============================================================================== Armada (Dreamcast) (1999) ============================================================================== Armada Copyright 1999 Metro3D This document is created by Faididi and Co. (faididi@yahoo.com) Copying or distributing this, in whole or in part, for profit without the explicit permission of the author is prohibited. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [-] Document Version History ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 2006 (2006-07-19 Wednesday) - Initial release. Version 2007 (2007-07-19 Thursday) - Corrections made. Version 2008 (2008-07-19 Saturday) - Corrections made. Version 2010 (2010-07-19 Monday) - Corrections made. ============================================================================== [0] Contents ============================================================================== [1] Overview [1.1] Story [1.2] Characters [1.3] Controls [1.4] Items [1.4.1] Ultratech [1.4.2] Trade Items [1.4.3] Other Items [1.5] General Tips [2] Strategies [3] Staff Credits [4] Miscellaneous Information [4.1] Ultratech by Bonus [4.2] Ultratech by Starbase [4.3] Map [5] Reference [5.1] Game Source Information [5.2] Really Small Details [5.3] Document Credits [6] Contact Information ============================================================================== [1] Overview ============================================================================== Metro3D's Armada is a 4-Player action adventure that features heroes who can work together to complete missions and who can improve their ships by gaining experience points and by installing equipment. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1.1] Story ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The humans of Earth have spread across the galaxy, growing into several diverse variants in the new ages of exploration and development. However, a seemingly endless horde of alien beings collectively known as the Armada has appeared and begun to attack us. Communication with the Armada has not been successfully established yet, and we do not understand its hostility. Today, the surviving humans of six variants have formed the Alliance, so we can protect ourselves from the Armada's constant onslaught by aiding each other and by sharing our knowledge and technology. You are a member of the Alliance, and your objectives are to fight the enemy, to help your fellow humans, and, of course, to avoid getting blasted into butt sauce. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1.2] Characters ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [1.2.1] Groups ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Type: Alliance Notes: The union of humans against the Armada. Its leadership, Allied Command, is based on the Allied World, which is located at the center of the galactic map. The Allied Starbase orbiting the planet serves to protect it and to provide a place for people to gather and to trade goods. Type: Terran Bonuses: Missile Rack (Homing Missiles) Armor Booster (Armor Max) Notes: The Terrans are the variant that most closely resembles the original humans of Earth. Their direct ancestors have been among the last to leave that world, remaining there until the Great Armada Invasion of 4057. Today, the Terrans manage to survive with their sturdy and durable engineering. Terran ships have the least impressive set of permanent bonuses. Unless heavily augmented by other defensive bonuses, their Armor Boosters provide a negligible advantage during intense fighting, and their Missile Racks are fired too infrequently to be useful. Novice Players will want to stick with any other variant. Seriously. Type: Nomad Bonuses: Torch Sabre (Phase Beams) Power Spine (Shot Damage) Notes: The Nomads are genetically engineered to live in low-pressure, zero-gravity environments. Their ability to thrive in space is due to the constant but natural flexing of their bodies, which are not as well suited for prolonged planetary life. Valuing physical and mental toughness, the Nomads have proven to be valuable warriors within the Alliance. Nomad ships are effective as boss killers, because their Power Spines let them deliver pain more quickly than the others. Their Torch Sabres (which also have homing capability) are better than the Missile Racks, because they can instantly hit their targets. Type: Eldred Bonuses: Special Warp Engine - Warp Cost 0 Percent Kill Scanner (Experience) Notes: The Eldred have split from the Scarab in the Scarab Disunity of 5470, because of their dislike of implants. Although many of them are very wary of the other variants, especially the Vorgans, the Eldred have nevertheless joined the Alliance, where their specialty in energy-conservation and rapid-upgrade technology is of great aid. Eldred ships have Warp Engines that cost no Energy to use, allowing them to speed around while maintaining a more constant stream of fire. Their Kill Scanners also mean they can gain Experience faster than the others. Type: Scarab Bonuses: Special Main Weapon - Triple Radial Shots Notes: The Scarabs like to improve themselves with implants, including neural devices that help them form Unity, a collective mind group that facilitates the sharing of information. The Scarabs don't force their use of implants upon others, and besides, the Alliance can be treated as a sort of super-Unity anyway. Scarab ships fire their Radial Shots in three directions: forward, rear-left, and rear-right. These shots can be useful when there are enemies on every side, but usually most of them won't hit anything. Type: Drakken Bonuses: Special Main Weapon - Triple Spread Shots Spectral Scanner (Credit) Notes: The Drakken draw their roots from prisoners who have participated in a project to develop deep-space humans in exchange for their freedom. Problems with food have forced their predecessors to breed a class of humans who grew from solar radiation... and then serve as lunch for the rest. The Drakken today no longer continue this practice, of course, but they still retain the excellent scavenging skills of their predecessors. Drakken ships have a strong set of permanent bonuses. Their Spread Shots can be rather effective against both regular enemies and bosses. Their Spectral Scanners also mean they can gain Credits faster than the others. Type: Vorgan Bonuses: Special Main Weapon - Guided Shots Armada Scalpel (Ultratech Salvage) Notes: The Vorgans are biologically distinct from the other variants in that their brains can communicate through certain ranges of alpha waves. Placing extreme value on science and peace, they are misunderstood by some as being in collaboration with the Armada, but the Vorgans have shown themselves to be important members of the Alliance, where their research skills and their alternate perspectives may be key to halting the Armada's attacks. Vorgan ships make excellent fighters. With their mighty Guided Shots, they have an extremely easy time hitting and killing enemies without needing to directly face them. Type: Armada Notes: The alien forces attacking the humans. Their origins are a mystery, but they are known to be at least 20000 years old. Like other forms of life, the members of the Armada come in many types. Guardians have beam attacks that can stun ships. They are based on the Life Planet, near the middle of the map. Sentinels have forward shields that can block shots from the front. They are found in the northwest. Brain Ships can subdivide when they are destroyed. They are based on the Infested Planet, in the extreme northwest. Lightning Ships can phase to avoid shots. They are based on the Gas Planet, in the northeast. Crab Ships have high defensive power. They are based on the Volcanic Planet, in the extreme northeast. Rock Ships (at least the advanced ones) can teleport. They are based on the Desert Planet, in the southwest. Shell Ships can subdivide when they are destroyed. They are based on the Dead Planet, in the southeast. Death Ships have shots that can push their targets. Tentacle Ships leave Armor Pods when they are destroyed, but they don't yield Experience. They are found everywhere. Type: Marauder Notes: A force not part of the Armada but allied with it, for reasons unknown to us. Marauders have ships comparable in strength to the Alliance's. They are based on the Ice Planet, in the extreme southwest. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [1.2.2] Alliance Officers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The officers of Allied Command hang around on the Allied World, where they boss around the heroes. Talk to them to receive Missions or to learn odd and amusing things. Their messages change with the completion of every Mission. Atreya (Drakken) She likes riding through wormholes, unlike Tak. Drollic (Eldred) He is enthusiastic about the Alliance. He also has a thing for Scythia. Duke (Terran) His real name is Jeff, but he likes Duke better. Freya (Vorgan) She speaks in riddles and can be pretty creepy to some. Gomez (Terran) He is very task-oriented and embodies the united spirit of the Alliance. Lola (Vorgan) She is a gentle pacifist who is also very understanding. To restore Armor for free, talk to Lola. M-Bot (Scarab) He is a prolific inventor and wants to make a MMO action game. (Armada 2!) PAT (Scarab) She is a physicist who seems to enjoy videogames a lot. Phoenix (Nomad) He is an angry warmonger who has a weapons factory in his ship. To restore Power Pods for free, talk to Phoenix. Sarah (Terran) Her opinions are often opposed to those of Duke. Scarlet (Nomad) She is really hyped up about the Secret Base. Don't tell the others. Scythia (Eldred) She develops hardware and also claims to be the greatest warrior ever. Shau (Vorgan) He is a really nice guy who likes singing. Is he coming onto the heroes? Shokku (Nomad) He has many tactics and other tips to share. Tak (Drakken) He also owns and manages a restaurant. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1.3] Controls ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Each Save File records data for 6 characters and 4 campaigns. The character data and the campaign data are separate. At any time, the Players are free to bring their characters into any campaign. Each Player is identified by a different color: - Player A - Blue - Player B - Yellow - Player C - Red - Player D - Green Aiming Stick (Control Stick) - Turn (relative to the screen). Thrust Button (R) - Move forward at normal speed. Warp Button (L) - Move forward and accelerate, using the Warp Engine. Doing this normally reduces Energy to 0, except for Eldred ships. Ascend-Descend Pad (D-Pad) - Ascend or descend. Press Up to ascend to space. Press Down to descend to a starbase or a planet. Fire Button (A) - Fire the main weapon and any optional weapons. (Optional weapons are fired much less frequently.) Scan Button (X) - Perform a context-sensitive action, like talking to an ally, viewing the remaining Armor of an ally, viewing the Level of an enemy, taking an item from the remains of an enemy, or using a wormhole. Bomb Button (B) - Use a Power Pod as a Bomb, which damages every enemy in a radius of about half a screen from the ship. Shield Button (Y) - Use a Power Pod as a Shield, which continuously restores Armor for a short period of time. It doesn't add actual damage resistance, and getting hit while it is in effect will also result in the loss of Energy. Pause Button (Start) - Pause, and access the Pause Menu. To reset the game, press A, B, X, Y, and Start together. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1.4] Items ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ On the Subscreen, each hero has 9 item slots. To equip an item, move it to one of the first four slots. The other slots serve only as storage space. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [1.4.1] Ultratech ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ultratech refers to the items that provide various bonuses when equipped. A piece of basic Ultratech provides a single bonus, while a piece of advanced Ultratech provides a combination of two bonuses. More Ultratech becomes available for purchase as the heroes' Levels increase. A piece of Ultratech can be sold at half of its original price. Item: Absorption Battery Bonus: Energy Max, Beam Resist Cost: 2800 Starbase: Drakken Notes: Increase resistance to beam weaponry and increase Energy Max. Item: Absorption Rod Bonus: Beam Resist Cost: 800 Starbase: Allied, Eldred Notes: Increase resistance to beam weaponry. Item: Armada Burner Bonus: Shots Slow Enemies Cost: 4300 Starbase: Terran, Southwest Notes: Your main weapon slows the Armada's speed. Item: Armada Disruptor Bonus: Shot Damage Super Cost: 95000 Starbase: Secret Notes: Your shots kill Armada ships. (This becomes available at Level 32.) Item: Armada Heart Bonus: Shield Regen, Warp Cost 50 Percent Cost: 4300 Starbase: Vorgan Notes: Add Shield Power and Warp Engine uses only one-half energy. Item: Armada Scalpel Bonus: Ultratech Salvage Cost: 1800 Starbase: Allied, Vorgan Notes: Increased chance to salvage Ultratech from dead Armada ships. Item: Armor Booster Bonus: Armor Max Cost: 800 Starbase: Allied, Terran, Secret, Southwest Notes: Increase maximum Armor. Item: Defense Booster Bonus: Shield Regen Cost: 800 Starbase: Allied, Vorgan, Secret Notes: Increase Shield Strength. Item: Energy Battery Bonus: Energy Max, Energy Regen Cost: 3800 Starbase: Terran, Southwest Notes: Increase Energy Regen rate and Energy Max. Item: Energy Booster Bonus: Energy Max Cost: 1800 Starbase: Allied, Drakken, Gas Mine Notes: Increase your Energy Max. Item: Energy Cycler Bonus: Energy Regen Cost: 2300 Starbase: Terran, Southwest Notes: Increase Energy Regen rate. Item: Energy Plating Bonus: Shot Speed, Beam Resist Cost: 2300 Starbase: Eldred Notes: Increase resistance to beam weaponry and increase shot speed. Item: Entropy Cannon Bonus: Shot Damage, Shot Cost Cost: 4300 Starbase: Nomad, Secret, Northeast Notes: Increase weapon damage and decrease the Energy Cost to shoot. Item: Hull Diffuser Bonus: Damage Resist Cost: 2300 Starbase: Vorgan Notes: Increase Damage Resistance. (Decreases the amount of damage taken.) Item: Impact Webbing Bonus: Ram Resist Cost: 1800 Starbase: Allied, Scarab Notes: Your ship will take no ramming damage from Armada ships. Item: Kill Scanner Bonus: Experience Cost: 1300 Starbase: Allied, Eldred Notes: Gain bonus experience for each Armada ship you destroy. (Gain an additional 4 Experience per kill.) Item: Missile Rack Bonus: Homing Missiles Cost: 1800 Starbase: Allied, Terran, Southwest Notes: Fire twin guided missiles. This is an optional weapon that infrequently fires twin homing missiles, which look like two small blue shots. This can't be stacked, but it can be combined with other optional weapons. (Terran ships don't need this.) Item: Nullifier Bonus: Shots Halt Subdividing Cost: 2800 Starbase: Scarab Notes: Armada units in range cannot subdivide. Item: Penetrator Bonus: Shot Cost, Critical Hit Cost: 3800 Starbase: Drakken, Gas Mine Notes: Decrease energy cost to fire weapon and increase critical hit chance. Item: Phoenix Rocket Bonus: Extra Shots Cost: 2800 Starbase: Nomad, Secret Notes: Fire a powerful forward shot. This is an optional weapon that very frequently fires rockets, which look like slower single shots that travel forward along with the standard shots. This can't be stacked, but it can be combined with other optional weapons. Item: Piercer Bonus: Critical Hit Cost: 2300 Starbase: Drakken Notes: Your weapons are more likely to score a critical hit. Item: Plated Emitter Bonus: Armor Max, Shield Regen Cost: 2800 Starbase: Terran Notes: Increase maximum Armor and Shield Strength. Item: Pod Siphon Bonus: Power Pods at Respawn Cost: 2800 Starbase: Eldred Notes: If your ship is destroyed you will return to combat with Power Pods. Item: Power Chamber Bonus: Energy Max, Ultratech Detect Cost: 3300 Starbase: Drakken Notes: Detect Ultratech at long range and increase Energy Max. Item: Power Converter Bonus: Shot Speed, Bomb Damage Cost: 4300 Starbase: Scarab Notes: Increase Power Pod Attack damage and increase shot speed. Item: Power Disk Bonus: Experience, Bomb Damage Cost: 3300 Starbase: Eldred Notes: Gain bonus experience from kills and increase Power Pod attack damage. Item: Power Gun Bonus: Bomb Damage Cost: 1300 Starbase: Allied, Nomad, Secret, Northeast Notes: Increase Power Pod Attack damage. Item: Power Ring Bonus: Energy Max, Shield Regen Cost: 2800 Starbase: Vorgan Notes: Increase Shield Strength and Energy Max. Item: Power Rod Bonus: Shot Rate Cost: 1300 Starbase: Allied, Terran, Southwest Notes: Increase shot rate. (Increases the rate of fire.) Item: Power Spine Bonus: Shot Damage Cost: 2300 Starbase: Nomad, Secret Notes: Increase main weapon damage. Item: Power Turbine Bonus: Bomb Damage, Shield Regen Cost: 3300 Starbase: Terran, Southwest Notes: Increase Bomb Damage and Shield Strength. Item: Probe Bonus: Shots Hit Phased Enemies Cost: 1300 Starbase: Allied, Scarab Notes: Your weapons will strike phased ships. Item: Protection Ring Bonus: Damage Resist, Energy Regen Cost: 3800 Starbase: Vorgan Notes: Increase Damage Resistance and Energy Regen rate. Item: Scorcher Bonus: Shot Damage, Bomb Damage Cost: 3800 Starbase: Nomad, Secret Notes: Increase weapon damage and Power Pod damage. Item: Shiva Bonus: Energy Infinite, Shot Rate Cost: 50000 Starbase: Allied Notes: Increase shot rate and infinite energy. (This becomes available at Level 16.) Item: Shot Booster Bonus: Shot Cost Cost: 1800 Starbase: Allied, Eldred Notes: Reduce Energy Cost to fire weapons. Item: Shot Splitter Bonus: Shot Split Cost: 800 Starbase: Allied, Nomad, Secret Notes: Increase number of shots fired. This causes every certain number of shots to come out with additional shots. (For Vorgan ships, split shots take the form of triple spread shots.) This bonus can be stacked. 1 makes every 9th shot split, 2 make every 7th shot split, 3 make every 5th shot split, and 4 make every 4th shot split. Item: Spatial Splitter Bonus: Shot Split, Shots Hit Phased Enemies Cost: 3300 Starbase: Nomad, Secret, Northeast Notes: Increase number of shots fired and strike phased ships. Item: Spectral Scanner Bonus: Credit Cost: 1300 Starbase: Allied, Drakken, Gas Mine Notes: Gain a credit bounty for each Armada ship you destroy. (Gain an additional 4 Credits per kill.) Item: Split Booster Bonus: Shot Split, Shot Cost Cost: 3800 Starbase: Eldred Notes: Fire more shots at a lower energy cost. Item: Split Scanner Bonus: Experience, Shot Split Cost: 4300 Starbase: Eldred Notes: Fire more shots and gain bonus experience from kills. Item: Torch Sabre Bonus: Phase Beams Cost: 1800 Starbase: Allied, Nomad, Secret, Northeast Notes: Fire a phase beam attack at enemy ships. This is an optional weapon that infrequently fires homing phase beams, which look like red energy beams. This can't be stacked, but it can be combined with other optional weapons. (Nomad ships don't need this.) Item: Ultrascope Bonus: Ultratech Detect Cost: 800 Starbase: Allied, Drakken, Gas Mine Notes: Detect Ultratech at long range. Item: Warp Generator Bonus: Warp Cost 50 Percent Cost: 1300 Starbase: Allied, Vorgan Notes: Warp Engine consumes only 50 percent of your energy. This allows the ship to recharge up to 50 percent of its Energy while it is using its Warp Engine. (Eldred ships don't need this.) Item: Warp Lens Bonus: Shot Rate, Ultratech Salvage Cost: 3300 Starbase: Vorgan Notes: Increase shot rate damage and chance to salvage Ultratech from dead Armada. Item: Warp Muzzle Bonus: Shot Speed Cost: 800 Starbase: Allied, Scarab Notes: Increase shot speed. (Increases the traveling speed of the shots.) Item: X-Probe Bonus: Shots Halt Subdividing, Shots Hit Phased Enemies Cost: 3300 Starbase: Scarab Notes: Armada units cannot subdivide and you can hit phased units. Item: X-Scanner Bonus: Experience, Credit Cost: 4300 Starbase: Drakken, Gas Mine Notes: Earn a credit and experience bonus for each Armada ship you destroy. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [1.4.2] Trade Items ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Trade items can be bought at the Allied Starbase and then sold at other starbases for higher prices. More trade items become available for purchase as the campaign progresses. Item: Computer Components Cost: 20 Starbase: Allied Notes: Starbases require this trade item to upgrade their computers. Developed by M-Bot, these components use Armada technology. An order of this can be sold for 70 Credits at other starbases (25 Credits at the Terran Starbase). Item: Construction Materials Cost: 150 Starbase: Allied Notes: Starbases require this trade item to make repairs. Developed by M-Bot, this material is very easy to use. An order of this can be sold for 175 Credits at other starbases (155 at the Terran Starbase). Item: Entertainment Pod Cost: 120 Starbase: Allied Notes: Starbase dwellers demand this trade item to enjoy free time. Developed by Scythia, this can provide many kinds of entertainment. An order of this can be sold for 199 Credits at other starbases (125 at the Terran Starbase). Item: Food Mix Cost: 50 Starbase: Allied Notes: Starbases require this trade item to feed their residents. Developed by Tak, this mix can provide all sorts of flavors. An order of this can be sold for 80 Credits at other starbases (55 at the Terran Starbase). Item: Medical Supplies Cost: 100 Starbase: Allied Notes: Starbases require this trade item to heal sick or injured residents. Developed by M-Bot, this can be used to treat medical problems. An order of this can be sold for 140 Credits at other starbases (105 at the Terran Starbase). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [1.4.3] Other Items ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Item: Credit (spinning piece of shiny metal) Notes: The currency of the Alliance. Credits can be used to buy items at starbases. Item: Power Pod (red energy pod) Notes: Adds 1 Power Pod. Power Pods can be used as Bombs or as Shields. Regardless of variant or Level, the Power Pod capacity is 3. The heroes will not take Power Pods if their stocks are full. Item: Armor Pod (green energy pod) Notes: Restores Armor by a moderate amount. Armor Pods can be found from the remains of Tentacle Ships (marked by red crosses on the Radar). Item: Ultratech (stationary Ultratech icon) Notes: A piece of Ultratech. Defeated enemies rarely yield randomly determined pieces of Ultratech, among the usual litters of Credits and debris. The heroes will not take Ultratech if their inventories are full. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1.5] General Tips ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - To receive a Mission, talk to the various officers on the Allied World until the green Mission Objective Window appears. The green arrow points toward the objective (marked by a white dot on the Radar), and the green number indicates the distance from it. - To make the coordinates easier to read, round them to the nearest thousandths. The Radar's inner circle represents the entire screen. The middle circle represents a radius of 1000 units. The outer circle represents a radius of 2000 units. - Play with friends for an easier time. The heroes are far more powerful as a team when they combine their firepower, not to mention providing more targets for the bad guys to handle. (One of many computer-controlled allies may join the heroes as they fly around in space. However, these allies won't follow them down to planets.) - At every four Levels, the heroes will receive a new look for their ships after returning to the Allied World, up to Level 44 (at about 636000 Experience), when the heroes will have infinite Power Pods. - Newer Ultratech often appears at other starbases before appearing at the Allied Starbase, but the Gas Mine, the Southwest Starbase, and the Northeast Starbase don't carry any items that can't already be found in the main starbases. Higher-Level heroes can buy pieces of advanced Ultratech and then give them to lower-Level friends. - Some bonuses can be stacked. For example, if a Drakken ship equips four X-Scanners, it will have a total of 4 Experience Bonuses and 5 Credit Bonuses (including its permanent Credit Bonus), or an additional 16 Experience and 20 Credits per kill. - To earn extra Credits, buy trade items at the Allied Starbase and then sell them at the other starbases (except the Terran Starbase). For an easier time, sell Entertainment Pods at the Scarab Starbase, using the Return Home Option to travel back more quickly. - To earn extra Credits, escort allied ships calling for help (marked by large flashing green dots on the Radar). Talk to these ships to see the coordinates of their destinations, and then make sure they get there intact to receive a reward in Credits. Only one ship can be escorted at a time, and the heroes are free to leave at any time if they want to move on to something else. For greater rewards, escort ships farther away from the Allied World. - If a hero gets wasted but has at least 1 Life in reserve, he or she will respawn in the middle of the screen. If there are more than one Player, the heroes who get wasted with 0 Lives in reserve will still respawn (but with 50 percent Armor) until the hero who has been the last to run out of Lives gets wasted. If the other heroes have Pod Siphons, they can take advantage of this and cause incredible amounts of destruction. - The heroes' Lives are restored completely (to 2 Lives in reserve for each hero) whenever they return to the Allied World. - If all the heroes run out of Lives, they will automatically return to the Allied World. There are no penalties for running out of Lives, except having to restart from the Allied World. ============================================================================== [2] Strategies ============================================================================== Mission 00: At the beginning of the campaign, destroy the large Armada unit on the Allied World. This is the only time when there are enemies here. Mission 01: Destroy Guardian Kill the boss in space, near the Terran Starbase. Mission 02: Deliver Construction Materials Go to the Allied Starbase, buy at least one order of Construction Materials, and then go to the Terran Starbase. (-03408,+02400) Mission 03: Deliver Food Mix Go to the Allied Starbase, buy at least one order of Food Mix, and then go to the Drakken Starbase. (+12421,+07476) Mission 04: Seek and Destroy Kill the boss in space, near the Eldred Starbase. Mission 05: Reduce Broodhome Population Kill the boss in space. (+09223,+07634) Mission 06: Defeat the Sentinel Kill the boss in space. (Vorgan shots can bend around and hit Sentinels in the back.) Mission 07: Invade the Life World Kill the boss on the Life World. (-09408,+06400) Mission 08: Defend the Vorgans Kill the boss in space, near the Vorgan Starbase. This is a Death Ship. Mission 09: Deliver Medical Supplies Go to the Allied Starbase, buy at least one order of Medical Supplies, and then go to the Vorgan Starbase. (-12989,-05788) Mission 10: Dissect the Rock Hammer Kill the boss in space. (-21022,-06233) Mission 11: Deliver Computer Components Go to the Allied Starbase, buy at least one order of Computer Components, and then go to the Scarab Starbase. (-00128,-09822) Mission 12: Destroy Claw Lord Commander Kill the boss in space. (-13226,-04998) Mission 13: Invade the Desert Planet Kill the boss on the Desert World. (-22998,-05327) Mission 14: Scan for Anomalies Scan the purple swirl of light (actually a wormhole) just to the southwest of the Allied World. (-00326,-00359) Everyone's gone scan-crazy! Mission 15: Open the Wormhole (Use Bombs) Bomb the wormhole within the asteroid field west of the Vorgan Starbase. (-22405,-09641) It connects to the one near the Allied World. Mission 16: Destroy Marauder Commander Kill the boss in space. (-00144,-09723) Mission 17: Destroy Marauder General Kill the boss in space. (-00098,-04512) Mission 18: Invade the Ice Planet Kill the boss on the Ice World. (-14721,-20311) This is the Marauders' base. Mission 19: Deliver Entertainment Pod Go to the Allied Starbase, buy at least one order of Entertainment Pod, and then go to the Eldred Starbase. (+13652,-05886) Mission 20: Destroy Armada Brain Ship Kill the boss in space. (+00256,-09328) Mission 21: Investigate New Armada Threat Kill the boss in space. (+07455,-14332) This is a Shell Ship. Mission 22: Protect Eldred Domain Kill the boss in space. (+05442,-11002) This is another Shell Ship. Mission 23: Liberate Drakken Gas Mine Kill the boss in space, near the Gas Mine. (+22522,+07334) This is a Crab Ship. Mission 24: Prevent Tentacle Evolution Kill the boss in space. (+22954,-02886) This is a gigantic Tentacle Ship that can attack. Mission 25: Invade the Dead Planet Kill the boss on the Dead World. (+08655,-17822) This is a Shell Ship. Mission 26: Invade the Gaseous Planet Kill the boss on the Gas World. (+27421,+03284) This is a Lightning Ship. Mission 27: Invade the Volcanic Planet Kill the boss on the Volcanic World. (+22421,+24511) This is a Brain Ship. Mission 28: Attack Armada Master Kill the boss in space. (-20034,+31022) This is a Brain Ship. Mission 29: Attack Armada Overlord Kill the boss in space. (-25032,+29878) This is a Brain Ship. Mission 30: Invade Infested Planet Kill the boss on the Infested World. (-31250,+34280) This is a Brain Ship. Mission 31: Kill Armada Emergency Beacon Kill the boss in space. (-34123,+36544) This is an unknown type of Armada. ============================================================================== [3] Staff Credits ============================================================================== Director Mark Jordan Game Design Mark Jordan Roger Fang Programming Roger Fang Titus Wilson Game Art Shaun Tsai Mark Jordan Eagle Sound and Music Jeff Hofmann Opening Cinematic Jonathan Chen Andy Harbeck Jeff Hofmann Scott Krehbiel Jake Morrison Colin Raesler Voice Talent Jacquie Bernal Randall Frizado Amy Himes Jeff Hofmann Mark Jordan Meredith King Gayle Lewis-Rally Jake Morrison Catalina Quijano Jonathan Rhys Williams ============================================================================== [4] Miscellaneous Information ============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [4.1] Ultratech by Bonus ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [4.1.1] Basic Ultratech ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Armor: Armor Booster (800) - Armor Max Defense Booster (800) - Shield Regen Absorption Rod (800) - Beam Resist Impact Webbing (1800) - Ram Resist Hull Diffuser (2300) - Damage Resist Energy: Warp Generator (1300) - Warp Cost 50 Percent Energy Booster (1800) - Energy Max Energy Cycler (2300) - Energy Regen Main Weapon: Warp Muzzle (800) - Shot Speed Shot Splitter (800) - Shot Split Power Rod (1300) - Shot Rate Shot Booster (1800) - Shot Cost Power Spine (2300) - Shot Damage Armada Disruptor (95000) - Shot Damage Super Power Pod: Power Gun (1300) - Bomb Damage Pod Siphon (2800) - Power Pods at Respawn Optional Weapon: Missile Rack (1800) - Homing Missiles Torch Sabre (1800) - Phase Beams Phoenix Rocket (2800) - Extra Shots Enemy Status: Probe (1300) - Shots Hit Phased Enemies Nullifier (2800) - Shots Halt Subdividing Armada Burner (4300) - Shots Slow Enemies Probability: Ultrascope (800) - Ultratech Detect Armada Scalpel (1800) - Ultratech Salvage Piercer (2300) - Critical Hit Experience and Credit: Kill Scanner (1300) - Experience Spectral Scanner (1300) - Credit ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [4.1.2] Advanced Ultratech ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Defense: Plated Emitter (2800) - Armor Max, Shield Regen Power Ring (2800) - Energy Max, Shield Regen Absorption Battery (2800) - Energy Max, Beam Resist Energy Battery (3800) - Energy Max, Energy Regen Protection Ring (3800) - Damage Resist, Energy Regen Armada Heart (4300) - Shield Regen, Warp Cost 50 Percent Offense: X-Probe (3300) - Shots Halt Subdividing, Shots Hit Phased Enemies Spatial Splitter (3300) - Shot Split, Shots Hit Phased Enemies Split Booster (3800) - Shot Split, Shot Cost Scorcher (3800) - Shot Damage, Bomb Damage Entropy Cannon (4300) - Shot Damage, Shot Cost Power Converter (4300) - Shot Speed, Bomb Damage Other: Energy Plating (2300) - Shot Speed, Beam Resist Power Turbine (3300) - Bomb Damage, Shield Regen Shiva (50000) - Energy Infinite, Shot Rate Probability: Power Chamber (3300) - Energy Max, Ultratech Detect Warp Lens (3300) - Shot Rate, Ultratech Salvage Penetrator (3800) - Shot Cost, Critical Hit Experience: Power Disk (3300) - Experience, Bomb Damage Split Scanner (4300) - Experience, Shot Split X-Scanner (4300) - Experience, Credit ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [4.2] Ultratech by Starbase ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Allied: (-00078,+00099) Energy Booster (1800) - Energy Max Shot Booster (1800) - Shot Cost Impact Webbing (1800) - Ram Resist Shiva (50000) - Energy Infinite, Shot Rate Missile Rack (1800) - Homing Missiles Armada Scalpel (1800) - Ultratech Salvage Torch Sabre (1800) - Phase Beams Spectral Scanner (1300) - Credit Kill Scanner (1300) - Experience Probe (1300) - Shots Hit Phased Enemies Power Rod (1300) - Shot Rate Warp Generator (1300) - Warp Cost 50 Percent Power Gun (1300) - Bomb Damage Armor Booster (800) - Armor Max Defense Booster (800) - Shield Regen Shot Splitter (800) - Shot Split Ultrascope (800) - Ultratech Detect Absorption Rod (800) - Beam Resist Warp Muzzle (800) - Shot Speed Terran: (-03408,+02400) Energy Battery (3800) - Energy Max, Energy Regen Armada Burner (4300) - Shots Slow Enemies Plated Emitter (2800) - Armor Max, Shield Regen Power Turbine (3300) - Bomb Damage, Shield Regen Missile Rack (1800) - Homing Missiles Energy Cycler (2300) - Energy Regen Armor Booster (800) - Armor Max Power Rod (1300) - Shot Rate Nomad: (+02421,+14343) Scorcher (3800) - Shot Damage, Bomb Damage Entropy Cannon (4300) - Shot Damage, Shot Cost Phoenix Rocket (2800) - Extra Shots Spatial Splitter (3300) - Shot Split, Shots Hit Phased Enemies Torch Sabre (1800) - Phase Beams Power Spine (2300) - Shot Damage Shot Splitter (800) - Shot Split Power Gun (1300) - Bomb Damage Eldred: (+13652,-05886) Split Booster (3800) - Shot Split, Shot Cost Split Scanner (4300) - Experience, Shot Split Pod Siphon (2800) - Power Pods at Respawn Power Disk (3300) - Experience, Bomb Damage Shot Booster (1800) - Shot Cost Energy Plating (2300) - Shot Speed, Beam Resist Absorption Rod (800) - Beam Resist Kill Scanner (1300) - Experience Scarab: (-00128,-09822) Power Converter (4300) - Shot Speed, Bomb Damage Nullifier (2800) - Shots Halt Subdividing X-Probe (3300) - Shots Halt Subdividing, Shots Hit Phased Enemies Impact Webbing (1800) - Ram Resist Warp Muzzle (800) - Shot Speed Probe (1300) - Shots Hit Phased Enemies Drakken: (+12421,+07476) Penetrator (3800) - Shot Cost, Critical Hit X-Scanner (4300) - Experience, Credit Absorption Battery (2800) - Energy Max, Beam Resist Power Chamber (3300) - Energy Max, Ultratech Detect Energy Booster (1800) - Energy Max Piercer (2300) - Critical Hit Ultrascope (800) - Ultratech Detect Spectral Scanner (1300) - Credit Vorgan: (-12989,-05788) Protection Ring (3800) - Damage Resist, Energy Regen Armada Heart (4300) - Shield Regen, Warp Cost 50 Percent Power Ring (2800) - Energy Max, Shield Regen Warp Lens (3300) - Shot Rate, Ultratech Salvage Armada Scalpel (1800) - Ultratech Salvage Hull Diffuser (2300) - Damage Resist Defense Booster (800) - Shield Regen Warp Generator (1300) - Warp Cost 50 Percent Gas Mine: (+22522,+07334) Penetrator (3800) - Shot Cost, Critical Hit X-Scanner (4300) - Experience, Credit Ultrascope (800) - Ultratech Detect Spectral Scanner (1300) - Credit Energy Booster (1800) - Energy Max Secret: (-27250,+30780) Armada Disruptor (95000) - Shot Damage Super Armor Booster (800) - Armor Max Defense Booster (800) - Shield Regen Shot Splitter (800) - Shot Split Power Gun (1300) - Bomb Damage Torch Saber (1800) - Phase Beams Power Spine (2300) - Shot Damage Phoenix Rocket (2800) - Extra Shots Spatial Splitter (3300) - Shot Split, Shots Hit Phased Enemies Scorcher (3800) - Shot Damage, Bomb Damage Entropy Cannon (4300) - Shot Damage, Shot Cost Southwest: (-17600,-16300) Power Turbine (3300) - Bomb Damage, Shield Regen Energy Battery (3800) - Energy Max, Energy Regen Armada Burner (4300) - Shots Slow Enemies Armor Booster (800) - Armor Max Power Rod (1300) - Shot Rate Missile Rack (1800) - Homing Missiles Energy Cycler (2300) - Energy Regen Northeast: (+12421,+14672) Spatial Splitter (3300) - Shot Split, Shots Hit Phased Enemies Entropy Cannon (4300) - Shot Damage, Shot Cost Power Gun (1300) - Bomb Damage Torch Sabre (1800) - Phase Beams ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [4.3] Map ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Coordinates: +----------------------------------------------+ Starbases: SA: Allied (-00078,+00099) ST: Terran (-03408,+02400) SN: Nomad (+02421,+14343) SE: Eldred (+13652,-05886) SS: Scarab (-00128,-09822) SD: Drakken (+12421,+07476) SV: Vorgan (-12989,-05788) SG: Gas Mine (+22522,+07334) SX: Secret (-27250,+30780) SL: Southwest (-17600,-16300) SR: Northeast (+12421,+14672) Planets: PA: Allied ( 00000, 00000) PX: Dead (+08655,-17822) PD: Desert (-22998,-05327) PG: Gas (+27421,+03284) PI: Ice (-14721,-20311) PF: Infested (-31250,+34280) PL: Life (-09408,+06400) PV: Volcanic (+22421,+24511) Wormholes: Point A Point B WA: Pair A (-00320,-00350) (-17760,-11280) WB: Pair B ( 10200,-06880) (-22400,-09640) WC: Pair C (+22950,-02880) (-20420,+31640) +----------------------------------------------+ Space: . . . : . . . . : . . . . : . . . . | . . . . : . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . PF: . . . . : . . . . : . . . . | . . . . : . . . . : . . . . : . . . . . . : . . . .WC . . . . : . . . . | . . . . : . . . . : . . . . : . . . - - - : SX- - - : - - - - : - +30000- - - - - : - - - - : - - - - : - - - . . . : . . . . : . . . . : . . . . | . . . . : . . . . : . . . . : . . . . . . : . . . . : . . . . : . . . . | . . . . : . . . . : PV. . . : . . . . . . : . . . . : . . . . : . . . . | . . . . : . . . . : . . . . : . . . . . . : . . . . : . . . . : . . . . | . . . . : . . . . : . . . . : . . . - - - : - - - - : - - - - : - +20000- - - - - : - - - - : - - - - : - - - . . . : . . . . : . . . . : . . . . | . . . . : . . . . : . . . . : . . . . . . : . . . . : . . . . : . . . . | . . . . : . . . . : . . . . : . . . . . . : . . . . : . . . . : . . . . | SN. . . : SR. . . : . . . . : . . . . . . : . . . . : . . . . : . . . . | . . . . : . . . . : . . . . : . . . - - - : - - - - : - - - - : - +10000- - - - - : - - - - : - - - - : - - - . . . : . . . . : . . . . : . . . . | . . . . : SD. . . : SG. . . : . . . . . . : . . . . : . . . . PL. . . . | . . . . : . . . . : . . . . : . . . . . . : . . . . : . . . . : . . ST. | . . . . : . . . . : . . . PG: . . . . . . : . . . . : . . . . : . . . .SA . . . . : . . . . : . . . . : . . . ------|---------|---------|---------PA--------|---------|---------|------ . .-30000 . .-20000 . .-10000 . . .WA . . .+10000 . .+20000 . .+30000 . . . . . : . . . . : . . . . : . . . . | . . . . : . . . . : WC. . . : . . . . . . : . . .PD : . . .SV : . . . . | . . . . WB.SE . . : . . . . : . . . . . . : . . . . : . . . . : . . . . | . . . . : . . . . : . . . . : . . . - - - : - - -WB : - - - - : - -10000SS- - - - : - - - - : - - - - : - - - . . . : . . . . : WA. . . : . . . . | . . . . : . . . . : . . . . : . . . . . . : . . . . : . . . . : . . . . | . . . . : . . . . : . . . . : . . . . . . : . . . . : SL. . . : . . . . | . . . . : . . . . : . . . . : . . . . . . : . . . . : . . . . : . . . . | . . . PX: . . . . : . . . . : . . . - - - : - - - - : - - - - : - -20000- - - - - : - - - - : - - - - : - - - . . . : . . . . : . .PI . : . . . . | . . . . : . . . . : . . . . : . . . . . . : . . . . : . . . . : . . . . | . . . . : . . . . : . . . . : . . . . . . : . . . . : . . . . : . . . . | . . . . : . . . . : . . . . : . . . . . . : . . . . : . . . . : . . . . | . . . . : . . . . : . . . . : . . . - - - : - - - - : - - - - : - -30000- - - - - : - - - - : - - - - : - - - . . . : . . . . : . . . . : . . . . | . . . . : . . . . : . . . . : . . . . . . : . . . . : . . . . : . . . . | . . . . : . . . . : . . . . : . . . . . . : . . . . : . . . . : . . . . | . . . . : . . . . : . . . . : . . . ============================================================================== [5] Reference ============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [5.1] Game Source Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Armada Code: T-40301N (North American) Developer: Metro3D Producer: Metro3D Genre: action adventure Players: 4 Save: Memory Unit (6 Blocks) (Protected) Save File Name: ARMADA00.DAT Save File Icon: red capital A on black Discs: 1 Disc Label: ARMADA1 Publisher: Metro3D Release Date: 1999------ (North American) UPC: 650001222217 (North American) Case Details: (North American) Do you have what it takes to defeat the Alien Armada? Play simultaneously with up to 4 of your friends to blast the alien hordes in this action-RPG world. Use the VMU to store information about your newly acquired technology and skills. Invite your friends to bring their ships to come fight in your game, or just to trade items that you have found. - Travel to alien worlds and solve the mystery of the Armada. - Wage war against a vast army of over 100 unique aliens. - Grow in power forever as you fight an enemy that evolves in response to your actions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [5.2] Really Small Details About Which No Armada Cares ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "I'm with you!" Unlike your characters, not all computer-controlled allies have variant-associated bonuses for their ships. For example, the Drakken ally doesn't have spread shots. (However, the colors of the allies' shots and bombs still match the variants to which they belong.) "You need a warrior?" At the beginning of the campaign, the Alliance officers make several references to other sci-fi works while they are fighting the enemies on the Allied World. How many of them can you recognize? "I will join you for the hunt!" What exactly are the ships that need escorting up to? They aren't out to kill anything in particular, and they don't seem to be transporting materials. "There is strength in Unity." Hang around on the Allied World a lot? The Alliance officers of the same variants are more often opposed to each other in opinion than not. "We'd better work together. It's dangerous out here." Something is awfully wrong with the galaxy in this game. The locations of the planets don't make sense, and there are no nearby suns. The water surface at the Allied World also appears too deep into the background, causing the Allied City to look as though it is floating in the air. (In case you are wondering, there is an end to the galaxy. Its edges are located at 1000130 units on either side along the axes.) "Let's team up!" This is a quotation from the back of the game's case: "Play simultaneously with up to 4 of your friends to blast the alien hordes in this action-RPG world." Whoops. You can play with up to only three others in this game, unless there is a magical way to add a fifth Player. "I wonder if life is but a game. If so, thanks for playing!" Despite what the Instruction Booklet implies, in this game there is no way to make peace with the Armada, who will never stop attacking. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [5.3] Document Credits ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Metro3D (www.metro3d.com) For creating Armada. Spherelanders For playing through the game and figuring out the best tactics. Extra thanks to Alex Round for actually authoring this document. ============================================================================== [6] Contact Information ============================================================================== mail: faididi@yahoo.com ============================================================================== ==============================================================================