============================================================================== Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood (PC, Xbox 360, PS3) (2009) ============================================================================== Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood Copyright 2009 Techland This secret item document is created by Faididi and Co. (faididi@yahoo.com) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [-] Document Version History ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 2009 (2009-07-19 Sunday) - Initial release. Version 2010 (2010-07-19 Monday) - Corrections made. ============================================================================== [0] Contents ============================================================================== [1] Overview [2] Secret Item Locations [3] Document Credits [4] Contact Information ============================================================================== [1] Overview ============================================================================== Techland's Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood is a first-person shooter, like the previous installment. It is a prequel whose events are set nineteen to seventeen years before those of the original game, and it features various gameplay changes, like having two playable heroes for the same scenes. ============================================================================== [2] Secret Item Locations ============================================================================== The Secret Items provide access to historical images ("Art") and extra dialogue among the McCalls ("Memories"), some of which doesn't appear within the chapters themselves. Every new Secret Item that is obtained will reveal the next image or bit of dialogue. The Secret Items take the form of rolled-up parchments (although they are called "cards" in the game). Except for the scenes where a specific character must be played, the Secret Items are hidden at locations that can be reached by either Ray or Thomas, and they will be accordingly tracked in the "Secrets Found" scores for the characters. Those that have been obtained are permanently saved and won't appear again. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 01: Battlefield of Death ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Secrets: (5 total) - After the first door that is kicked open, near the wall to the left. Open the dark chest. - At the camp, near a bed in the open with a dead guy lying on it, outside one of the tents. Open the dark chest. - Before the beginning of the side trail toward the sneak attack, along the right side of the stream. Open the dark chest. - After the dynamic cover tutorials, near the large pile of explosives that will eventually blow up in the middle of the trenches, in the long, straight, dead-end trench. Open the dark chest. - Below the bridge, on the rock platform near one of the bomb spots. Look on the ground on this rock platform, next to a dead guy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 02: Plantation of Death ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Secrets: (5 total) - Inside the barn with the cow, in a corner stall. Open the dark chest. - Along the row of houses after the barn, inside the second house that can be entered, in the 1F room, near the ladder. Open the dark chest. - Along the same row of houses, inside the house just after the one with the locked door, in the 2F attic. Open the dark chest. - Inside the McCall house, on the 2F main walkway, behind a cabinet. Open the dark chest. - At the McCall house, on the 2F rear balcony on the same side as the previous spot. Open the dark chest. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 03: Rainy Town of Death ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Secrets: (5 total) - Inside the saloon, in the 2F corridor. Look in the shelf. - In front of the weapon store, under the shelter. Open the large chest. - In the woman's 2F bedroom, at the corner by her bed. Open the large chest. - During the attempt to push aside the wagon blocking the stagecoach's path, to the left of the stagecoach, under a shelter. Open the large chest. - During the attempt to push aside the wagon blocking the stagecoach's path, in the barn from which the wagon has emerged, near the ladder. Look on the ground under the metal tub, the hanging saddle, and a lamp. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 04: Border Town of Death ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Secrets: (5 total) - A while after the first climb-and-pull-up joint action, in the very small space between a house and a white arch that is near a windmill. Open the dark chest. - Behind the area where Ray is supposed to take cover from the snipers, in an alcove. Open the dark chest. - In front of the weapon store, under the shelter, near the water pump. Open the dark chest. - After the wagon with a lone horse, at a yard with a goat. Look on the bench with a black sombrero. - Inside the church, in the side chamber near where Marisa is standing. Open the light chest. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 05: Mines of Death ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Secrets: (5 total) - Shortly after the starting point, at the bottom of the slopes, near one of the wagons. Open the dark chest. - At the shacks area, along the side with the weapon store and the horses, at one of the shed ruins that has many large crates. Open the dark chest. - Inside Devlin's house, in the 2F bedroom. Open the dark chest. - After the part where the heroes say Devlin has left his horses to continue on foot, after climbing several stairs, on a long dead-end walkway. Open the dark chest. - After the long high bridge, under a staircase. Open the dark chest. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 06: Desert of Death ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Landmarks: Travel clockwise along the perimeter of the entire area to find the following landmarks: The weapon store. Ramos' ranch. The mine shaft behind Ramos' ranch. The graveyard. The burnt shack ruins. (This is near Ramos' hideout hut.) The large brick house with a side building. The large natural cul-de-sac with a shrine. The main entrance to the stolen cattle section. The large adobe building with a wagon. The alternate entrance to the stolen cattle section. The lone tent with a dead body behind a rock. The one-way slope exit from the stolen cattle section. The small brick house with the walled yard. The large mountain-side scaffolding. The entrance to the stolen goods section. The collapsed mine shaft with some scaffolding. The small adobe house. (Return to the weapon store.) Secrets: (12 total) - Across the road from the weapon store, near the very small building. Open the dark chest. - Behind the weapon store, near the large tree with a drunk guy sitting against it. Look on the ground near this drunk guy. (He will attack when this Secret Item is taken.) - At Ramos' ranch, in the 2F bedroom, near the double-sized bed. Open the safe. - Directly between the weapon store and Ramos' ranch, near a large and very steep hill, at the wagon remains. (There are several vultures flying over this spot.) Open the dark chest. - At the graveyard, behind and to the left of the wagon. Look inside the open coffin. - At the main entrance to the stolen cattle section, beside the narrow sloped path, near the trees with leaves, on an even narrower projection. Look on the ground at the end of this projection. - Directly between the weapon store and the main entrance to the stolen cattle section, under the hangman's noose. Look on the ground near the travel pack and the crate. - At the small brick house, in the walled yard. Look on the ground next to the open oval basket. - At the large mountain-side scaffolding, on the highest level of the scaffolding. (For Ray, climb the ladders beginning with the one near the dark crate, and set a bomb on the boulder on the high rock ledge. For Thomas, lasso up onto the end of the scaffolding.) Look inside the bucket that is attached to a post. - In the stolen goods chamber (where the large piles of material are kept if the stolen goods mission is active). Open the light chest that is near the supplies crate and facing the dark cave. - At the collapsed mine shaft with some scaffolding. Look inside the mine cart, which is near a crate and a shovel. - At the small adobe house (which is near the weapon store), on the roof. Open the dark chest. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 07: Large Town of Death ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Secrets: (5 total) - Inside the sheriff's office, in the 1F room (where the heroes do a tandem super draw). Open the dark chest. - After the explosives shed, behind the barn with the snipers, but before the open doorway (with a tandem super draw) to the water tower. Open the dark chest. - Inside the saloon, behind the 1F counters. Open the dark chest. - At the end of the rooftop path, after dropping back to the ground with the arms dealer, under the eaves, next to the fence. Open the light chest. - After the rooftop path, at the back lot of the house that is next to the one where the heroes drop back to the ground. (There are horses in this back lot.) Open the dark chest. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 08: Valley of Death ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Landmarks: Travel clockwise along the perimeter of the entire area to find the following landmarks: The weapon store. The switchback. The cliff-side smoking campfire remains. Peters' ranch. The cliff-side shack ruins. (Going back up the switchback.) The two-barn ranch. The dead end with wagon ruins and fallen trees. The collapsed mine shaft with a ruined shack. Freeman's ranch. Snipes' ranch. The burnt shack ruins with the smoking campfire remains. The path to the brothers' gathering spot (multiple entrances). The railroad section. The forest shack ruins. The forest cabin. (Return to the weapon store.) Secrets: (12 total) - Outside the weapon store. Look on the groceries table. - On a high ledge overlooking the wooden railings at the top of the switchback. Look on the ground near a travel pack that is leaning against a rock. - At the cliff-side smoking campfire remains, on the ledge below the campfire remains. Look on the ground near the dead guy. - At Peters' ranch, inside the barn at the end, in a back corner. Open the dark chest. - At the two-barn ranch, behind one of the barns. Look on the crate. - On the high wide ledges directly between the two-barn ranch and Freeman's ranch, at the campfire remains. Look on the ground near the travel packs. (This spot offers a clear line of sight to the completed railroad bridge in the distance.) - At Freeman's ranch, at one corner of the entire ranch, next to the very small shack. Open the dark chest. - At Snipes' ranch, inside the henchmen's house, in the 2F room. Open the dark chest. - At the burnt shack ruins with the smoking campfire remains, in front of the tent. Look on the crate. - At the railroad's first gathering point, inside the barn. Look on a supplies crate. - At the railroad's second gathering point (across the completed bridge), near the campfire, under the shelter. Open the dark chest. - At the forest cabin, next to the door. Look on the bin. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 09: Cliffs of Death ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Secrets: (5 total) - Not long after the starting point, after the first set of long planks. Open the unmarked supply chest. - Before crossing the drawbridge (on the level where Ray and William should be waiting), at the dead end of the walkway. Look on the floor between the barrels. - In front of the doorway to the second tunnel (with the second tandem super draw). Look inside the mine cart. - After leaving the second tunnel, at the part where Ray says he doesn't like the elevator idea, by the cliff edge. Look on the ground behind the large supplies crate. - After the elevator lift ride, in front of where the lift stops. Open the large chest. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 10: Forests of Death ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Secrets: (5 total) - After the arch where the native spotter flees, along the left side of the trail, at the wagon remains. Open the dark chest. - At the waterfall stream (where Juarez's wagon gets stuck), during the native warriors' ambush, on the high ledge where the snipers are, at the grassy end. (Facing the waterfalls and Juarez's wagon, turn left.) Look on the basket. - Past the waterfall stream, beside the waterfalls, near a tent. Open the dark chest. - At the wide river crossing, along the left side of the crossing, in a canoe. Look on the basket in this canoe. - After the wide river crossing, in the dark defile, after the shafts of light, along the right wall, near a dead guy and a dead horse. Look on the ground near this dead guy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 11: Navajo Village of Death ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Secrets: (5 total) - At the part where the enemy guard high up on the mountain spots the heroes as they try sneaking past the village, behind the small partition-like frame. Look on the basket. - Before the bridge that will be broken, above the ladder leaning against a burial frame. Look on this burial frame. - After the tree that is pushed down to form a makeshift bridge, along the left side of the stream crossing, near a canoe and a dead guy. Look on the ground next to this dead guy. - At the shack ruins, before dropping down to the dam, in one of the ruins. Open the dark chest. - At the same shack ruins, in another of the ruins. Open the dark chest. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 12: Apache Village of Death ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Secrets: (5 total) - Not far to the front of the starting point, outside the tent near one of the village's outermost totem poles. Look inside the open rectangular basket. - From the starting point, turn roughly 90 degrees right and search for a small frame with a skull and a circular plate. Look inside one of the open circular baskets near this skull-and-plate frame. - Two tents over toward the left from the previous spot, toward another skull-and-plate frame. Look inside the open rectangular basket. - Before the mountain trail leading up to the rocks, under the burial frame beside the ledge. Look inside the open oval basket. - Before the same mountain trail, behind the lone tent to the right. Look inside the open rectangular basket. (Reaching this spot may trigger the "Don't leave your brother" warning message. Take this before it's Game Over.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 13: Ghost Town of Death ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Secrets: (5 total) - Outside the bank (one building to the right of the first house that must be cleared), on the front porch. Look inside the broken safe. - Outside the second house that must be cleared, behind the wooden shed. (This is near the enemies' horses and a water tower.) Open the large chest. - Inside the saloon, in the 1F room, at a side corner. Open the large chest. - After the saloon, between a barn and a small shack. Open the large chest. - At the cemetery, outside the church, near a gravestone. (Facing the church's main entrance, turn right.) Open the large chest. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 14: Alcazar of Death ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Secrets: (10 total) - Thomas' part. On the wall in front of the shed for gathering the horses. Open the light chest. - Thomas' part. Inside the shed for gathering the horses, at a corner. Open the light chest. - Thomas' part. With the back to the main gate, inside the left-side wall, in a long series of connected rooms, at one end. (These rooms are empty.) Open the light chest. - Thomas' part. With the back to the main gate, inside the right-side wall, in a long series of connected rooms, in the middle. (These rooms contain a wheel at one end.) Open the light chest. - Thomas' part. With the back to the main gate, near the rear right corner of the yard, near one of the horses. Open the light chest. - Ray's part. In one of the square storage rooms outside the floor grating room. Open the light chest. - Ray's part. In the last, very large storage chamber, near a locked gate. Open the light chest. - Ray's part. In the 1F central courtyard, at a corner (on the side with the door to the lobby). Open the light chest. - Ray's part. In the 1F lobby, at a back corner. Open the light chest. - Ray's part. Below the floor grating shaft, in front of the landing spot, in the flooded cellar, on a partially submerged crate. Open the light chest. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 15: Crypt of Death ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Secrets: (0 total) There are no Secret Items here. Bonus Trick: For Thomas, there is an alternate (semi-glitch) method for defeating Barnsby that requires a volcano gun of (probably) at least prime condition. After wearing down Barnsby enough, if Thomas uses a super draw and fires all twelve shots straight into the boss, there is a chance that Barnsby will instantly die. If this happens, the game will skip the final duel and go straight to the Epilogue, initially garbling the music. ============================================================================== [3] Document Credits ============================================================================== Techland (www.techland.pl) For developing Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood and for creating the series. Ubisoft (www.ubisoft.com) For publishing Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood. FBS For playing through the game and figuring out the best tactics. Extra thanks to Alex Round for actually authoring this document, single-handedly finding all the Secret Items, and finding the alternate method for defeating the final boss, because he is a krezzy man. ============================================================================== [4] Contact Information ============================================================================== mail: faididi@yahoo.com ============================================================================== ==============================================================================