============================================================================== Crisis Zone (Arcade, PS2) (1999-2004) ============================================================================== Crisis Zone Copyright 1999 2004 Namco This document is created by Faididi and Co. (faididi@yahoo.com) Copying or distributing this, in whole or in part, for profit without the explicit permission of the author is prohibited. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [-] Document Version History ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 2004 (2004-10-26 Tuesday) - Initial release. Version 2005 (2005-07-19 Tuesday) - Corrections made. Version 2006 (2006-07-19 Wednesday) - Document streamlined. Version 2008 (2008-07-19 Saturday) - Corrections made. Version 2010 (2010-07-19 Monday) - Corrections made. ============================================================================== [0] Contents ============================================================================== [1] Overview [1.1] Characters [1.2] General Tips [2] Strategies [2.1] Zone 1: Drycreek Plaza [2.2] Zone 2: Garland Park [2.3] Zone 3: Garland Technology Center [2.4] Zone 4: Geyser 1 [2.5] Zone 5: Grassmarket Street [2.6] Zone 6: Belforte Hotel [2.7] Zone 7: Crimson Beach [3] Extra Bonuses [3.1] Main Menu Options [3.2] Story Mode Options [3.3] Crisis Mission Options [4] Weapons [4.1] Standard Weapon [4.2] Special Weapons [4.3] Extra Weapons [5] Reference [5.1] Game Source Information [5.2] Really Small Details [5.3] Document Credits [6] Contact Information ============================================================================== [1] Overview ============================================================================== Namco's Crisis Zone is a rail shooter derived from the Time Crisis series. Its story is mostly unrelated to those of the Time Crisis installments, but it contains more of the great duck-and-shoot gameplay for which that series is known. Although it lacks the 2-Player Mode found in the later Time Crisis installments, it features a hero who uses a submachinegun as his standard weapon. The original Crisis Zone has been released after Time Crisis 2 but before Time Crisis 3. However, the PS2 version of Crisis Zone has been released after the PS2 version of Time Crisis 3. ("Time Crisis" has been added to the name of this port for promotional reasons.) This port contains many new features, including the Grassmarket District incident, which occurs after the original Garland Square incident. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1.1] Characters ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Claude McGarren, First Platoon Leader of the Special Tactical Force (STF) The hero of the game. Although he is supposedly in command of a squad of other trigger-happy STF troopers, he is pretty much on his own as he blasts his way through enemies. (At least the other STF guys never get in his path, except in Crisis Mission.) Derrick Lynch, URDA General The head honcho of the bad guys. He is taking over Garland Square so he can use its nuclear reactor to blow up London. Tiger, URDA Commando A big fat dude with a large gun and lots of armor. Throwing heavy objects around is his favorite attack. Edge, URDA Commando A skinny guy with ninja-like agility. He attacks with throwing blades and claws. Jared Hunter, New URDA General The boss of URDA during the Grassmarket District incident. He has added air troopers to the ranks of the URDA. Melissa Kessler, Hostage The daughter of STF Commander Kessler. Melissa is one of the hostages held by the URDA during the Grassmarket District incident. (Actually, she is the only hostage Claude ever sees in the game.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1.2] General Tips ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - Duck whenever there is a red flash ("crisis mark") from an enemy, because it means that the bad guy is going to make an accurate shot. Claude, like Keith and Robert from Time Crisis 2, has developed this amazing ability to know when enemies are about to hit him. Red flashes can even be seen from the other side of walls and other obstructions. - When there is a red flash coming from a bad guy, if Claude manages to hit him quickly enough, the bad guy will stagger and lose his aim. - The red-uniformed enemies and the grenade-tossing bad guys are the most accurate, so kill them first. - Grenades, missiles, and throwing blades can be shot out of the air. If Claude has time to spare, he can also simply duck to avoid them. - The Difficulty Setting doesn't affect which extra bonuses can be earned. To make Story Mode and Story Mode Special a whole lot less painful to finish, set the game to Very Easy. - To increase the achievement score (on the Data Base Screen), finish Story Mode, finish Story Mode Special, finish the various Zones in Crisis Mission, and place first on the various Zones in Time Trial Mode. ============================================================================== [2] Strategies ============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [2.1] Zone 1: Drycreek Plaza ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Boss: Tank This tank is one of those trick combat vehicles, because it contains a lot of hidden weapons. During the first part, destroy the chain gun on top of its turret, the two missile launchers on the sides of its turret, and the six gun ports along the sides of its hull. During the second part (when Claude is on the upper walkway), destroy the internal missile launchers that pop up at its back, and then destroy the main cannon. During the last part, destroy the two gatling guns in its rear compartment to make the tank go BOOM! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [2.2] Zone 2: Garland Park ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Boss: Helicopter This boss chopper is bigger and tougher than the earlier helicopters. Shoot the boss chopper as it flies around in the air. Its rockets can be shot down, but ducking them may be faster and easier. (Apparently, Claude's shield comes with some sort of super coating that allows him to harmlessly "bump" away missiles.) After the boss chopper blows up the upper walkways, it will swoop in close and try to go Benihana on Claude's ass with its propeller blades. As usual, duck to avoid the blades. Toward the end, the boss chopper will drop a bunch of bombs. Shoot upward to destroy the bombs and to hit the boss chopper. If a bomb gets too close, duck to avoid it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [2.3] Zone 3: Garland Technology Center ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bosses: Tiger and Edge Tiger fires a machinegun and throws heavy objects, while Edge uses throwing blades and sometimes jumps in for a claw attack. Shooting Tiger in the body isn't always enough to reduce his health completely. Hitting his gun is also necessary. To dodge the heavy objects he hurls, just duck. Edge's throwing blades can be shot out of the air, but because he can toss several of them at once, ducking them may be a better tactic. Also prepare to duck when he jumps up close, because he moves like that only to perform a claw attack. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [2.4] Zone 4: Geyser 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Boss: General Derrick Lynch Lynch's super gun can be treated like a shotgun. It has a high accuracy at this short range, but it also fires at a relatively slow rate, so Claude can stand up and shoot at Lynch in between the boss' shots. Also watch out for Lynch's grenades. Either shoot them out of the air or duck under them. When Claude and his buddies win, Lynch dies a really funny death. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [2.5] Zone 5: Grassmarket Street ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Boss: Unit A-0940 During the first part, shoot the three gun ports and the three pairs of missile launchers along the side of each of the two arms. During the second part, shoot its head, taking care to duck when the flying drones stop to fire their laser beams. During the third part, shoot the four gatling guns in its rear compartments. During the fourth part, shoot its main laser cannon while ducking its laser beam and missiles. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [2.6] Zone 6: Belforte Hotel ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Boss: Jared Hunter (rocket pack) Shoot at Hunter as he flies around in the air. Also shoot down the other rocket troopers flying around with him. Get ready to duck when he charges forward for a ramming attack. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [2.7] Zone 7: Crimson Beach ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Boss: Jared Hunter (boat) During the first part, aim for the gatling guns near the center of the boat, slightly in front of where Hunter is standing. That way, there will be less returning fire. Later, shoot at the rear sides of the boat, where the laser emitters are. Hunter will keep attacking with his sniper rifle during all this time, too, so prepare to duck often. When the boat launches a missile at Claude's helicopter, Claude should shoot down the missile, or else its explosion will prevent him from firing while the pilot tries to regain control of the craft, wasting a lot of time. ============================================================================== [3] Extra Bonuses ============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [3.1] Main Menu Options ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Story Mode Special Finish Grassmarket District in Story Mode. Story Mode Special plays just like the standard Story Mode, only now Claude can switch at any time between three weapons: the Machinegun, the Handgun, and the Shotgun (similar to Alan and Wesley from Time Crisis 3). To switch weapons, pull the Trigger while ducking. Extra weapons (such as the Flamethrower and the Missile Launcher) and alternate routes and enemy patterns can also be found here. Trial Mode Finish Garland Square and Grassmarket District in Story Mode Special. Trial Mode has Claude going through a single Zone to achieve either a High Score or a Record Time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [3.2] Story Mode Options ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Additional Lives and Credits Simply play Story Mode or Story Mode Special, and reach the ending or Game Over. Lives and Credits will be gradually added with almost every session. (Don't forget to set the Lives and Credits to the new maximum values on the Game Settings Screen.) Grassmarket District Finish Garland Square in Story Mode. The Grassmarket District incident, which takes place after the Garland Square incident, is one of the exclusive features added for the PS2 version. Double Gun Mode Earn an achievement score of about 55 percent. Double Gun Mode allows Claude to magically fire a second gun. (A second GunCon is required.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [3.3] Crisis Mission Options ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hard Difficulty Settings Finish a Zone in Crisis Mission on Normal. (Doing so also results in a Silver Medal. Finish the same Zone on Hard to earn a Gold Medal.) Special Weapon Zones Finish Grassmarket District in Story Mode. The Special Weapon Zones in Crisis Mission are challenges where Claude has to use the Handgun or the Shotgun. Extra Weapon Zones Find the corresponding extra weapon in Story Mode Special. (See the weapons section for more information about the locations of these extra weapons.) Boss Battle Mode Finish Garland Square and Grassmarket District in Story Mode Special. Boss Battle Mode has Claude going through a battle with a boss like any other Crisis Mission challenge. ============================================================================== [4] Weapons ============================================================================== The PS2 Crisis Zone has a bunch of new weapons for Claude to use in addition to his default Machinegun. These new weapons can be found in Story Mode Special and in Crisis Mission. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [4.1] Standard Weapon ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Machinegun (40 rounds per magazine) Claude's default weapon. The Machinegun (or more appropriately, the Submachinegun) has a blinding rate of fire. Individually, its shots aren't the most powerful, but the Machinegun's ability to maintain a sustained attack over a relatively lengthy period of time makes it the most reliable weapon in general, even in Story Mode Special. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [4.2] Special Weapons ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Special weapons" are somewhat of a misnomer. These would be better known as alternate standard weapons, because Claude can switch to them whenever he likes in Story Mode Special. Handgun (8 rounds per magazine) A semi-automatic pistol. The Handgun's shots are larger and more powerful than those of the Machinegun, but the low ammunition capacity of its magazines is a serious drawback. Its effectiveness is further reduced by the fact that most of the enemies in Crisis Zone take multiple hits to kill, unlike the ones in Time Crisis. Shotgun (6 rounds per magazine) A firearm that shoots a spray of pellets. Like its counterpart in Vampire Night, the Shotgun has a slow rate of fire, and its pellets are scattered randomly (although their grouping is still relatively tight). The Shotgun is most effective against targets at short ranges, and it can also be used to hit quickly moving enemies (like the rocket troopers) with greater ease. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [4.3] Extra Weapons ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Extra weapons" refer to the more exotic equipment that Claude gets to use temporarily, providing he finds them. Each Zone in Story Mode Special contains one extra weapon. To find it, Claude must kill an enemy wearing a brown, heavily armored uniform, who will appear very briefly. If Claude succeeds, he will gain and use the extra weapon for the next few sections. Finding an extra weapon also puts Claude on an alternate path that contains different enemy patterns. Flamethrower A weapon that releases streams of fire. The Flamethrower's shots, like those of the Machinegun, aren't very powerful, but they can "hit" enemies repeatedly (which is great for getting high combos). The Flamethrower is located at Drycreek Plaza, in the back room of the art shop. Missile Launcher (4 rounds per magazine) Shoots homing missiles. The Missile Launcher is a very powerful weapon. To lock on to a target, simply aim at it, and then pull the Trigger to fire. Up to four separate targets can be acquired before firing. The Missile Launcher is located at Garland Park, near the trucks at the central courtyard. Laser Rifle Emits a continuous laser beam that can cut through objects. The Laser Rifle operates a lot like the Machinegun, except it can hit bad guys hiding behind walls and other cover. It is definitely a step up from its counterpart in Rolling Thunder 3. The Laser Rifle is located at Garland Technology Center, in the laboratory with the automated turrets. Gatling Gun (60 rounds per magazine) Fires a stream of lead at blazing speeds. The Gatling Gun (or should it be Minigun?) may have magazines with a larger ammunition capacity, but it consumes ammunition even more quickly than the Machinegun does. The Gatling Gun is located at Grassmarket Street, in the hallway connecting to the kitchen. Grenade Launcher (1 round per magazine) Fires one grenade shell at a time. The Grenade Launcher is very slow to reload, but it can take out several enemies at a time. Its shells also leave flames that will continue to damage any bad guys who touch them. This weapon functions very much like its equivalent in Rolling Thunder 3, and less like the one from Time Crisis 3. The Grenade Launcher is located at Belforte Hotel, in the security room with the monitors. ============================================================================== [5] Reference ============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [5.1] Game Source Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Crisis Zone Name: Time Crisis: Crisis Zone (North American) (PS2) Code: SLUS-20927 (North American) (PS2) Developer: Namco Producer: Namco Genre: rail shooter Players: 1 Save: Memory Card (80 KB) (PS2) Save File Name: TIME CRISIS: CRISIS ZONE Save File Icon: Claude's Submachinegun and his STF Shield Disc Type: DVD (PS2) Publisher: Namco Release Date: 1999------ (Arcade) Release Date: 2004------ (PS2) UPC: 722674100151 (North American) (PS2) (Box) UPC: 722674100205 (North American) (PS2) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [5.2] Really Small Details ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Double Gun Mode This is a quotation from a magazine advertisement for the PS2 Crisis Zone: "Annihilate terrorists in the only game with an unlockable option of firing two GunCon 2 guns at once." Whoops. The PS2 Time Crisis 2 already has that, plus a lot more. The STF Is Really a Part of the VSSE During the movie before Geyser 1 in Story Mode (at Garland Square), the STF Commander communicates with Claude via a laptop. On this laptop's screen, the name "VSSE" can be seen near the top right corner of the window. Where is Richard Miller when you need him? What a Beach The name of the final Zone, Crimson Beach, is a lie. Claude fights the boss there in the middle of a sea, and a beach is nowhere to be seen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [5.3] Document Credits ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Namco (www.namco.co.jp) For creating Crisis Zone. Now please give us a console version of Lucky and Wild, and don't add "Time Crisis" to its name. ============================================================================== [6] Contact Information ============================================================================== mail: faididi@yahoo.com ============================================================================== ==============================================================================