subscreen. Pause Button (Start) - Pause. Note: Controller 2 functions like Controller 1, except it has no Subscreen Button and no Pause Button. Pressing opposite directions simultaneously will cancel all movement. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1.4] Subscreen ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Miria's status is displayed on the Status Bar along the bottom of the screen. The Subscreen displays more information and allows different special weapons to be equipped. (The Status Bar forms the top part of the Subscreen.) Sc (Score) The Score. Destroy enemies and their projectiles to gain Points. When certain amounts of Points are earned, the Shield Energy capacity will increase. Chip The current amount of Power Chips. Using special weapons costs Chips, and the amount of Chips affects the size and the speed of the Pulse Laser bursts. Shot How much more the currently equipped special weapon can be used, as calculated from the current amount of Chips and the Chip cost of the special weapon. Due to memory restrictions, this display will never exceed 255, even if the actual amount of Shots is greater. Shield Energy Miria's Shield Energy, indicated both by the meter and by the number, which is rounded up. Her suit, besides keeping her warm, can protect her with Shield Energy. Miria gets wasted only if she gets hit when she has 0 Shield Energy. Any attack on her as long as she has some Shield Energy will never destroy her, only draining her Shield Energy to 0 in the worst case. Her Shield Energy capacity is initially 8 units, and it can be increased to 32 units. However, due to limited screen space, no more than 24 units can be displayed on the meter. When in doubt, cross-check with the numeric display. Area The Area where Miria currently is. Naju is divided into 11 Areas, numbering from 0 to 10. Coordinates (X,Y) Miria's current position, indicated by coordinates relative to the Map. The X value increases as she moves east, and the Y value increases as she moves south. Map The Labyrinth's regions are shown here. More Areas will appear as Keys are collected. Miria's current position is marked by a rapidly flashing white square with a red outline. Gates leading to Corridors that are not cleared yet are marked by slowly flashing red squares with white outlines. Key The Keys. Obtain Keys to gain access to more Areas. Chip Max The Power Chip capacity. Attack (Attack Level) The intensity of the Pulse Laser Blaster. The higher the Attack Level, the more damage dealt by each Pulse Laser burst. Shield (Defense Level) The efficiency of the shields. The higher the Defense Level, the less damage absorbed per hit, and the more damage dealt to enemies who are touched. Weapon Power The Power Level of the highlighted special weapon. The higher the Level, the more powerful the weapon is and the more Chips it will cost to use. Level 1 weapons are color-coded blue, Level 2 weapons are color-coded green, and Level 3 weapons are color-coded red. Use Chip The cost in Chips when the highlighted special weapon is used. Special Weapons The special weapons. Choose "NO USE" to unequip special weapons. For the Enemy Eraser (EE), the number beside its icon is the amount of charges it has left. The special weapons are arranged in the following order: All Range Cannon, Side Wave Cannons, Forward Wave Cannon, Circler, Grenade Launcher, Crusher, Sprites, Repeller, Laser Cannon, Forward Saber, Side Sabers, Enemy Eraser. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1.5] Locations and Structures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Labyrinth The upper levels of Naju that are explored while walking. Corridor A deeper level of Naju that is visited while flying, space shooter-style. Password Room A special room where Randar displays the current Password. Randar can also help check for mistakes by letting the Password be entered and then testing it for errors. Shop A special room where Randar sells an item, accepting Chips as payment. Some Shops will sell only one out of three displayed items. Message Terminal A computer containing some advice left by the crewmen of Naju before their deaths. Find Message Terminals to access the notes stored within them. Gate A portal between the Labyrinth and a Corridor. Gates connected to Self-Destruct Switches (1 to 10) are sealed and will open only after a certain action is performed. Gates leading to optional Corridors (11 to 20) are not locked. A Gate whose Seal is broken will remain unlocked until its Corridor is cleared. Self-Destruct Switch One of the triggers for the self-destruct mechanism. The bosses in Corridors 1 to 10 are linked to Naju's computers. Destroy these bosses to activate the Self-Destruct Switches. Warp Panel A short-range teleportal serving as a doorway to an adjacent room. To keep away unwanted visitors, some Warp Panels require the user to possess certain Keys (as indicated by the symbols) before they can be activated. Yellow Block (Yellow Pyramid) A barrier that can be easily destroyed. Blue Chips are hidden underneath certain Yellow Blocks. Blue Block (Blue Pyramid) A barrier that can be easily destroyed. Blue Blocks cover Warp Panels. Red Block (Red Pyramid) A barrier that is indestructible, serving only to obstruct paths. Green Block (Green Pyramid) A barrier that appears suddenly and cuts off any means of escape during an encounter with a miniboss. This is indestructible at first, but it turns into a Yellow Block when the miniboss is defeated and the reward is obtained. Item Pod Contains an item. Item Pods found at preset locations usually contain major Power-Ups, like weapons. Item Pods that spawn out from defeated enemies contain minor Power-Ups, like Chips. During the Corridor scenes, a spawning Item Pod will move toward the top of the screen before actually appearing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1.6] Weapons ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Burst Max" refers to the maximum amount of Pulse Laser bursts allowed on the screen at a time when the special weapon is being equipped. "Shot Type" refers to whether the weapon uses ammunition on a per-projectile basis or on a per-second basis. Weapon: Pulse Laser Blaster Damage: low Burst Max: 4 (if no special weapon is equipped) Shot Type: N/A Notes: Miria's primary weapon. The Pulse Laser Blaster fires small, rapid energy bursts, and it has infinite ammunition. In Flight Mode, its shots look more impressive, but they are not different in any other way. The amount of Chips affects the size and the speed of the Pulse Laser bursts. The amount of Blaster Pistols affects the damage dealt by each burst. The amount of Speed Arrows affects the rate at which the bursts are fired. Level Patterns: 1: 0 - a slow single shot 2: 100 - faster triple shots 3: 200 - even faster, wider triple shots 4: 2050 - very fast quad shots Weapon: All Range Cannon Damage: low Burst Max: 3 Shot Type: per second Notes: The All Range Cannon shoots energy bullets, and it can always be aimed in the eight cardinal directions. (If no direction is pressed, it will aim forward.) This weapon functions virtually the same in both Walk Mode and Flight Mode. Level Patterns: 1: 1 - a small energy sphere 2: 3 - a faster energy sphere 3: 10 - a larger, faster energy sphere Weapon: Grenade Launcher Damage: high Burst Max: 3 Shot Type: per projectile Notes: The Grenade Launcher forms powerful explosives from Chip energy and then launches them. It can always be aimed in the eight cardinal directions. (If no direction is pressed, it will aim forward.) The grenades can also bounce off the edges of the screen. Level Patterns: 1: 2 - a large explosion 2: 5 - a larger explosion 3: 20 - an even larger explosion Weapon: Forward Wave Cannon Damage: moderate Burst Max: 3 Shot Type: per second Notes: The Forward Wave Cannon shoots fast energy waves. In Walk Mode, this weapon can be aimed in the eight cardinal directions. In Flight Mode, it aims only forward, but its waves can be tilted to the sides (by pressing Left and Right). Level Patterns: 1: 3 - a small semicircular wave 2: 7 - a faster semicircular wave 3: 20 - a larger, faster circular wave Weapon: Side Wave Cannons Damage: moderate Burst Max: 2 Shot Type: per second Notes: A side-mounted version of the Forward Wave Cannon, the Side Wave Cannons fire energy waves to the sides and slightly to the rear. These waves cannot be manually tilted as with their forward-directed counterpart. Level Patterns: 1: 4 - two small semicircular waves 2: 5 - two faster semicircular waves 3: 40 - two larger, faster circular waves Weapon: Crusher (a.k.a. Fireball Cannon) Damage: high Burst Max: 3 Shot Type: per projectile Notes: The Crusher is a slow but very deadly weapon. When fully upgraded, it shoots lethal masses of energy that can obliterate most bad guys and enemy projectiles in their way. In Walk Mode, this weapon can be aimed in the eight cardinal directions. In Flight Mode, it aims only forward. Level Patterns: 1: 4 - a small energy sphere 2: 12 - a larger, faster energy sphere 3: 30 - an even larger, faster energy sphere Weapon: Laser Cannon Damage: high Burst Max: 3 Shot Type: per second Notes: The Laser Cannon fires powerful beams that can cut through bad guys and other objects in their path. This weapon can be used only in Flight Mode. Level Patterns: 1: 4 - a thin single beam 2: 6 - wider twin beams 3: 30 - even wider twin beams emitted from the wing tips Weapon: Forward Saber Damage: high Burst Max: 3 Shot Type: per second Notes: A blade formed of pure energy. When the Forward Saber is upgraded, it grows only in intensity, not in length. Level Patterns: 1: 4 - a lethal red blade 2: 8 - a more lethal red blade 3: 30 - an even more lethal red blade Weapon: Side Sabers (a.k.a. Cutters) Damage: high Burst Max: 2 Shot Type: per second Notes: A side-mounted version of the Forward Saber, the Side Sabers are two energy blades that are emitted from the sides of the suit. In Walk Mode, spin around while using these to quickly slice apart nearby enemies. Level Patterns: 1: 5 - two lethal blue blades 2: 10 - two more lethal blue blades 3: 35 - two even more lethal blue blades Weapon: Circler Damage: moderate Burst Max: 3 Shot Type: per second Notes: The Circler is an energy sphere that revolves around the suit, damaging any bad guys who touch it. However, it does not absorb every kind of enemy projectile. Level Patterns: 1: 3 - a small energy orb 2: 6 - a faster energy orb 3: 30 - a larger, faster energy orb Weapon: Repeller Damage: moderate Burst Max: 3 Shot Type: per projectile Notes: A variant of the Circler, the Repeller also creates a revolving energy sphere, but the axis of its orbit slowly moves forward and away from where it has been launched. Level Patterns: 1: 3 - a small energy orb 2: 10 - a faster energy orb 3: 30 - a larger, faster energy orb Weapon: Sprites (a.k.a. Area Blasters) Damage: high Burst Max: 2 Shot Type: per second Notes: The Sprites are two energy spheres, each of which will seek out and attack an enemy by repeatedly ramming it. If there are no enemies, they will hover around the suit. Level Patterns: 1: 1 - two small red and blue energy orbs 2: 8 - two larger, faster energy orbs 3: 120 - two very fast energy orbs Weapon: Enemy Eraser (EE) Damage: death or resist Burst Max: 3 Shot Type: per projectile Notes: The Enemy Eraser creates large fields of energy that can destroy most kinds of bad guys and enemy projectiles on the screen. Unlike the other special weapons, the EE is always at Level 1, and it uses its own type of ammunition. The EE ammunition capacity is 255 EE charges. Level Patterns: 1: 0 - a bright flash ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1.7] Items ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Item: Blue Power Chip Notes: Adds 10 Chips and restores Shield Energy by 0.25 units. Blue Chips found at a preset location will disappear when Miria leaves and returns to the screen where they are located, not appearing again until she returns from another Area. Item: Red Power Chip Notes: Adds 500 Chips and restores Shield Energy by 1 unit. Item: Power Heart Notes: Restores Shield Energy by 5 units. Item: Power Tank Notes: Restores Shield Energy completely. The Shield Energy will keep increasing until it reaches its capacity, even if damage is taken while it is still recharging. Item: Blue Randar Notes: Increases the Shield Energy capacity by 1 unit and restores Shield Energy completely. Item: Red Randar Notes: Increases the Power Chip capacity and restores Shield Energy and Chips completely. Item: Weapon Pod Notes: Adds the indicated weapon or, if the weapon has already been obtained, upgrades it. This also restores Shield Energy by 2 units. Item: Enemy Eraser Pack (EE Pack) Notes: Adds the Enemy Eraser and 20 EE charges, or, if the EE has already been obtained, adds another 20 EE charges. To be able to find EE Packs inside Item Pods that are left by defeated enemies, obtain an EE Pack from a preset location or by defeating a boss who yields one first. Item: Blaster Pistol Notes: Increases the Attack Level by 1. The higher the Attack Level, the more damage dealt by each Pulse Laser burst. Item: Defense Shield Notes: Increases the Defense Level by 1. The higher the Defense Level, the less damage absorbed per hit, and the more damage dealt to enemies who are touched. Reaching a Defense Level of 5 will also increase the movement speed (relative to the screen). Item: Speed Arrow (a.k.a. Continuous Fire) Notes: Increases the Pulse Laser Blaster's rate of fire. Item: Key Notes: A special chip that grants access to restricted parts of Naju and contains Map information about those places. There are 7 Keys total. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1.8] General Tips ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - Don't worry too much if Shield Energy or Chips run low. The chances of Item Pods appearing increase as Shield Energy or Chips decrease. - The levels of weapons and some enemies are indicated by color. Blue is basic, green is intermediate, and red is advanced. - Try not to run out of Chips. Besides serving as ammunition for special weapons, Chips are also needed to increase the size and the speed of the Pulse Laser bursts. - An alarm sounds whenever Miria reaches a boss in the Corridors or a miniboss in the Labyrinth. For minibosses, she can leave the screen before the blocks fully form, in case she needs to further prepare herself first. - The optional Corridors are usually (but not always) easier than the mandatory Corridors. - Miria's speed (relative to the ground) in the Corridors is more than just for show. At high speeds, she has less time to obtain the contents of Item Pods. - If it's Game Over, Miria may continue by restarting from the most recent Password Room that has been used in Normal Mode or from the beginning of the Corridor in Shooter Mode. There are infinite Credits. - Passwords are displayed by Randar in Password Rooms. They record which location Miria has reached, her equipment, her Score, which Corridors she has cleared, and which minibosses she has defeated. Every Password consists of thirty-two characters. ============================================================================== [2] Strategies - Normal Mode ============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [2.-] Prologue and Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Prologue: Japanese Version: English Version: " A huge unidentified object " Long ago,an alien race sent is approaching the Earth. a huge world hurtling toward It was made in the far past the Earth,loaded with a cargo by another life than the of mysterious lifeforms. human race, and occupied You must battle your way and inhabited by a vicious deep within the alien world creature in the long period. to destroy its vicious In order to save the Earth, inhabitants. the strongest women warriors You are the Guardian of go into action." the Earth and your saga will become the Guardian Legend." Story: Miria will enter the vessel through its main airlock. After breaking past the entrance defense system, she will be able to penetrate into the depths of the vessel and find a way to keep it from crashing into Earth. General Hints: While much of the mission will be carried out on foot, the first scene takes place in Flight Mode. Destroy or avoid the enemies getting in the way. Walkthrough: Corridor 0: Watch out for the approaching meteoroids. When the vessel's blue, tiled surfaces can be seen, the meteoroids will increase in frequency. Miria should conserve her Shield Energy, because her high speed here makes grabbing items difficult. Some of the meteoroids will appear and form into rings before flying toward her. Go below them and shoot as they approach, and then move away when the rest of them come near. The diamond plates will slowly follow Miria, and the small twin-mandible ships are also slow and can be easily destroyed. The spinning star discs can take a lot of damage, so don't waste shots on them. When Miria slows down and the tiles underneath become more uniform, she will see four pairs of turrets. Destroy them when they open. Boss: entrance defense system Four small turrets and eleven big ones form the fifteen parts of this system. Move left and right, shooting the turrets when they open. Try not to get trapped between the bullets and the edges of the screen. Destroy the turrets in the middle first, because they are closer and are easier to hit. Get more Shield Energy from the Item Pods that spawn out from destroyed bullets. When the last turret is destroyed, Miria will automatically go into the vessel. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [2.0] Area 0: Labyrinth Hub ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Password: +----------------------+ Area 0 (X12,Y13) - Find a way to stop the vessel. | nna6 kbq5 hT!4 eH!4 | Attack Level 1 Shield Energy 8 | b73z 2rpi 5S1x Ipmv | Defense Level 1 Power Chip 50 +----------------------+ Speed Arrow 0 Score 29260 Keys: (none) Story: Upon entering the vessel, Miria will drop right onto a Message Terminal that explains what Naju really is and what has happened to it. Luckily for her, she isn't the only nice person here. A certain large, round, friendly guy is waiting just around the corner. General Hints: Area 0 is the hub that connects to all the other Areas. It runs around in a loop, and it contains several Power-Ups, helpful messages, and rooms where Randar can be found. From the first set of Message Terminals and the screen with the Speed Arrow (between the Shops and the Password Room), Miria can take a counterclockwise path, beginning from the east side. Once Miria reaches 30000 Points, her Shield Energy capacity will increase. She should also find enough Chip capacity upgrades to let her buy two items from the Shops before entering the next Area. The red- and blue-rimmed saucers slide back and forth quickly, and they can take a lot of damage, so try to avoid them. Red saucers move horizontally, while blue ones move vertically. If a saucer slides off the screen, it will teleport back. When Miria returns here later over the course of the mission, the enemies on some screens will also be replaced by bigger and tougher ones. Walkthrough: (11,12) is where Miria enters Naju and finds the first Message Terminal, which contains the note explaining the entire situation. Sucks, doesn't it? There seems to be no other alternative, so Miria will just have to follow the dead guy's advice. Located at (09,13) is a Message Terminal containing a note about the Gate Seals, the Warp Panels, and the solution to opening Seal 1. Located at (10,13) is a Message Terminal containing a note about finding special weapons. At (12,12) there is a Speed Arrow. Located at (12,13) is a Password Room. Located at (12,11) is a Message Terminal containing a note about Randar's Shop. This room is the entrance to a ring of Shops. - Located at (13,11) is a Shop selling a Forward Wave Cannon for 50 Chips. - Located at (13,10) is a Shop selling Sprites for 100 Chips. - Located at (12,10) is a Shop selling Side Wave Cannons for 150 Chips. Just north of the first Message Terminal are even more Shops. - Located at (10,10) is a Shop selling a Repeller for 500 Chips. - Located at (10,11) is a Shop selling a Laser Cannon for 300 Chips. Buy the Forward Wave Cannon and the Sprites before leaving this Area. Come back to buy the other items later, after finding more Red Randars. At (13,13) there is a Power Chip station. Miria can fill up on Chips here if she wants to buy something or if she needs to quickly recharge her Shield Energy. Once she leaves this screen, the Chips will disappear until she comes back from another Area. Located at (13,15) is a Message Terminal containing a note about the sixth Seal. Miria cannot go to (13,16) yet, because she does not have the Waves Key. (14,09) Miniboss: spiderworm Hit this guy when it exposes itself, and kill the spiders it releases. The reward is a Blue Randar. At (08,09) there is an All Range Cannon. Look out for yellow bats. At (08,11) there is a Red Randar. Look out for spider-like robots. (08,13) Miniboss: green crabbot This crab-like robot likes to give chase, so keep moving away to avoid touching it. Turn and shoot it whenever possible. The reward is a Circler. At (09,14) there is a Forward Saber. Look out for bouncing boulders. After Miria explores as much of this Area as she can, she should head to the first Gate at (06,10). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [2.1] Area 1: Gohvlas A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Password: +----------------------+ Area 0 (X12,Y13) - Find Self-Destruct Switch 1. | Y9i3 xZz2 S9Ha r5y1 | Attack Level 1 Shield Energy 10 | 9oj1 ldiN GgAY 1?yW | Defense Level 1 Power Chip 100 +----------------------+ Speed Arrow 1 Score 44400 Keys: (none) -1- All Range Cannon -1- Forward Saber - - Grenade Launcher - - Side Sabers -1- Forward Wave Cannon -1- Circler - - Side Wave Cannons - - Repeller - - Crusher -1- Sprites - - Laser Cannon - - Enemy Eraser ( ) Story: Naju is a home to many alien life forms, and it contains a variety of environments. The world from where Naju originates must have oceans similar to those of our own, as sea creatures inhabit this watery zone. General Hints: The optional Corridor here ends with a dangerous boss. Miria will probably be better off if she enters it later, after clearing out a few other Areas and obtaining some more upgrades. Walkthrough: Located at (06,10) is Gate 1. Although Miria's navigation system indicates the Gate is in Area 0 (as it does with all Gates), this Corridor should be considered as being located inside Area 1. Corridor 1: Seal 1 Solution: Shoot the Gate with the Pulse Laser Blaster. The clams fire spinning shots. The fish will turn and go sideways once they reach the bottom of the screen. When the fish reach the other edge of the screen, they will swim upward. The sea horses move sideways and then swim vertically toward Miria when they line up with her. The large bubble pods growing out from the seabed spit bubble shots. The pit worms are the red dot-shaped beings who break open large holes in the ground and then move upward, releasing homing shots along the way. After a long period of time without enemies, there will be more fish and another pit worm on the right side. The red stingrays swoop down and up, and then they dive toward Miria. Boss: Flohk (blue Fleepa) Go below this boss when it is moving away and hit it with the Forward Wave Cannon. The reward is the Crescent Key and a Repeller. Back in the Labyrinth: Another Area to the south is now open, but the rest of this Area should be explored first. At (03,10) there are Side Wave Cannons. Located at (02,09) is a Password Room. (04,11) Miniboss: green lobstercrab Stay to this guy's right (relative to the screen) and use the Forward Saber to hit it. Its large claw on the other side will have to throw the bubble shots out farther, causing them to miss more easily. The reward is a Crusher. At (04,12) there are Side Sabers. Look out for yellow bats. (00,11), (01,11), (00,12), and (01,12) form a silly trap. The arrows there lead toward each other in a loop. At (01,09) is where a rapidly multiplying metallic spider lurks. Kill it or run away. At (00,09) there is a Power Tank. (00,06) Miniboss: blue crabbot Run away while using the Circler to hit it. The reward is a Red Randar. Located at (01,08) is Gate 11. Corridor 11: Kill or avoid the fish. The starfish drop down and then jump up and away. The halfway point is marked by a V formation of several of these starfish. Also expect bubble pods. Boss: Magul (green Optomon) The seaweed, which comes out only when the boss' eye is open, may linger in the air, so don't stay on one side too long to avoid becoming trapped between the seaweed and the edges of the screen. To conserve Chips, just hit the boss with the Pulse Laser Blaster. The reward is a Grenade Launcher. Back in the Labyrinth: After finishing this Area, return to the Shops at Area 0. At (12,10), buy Side Wave Cannons for 150 Chips. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [2.2] Area 2: Gohvlas B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Password: +----------------------+ Area 2 (X06,Y13) - Find Self-Destruct Switch 2. | I8hJ h4zI C8DJ akdH | Attack Level 1 Shield Energy 11 | F5gD ZgdT igHG V18C | Defense Level 1 Power Chip 150 +----------------------+ Speed Arrow 1 Score 129660 Keys: Crescent -1- All Range Cannon -1- Forward Saber -1- Grenade Launcher -1- Side Sabers -1- Forward Wave Cannon -1- Circler -2- Side Wave Cannons -1- Repeller -1- Crusher -1- Sprites - - Laser Cannon - - Enemy Eraser ( ) Story: Naju contains at least two Areas of the same type of environment due to its redundant systems design, so that is why this Area looks a lot like the previous one. General Hints: Search for items before fighting the minibosses and entering the Corridors. Miria can move through the miniboss locations before the blocks seal her off. Walkthrough: Located at (04,15) is Gate 12. Corridor 12: Use the Side Sabers to kill the fish before they swim ahead. There is one part where there are three pit worms. The fish that teleport away in blue square-shaped fields mark the end. Boss: Vuokk (red Fleepa) Go below this boss when it is moving away and hit it with the Forward Wave Cannon or the Crusher. The reward is a Laser Cannon. Back in the Labyrinth: (05,17) Miniboss: blue lobstercrab Stay to this guy's right (relative to the screen) and use the Sabers to hit it. Its large claw on the other side will have to throw the bubble shots out farther, causing them to miss more easily. The reward is a Blaster Pistol. Located at (05,18) is a Message Terminal containing a note about Seal 2. At (02,17) there is a Speed Arrow. Located at (01,18) is a Shop selling one of the following for 150 Chips: - Speed Arrow - Power Heart - All Range Cannon (01,14) Miniboss: blue crabbot Run away while using the Circler to hit it. The reward is a Red Randar. At (03,14) there is a Blue Randar. Look out for red and blue discs. Located at (02,16) is Gate 2. Corridor 2: Seal 2 Solution: Touch the four circuit panels around the Gate. After several sea horses and clams, look out for tape worms, who spew horizontal shots, and more bubble pods. Large shell creatures will release even more bubbles. After the final few pairs of bubble pods, Miria will reduce her speed. Boss: Emilva (Crawdaddy) Keep moving while shooting this boss with the Laser Cannon or the Forward Wave Cannon. Move to the sides to draw away its claws as needed, and then fly back down to hit its exposed underside. The reward is the Hook Key and a Forward Saber. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [2.3] Area 3: Jarles A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Password: +----------------------+ Area 3 (X08,Y15) - Find Self-Destruct Switch 3. | Vtk2 upA2 PAbY r3W0 | Attack Level 2 Shield Energy 12 | swfb iZyB j4Ra ??OW | Defense Level 1 Power Chip 200 +----------------------+ Speed Arrow 3 Score 249270 Keys: Crescent, Hook -1- All Range Cannon -2- Forward Saber -1- Grenade Launcher -1- Side Sabers -1- Forward Wave Cannon -1- Circler -2- Side Wave Cannons -1- Repeller -1- Crusher -1- Sprites -1- Laser Cannon - - Enemy Eraser ( ) Story: The next environment Miria visits consists of lots of alien flora. If the water back at Naju's home is blue, then the plants there must also be green. General Hints: Both the mandatory and the optional Corridors are located near the beginning of this Area, but searching for items first is a good idea. Walkthrough: Located at (05,20) is Gate 13. Located at (04,20) is Gate 3. (06,23) Miniboss: green tentacleleech The only time this guy moves away is when it bounces off from a ramming attack. Don't try to run away from it. The fastest way to kill it is to come in with full Shield Energy, sit on one side, and use the Forward Saber to keep trading blows with it. The reward is a Defense Shield. At (06,22) there is a Red Randar. Located at (04,23) is a Password Room. At (00,22) there is a Speed Arrow. Located at (01,23) is a Message Terminal containing a note about Seal 3. (01,20) Miniboss: red spiderworm Hit this guy when it exposes itself, and kill the spiders it releases. The reward is an EE Pack. After exploring the Labyrinth part, return to the Corridors. Corridor 13: The meteoroids form into rings before moving toward Miria. The plant stalks spit out bubbles. Avoid the star discs. Watch out for the big red flowers that erupt into small spores when approached. Get out of their way, or kill them with the Sabers, the Wave Cannons, or the Crusher. Boss: Ral Vumezul (blue Bombarder) Thrust the Forward Saber into the middle of this boss, so the Saber reaches across its entire canopy. Doing so will hit the boss and destroy its missiles, which come out from its canopy. (The outer parts of this boss can be touched without problem.) The reward is a Defense Shield. Corridor 3: Seal 3 Solution: Wait for 30 seconds. The red mushrooms with white spots will shoot and try to ram Miria. The red pterodactyls can also release bubble shots. The meteoroids come back with their full ring formations. Boss: Egul (blue Optomon) The seaweed, which comes out only when the boss' eye is open, may linger in the air, so don't stay on one side too long to avoid becoming trapped between the seaweed and the edges of the screen. The Forward Wave Cannon and the Laser Cannon work well against this boss. Use the EE to destroy the bubble shots for Item Pods. The reward is the Waves Key and a Power Tank. Back in the Labyrinth: After finishing this Area, return to the Shops at Area 0. At (10,11), buy a Laser Cannon for 300 Chips. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [2.4] Area 4: Jarles B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Password: +----------------------+ Area 4 (X13,Y07) - Find Self-Destruct Switch 4. | OWxm nCFm IjHl ee1k | Attack Level 2 Shield Energy 12 | 7Tr! DiZ! sX6r YzSg | Defense Level 3 Power Chip 400 +----------------------+ Speed Arrow 4 Score 373210 Keys: Crescent, Hook, Waves -1- All Range Cannon -2- Forward Saber -1- Grenade Launcher -1- Side Sabers -1- Forward Wave Cannon -1- Circler -2- Side Wave Cannons -1- Repeller -1- Crusher -1- Sprites -2- Laser Cannon -1- Enemy Eraser ( 28) Story: This Area is no walk in the park, but Miria won't be able to stop and smell the flowers anyway. The best solution against the hostile plant life here is fire. Lots of it. General Hints: The boss in the optional Corridor here is actually tougher than the one in the mandatory Corridor. Miria may want to enter it later if she thinks she needs to get more upgrades first. Walkthrough: At (15,06), Miria should take the top path if she wishes to know how to remove the fourth Seal. Located at (17,05) is a Message Terminal containing a note about Seal 4. At (19,06) there is a Blue Randar. Look out for spiders and flowers. Located at (17,04) is Gate 14. Corridor 14: Avoid the laser beams coming from the cone-shaped shell creatures. A glitch may cause these beams to appear repeatedly on one side of the screen if the shell creatures shoot enough of them. The mouth pits spit out spores, which swim after Miria. The spore clusters launch off from their stems and go toward her. Use the Circler or the Side Sabers to kill everything. The undergrowth below hides a lot of mouth pits and white stalks. Boss: Ral Gloial (blue Clawbot) This boss fires laser beams whenever its mandibles are open. Stay below it and slightly to its side, moving away bit by bit so hitting it is still possible while avoiding its laser beams. The Laser Cannon can be used to hit both the mandibles and the missiles. The mandibles will turn orange when they are very weak. Breaking off the mandibles at one side of the screen will keep them out of the way when they float downward. The boss now goes psycho with its main weapon, turning it into a super-laser-deathray-machinegun. Touching the broken mandibles isn't healthy, but they can be completely destroyed if they take enough damage. As for the rest of the boss, keep staying to its side while hitting it with something like the Laser Cannon or the Crusher. Use the EE to turn its missiles into Item Pods. The reward is a Blue Randar. Back in the Labyrinth: At (17,02) there are Side Sabers. Look out for red bouncing boulders. (16,03) Miniboss: blue crabbot Run away while using the Circler to hit it. The reward is an All Range Cannon. At (16,00) there is a Speed Arrow. (17,00) is a dead end. (18,01) Miniboss: blue tentacleleech Come in with full Shield Energy, sit on one side, and use the Forward Saber to keep trading blows with it. The reward is a Blaster Pistol. Located at (18,00) is a Shop selling one of the following for 400 Chips: - Blue Randar - Power Tank - Circler Located at (20,00) is Gate 4. Corridor 4: Seal 4 Solution: Enter the nearby Shop four times to have Randar help open the Gate. Miria will fly past the white stalks and the beam-spitting shell creatures at a fairly high speed, so she has to be quick when she tries to grab items. Meteoroid rings, spore clusters, and red flowers will appear. The remaining bad guys who spontaneously explode mark the end. Boss: Lumajitt (Teramute) Stay in front of this boss and keep shooting to destroy its fireballs and to hit it. The All Range Cannon, the Forward Wave Cannon, and the Forward Saber work well against it. The reward is the Square Key and an All Range Cannon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [2.5] Area 5: Vastalus A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Password: +----------------------+ Area 5 (X16,Y09) - Find Self-Destruct Switch 5. | JANO i89I Dv?A rMeH | Attack Level 3 Shield Energy 16 | GhU2 MYRj VehJ v1DD | Defense Level 3 Power Chip 400 +----------------------+ Speed Arrow 5 Score 512310 Keys: Crescent, Hook, Waves, Square -3- All Range Cannon -2- Forward Saber -1- Grenade Launcher -2- Side Sabers -1- Forward Wave Cannon -1- Circler -2- Side Wave Cannons -1- Repeller -1- Crusher -1- Sprites -2- Laser Cannon -1- Enemy Eraser ( 22) Story: From the humid jungles of the previous Area, Miria now jumps into the chilly tundra here, but the low temperatures don't mean there will be fewer enemies. General Hints: The pathways north of the optional Corridor here perpendicularly split off to the east from the screens along the west side. Run away from the enemies who make more trouble than they are worth, like the multiplying ice cubes. Walkthrough: (19,08) Miniboss: blue crabbot Run away while using the Circler to hit it. The reward is a Forward Wave Cannon. Located at (21,08) is Gate 15. At (23,08) there is a Blue Randar. Look out for boulders and discs. Corridor 15: The crystal clusters and the diamond plates move toward Miria. The ships that fly down release several laser beams if they are given a chance. The crystal rocks follow Miria, but they are easily destroyed by the Sabers. The erupting volcanoes send out projectiles that also chase her. The floating flowers spray out shots. Three volcanoes mark the end. Boss: Nelo Gloial (green Clawbot) This boss fires laser beams whenever its mandibles are open. Stay below it and slightly to its side, moving away bit by bit so hitting it is still possible while avoiding its laser beams. Breaking off the mandibles at one side of the screen will keep them out of the way when they float downward. The reward is a Red Randar. Back in the Labyrinth: Located at (23,07) is a Message Terminal containing a note about Seal 5. At (23,06) there is a Circler. Look out for yellow bats. (21,05) is where a rapidly multiplying ice cube lurks. Run away or use the EE before the screen turns into a freezer. (23,05) is a dead end. (21,04) Miniboss: ice crystal Stay away while shooting the miniboss. This guy can deal a lot of damage, so don't touch it. If possible, use the Level 3 All Range Cannon to destroy its projectiles. The reward is a Defense Shield. At (23,03) there is a Grenade Launcher. Look out for ice cubes. (23,02) is a dead end. (22,02) is where a rapidly multiplying metallic spider lurks. Located at (23,04) is Gate 5. Corridor 5: Seal 5 Solution: Shoot the display panel with the Pulse Laser Blaster. (This panel is the one displaying, "Corridor 5.") Destroy or avoid the meteoroids. Use the Sabers against the crystal rocks. Also expect to fight diamond plates, pterodactyls, starfish, and other enemies. Two volcanoes mark the end. Boss: Zubuzu (Zibzub) Keep firing to hit this boss and to destroy the missiles it releases. The Forward Wave Cannon works well against it. The reward is an EE Pack. Back in the Labyrinth: After finishing this Area, return to the Shops at Area 0. At (10,10), buy a Repeller for 500 Chips. Located at (13,15) is a Message Terminal containing a note about Seal 6. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [2.6] Area 6: Vastalus B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Password: +----------------------+ Area 0 (X12,Y13) - Find Self-Destruct Switch 6. | cg?b ?Tc4 2UAw iTI9 | Attack Level 3 Shield Energy 17 | 3Nij OzPb S0Yw ?lY5 | Defense Level 4 Power Chip 800 +----------------------+ Speed Arrow 5 Score 639140 Keys: Crescent, Hook, Waves, Square -3- All Range Cannon -2- Forward Saber -2- Grenade Launcher -2- Side Sabers -2- Forward Wave Cannon -2- Circler -2- Side Wave Cannons -2- Repeller -1- Crusher -1- Sprites -2- Laser Cannon -1- Enemy Eraser ( 61) Story: More icy wastelands await our guardian angel here. With half of the Self-Destruct Switches activated, she still has a long way to go. General Hints: Consisting mostly of twisting mazes that lead to dead ends, this Area also allows Miria to connect directly to the next Area if she has the Cross Key. Far more important here is the next Defense Shield she will find. When she reaches a Defense Level of 5, her movement speed (relative to the screen) will increase. Walkthrough: Located at (16,11) is Gate 6. Corridor 6: Seal 6 Solution: Use a special weapon. Miria is flying at a low speed, so she can easily grab items. Blow away the meteoroids, and use the Sabers against the crystal rocks and the star discs. Also expect to find many volcanoes. Several star discs that appear and then spontaneously explode mark the end. Boss: Twin Vohd (batbot) This boss periodically stops to shoot missiles. Use the Laser Cannon to hit it and its missiles. The reward is the Cross Key and Sprites. Back in the Labyrinth: (18,10) Miniboss: red spiderworm Hit this guy when it exposes itself, and kill the spiders it releases. The reward is a Defense Shield. At (18,12) there is an All Range Cannon. At (20,10) there is a Crusher. Look out for spiders and slimes. (21,11) is a dead end. At (21,13) there is an EE Pack. Look out for ice cubes. (21,15) is a dead end. (17,16) Miniboss: red lobstercrab Stay to this guy's right (relative to the screen) and use the Sabers to hit it. Its large claw on the other side will have to throw the bubble shots out farther, causing them to miss more easily. The reward is a Red Randar. Located at (18,13) is Gate 16. Corridor 16: Kill the guys with the laser rifles who jump across the screen while shooting downward. Meteoroids, pterodactyls, red flowers, and other enemies will also appear. Use the Sabers against the crystal rocks. A green starfish, an icy lake, and some craters mark the end. Boss: Gaivul (red Optomon) The seaweed, which comes out only when the boss' eye is open, may linger in the air, so don't stay on one side too long to avoid becoming trapped between the seaweed and the edges of the screen. The Forward Wave Cannon, the Laser Cannon, and the Crusher work well against this boss, and the Level 3 Crusher can destroy the seaweed. The reward is Side Wave Cannons. Back in the Labyrinth: At (16,12) there is a Power Tank. (19,13) is where some ice cubes lurk. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [2.7] Area 7: Muulos A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Password: +----------------------+ Area 7 (X15,Y14) - Find Self-Destruct Switch 7. | m31p IJLO iqnY 857Q | Attack Level 3 Shield Energy 17 | rXJV rNep Atg3 gG5L | Defense Level 5 Power Chip 1200 +----------------------+ Speed Arrow 5 Score 784030 Keys: Crescent, Hook, Waves, Square, Cross -3- All Range Cannon -2- Forward Saber -2- Grenade Launcher -2- Side Sabers -2- Forward Wave Cannon -2- Circler -3- Side Wave Cannons -2- Repeller -2- Crusher -2- Sprites -2- Laser Cannon -1- Enemy Eraser ( 82) Story: Now here is something that isn't in the travel brochure. If there is one thing the aliens have that we don't, it is this fleshy kind of environment. General Hints: Other than its appearance, this Area isn't too different from the rest. Anemones that spit out bubble shots inhabit much of this place. The red boulders can deal a lot of damage, so don't touch them. Walkthrough: There are two ways into this Area. One is through (15,14) from Area 0, and the other is through the south end of the previous Area. Located at (15,12) is a Shop selling one of the following for 600 Chips: - Red Randar - Power Tank - Grenade Launcher (16,18) Miniboss: blue spiderworm Hit this guy when it exposes itself, and kill the spiders it releases. The reward is a Grenade Launcher. Located at (17,21) is a Password Room. At (17,23) there is an EE Pack. Go through the nearby Password Room to reach it. Look out for flowers. At (19,19) there is a Repeller. Look out for the very tough vertically standing worms. They can take a lot of damage, so try to avoid them. Located at (18,19) is Gate 17. The north Warp Panel there leads to the previous Area. Corridor 17: The best way to destroy the green octopi is to touch them. Doing so will kill them instantly with almost no cost to Shield Energy. The large shell monsters spew shots. The eyeballs act like turrets. The black pits rapidly spray out shots in a circular pattern. Hit these pits to destroy them, stopping their shots. The blue flowers erupt into homing spores. Boss: Vazlas (eyeball system A) Destroy the small eyes first, because killing them is easier, and doing so reduces the amount of eyeball shots. Destroy the large eyes afterward. Use the Crusher against the eyeballs to hit them and to destroy their shots at the same time. The reward is a Forward Saber. Back in the Labyrinth: (22,20) Miniboss: red lobstercrab Stay to this guy's right (relative to the screen) and use the Sabers to hit it. Its large claw on the other side will have to throw the bubble shots out farther, causing them to miss more easily. The reward is a Defense Shield. Located at (21,20) is a Message Terminal containing a note about Seal 7. Located at (23,21) is a Shop selling one of the following for 1000 Chips: - Speed Arrow - Power Heart - Forward Wave Cannon At (22,23) there is a Defense Shield. Look out for anemones. Located at (19,23) is Gate 7. Corridor 7: Seal 7 Solution: Enter the room four times from the same Warp Panel. The small ships fire laser beams. The eyeballs act like turrets. Large shell creatures, mushrooms, and other enemies will appear later. The best way to destroy the green octopi is to touch them. Doing so will kill them instantly with almost no cost to Shield Energy. Boss: Glavus (eyeball system B) There are sixteen eyeballs: four main ones grouped in the center, eight small ones around this main group, and four more small ones at the outer corners. Destroy the small eyes first, because killing them is easier, and doing so reduces the amount of eyeball shots. Destroy the large eyes afterward. A Level 2 Crusher should take out the small eyes in one or two hits. Kill the enemy reinforcements for Item Pods. The reward is Side Sabers. Back in the Labyrinth: Return to Area 0 with the Waves Key. Located at (13,16) is a Message Terminal containing a note about Seal 8. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [2.8] Area 8: Muulos B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Password: +----------------------+ Area 0 (X12,Y13) - Find Self-Destruct Switch 8. | UU8t ssou VzMT Ot2P | Attack Level 3 Shield Energy 17 | R0oU RVDl KdUb Af1H | Defense Level 7 Power Chip 1600 +----------------------+ Speed Arrow 6 Score 914850 Keys: Crescent, Hook, Waves, Square, Cross -3- All Range Cannon -3- Forward Saber -3- Grenade Launcher -3- Side Sabers -2- Forward Wave Cannon -2- Circler -3- Side Wave Cannons -3- Repeller -2- Crusher -2- Sprites -2- Laser Cannon -1- Enemy Eraser (122) Story: More raw, gooey stuff for Miria to find here. Maybe it is all just one big coincidence, but blood and flesh from Naju's world also turn out to be red and squishy. General Hints: This Area resembles a large, coiled-up intestine on the Map. To reach the optional Corridor here, work down the east side, pass through the south side, and then head up along the west side. Walkthrough: Located at (10,16) is Gate 8. Corridor 8: Seal 8 Solution: Choose "NO USE" and then press the Special Weapon Button. Meteoroids, eyeballs, mushrooms, and other usual bad guys will appear. The best way to destroy the green octopi is to touch them. Doing so will kill them instantly with almost no cost to Shield Energy. Use the EE if there are too many enemies and projectiles. Boss: Blom Vuuz (red Grimgrin) This dude has two main eyes, one large eye on the forehead, two eyes on the top, and two more small eyes on either side of the head. The size of this boss makes dodging it difficult as it flies around the place. Use the Laser Cannon against it. As the boss gets beaten up, it will turn darker. Its two main eyes will burst at three-quarters life, and the two top eyes will follow at one-half life. At this point, it will stop firing eyeball shots temporarily. When its large eye bursts at one-quarter life, the boss will turn yellow and begin spewing eyeball shots again, only this time it won't stop until it dies. For Item Pods, use the EE against the eyeball shots. The reward is the Triangle Key and a Circler. Back in the Labyrinth: At (10,18) there is a Power Tank. (12,18) Miniboss: red tentacleleech Come in with full Shield Energy, sit on one side, and use the Forward Saber to keep trading blows with it. The reward is a Red Randar. At (14,20) there is an EE Pack. Located at (14,21) is a Password Room. (12,22) Miniboss: red crabbot Run away while using the Circler to hit it. The reward is an EE Pack. At (12,23) there is a Blue Randar. At (09,19) there is a Laser Cannon. Look out for the running enemy who can drop off slimes. Located at (11,19) is Gate 18. Corridor 18: Miria flies at top speed during the first part and then slows down later. Ships, meteoroids, blue flowers, and other enemies can be found here. Boss: Zohd Vuuz (blue Grimgrin) The size of this boss makes dodging it difficult as it flies around the place. Use the Laser Cannon against it. As the boss gets beaten up, it will turn darker. When the top eyes burst, no more eyeball shots will come out until the large eye is also destroyed. For Item Pods, use the EE against the eyeball shots. The reward is a Crusher. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [2.9] Area 9: Eitelis A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Password: +----------------------+ Area 9 (X09,Y07) - Find Self-Destruct Switch 9. | qMb8 SYP9 p1ba 4nrN | Attack Level 3 Shield Energy 19 | 7vab z!fY wKMg Dj?8 | Defense Level 7 Power Chip 2400 +----------------------+ Speed Arrow 6 Score 1088240 Keys: Crescent, Hook, Waves, Square, Cross, Triangle -3- All Range Cannon -3- Forward Saber -3- Grenade Launcher -3- Side Sabers -2- Forward Wave Cannon -3- Circler -3- Side Wave Cannons -3- Repeller -3- Crusher -2- Sprites -3- Laser Cannon -1- Enemy Eraser (182) Story: The deserts of Naju aren't very deserted. The harsh sands and rocky canyons harbor some of the strongest enemies Miria will face. General Hints: The bad guys here can be a lot tougher than the ones from the previous Areas. Prepare well before going after the bosses. Walkthrough: Located at (04,05) is a Message Terminal containing a note about Seal 9. At (06,03) there is a Defense Shield. (05,03) Miniboss: red crabbot Run away while using the Circler to hit it. The reward is a Forward Wave Cannon. At (03,06) there is a Blue Randar. A meteoroid shower will hit this place. It will stop after a while, but Miria is better off if she runs in here, grabs the blue guy, and then leaves. Located at (04,04) is Gate 19. Corridor 19: The red skulls turn blue and fly toward Miria. When the star discs appear, robots who wield laser rifles will also come. Use the Sabers against the crystal rocks. The large horned skulls will come to life and break off from their bony necks, shooting at Miria. Five pairs of large skulls mark the end. Boss: Uru Vumezul (red Bombarder) Thrust the Forward Saber into the middle of this boss, so the Saber reaches across its entire canopy. Doing so will hit the boss and destroy its missiles, which come out from its canopy. (The outer parts of this boss can be touched without problem.) The reward is a Defense Shield. Back in the Labyrinth: At (03,03) there is a Red Randar. Look out for bouncing boulders. At (00,03) there is a Power Tank. At (01,00) there is an EE Pack. Look out for boulders. (02,00) Miniboss: green spiderworm Hit this guy when it exposes itself, and kill the spiders it releases. The reward is a Blue Randar. Located at (02,02) is Gate 9. Corridor 9: Seal 9 Solution: Touch the Gate. Expect meteoroids, diamond plates, and large skulls that shoot small skulls. Even larger skulls act like turrets. Blue heads with sharp teeth hide in the sand and then jump out. These blue heads, like the laser riflemen, are resistant to the EE, so use the Sabers against them. Boss: Zast Zanega (blue Eyegore) Stay away from the front of this boss to avoid its laser beams. Use the Grenade Launcher to hit the boss and to destroy its projectiles, including its laser beams. For Item Pods, let its other shots come out to the sides and use the EE against them. The reward is the Rectangle Key and Sprites. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [2.A] Area 10: Eitelis B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Password: +----------------------+ Area 10 (X11,Y07) - Find Self-Destruct Switch 10. | RNhU THVV W3hz ZdFx | Attack Level 3 Shield Energy 21 | 2xhz YA!M HP6D yfig | Defense Level 7 Power Chip 4000 +----------------------+ Speed Arrow 6 Score 1481080 Keys: Crescent, Hook, Waves, Square, Cross, Triangle, Rectangle -3- All Range Cannon -3- Forward Saber -3- Grenade Launcher -3- Side Sabers -3- Forward Wave Cannon -3- Circler -3- Side Wave Cannons -3- Repeller -3- Crusher -3- Sprites -3- Laser Cannon -1- Enemy Eraser (184) Story: Miria has only one Self-Destruct Switch left to go. Once she activates it, Naju will no longer be a threat to Earth. General Hints: This Area resembles a skull on the Map. From the entrance at the "teeth," Miria must work her way up the west side, down across the "nose," up along the east side, and then into the "forehead," where she can trigger the last Self-Destruct Switch. Walkthrough: Located at (12,05) is a Shop selling one of the following for 2000 Chips: - Sprites - Power Tank - Crusher Located at (11,05) is Gate 20. Corridor 20: Avoid the laser bolts from the drones and the riflemen, or destroy them all with the Crusher. The Crusher can also kill crystal rocks, flying skulls, pit worms, star discs, and pretty much anything else that gets in the way. Four large dark pits and two flying skulls that lift off from their necks mark the end. Boss: Uru Gloial (red Clawbot) This boss fires laser beams whenever its mandibles are open. Stay below it and slightly to its side, moving away bit by bit so hitting it is still possible while avoiding its laser beams. Breaking off the mandibles at one side of the screen will keep them out of the way when they float downward. The reward is a Blaster Pistol. Back in the Labyrinth: (11,03) Miniboss: flying skull This is a more powerful Labyrinth version of its Corridor counterparts. It is very quick, and its shots can do a lot of damage. Stay away and use a fast and powerful weapon, like the Forward Wave Cannon or the Level 3 Sprites. The reward is a Defense Shield. Located at (08,00) is a Message Terminal containing a note about Seal 10. At (11,02), take the lower fork. At (12,04) there is a Power Tank. At (13,04), take the lower path. Look out for meteoroid showers. (12,00) Miniboss: Twin Vohd (batbot) Because Miria isn't flying this time, she will have an easier time hitting this guy from any side. Whenever it stops, use the Forward Saber to stab it and to destroy its missiles. The reward is an EE Pack. Located at (11,00) is Gate 10. Corridor 10: Seal 10 Solution: Fire the Pulse Laser Blaster for 10 seconds. Meteoroids, crystal rocks, and laser beam-firing ships appear here. Miria begins slow but speeds up after the skull turrets appear, and she decelerates before meeting a group of four pit worms. Eight skull turrets that are spread far apart from each other mark the end. Boss: Zia Zanega (red Eyegore) Stay away from the front of this boss to avoid its laser beams. Use the Grenade Launcher to hit the boss and to destroy its projectiles, including its laser beams. For Item Pods, let its other shots come out to the sides and use the EE against them. The reward is an EE Pack. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [2.B] Escape ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Password: +----------------------+ Area 0 (X12,Y13) - Escape. | ie0m m!Kn p60m sGLr | Attack Level 4 Shield Energy 22 | vS1N yaf8 ckuf 9WvO | Defense Level 7 Power Chip 4000 +----------------------+ Speed Arrow 6 Score 2037660 Keys: Crescent, Hook, Waves, Square, Cross, Triangle, Rectangle -3- All Range Cannon -3- Forward Saber -3- Grenade Launcher -3- Side Sabers -3- Forward Wave Cannon -3- Circler -3- Side Wave Cannons -3- Repeller -3- Crusher -3- Sprites -3- Laser Cannon -1- Enemy Eraser (255) Story: Miria's mission at Naju is accomplished, but sticking around for the fireworks to go off around her won't do her any good. The crew of Naju can rest in peace now, but Miria still needs to save her own sweet butt. General Hints: With the self-destruct mechanism activated, the Map registers an active Gate at (09,11). That is the emergency escape route. Walkthrough: There is no actual timer here at all. If Miria wishes, she can take her time going back to search for any items she has missed. Naju blows up only when she finishes Corridor 21. Located at (09,11) is Gate 21. Corridor 21: Meteoroids pour down as Naju begins breaking up, so shoot them if they get in the way. Before Miria can leave, she will have to kill six bosses, who will appear one by one. Boss: Flohk (blue Fleepa), Zubuzu (Zibzub), Ral Gloial (blue Clawbot), Gaivul (red Optomon), Zohd Vuuz (blue Grimgrin), Uru Vumezul (red Bombarder) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [2.C] Final Battle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Story: Naju is no more, and Miria has escaped, but one threat still remains. General Hints: This is the last battle, so bring out the big guns. Walkthrough: Corridor 22: Shoot any meteoroids that get in the way. Boss: final boss Shoot down the boss' missiles, and avoid its bullets and claws. As it gets beaten up, it will turn darker, move faster, and shoot more frequently. It turns from blue to orange at one-half life, and it becomes bloody red at one-quarter life. The Crusher and the Laser Cannon work well against this boss. Use the EE to destroy its projectiles for Item Pods. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [2.D] Epilogue and Staff Credits ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Japanese Version: English Version: [Miria hovers still [Miria slowly flies across from Earth.] by Earth.] Your Final Score is Your Final Score is [current Score] [current Score] Mission Mission Complete. Complete. You are You are the greatest greatest Player. Player. Program Program and Efect and Effect Jemini Hirono Jemini Hirono Pass Word Password Wao Isee Wao Isee Map Maker Map Maker Pochi Nakamori Pochi Nakamori Graphic Des. Graphic Janus Teramoto Janus Teramoto Yoriki Yoriki Music Music Miyamo Miyamo Shant Shant Efect Idea Effect Idea Shin-Kun Sin-Kun Test Play Test Play Midnight Midnight Commander-Nui Commander-Nui Janus Teramoto Janus Teramoto Kunny Kunny Tanida Tanida Shant Shant Pal Pal ...etc ...etc Director Director Moo Niitani Moo Niitani Created by Created by Compile Compile Produced by Produced by Irem Irem Corporation Corporation Password TGL ============================================================================== [3] Strategies - Shooter Mode ============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [3.1] Playing Shooter Mode ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ To access Shooter Mode, enter the Secret Password, eierujii (Japanese) or TGL (English). (To view the Secret Password in the English version, press Start at the end of the Staff Credits.) In Shooter Mode, Miria will only fly through the Corridors, which are the same as those in Normal Mode. After she finishes a Corridor, she will be awarded Power-Ups according to her Special Score. Unless she earns a Blue Randar or a Red Randar, her Shield Energy will not be automatically restored between Corridors. The Special Score is not the same as the regular Score. It is derived from the amount of time spent to defeat a boss. Quickly killing a boss results in a higher Special Score, which in turn results in more Power-Ups awarded. Although up to only five Power-Ups may be earned at a time, the Special Score is carried over from one Corridor to the next, so any extra Points gained will not be wasted. Shooter Mode must be finished from beginning to end. The Epilogue here displays only the Final Score and the Staff Credits, without the image of Miria or the scene where she is flying in front of Earth. The Corridors are visited in the following order: 00, 01, 11, 12, 02, 13, 03, 14, 04, 15, 05, 16, 06, 17, 07, 18, 08, 19, 09, 20, 10, 21, 22. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [3.2] Special Score Item List ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 00000 Speed Arrow 300000 Side Wave Cannons 00000 All Range Cannon 310000 Laser Cannon 00000 Blue Randar 310000 Grenade Launcher 00000 Red Randar 320000 Red Randar 10000 Forward Wave Cannon 330000 Blue Randar 10000 Circler 340000 Forward Saber 20000 Forward Saber 350000 Repeller 20000 Grenade Launcher 360000 Speed Arrow 20000 Side Wave Cannons 370000 Red Randar 30000 Repeller 370000 Crusher 40000 Red Randar 380000 Circler 50000 Blue Randar 400000 Defense Shield 60000 Sprites 410000 Forward Wave Cannon 70000 Crusher 420000 Side Sabers 70000 Laser Cannon 430000 Blue Randar 80000 Side Sabers 440000 All Range Cannon 80000 Blue Randar 450000 Side Wave Cannons 90000 Red Randar 460000 Blue Randar 100000 Blaster Pistol 460000 Red Randar 110000 Sprites 460000 Speed Arrow 120000 Forward Saber 470000 Defense Shield 130000 Forward Wave Cannon 480000 Blaster Pistol 140000 Blue Randar 500000 EE Pack 150000 Defense Shield 510000 Blue Randar 160000 Speed Arrow 520000 Sprites 160000 Grenade Launcher 530000 EE Pack 170000 Circler 540000 Red Randar 180000 Laser Cannon 560000 Speed Arrow 190000 Blue Randar 580000 Blue Randar 200000 Red Randar 600000 Blue Randar 210000 EE Pack 680000 Blue Randar 220000 All Range Cannon 700000 Red Randar 230000 Defense Shield 800000 Red Randar 240000 Repeller 250000 Blue Randar 260000 EE Pack 270000 EE Pack 280000 Side Sabers 290000 Blue Randar 290000 Crusher ============================================================================== [4] Miscellaneous Information ============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [4.1] Passwords ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [4.1.1] Standard Passwords ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +----------------------+ Area 0 (X12,Y13) - Find a way to stop the vessel. | nna6 kbq5 hT!4 eH!4 | Attack Level 1 Shield Energy 8 | b73z 2rpi 5S1x Ipmv | Defense Level 1 Power Chip 50 +----------------------+ Speed Arrow 0 Score 29260 Keys: (none) +----------------------+ Area 0 (X12,Y13) - Find Self-Destruct Switch 1. | Y9i3 xZz2 S9Ha r5y1 | Attack Level 1 Shield Energy 10 | 9oj1 ldiN GgAY 1?yW | Defense Level 1 Power Chip 100 +----------------------+ Speed Arrow 1 Score 44400 Keys: (none) -1- All Range Cannon -1- Forward Saber - - Grenade Launcher - - Side Sabers -1- Forward Wave Cannon -1- Circler - - Side Wave Cannons - - Repeller - - Crusher -1- Sprites - - Laser Cannon - - Enemy Eraser ( ) +----------------------+ Area 2 (X06,Y13) - Find Self-Destruct Switch 2. | I8hJ h4zI C8DJ akdH | Attack Level 1 Shield Energy 11 | F5gD ZgdT igHG V18C | Defense Level 1 Power Chip 150 +----------------------+ Speed Arrow 1 Score 129660 Keys: Crescent -1- All Range Cannon -1- Forward Saber -1- Grenade Launcher -1- Side Sabers -1- Forward Wave Cannon -1- Circler -2- Side Wave Cannons -1- Repeller -1- Crusher -1- Sprites - - Laser Cannon - - Enemy Eraser ( ) +----------------------+ Area 3 (X08,Y15) - Find Self-Destruct Switch 3. | Vtk2 upA2 PAbY r3W0 | Attack Level 2 Shield Energy 12 | swfb iZyB j4Ra ??OW | Defense Level 1 Power Chip 200 +----------------------+ Speed Arrow 3 Score 249270 Keys: Crescent, Hook -1- All Range Cannon -2- Forward Saber -1- Grenade Launcher -1- Side Sabers -1- Forward Wave Cannon -1- Circler -2- Side Wave Cannons -1- Repeller -1- Crusher -1- Sprites -1- Laser Cannon - - Enemy Eraser ( ) +----------------------+ Area 4 (X13,Y07) - Find Self-Destruct Switch 4. | OWxm nCFm IjHl ee1k | Attack Level 2 Shield Energy 12 | 7Tr! DiZ! sX6r YzSg | Defense Level 3 Power Chip 400 +----------------------+ Speed Arrow 4 Score 373210 Keys: Crescent, Hook, Waves -1- All Range Cannon -2- Forward Saber -1- Grenade Launcher -1- Side Sabers -1- Forward Wave Cannon -1- Circler -2- Side Wave Cannons -1- Repeller -1- Crusher -1- Sprites -2- Laser Cannon -1- Enemy Eraser ( 28) +----------------------+ Area 5 (X16,Y09) - Find Self-Destruct Switch 5. | JANO i89I Dv?A rMeH | Attack Level 3 Shield Energy 16 | GhU2 MYRj VehJ v1DD | Defense Level 3 Power Chip 400 +----------------------+ Speed Arrow 5 Score 512310 Keys: Crescent, Hook, Waves, Square -3- All Range Cannon -2- Forward Saber -1- Grenade Launcher -2- Side Sabers -1- Forward Wave Cannon -1- Circler -2- Side Wave Cannons -1- Repeller -1- Crusher -1- Sprites -2- Laser Cannon -1- Enemy Eraser ( 22) +----------------------+ Area 0 (X12,Y13) - Find Self-Destruct Switch 6. | cg?b ?Tc4 2UAw iTI9 | Attack Level 3 Shield Energy 17 | 3Nij OzPb S0Yw ?lY5 | Defense Level 4 Power Chip 800 +----------------------+ Speed Arrow 5 Score 639140 Keys: Crescent, Hook, Waves, Square -3- All Range Cannon -2- Forward Saber -2- Grenade Launcher -2- Side Sabers -2- Forward Wave Cannon -2- Circler -2- Side Wave Cannons -2- Repeller -1- Crusher -1- Sprites -2- Laser Cannon -1- Enemy Eraser ( 61) +----------------------+ Area 7 (X15,Y14) - Find Self-Destruct Switch 7. | m31p IJLO iqnY 857Q | Attack Level 3 Shield Energy 17 | rXJV rNep Atg3 gG5L | Defense Level 5 Power Chip 1200 +----------------------+ Speed Arrow 5 Score 784030 Keys: Crescent, Hook, Waves, Square, Cross -3- All Range Cannon -2- Forward Saber -2- Grenade Launcher -2- Side Sabers -2- Forward Wave Cannon -2- Circler -3- Side Wave Cannons -2- Repeller -2- Crusher -2- Sprites -2- Laser Cannon -1- Enemy Eraser ( 82) +----------------------+ Area 0 (X12,Y13) - Find Self-Destruct Switch 8. | UU8t ssou VzMT Ot2P | Attack Level 3 Shield Energy 17 | R0oU RVDl KdUb Af1H | Defense Level 7 Power Chip 1600 +----------------------+ Speed Arrow 6 Score 914850 Keys: Crescent, Hook, Waves, Square, Cross -3- All Range Cannon -3- Forward Saber -3- Grenade Launcher -3- Side Sabers -2- Forward Wave Cannon -2- Circler -3- Side Wave Cannons -3- Repeller -2- Crusher -2- Sprites -2- Laser Cannon -1- Enemy Eraser (122) +----------------------+ Area 9 (X09,Y07) - Find Self-Destruct Switch 9. | qMb8 SYP9 p1ba 4nrN | Attack Level 3 Shield Energy 19 | 7vab z!fY wKMg Dj?8 | Defense Level 7 Power Chip 2400 +----------------------+ Speed Arrow 6 Score 1088240 Keys: Crescent, Hook, Waves, Square, Cross, Triangle -3- All Range Cannon -3- Forward Saber -3- Grenade Launcher -3- Side Sabers -2- Forward Wave Cannon -3- Circler -3- Side Wave Cannons -3- Repeller -3- Crusher -2- Sprites -3- Laser Cannon -1- Enemy Eraser (182) +----------------------+ Area 10 (X11,Y07) - Find Self-Destruct Switch 10. | RNhU THVV W3hz ZdFx | Attack Level 3 Shield Energy 21 | 2xhz YA!M HP6D yfig | Defense Level 7 Power Chip 4000 +----------------------+ Speed Arrow 6 Score 1481080 Keys: Crescent, Hook, Waves, Square, Cross, Triangle, Rectangle -3- All Range Cannon -3- Forward Saber -3- Grenade Launcher -3- Side Sabers -3- Forward Wave Cannon -3- Circler -3- Side Wave Cannons -3- Repeller -3- Crusher -3- Sprites -3- Laser Cannon -1- Enemy Eraser (184) +----------------------+ Area 0 (X12,Y13) - Escape. | ie0m m!Kn p60m sGLr | Attack Level 4 Shield Energy 22 | vS1N yaf8 ckuf 9WvO | Defense Level 7 Power Chip 4000 +----------------------+ Speed Arrow 6 Score 2037660 Keys: Crescent, Hook, Waves, Square, Cross, Triangle, Rectangle -3- All Range Cannon -3- Forward Saber -3- Grenade Launcher -3- Side Sabers -3- Forward Wave Cannon -3- Circler -3- Side Wave Cannons -3- Repeller -3- Crusher -3- Sprites -3- Laser Cannon -1- Enemy Eraser (255) ****************************************************************************** +----------------------+ Area 0 (X12,Y13) - Escape. | REdE TARN W2dH ZkBG | Attack Level 4 Shield Energy 32 | 2wdj bA6y 7O7X 0rpw | Defense Level 7 Power Chip 4000 +----------------------+ Speed Arrow 6 Score 9000000 Keys: Crescent, Hook, Waves, Square, Cross, Triangle, Rectangle -3- All Range Cannon -3- Forward Saber -3- Grenade Launcher -3- Side Sabers -3- Forward Wave Cannon -3- Circler -3- Side Wave Cannons -3- Repeller -3- Crusher -3- Sprites -3- Laser Cannon -1- Enemy Eraser (255) ****************************************************************************** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [4.1.2] Secret Password ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Japanese Version: +--------------------------------------+ Area 0 - Finish all the Corridors. | e i eru ji i---- -------- -------- | Attack Level 1 Shield Energy 8 | -------- -------- -------- -------- | Defense Level 1 Power Chip 50 +--------------------------------------+ Speed Arrow 0 Score 0 For those who cannot read hiragana, enter the following characters: (1st row, 4th column), (1st row, 2nd column), (1st row, 4th column), (4th row, 8th column), (5th row, 7th column), (1st row, 2nd column). These characters spell ALG (Another Legend of Goardic). English Version: +----------------------+ Area 0 - Finish all the Corridors. | TGL- ---- ---- ---- | Attack Level 1 Shield Energy 8 | ---- ---- ---- ---- | Defense Level 1 Power Chip 50 +----------------------+ Speed Arrow 0 Score 0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [4.1.3] Character Conversions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Any Password, except the Secret Password, can be converted between Japanese and English by matching the locations of the characters on the Password Input Screen. +--------------------------------------------------------------+ a=A i=B u=C e=D o=E ka=F ki=G ku=H ke=I ko=J sa=K shi=L su=M se=N so=O ta=P chi=Q tsu=R te=S to=T na=U ni=V nu=W ne=X no=Y ha=Z hi=0 fu=1 he=2 ho=3 ma=a mi=b mu=c me=d mo=e ra=f ri=g ru=h re=i ro=j ga=k gi=l gu=m ge=n go=o za=p ji=q zu=r ze=s zo=t da=u ji=v zu=w de=x do=y ba=z bi=4 bu=5 be=6 bo=7 ya=8 yu=9 yo=! n'=? susumu=FR. modoru=BA. owari=END +--------------------------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [4.2] Debug Options and Glitches ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [4.2.1] Sound Test ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To access the Sound Test, as the Title Screen appears, hold A and B. Press Left and Right to cycle through the tunes or effects. Press Down to play them. Press Up to stop them. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ## Time Tune or Effect (71 total) :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 01 1:19 Title Screen, Prologue 02 0:38 Jarles Labyrinth, Muulos Labyrinth 03 0:24 Boss A 04 0:30 Jarles Corridor 05 0:40 Vastalus Corridor 06 0:28 Boss B 07 0:25 Gohvlas Labyrinth, Vastalus Labyrinth 08 0:38 Eitelis Corridor 09 0:25 Labyrinth Hub 10 0:07 Game Over (This can be stopped early only by pressing Up.) 11 0:35 Muulos Corridor, Eitelis Corridor 12 0:35 Muulos Corridor, Eitelis Corridor (alternate version) 13 0:26 Vastalus Labyrinth, Eitelis Labyrinth 14 0:22 Eitelis Labyrinth 15 0:48 Epilogue, Staff Credits 16 0:15 Gate inactive 17 0:10 Gate active 18 0:10 Gate active (alternate version) 19 0:28 Message Terminal 20 0:26 Gohvlas Corridor 21 0:26 Gohvlas Corridor (alternate version) 22 0:09 Boss C 23 0:22 Corridor clear - Part 2 24 0:09 Randar's Room (Password Room, Shop) 25 0:13 Password Screen, Corridor 22 26 0:02 Shield Energy capacity increase 27 0:02 Corridor clear - Part 1 28 0:32 Corridor 21 29 0:06 Corridor enter 30 0:45 Corridor 0 31 (silence) 32 beep 33 Pulse Laser Blaster hit 34 enemy explode, EE attack 35 block explode 36 grenade explode 37 Pulse Laser Blaster attack 38 All Range Cannon attack 39 Crusher attack 1 40 Laser Cannon attack 41 Crusher attack 2 (longer whoosh) 42 Wave Cannon attack 1 43 Wave Cannon attack 2 44 Saber attack 45 Miria jet thrust 46 Grenade Launcher attack 47 boom 48 Power Heart get 49 Randar (Blue Randar get, Red Randar get) 50 Power Tank get 1, Weapon get 1 51 Blue Chip get, Password Screen Cursor move 52 Red Chip get 53 Power Tank get 2, Weapon get 2 54 Key get 55 Miria die 56 Miria hit 57 boss hit 58 Warp Panel teleport 1 59 Warp Panel teleport 2 60 Warp Panel teleport 3 (not used) 61 Subscreen Cursor move 1 62 Subscreen Cursor move 2 63 Seal open 64 enemy slide (pit worm) 65 enemy shuffle 1 66 enemy shuffle 2 67 boss alert 68 (silence) 69 (blank) 70 Subscreen access 1 (followed by silence) 71 Subscreen access 2 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [4.2.2] View All Messages ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To view all the messages in the game, at any Message Terminal, hold Select while pressing B. (Press Select once to access the Subscreen, and press it again to unpause, holding it this time.) The messages are displayed in the following order (beginning with the one from the first Message Terminal): 01 - The situation at Naju and how to activate the self-destruct mechanism. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| If someone is reading this... I must have failed. This star "NAJU" was our home, but we were invaded by evil life-forms. Everyone except me was killed. I am going to try to activate the self-destruct device. If I fail, I would like you to do this task so this cannot happen to any other race. The self-destruct mechanism is protected by a safety device which is located in the underground corridors. Remove each seal and go deep inside NAJU. If you destroy all 10 safety devices, the self-destruct sequence will be activated. I don't have much time. I hope this message will not be read by anyone... It will mean that I have failed. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 02 - Special weapons hidden in blocks or taken by enemies. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| I put some weapons in these boxes. Take them out of the boxes to use them. Some weapons have been stolen by some of the life-forms; if you need these weapons you will have to destroy the life-forms. All the weapons need Power Chips. You must search for them. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 03 - Gate Seals, Warp Panels, and Seal 1. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| I had all the corridors sealed. If you need to know how to remove the seal, ask the person who sealed it. To remove the seal at corridor NO. 1, fire at the gate. All the rooms leading to the corridors are locked, so use the "warp panel" to get into the room. To use the "warp panel", blast through the cover. You will also need the key for the panel. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 04 - Introduction of Shops. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| There is a round creature in this room. It will give you items in exchange for Power Chips. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 05 - Password Room. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Do you want me to record your progress? Set your weapon to "NO USE" and press button "A". |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 06 - Display panel by the Gates. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Corridor |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 07 - Display panel by the Gates. (alternate version) |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Corridor |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 08 - Shop, selling one item. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| I will sell this to you in exchange for Power Chips. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 09 - Shop, selling one out of three items. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| I will sell only one of these to you. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 10 - Shop, buying an item. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Good Luck! |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 11 - Shop, returning after buying an item. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Any luck? |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 12 - Shop, opening Seal 4. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| I see you are trying very hard, so I will remove the seal for Corridor No.4. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 13 - Seal 2. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| To remove the seal for Corridor No. 2, touch everywhere. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 14 - Seal 3. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Wait. Wait forever... The seal for No.3 will be removed. What are you doing here? Do not wait here! |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 15 - Seal 4. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Seal No.4 cannot be removed; I think I goofed up when I sealed it. Ask for help from the round creature several times. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 16 - Seal 5. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Fire into the Corridor, then the seal on No.5 will be removed. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 17 - Seal 6. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| I set seal 6 very well; you will need a special weapon to break it. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 18 - Seal 7. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Try to enter the room in the corridor several times; only then will seal 7 be removed. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 19 - Seal 8. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| To remove seal 8, set your weapon to "NO USE" and fire. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 20 - Seal 9. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Seal 9 can be removed by standing on the gate. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 21 - Seal 10. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Keep firing, the last seal will be removed. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [4.2.3] Buy All Items ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To buy all the items at a Shop that normally sells one out of three items, hold Start while buying the items. (Press Start once to pause, and press it again to unpause, holding it this time.) As long as Start is being held, the other items will not disappear, and they can be bought as usual. To regain enough Power Chips for the remaining items, be sure to buy items like Red Randars first. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [4.2.4] Escape From Minibosses ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To see who a miniboss is without being forced to fight it, when the alarm sounds, stand at the edges of the screen, where the blocks will form. To run away, walk off the blocks and leave the screen. Otherwise, walk in and fight the miniboss as usual. (Do not fight a miniboss from the top of the blocks, because they provide no protection.) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [4.2.5] Walk Through Walls ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To horizontally pass through structures, obtain a Defense Level of 5 to increase the movement speed (relative to the screen), and then keep walking diagonally against the left or right side of a wall. After a moment, Miria will go straight into it. She can pass through for just a short distance, so this trick works best with thin barriers, like the single rows of blocks that form dead ends. Using it correctly, Miria can cut a few corners. Using it incorrectly, like at the edges of the screen, she can get stuck. If Miria uses this trick to leave the screen without obtaining the reward after defeating a miniboss, the miniboss will reappear when she returns to the same screen. The reward will still be there when the miniboss is defeated again. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [4.2.6] Power Chip Trick ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To quickly gain Power Chips, find a Chip that is surrounded by blocks on at least two adjacent sides, and then touch it from the other side of the blocks. As long as Miria is touching the Chip on its corner while standing on the other side between two of the blocks, it will not disappear when she "takes" it, allowing her to keep repeatedly obtaining it. This diagram illustrates an example (M = Miria, C = Chip, B = Block): MB BC ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [4.2.7] Item Pod Trick ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To create a large amount of Item Pods, find some easily destructible enemies or projectiles (like missiles or bubble shots), and then keep rapidly using the EE to destroy them. Doing so will increase the chances of Item Pods appearing. Spawning too many Item Pods with this trick may also reduce the amount of memory available for other objects, like enemy projectiles. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [4.2.8] Fatal Score ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In the older versions of the game, do not score more than 9999990 Points. Doing so will cause the game to freeze. In the newer versions of the game, this glitch is corrected. When the maximum amount of Points (9999990) is earned, the Score will stop at that limit, and the game will continue without any problems. Note: The ones digit of the Score is always 0, given how all the Points come in multiples of ten. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [4.3] Quick Reference ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [4.3.1] Area Access Requirements ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Area 1 - Crescent Key Area 2 - Crescent Key Area 3 - Hook Key Area 4 - Waves Key Area 5 - Square Key Area 6 - Square Key Area 7 - Cross Key Area 8 - Cross Key Area 9 - Triangle Key Area 10 - Rectangle Key ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [4.3.2] Gate Seal Solutions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Seal 1 - Shoot the Gate with the Pulse Laser Blaster. Seal 2 - Touch the four circuit panels around the Gate. Seal 3 - Wait for 30 seconds. Seal 4 - Enter the nearby Shop four times. Seal 5 - Shoot the display panel with the Pulse Laser Blaster. Seal 6 - Use a special weapon. Seal 7 - Enter the room four times from the same Warp Panel. Seal 8 - Choose "NO USE" and then press the Special Weapon Button. Seal 9 - Touch the Gate. Seal 10 - Fire the Pulse Laser Blaster for 10 seconds. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [4.3.3] Power Chip Costs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +----------------------------------------+ Weapon Chip Cost at Level 1 2 3 4 +----------------------------------------+ Pulse Laser Blaster* 0 100 200 2050 All Range Cannon 1 3 10 - Grenade Launcher 2 5 20 - Forward Wave Cannon 3 7 20 - Side Wave Cannons 4 5 40 - Crusher 4 12 30 - Laser Cannon 4 6 30 - Forward Saber 4 8 30 - Side Sabers 5 10 35 - Circler 3 6 30 - Repeller 3 10 30 - Sprites 1 8 120 - Enemy Eraser** 0 - - - +----------------------------------------+ * The Pulse Laser Blaster does not consume Chips when it is fired, but the amount of Chips affects the size and the speed of the Pulse Laser bursts. ** The EE is always at Level 1, and it uses its own type of ammunition. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [4.3.4] Capacities ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Shield Energy capacity is increased upon reaching the following Scores (where the effect is similar to that of obtaining a Blue Randar): 30000, 100000, 500000, 1000000, and then every million afterward. The maximum Shield Energy capacity is 32 units. The Power Chip capacity is increased to the following values with each Red Randar obtained (beginning with the initial Chip capacity): 50, 100, 150, 200, 400, 800, 1200, 1600, 2400, 4000, and 6000. The Chip capacity of 6000 can be reached only in Shooter Mode. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [4.3.5] Boss Strategies ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ## Boss ## Boss +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 01 Flohk (blue Fleepa) 11 Magul (green Optomon) 02 Emilva (Crawdaddy) 12 Vuokk (red Fleepa) 03 Egul (blue Optomon) 13 Ral Vumezul (blue Bombarder) 04 Lumajitt (Teramute) 14 Ral Gloial (blue Clawbot) 05 Zubuzu (Zibzub) 15 Nelo Gloial (green Clawbot) 06 Twin Vohd (batbot) 16 Gaivul (red Optomon) 07 Glavus (eyeball system B) 17 Vazlas (eyeball system A) 08 Blom Vuuz (red Grimgrin) 18 Zohd Vuuz (blue Grimgrin) 09 Zast Zanega (blue Eyegore) 19 Uru Vumezul (red Bombarder) 10 Zia Zanega (red Eyegore) 20 Uru Gloial (red Clawbot) +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 21 - Flohk, Zubuzu, Ral Gloial, Gaivul, Zohd Vuuz, Uru Vumezul 22 - final boss +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Name: crabbot (a crab-like robot) Attack: fires shots aimed at Miria Motion: follows her in straight lines and turns in right angles Appear: Area 0 (08,13) (green), Area 1 (00,06) (blue), Area 2 (01,14) (blue), Area 4 (16,03) (blue), Area 5 (19,08) (blue), Area 8 (13,19) (normal), Area 8 (12,22) (red), Area 9 (05,03) (red), Area 10 (11,06) (normal) Notes: Run away while using the Circler to hit it. For the ones appearing as normal enemies, just avoid them and leave the screen. Name: Emilva (a.k.a. Crawdaddy) (a gigantic lobster-like creature with claws) Attack: spits a constant stream of small claws Motion: flies up and down across the screen Appear: Corridor 2 Notes: Keep moving while shooting this boss with the Laser Cannon or the Forward Wave Cannon. Move to the sides to draw away its claws as needed, and then fly back down to hit its exposed underside. Name: entrance defense system (a group of turrets) Attack: fires a lot of bullets Motion: none, except for opening up when firing Appear: Corridor 0 Notes: Move left and right, shooting the turrets when they open. Try not to get trapped between the bullets and the edges of the screen. Destroy the turrets in the middle first, because they are closer and are easier to hit. Name: final boss (a guy with two really big claws) Attack: spits bubble shots, fires homing missiles, reaches out with claws Motion: flies left and right across the screen Appear: Corridor 22 Notes: Shoot down the boss' missiles, and avoid its bullets and claws. As it gets beaten up, it will turn darker, move faster, and shoot more frequently. The Crusher and the Laser Cannon work well against this boss. Use the EE to destroy its projectiles for Item Pods. Name: flying skull (a horned skull) Attack: fires shots aimed at Miria Motion: flies around the screen Appear: Area 10 (11,03) Notes: This is a more powerful Labyrinth version of its Corridor counterparts. It is very quick, and its shots can do a lot of damage. Stay away and use a fast and powerful weapon, like the Forward Wave Cannon or the Level 3 Sprites. Name: Glavus (a.k.a. eyeball system B) (a large group of eyeballs) Attack: spits a lot of homing eyeballs, calls enemy reinforcements Motion: none Appear: Corridor 7 Notes: Destroy the small eyes first, because killing them is easier, and doing so reduces the amount of eyeball shots. Destroy the large eyes afterward. Name: Gloial (a.k.a. Clawbot) (a slender ship with mandibles) Attack: fires laser beams, fires homing missiles Motion: follows Miria horizontally along the top of the screen Appear: Corridor 14 (blue), Corridor 15 (green), Corridor 20 (red), Corridor 21 (blue) Notes: This boss fires laser beams whenever its mandibles are open. Stay below it and slightly to its side, moving away bit by bit so hitting it is still possible while avoiding its laser beams. Breaking off the mandibles at one side of the screen will keep them out of the way when they float downward. The boss will now rapid-fire its laser beams, so keep moving toward its side while hitting it. Name: ice crystal (a larger version of the usual ice clusters) Attack: fires shots aimed at Miria Motion: chases her at right angles Appear: Area 5 (21,04) Notes: Stay away while shooting the miniboss. This guy can deal a lot of damage, so don't touch it. If possible, use the Level 3 All Range Cannon to destroy its projectiles. Name: -k (a.k.a. Fleepa) (a gigantic one-eyed fish) Attack: spits homing jellyfish Motion: bounces up and down the screen, following Miria horizontally Appear: Corridor 1 (blue), Corridor 12 (red), Corridor 21 (blue) Notes: Go below this boss when it is moving away and hit it with the Forward Wave Cannon, the Laser Cannon, or the Crusher. Name: lobstercrab (a crustacean with a large claw) Attack: throws bubbles from its large claw Motion: teleports and then follows Miria vertically Appear: Area 1 (04,11) (green), Area 2 (05,17) (blue), Area 6 (17,16) (red), Area 7 (22,20) (red) Notes: Stay to this guy's right (relative to the screen) and use the Sabers to hit it. Its large claw on the other side will have to throw the bubble shots out farther, causing them to miss more easily. Name: Lumajitt (a.k.a. Teramute) (a fire-breathing dragon) Attack: spits fireballs Motion: teleports to random locations Appear: Corridor 4 Notes: Stay in front of this boss and keep shooting to destroy its fireballs and to hit it. The All Range Cannon, the Forward Wave Cannon, and the Forward Saber work well against it. Name: spiderworm (a worm that burrows through the ground) Attack: releases spiders Motion: burrows up at random locations and then hides after a while Appear: Area 0 (14,09), Area 3 (01,20) (red), Area 6 (18,10) (red), Area 7 (16,18) (blue), Area 9 (02,00) (green) Notes: Hit this guy when it exposes itself, and kill the spiders it releases. Name: tentacleleech (a toothy mouth covered with tentacles) Attack: rams Miria Motion: bounces toward Miria like a horny maniac Appear: Area 3 (06,23) (green), Area 4 (18,01) (blue), Area 8 (12,18) (red) Notes: Come in with full Shield Energy, sit on one side, and use the Forward Saber to keep trading blows with it. Name: Twin Vohd (a.k.a. batbot) (a bat-like robot) Attack: fires homing missiles Motion: flies around the screen, stopping periodically Appear: Corridor 6, Area 10 (12,00) Notes: This guy appears once in a Corridor and once in the Labyrinth, but its attacks remain the same. When it stops, it will shoot missiles. In the Corridor, use the Laser Cannon. In the Labyrinth, move close to it when it stops and stab it with the Sabers, hitting it and the missiles it fires. Name: -ul (a.k.a. Optomon) (a floating eyeball covered with tentacles) Attack: spits deadly seaweed, spits bubble shots Motion: flies back and forth along the top of the screen Appear: Corridor 11 (green), Corridor 3 (blue), Corridor 16 (red), Corridor 21 (red) Notes: The seaweed, which comes out only when the boss' eye is open, may linger in the air, so don't stay on one side too long to avoid becoming trapped between the seaweed and the edges of the screen. The Forward Wave Cannon, the Laser Cannon, and the Crusher work well against this boss, and the Level 3 Crusher can destroy the seaweed. Use the EE to destroy the bubble shots for Item Pods. Name: Vazlas (a.k.a. eyeball system A) (a small group of eyeballs) Attack: spits eyeballs, calls enemy reinforcements Motion: none Appear: Corridor 17 Notes: Destroy the small eyes first, because killing them is easier, and doing so reduces the amount of eyeball shots. Destroy the large eyes afterward. Name: Vumezul (a.k.a. Bombarder) (a ship of a somewhat squarish shape) Attack: fires barrages of homing missiles Motion: teleports to random locations Appear: Corridor 13 (blue), Corridor 19 (red), Corridor 21 (red) Notes: Thrust the Forward Saber into the middle of this boss, so the Saber reaches across its entire canopy. Doing so will hit the boss and destroy its missiles, which come out from its canopy. (The outer parts of this boss can be touched without problem.) Name: Vuuz (a.k.a. Grimgrin) (a head with many eyes, including a large one) Attack: spits bubble shots, spits eyeball shots Motion: flies back and forth across the entire screen Appear: Corridor 18 (blue), Corridor 8 (red), Corridor 21 (blue) Notes: The size of this boss makes dodging it difficult as it flies around the place. Use the Laser Cannon or the Crusher against it. As the boss gets beaten up, it will turn darker. When the top eyes burst, no more eyeball shots will come out until the large eye is also destroyed. For Item Pods, use the EE against the eyeball shots. Name: Zanega (a.k.a. Eyegore) (a demonic skull with several horns and eyes) Attack: fires laser beams, fires skulls or homing claws Motion: flies up and down vertically along the middle of the screen Appear: Corridor 9 (blue), Corridor 10 (red) Notes: Stay away from the front of this boss to avoid its laser beams. Use the Grenade Launcher to hit the boss and to destroy its projectiles, including its laser beams. For Item Pods, let its other shots come out to the sides and use the EE against them. Name: Zubuzu (a.k.a. Zibzub) (a gigantic squid with six tentacles) Attack: spits missiles Motion: bounces up and down, following Miria horizontally Appear: Corridor 5, Corridor 21 Notes: Keep firing to hit this boss and to destroy the missiles it releases. The Forward Wave Cannon works well against it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [4.3.6] Map ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Legend: +------------------------------+ | | | 01 = Gate | | PW = Password Room | | $$ = Shop | | ?? = Message Terminal | | !! = Item | | PC = Preset Power Chip(s) | | MB = Miniboss | | | +------------------------------+ Labyrinth: 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 |--|--|--|--|...........|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|..|--|--|--|--|--|......... 00 | |!!|MB| |...........|??| | |10|MB| | |..|!!| |$$| |04|......... |--|--|--|--|...........|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|..|--|--|--|--|--|......... 01 | |..| | |...........|PW| | | | | | |..| | |MB|PC|............ |--|--|--|--|...........|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|..|--|--|--|--|..|--|--|--| 02 | | |09| |...........| | | | | | | |..| |!!| | |..| | | | |--|--|--|--|--|--|--|..|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|..|--|--|--|--|..|--|--|--| 03 | | | |!!| | |!!|..| |..| |MB| |..| |..|MB| |........| | |!!| |--|--|--|--|--|--|--|..|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|..|--|--|--|--|..|--|--|--| 04 .........| |19| | |..| | |PC| |!!| | |.....|14| | |..|MB| |05| .........|--|--|--|--|..|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|.....|--|--|--|..|--|--|--| 05 .........| |??| | |...........|20|$$|...........|??| | |..| | | | |--|.....|--|--|--|--|--|--|.....|--|--|..|--|--|--|--|--|--|..|--|--|--| 06 |MB|.....|!!| | | | | |.....| |.....| | | | | |!!|..| | |!!| |--|--|..|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|..|--|..|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|..|--|--|--| 07 | | |.................|PC|PW|..|PW|..|PW| |.................| | |??| |--|--|..|--|--|--|--|..|--|--|..|--|..|--|--|..|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--| 08 | |11|..| | | |PC|.....|PC|..| |..|PC|.....|PC| | |MB| |15| |!!| |--|--|--|--|--|--|--|..|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--| 09 |!!| |PW| |.....|PC|..|!!| | | | | |MB|PC|PW|..................... |--|--|--|--|.....|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|..|--|..|--|......... 10 | |PC| |!!|.....|01| | | |$$| |$$|$$| |........|MB|..|!!|......... |--|--|--|--|--|..|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|...... 11 | | |..| |MB|........|!!|21|$$| |??|$$| | |06|PC| | | | |...... |--|--|--|--|--|........|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|...... 12 | | | | |!!|........| | | |??|!!| | |$$|!!| |!!|..| |......... |--|--|--|--|--|..|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|...... 13 ..................|PW| |MB|??|??| |PW|PC| |.....| |16| | |!!|...... |--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|..|--|--|--|--|--|...... 14 | |MB| |!!| | |PC|..|PC|!!| | | | |PC|PW|.....| |..| |......... |--|--|--|--|--|--|--|..|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|..|--|--|--|--|--|...... 15 | | | | |12| | |..|PW|..| |..| |??|..|PC|..| | | | | |...... |--|--|--|--|--|--|--|..|--|..|--|..|--|--|..|--|..|--|--|--|--|--|...... 16 | |..|02|..| |........|PC|..|08|.....|??|..| |..|MB| |..| |......... |--|--|--|--|--|--|..|--|--|..|--|.....|--|..|--|..|--|--|..|--|......... 17 | | |!!| | |MB|..| | |..|PC|...........| |.....|PW|............... |--|--|--|--|--|--|..|--|--|..|--|--|--|.....|--|--|--|--|--|--|......... 18 ...|$$|........|??|..| |.....|!!| |MB|.....| |MB| | | | |......... ...|--|........|--|..|--|..|--|--|--|--|--|..|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|... 19 .....................|PC|..|!!| |18| | |........| |17|!!| | | |... |--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|..|--|--|--|--|--|--|..|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|... 20 | |MB| | |03|13| | |..| | |..| | |!!|..| | | | | |??|MB|... |--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|..|--|--|..|--|--|--|..|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--| 21 | | | | | | |..| |..| | |..| |PC|PW|..| |PW| | | |..| | | |--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|..|--|--|--|--|--|--|..|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--| 22 |!!| | | | | |!!| |..| | | |MB| |.....| | | | | | | |... |--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|..|--|--|--|--|--|.....|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|... 23 | |??|.....|PW|..|MB| |..| | | |!!|........| |!!| |07| | |!!|... |--|--|.....|--|..|--|--|..|--|--|--|--|........|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|... 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [4.4] Patch Codes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Address Value Range Game Value(s) Affected ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 003B 00 to FF Max Pulse Laser Bursts Normally, up to 4 Pulse Laser bursts can be fired onto the screen at a time if no special weapon is equipped, and up to 2 or 3 Pulse Laser bursts can be fired if a special weapon is equipped. Messing with this value can change those restrictions. Set this to 10 (HEX) to be able to fire a nearly constant stream of bursts. Strangely enough, setting this to 0 is equivalent to setting this to FF (HEX). Firing too many Pulse Laser bursts may also reduce the amount of memory available for other objects, like enemies and Item Pods. 003E 00 to FF Shots This value affects only the Shots. Special weapons can be used as long as the Shots value is set to a number greater than 0, but continuing to use the special weapons when the actual Chips or EE charges reach 0 will loop the Chips or EE charges back to their respective maximum values. For example, using the EE at 0 charges while the Shots are frozen at a higher value will loop the charges back to FF (HEX). 0048 00 to FF Shield Energy To find the appropriate number to which this value should be set, multiply the desired amount of Shield Energy by 8. For example, to have 10 units, set this to 50 (HEX). Due to memory restrictions, for 32 units, set this to FF (HEX) instead of 100 (HEX). Setting this to a number greater than the current Shield Energy capacity will automatically increase the Shield Energy capacity to the appropriate amount. 004A 00 to 04 Attack Level 004B 00 to 07 Defense Level Messing with these values to obtain higher Attack and Defense Levels seems to work only before beginning a New Game. However, the Passwords do not record an Attack Level greater than 4 or a Defense Level greater than 7. 004C 00 to FF Power Chips - Part 1 004D 00 to 27 Power Chips - Part 2 The Power Chips formula is "004C"+("004D"*100) (HEX). For example, to have 9999 Chips, set 004C's value to 0F (HEX) and set 004D's value to 27 (HEX), because 0F+(27*100)=270F. Setting this to a number greater than the current Power Chip capacity does not seem to cause any problems. 004E 00 to FF Power Chip Capacity - Part 1 004F 00 to 27 Power Chip Capacity - Part 2 The Power Chip capacity formula is "004E"+("004F"*100) (HEX). 04AF 00 to FF Enemy Eraser Charges This value affects only the number of EE charges that are carried. The EE itself still has to be obtained before it can be used. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [4.5] Game Genie Codes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Code Effect(s) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ AAXTIUNY Infinite Shield Energy AXVAIAAG New Game begins with 4 units of Shield Energy EEVAIAAG New Game begins with 16 units of Shield Energy ENVAIAAK New Game begins with 31 units of Shield Energy NNVAIAAK New Game begins with 32 units of Shield Energy GXOAKLST Infinite Shots* OVOAKLSV + PEOASLAP All special weapons, except the EE, cost 1 Chip per Shot PAKVELAA New Game begins at Area 1 ZAKVELAA New Game begins at Area 2 LAKVELAA New Game begins at Area 3 GAKVELAA New Game begins at Area 4 IAKVELAA New Game begins at Area 5 TAKVELAA New Game begins at Area 6 YAKVELAA New Game begins at Area 7 AAKVELAE New Game begins at Area 8 PAKVELAE New Game begins at Area 9 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ * This code can cause problems with the scripting of the game's events. Enter Area 6 without using this code, or else Seal 6 will never be broken. ============================================================================== [5] Reference ============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [5.1] Game Source Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Guardic Gaiden (Japanese) Name: Super High Speed Shooting Guardic Gaiden (Japanese) (Alternate) Name: Legend of Goardic, The (Japanese) (Alternate) Name: Goardic Legend of Another, The (Japanese) (Alternate) Name: Guardian Legend, The (North American) (European) Code: IF-08 (Japanese) Code: NES-GD-USA (North American) Code: NES-GD-NOE (European) Developer: Compile Producer: Irem Genre: action adventure Players: 1 Save: Password Mapper: 2 (UNROM) Size: 128 KB Publisher: Irem (Japanese) Publisher: Broderbund (North American) Release Date: 1988-02-05 (Japanese) Release Date: 1989-04--- (North American) JAN: 4962891100084 (Japanese) UPC: 047956145409 (North American) ISBN: 1557903123 (North American) EAN: 045496430030 (European) Cartridge Color: white (Japanese) Cover Art: (Japanese) An alternate version of Miria is calmly seated on a complex array of cables and other machinery. Her entire body, except her face and her neck, is completely sealed within a suit that is covered by and connected to wires in various places. She is serenely gazing toward some spot away from the viewer. A large blaster pistol is suspended by more wires near her right side. The entire scene is colored in shades of gray. Cover Design: Design Office of Wong and Yeo (North American) Cover Art: (North American) The eyes of an alien face can be seen in a reddish orange sky, staring forth over a barren landscape that is covered with craters and scorched by lightning. Blue flames shoot out from those eyes as the expression of a smaller, serpentine head between the eyebrows seems to mock the viewer. Cover Art: (European) An alternate version of Miria stands on some rocky alien terrain, gazing up at Naju and holding a laser rifle in her left hand. Her entire body, except her face, is completely sealed within a shiny silver suit with metallic, fairy-like wings. Case Details: (North American) Long ago, in a distant galaxy, an alien race sent a huge world - called Naju - hurtling toward Earth, loaded with a cargo of mysterious lifeforms. During the long journey, these creatures have multiplied and become increasing- ly evil - and now Naju teems with evil. However, deep within this complex globe are self-destruct mechanisms that can be activated to destroy it before it reaches Earth. Now, you must battle your way deep with- in Naju's labyrinths to destroy it. You are the guardian of Earth and your saga will become The Guardian Legend. - Great shoot-em-up arcade action combined with underground adventure. - Choose from twelve different weapons to launch your breakneck attack against the monsters deep within Naju. - Password feature allows you to end a game in progress and resume it later. Poster Image: (Japanese) The Legend of Goardic Zone Image Naju three dimensions manmade planet Dungeon Corridor The dangeon has the twenty-one rooms of mazes and traps. Labyrinth The labyrinth consists of the rooms and the passages which run around the center object. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [5.2] Really Small Details With Which Randar Likes to Bother Us ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Congruent Characters The A character on the Password Screen is equivalent to the empty space. Of course, the only Passwords that use empty spaces are the Secret Password and certain glitch Passwords, so this tip is pretty useless. Practical Pattern Have you noticed how the characters are arranged on the Password Input Screen in the English version? They are set so if the Input Cursor highlights an upper-case character, pressing Down three times will make it highlight the lower-case version. Total Testing When Randar helps to check a Password, the first Password that is entered will pass the test as long as it is any correct Password (including the Secret Password), but the Passwords that are entered afterward have to match the one that is currently displayed. Dubious Descriptions According to the poster image of Naju that comes with the Japanese version, the "dangeon" has "twenty-one rooms of mazes and traps." Whoops. Those rooms should be called Corridors, while those mazes and traps clearly belong to the Labyrinth. Speaking of the Labyrinth, what exactly is the "center object" that the poster mentions? Is it something related to the self-destruct mechanism, or is it just the main computer or power core? Ineffective Intro Wait a second here. According to the Prologue in the Japanese version, exactly how many "warriors" try to stop Naju? There is only one Miria. Depressing Demos Have you seen the demos? In the demos for Areas 5, 8, and 10, Miria gets blown away. In an Area 3 demo, she never gets to meet the boss. (Just for fun, patch codes can be used to make her invulnerable in the demos. After the parts where she is supposed to get wasted, she will stop moving, because there are no more commands recorded.) Sticky Shadow Whenever Miria goes into a Gate, her shadow "jumps" along with her. Of course, this can be attributed to the fact that the shadow is a part of her graphics, so it appears to be always attached to her boots. Afterburner Afterthought Surely you know of the blinking lights on Miria's suit, but have you looked closely at her jet thrusters during the Corridor scenes? At low speeds, there are two small flames. At high speeds, there is one large flame. At intermediate speeds, the small flames alternate with the big flame. Glaring Glitch What is that fluctuating "bar" near the lower left corner of the screen, just above the Status Bar? In the Corridors, it flickers up and down. Does that have to do with the rapidly scrolling screen during those scenes? Camouflaged Containers Have you ever seen an Item Pod spawn over an active turret of the entrance defense system? When the turret opens, the Item Pod seems to disappear, and the part of the turret that has been covered turns into a light blue color. The Item Pod is still there, now being the light blue part, and it can be opened like any normal Item Pod. Contagious Colors Have you tried the Power Chip trick? Take a look at the part of the floor where Miria is standing. It turns blue, as though it is an Item Pod that has been holding a Chip. Lucid Linguistics If Naju's crewmen have never made any previous contact with the people of Earth, how can they compose their messages in the languages of Earth? Maybe Randar is somehow responsible for this. Bouncing Big Blue Randar How exactly does Randar unlock the Gate to Corridor 4? Randar doesn't even have any hands. Blue Randar Blues What ever happens to Randar at the end? Does that guy escape from Naju or get blown up along with the rest of the place? Physics Fallacies Something is awfully wrong with the Epilogue. In the Japanese version, Miria stays motionless in space, even though her jet thrusters are clearly activated. The English version is just as incorrect, because constant force does not lead to zero acceleration. At least all of this still beats being able to hear sound in vacuum during the scenes when Miria is in outer space. Peculiar Palette The Sound Test also changes slightly between the versions of the game. In the Japanese version, the numeric display there is light blue. In the English version, it is white, due to the differences in the Title Screen. Blatant Borrowing Guardic Gaiden uses many elements from Compile's earlier games. From Zanac, there are the All Range Cannon, the Forward Wave Cannon, the Crusher, the Laser Cannon, the Circler, the Repeller, the Enemy Eraser, the shape of Miria's suit, and the Sound Test. From Guardic, there are the Shops and a few of the tunes (Gohvlas Corridor, Boss C, Corridor clear - Part 1 and Part 2, Password Screen, and Randar's Room). From Maou Golvellius (a.k.a. Golvellius: Valley of Doom), there are the exploration elements. Stiff Seat Hopefully the effects of gravity are less on Naju than they are on Earth. With all that stuff on her back, there is no way for Miria to sit down very comfortably. Ethereal Eyes Those who are observant should already know the color of Miria's eyes. Not sure? Her eyes are Earth blue. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [5.3] Document Credits ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Compile (www.compile.co.jp) For developing Guardic Gaiden. Irem (www.irem.co.jp) For producing Guardic Gaiden. Broderbund For publishing The Guardian Legend. Nintendo Power (www.nintendopower.com) For providing some information about The Guardian Legend. (See Top Secret Passwords, page 46.) Code Masters For providing the Game Genie codes. (See the Game Genie Programming Manual and Codebook, pages 71 to 72.) Spherelanders For playing through the game and figuring out the best tactics. Extra thanks to Alex Round for actually authoring this document. ============================================================================== [6] Contact Information ============================================================================== mail: faididi@yahoo.com ============================================================================== ==============================================================================